MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 470

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Mo Qingqing was busy catching zerg and alien plants in Fengcheng, Wu Nan and Feng Qingran were busy helping Liu Ziche, and Liu Ziche was busy replenishing her inventory in case she needed to use medicine. There was no material in hand.

Feng Qingran brings scheming birds and people from the Feng family to search for available materials in the ruins of Fengcheng to replenish supplies.

After another half month, Lin Runsheng finally woke up. Her ability level has not increased, but she has evolved the ability to release vines, but her vines are not poisonous and have no attack power. The power can grow indefinitely, and a person can grow into a large area in just a few minutes, faster than a flood, which is helpful for her to hide in the vines. This skill is very tasteless. With her ability, it is difficult for anyone to find her wherever she hides, but it is really conspicuous to create such a large vine.

Being able to survive this catastrophe, Lin Runsheng is both happy and emotional, with the lingering fear of the rest of his life. If she hadn't followed Boss Feng and Liu Ziche and the others, she would have died in the later xenograft infection, no one could save her, and no one wanted her to continue living.

The next day she woke up, she went down the mountain, caught up with the Fengcheng Battalion army that was evacuated from Wuyang City, broke into the commander-in-chief headquarters, started the live broadcast and notified all the news media to broadcast it, and then, Said to Lin Xiao: "Now you integrate all the legions in the southern province and all the power users in each city, and immediately mobilize each legion for disaster relief."

Lin Xiao smiled wryly and said, "Auntie, look at what the current Wind City Legion has been tossed by the four of them?"

Lin Runsheng laughed, full of sarcasm, "Your mother can't even deal with a different snake king. You are sitting in the position of commander-in-chief, and the only people you can mobilize are some of the Windy City Legion. She smiled softly, and said, "Xiang Yang took the children of the Xiang family to atone for their sins with death, and I, Lin Runsheng, committed all of your calamities. The big mistake has already been made. This sin, I am powerless to atone for, powerless to return to heaven, only Sacrifice the wronged soul with blood." After she finished speaking, she drew her sword and slashed at Lin Xiao with lightning speed.

Lin Xiao shouted: "Stop her!" He knew too much how terrifying his aunt was, and he was no match for her at all.

He retreated quickly, but apart from the few diehards he cultivated and promoted, no one dared to step forward to stop him. They knew too much about Lin Runsheng's killing name. When she was here, the cities in the southern province would never dare to govern alone. Who dares not listen, she can pick up a knife and touch it by herself, cut off the head of the legion commander and hang it on the flagpole of the headquarters, and kill each legion until they are obedient and superior.

It turned into a burning man, and turned into ashes in just a few seconds. Except for the power crystal in the heart, there was no heart left.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Runsheng slashed several people, and then blocked Lin Xiao, who was trying to escape by jumping over the wall, in front of the window.

Lin Xiao saw Lin Runsheng coming, he could not escape and resisted desperately. However, before he even raised his gun, he was slashed by Lin Runsheng with a sword from the center of his head. It was split into two, and the power released by Lin Runsheng was burned to the ground. Even the power crystal in his heart was crushed by Lin Runsheng and burned with power.

Lin Runsheng finished killing Lin Xiao, and then caught up with Lin Xiao's children and grandchildren who fled from the conference room, three sons, five grandchildren, and two granddaughters. One knife and one split into two halves, and no **** was left. She didn't stop, but used her commander-in-chief's authority to enter the Ministry of Information's network to find the locations of other Lin family members, and then kill them one by one. Who dares to take in or shelter the Lin family, and she kills anyone together, it is really Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, devil blocking and killing devil, the whole incarnation of killing god.

She killed all the descendants of Lin Qianyun, all surnamed Lin, not a single one was left.

Besides her is an intelligent auto-following camera, which clearly captured the whole process. She raised her head to look at the camera of the camera, returned the sword to its sheath, and said mockingly, "This is worthy of your praise and praise for them." The expression on her face was like "Silly X, idiot." "The words, she chirped softly, "Boss Feng and the others are notorious, and I, Lin Runsheng, have lost my reputation and betrayed my family. Are you all happy now that you are independent?" She reached out and turned off the camera, and left without looking back.

An officer chased after him and shouted, "Mr. Lin."

Lin Runsheng waved his hand without looking back and said, "Your boss Lin died in Fengcheng long ago when you cut off her support, and now I'm just Lin Runsheng."

She returned to Daxueshan, first went to see Aunt Qing's family of three, and said, "Vengeance, rest your eyes." She cut away the snow, dug out the rocks on the side with her hands, and moved them to their graves Lay some rocks for them. She was standing on the ground, suddenly unable to control her emotions, she squatted on the ground, buried her head in the crook of her arms, and burst into tears.

A person appeared silently beside her, and a hand gently stroked her head.

Lin Runsheng stopped crying, feeling a little embarrassed, and said, "I'm so old, I don't need your comfort."

Feng Qingran said softly, "If you want to cry, cry, I won't laugh at you." She sat down by the grave, sitting in the snow like this, turning her head to look at Lin Runsheng. The girl full of youthful vitality in my memory became mature and charming, and the corners of her eyes were filled with frost.

Lin Runsheng quickly wiped away the tears on his face and said, "If you want to live in seclusion, you have to choose a good place with green mountains and clear waters."

Feng Qingran pointed to his feet, then pointed to the virgin forest, and asked, "Why are they hollowed out?"

Lin Runsheng's eyes dimmed for a while, and he was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Supernatural evolution, supernatural resources, all are huge profits. The fastest way for ordinary people to be promoted is not to study hard, work hard or join the army. To work hard, but to dig up a large power crystal, or to suddenly infect and evolve powerful special powers. At that time, many formulas were public, and power resources were not difficult to obtain. Ordinary people exchanged life liquid and evolution liquid It's not difficult. They frantically plunder forests and mineral resources, and strive to seek evolution, with the intention of becoming a superior person. Stealing mines, digging, mining, and poaching are happening everywhere, from ordinary people to all teams and forces. Some people are involved in it. The consumption of the power user army is also staggering, coupled with weapon research and development and mass production, once there is a war, the power consumption of power resources reaches a very terrifying level, conflicts occur in many places, and the power user army does not say a word. And then start fighting, the supernatural weapon blows up the forest, and the towering ancient tree blows up supernatural crystals..."

Lin Run paused and said: "I tried to stop this kind of deforestation, the end it turned into a conflict between ordinary people and power users. Ordinary people think this is cutting them off The power channel of the power plant will knock them down to the bottom of the ground forever, and the staff must be resolutely maintained. Many power users are reluctant to stop mining, because their ability is more advantageous in obtaining power resources, and those who stay behind Minerals can't help them improve their abilities. The world is so big, and they have evolved to become the top powerhouse..."

Lin Runsheng smiled sarcastically and said: "The power resources are quickly exhausted in the conflict. In the southern province, except for the alien plants and animals in the breeding garden, other They were all extinct. Later, the power resources became less and less, and they were no longer available outside. The troops found that they could no longer consume it like this, and finally they were willing to talk about it. The result of the negotiation was... All the power resources were returned to the government. The legion is in charge, and then distributed from top to bottom..." She smiled and said: "At present, all the supernatural resources in the southern province are in the military supply warehouses of the major legions. As for the private circulation, the bank headed by the Feng family. There are some unions, which are considered to replace the previous gold as hard currency. The bank union, me, and the legions, with that power crystal, maintain the economic system of the entire southern province." She said to Feng Qingran: "From my Being the commander-in-chief to this day is a **** history of killing."

Feng Qingran sighed softly, looked at Lin Runsheng with some guilt, and said, "I'm sorry, I gave you such a heavy burden."

Lin Runsheng smiled and said, "If it weren't for the burden you gave me, I wouldn't be able to carry it out now, I would have quit my job long ago, but..." She looked at Feng Qingran and said: "It's like belief, I know you won't get into trouble easily, and you will definitely come back alive. I want to return a good southern province to you..." Tears welled up in her eyes, she pursed her lips, and shook her head gently , in the end... but nothing was saved, only devastated.

Feng Qingran pointed to herself and said, "I, before the disaster, was a small grain business owner." She got up, pulled Lin Runsheng up, and said, "Let's go, Xiao Mo is here. ." If that second-hand man sees the two of them feeling sad here, they will definitely be eliminated.

There was a strange plant in stone clothes to report to Mo Qingqing, and asked her to watch the breaking news that caused a sensation in the area with internet and signal - Commander-in-chief Lin Runsheng slaughtered the Lin family, even the children who were not full moons were spared !

Mo Qingqing stayed for a long time before she recovered and told Liu Ziche and Wu Nan the news.

Liu Ziche said, "It's not surprising."

Wu Nan echoed: "Yes."

Mo Qingqing: "..." If Forestry hadn't died, I don't know if he would cry and faint in the toilet. She also thought that if the forestry was alive, it would definitely be the second Xiangyang. She saw Lin Runsheng and said, "Righteousness kills relatives."

Lin Runsheng rudely gave Mo Qingqing a big glare, "I avenge my death."

Mo Qingqing changed her words: "Flesh and blood."

Lin Runsheng drew his sword out of the scabbard, chasing after Mo Qingqing and slashing. God of War's body couldn't be knocked, right? If he caught up, he would knock the wooden fish on the head with his sword!

Relying on her speed, Mo Qingqing ran with Lin Runsheng all over the mountains and fields, irritating as she ran.

Lin Runsheng cut down and cremated his sister's whole family, Mo Qingqing stubbornly buried it, and Lin Runsheng was so angry that he ran after the God of War from the border of Windy City to Daxueshan The border of the mountains, facing the Hai Province across the sea. She didn't even look at each other, but saw the countless islands floating in the sea, the towering mountains in the air, and the alien bird hovering in the high school. She was far apart and felt that there was something terrible in Haipeng, but she didn't see any panic in Haipeng, but the airships and planes went back and forth, which was very lively. There were also many village houses built on those floating islands. The atmosphere of the virgin forest blending with modern society is somewhat similar to the previous Kazumo.

Lin Runsheng asked Mo Qingqing: "What's wrong with Haisheng, why do I feel a little... panicked."

Seeing that Lin Runsheng had stopped chasing her, Mo Qingqing looked in the direction of Haisheng foolishly, and when she came back, she heard Lin Runsheng's question, saying: "The skull of the X-level snake king, it's nothing but the The power crystal in the heart is only the skull that has not been absorbed by me."

Lin Runsheng: "..." She looked directly at Mo Qingqing and asked, "What level are you now?" Mo Qingqing was SSSSS level before, and there is another X level, it is very likely It has evolved again.

Mo Qingqing said: "X."

Lin Runsheng: "..." She looked at Hai Province, then turned to look in the direction of Southern Province, and said in her heart, "So, Southern Province, which has been running on the road to death, has made an update this time. Big death." She thought for a while and asked, "Sister Mo, should we leave the southern province?"

Mo Qingqing said: "No, I'm going to stay and be greedy to kill them. If someone touches their mouths, I'm going to leave. They have the ability to live by their mouths, and I can live happily with my fists anyway."

Lin Runsheng wanted to go out and have a look, but she didn't want to go on the road alone, and thought that Mo Qingqing couldn't be idle, so she could find something for them, just follow this guy.

Mo Qingqing thought that she had reached the border of Hai Province, not far from Shen Yu, so she ran to report to Shen Yu that she was safe.

Shen Yu: "..." to report safety? How many of them need to come back to report safety? She is now hanging the skulls of the X-rank alien snake kings they killed in the most conspicuous high-altitude town in Hai Province to avoid the alien beast kings.

Seeing Shen Yu's surprised expression, Mo Qingqing remembered that Aunt Qing had not been notified of their deaths, so she told her what happened in Southern Province these days.

Shen Yu: "..." She does not comment on matters in Southern Province. Southern Province and Hai Province are neighbors, and she has a good relationship with Lin Runsheng, but... She has a friendship with Ningyang City and the ships that go out to sea in Ningyang City with several large boxes of war reports.

After the fight, it's over, and I don't even bother to talk about it. After all, this matter is far from the source of her friendship with Nanfang Province.

If you really want her to comment on the affairs of the southern province: the infighting in the southern province is more ancient than her friendship with the southern province.

She learned from Mo Qingqing that the Daxueshan Mountains are safe, so she moved the X-level snake king skull that was guarding the house to the outer sea area.

Shen Yu said: Hai Province is currently busy organizing disaster relief, and has no time to take care of it. Restoring transportation and communication with Southern Province and other provinces, it is really impossible to allocate manpower. If Mo Qingqing and the others have anything, they will contact Lao Wu through Shiyi Yizhi. She is now betting on Lao Wu's evolutionary ability, and I believe that it will be convenient to talk about family affairs in a short time.

The two went back to the Daxueshan Mountains.