MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 686 Top names, millions of rewards

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   For ordinary immortal practitioners, the demons outside the realm are extremely terrifying beings. In the process of cultivating and collecting medicine, they will encounter the invasion of the demons before they know it, and then they will arouse evil thoughts, and the demons will breed.

   In light of that, the practice is damaged and the vitality is damaged.

If the    is severe, he will fall into a demonic realm, be entangled in demonic obstacles, and go astray.

   Ordinary immortal cultivators are very taboo towards extraterritorial demons and are unwilling to provoke them.

  Only Chu Chen and Lao Liu are the exceptions. They are not taboo against the demons outside the realm, but they wish that the demons outside the realm would disturb them every day, cut off their demonic thoughts, and devour the great medicine of spiritual softness and essence.

  Chu Chen relied on the protection of the Temple of the Heart, and in addition, he cultivated the Heavenly Sword Technique [King Kong Lingtong Treasure Sword Technique] and [Ling Jianzi]. He used his mind to forge swords and his meritorious deeds.

  It is a pity that, with Chu Chen's advanced practice and golden light of merit, he usually can't meet extraterritorial demons in his daily practice.

   If you encounter it, it will be an extremely terrifying alien demon.

   And the dog brother and the sixth are different.

   It seems to have a great attraction to extraterritorial demons, and it is easy to attract large and small demons.

  The devil outside the realm thinks that he is easy to bully, but in fact he has a firm mind and a clean spiritual platform. It is difficult for external demons to invade, and it is difficult for internal demons to arise. In addition, he has learned the sacred merits of Emperor Guan, and he has supernatural powers.

  Chu Chen put down the dream stone and was very surprised.

   As expected of the sixth child, he has a knack for pretending to be a pig and eating tiger yin.

   This information obtained by the sixth is no trivial matter and is extremely important.

  A cultivator of the Eight Classics of the Eight Classics has a dharma to protect him when he is cultivating and collecting herbs. As long as the Dao heart is not damaged and the demon heart is restless, the threat of intrusion by ordinary little devils is not great.

   However, if there is an extraterritorial demon raging on the tide of evil and softness and harassing practitioners on a large scale, that is another matter, and it is a great threat.

   More importantly, according to Lao Liu, the devil he devoured was a small leader in the "Advance Army", who was ordered to come early to inquire about information.

what does that mean?

   means that this extraterritorial devil is not raking grass to fight rabbits, fishing in muddy waters, but very targeted, and the target is directly aimed at the eight states in the southwest.

   Most of the orthodox cultivators and cultivators belonged to the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

   In other words, this extraterritorial devil is coming for the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

   A successful Xuanmen cultivator is not afraid of small demon thoughts, but if he is targeted by a demon with powerful supernatural powers, he may not be able to protect himself. At that time, the demons will be entangled and extremely dangerous.

   This news is no trivial matter. As Wanquan's inspector, Chu Chen is within the scope of his responsibility and reports it in time, which is a credit.

   "Lao Liu is really a lucky star. He just took up the post of Wanquan Superintendent, and he gave me such a big credit."

  Chu Chen put away the dream stone without much delay, and immediately picked up the [Wanquan Supervision Order], his consciousness sank, Feizhang reported, and asked to see Mr. Mingjing, the contemporary celestial master.

  Speaking of which, this is the biggest benefit of being promoted to "Wanquan Inspector".

  Whether it is a Confucian official or an immortal official, it is quite taboo to "leapfrog reporting". If something happens, he must first report it to Master Tongda, the governor of the County Department of Ghosts and Gods, and then Master Tongda will continue to report it... It's quite cumbersome.

   However, after becoming Wanquan's supervisor, he can directly report to the emperor and the prince, Mr. Mingjing.

   This is also the reason why Chu Chen, the Wanquan Inspector, can supervise his superiors, Wanquan County Governor and County Governor Tongda Master, and the reason for his high authority. …

   He can sue the imperial court.

   After about half of the incense, the [Wanquan Supervision Order] flashed, and Chu Chen froze, and immediately came to the altar to burn incense and pinch.

   Burn the incense and condense into clouds.

   In the mist, Mr. Jingjing sat on the dragon chair, full of majesty.

   "Chen Wanquan, the supervising envoy, Chu Chen, see Tianshi!"

   "No need to be polite, there is no one in private, you should still call Mr.

   "Yes, sir, the disciple obeys."

   Mr. Spiegel smiled

   "Ling Xiao, you are playing in a hurry, but what happened to Wanquan County?"

  Chu Chen knew that Mr. Mingjing had a lot of opportunities in his daily life, and this appearance of the saint was probably just a clone. He did not delay, and immediately said:

   "Sir, it's not that something happened to Wanquan County, but that there may be a calamity in the eight states in the southwest."

   Mirror first. She was a little surprised when she heard the words.

   Recently, the tide of evil and wrath has struck. As the Crown Prince of the Celestial Dynasty, the Celestial Master of the Celestial Court, and the talented people under his command, Mr. Mingjing has long been informed of the news and is not surprised at all.

   To his surprise, Chu Chen also guessed it.

   "You are still proficient in Yi learning?"

   "Mister misunderstood, I'm not good at the art of easy learning."

  Chu Chen did not hide it, and reported it truthfully, saying:

"Sir, that's right, I have a good friend of the demon clan, named Lao Liu. Two days ago, he encountered an extraterritorial demon during his cultivation. Taking advantage of the high tide of Xierou and attacking the eight southwestern states, this disciple feels that this is no trivial matter, and hereby reports it."

  Mr. Mingjing originally had a faint smile on his face, but after hearing Chu Chen's report, his expression quickly became serious:

   "Ling Xiao, is the news reliable?"

  Chu Chen nodded:

   "Mr. Qiqi, the sixth is a close friend of the disciple. By chance, he learned the "Guan Di Ming Sheng Zhen Gong" of the Dharma line of Emperor Guan. This method was born out of "The Ming Sheng Zhen Jing"..."

   Said, in order to win the trust of Mr. Mingjing, the celestial master, Chu Chen was about to tell the story of his acquaintance with the dog brother Lao Liu.

   He hurriedly reported to Mr. Mingjing, the Celestial Master, in addition to fulfilling the duties of the "supervisor" and reporting the impending demonic disease to the prince, the most important purpose was to recommend Lao Liu to show his merit.

   Lao Liu's "loyalty" quality is highly respected by the cultivators of the right way. As long as Lao Liu's information is fulfilled and credit is made, it will not be difficult to arrange him into Immortal Court in the future.

"Back then, when I was serving as a ninth-grade immortal officer in the Department of Ghosts and Gods in Guangping County, Qingzhou, I accidentally came across a case of a dispute over spiritual fields. The old six was originally a wild hunter who raised hunting dogs. Its owner is guarding the tomb, unwilling to leave, and is inadvertently nourished by the spiritual field to become a demon and a spirit..."

   "What a loyal man."

  Mr. Mingjing nodded again and again after listening to the deeds of Lao Liu.

   Although he didn't know about "Emperor Guan Ming Sheng Zhen Gong", he knew very well about "Emperor Guan Ming Sheng Zhen Gong", which persuaded people to do good and accumulate virtue and self-cultivation.

   In addition to the life of the sixth child, he believed most of the information and muttered to himself:

   "No wonder the various demon kings and demon kings of the Southern Barbarian Alliance have stopped a lot recently. It turns out that they are secretly linked with extraterritorial demons.

   Chu Chen froze when he heard the words, and it really involved the kingdom of demons. …

   Over the past year, he has been cultivating and preaching the Fa in Wanquan Daoyuan, and he has not been involved in external affairs, but he has heard of the fierceness of the border struggle.

   In fact, the army of the Celestial Dynasty and the masters of immortality are fighting with demons all the time.

   For more than a year, the eight states in the southwest have been calm and peaceful, and behind the quiet times are the results of countless people with lofty ideals fighting against the devil one after another.

   In fact, the power of the demons to counterattack is extremely ferocious, and the demon turmoil in the eight southwestern states a few days ago is the best proof.

  Mr. Der Spiegel was thoughtful and seemed to be distracted from communicating with people.

  Chu Chen didn't bother, and waited silently.

   For a while, in the clean room, both the ruler and the minister were silent.

   After a long time, Mr. Jingjing came back to his senses and looked at Chu Chen:

   "Ling Xiao, I know the situation."

  Mr. Der Spiegel smiled and added:

   "You have just been promoted to Wanquan Superintendent, and you have collected such important information. Daoist Yulou said that you are a blessing general, which is really not wrong."

   "Mr. praises me wrongly, and my disciples are terrified."

  Chu Chen was praised by Mr. Mingjing, and felt quite emotional in his heart, Yulou Zhenren was really his nobleman, and always said good things for him.

   Mr. Mingjing waved his hand and said:

   "You did a good job. This matter is no trivial matter. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. It is not an easy task for an extraterritorial demon to come to the mortal world. As long as you make a move, you must be sure."

   Chu Chen froze when he heard the words, and understood the overtones of Mr. Mingjing's words.

  Compared with the natural disasters like Xierou Tide, "man-made disasters" are even more terrifying, especially when the extraterrestrial demons are linked with the demon kingdom, and they are embarrassed to do it for women.

   The extraterrestrial demons intruding on practitioners, that is not just for practitioners to fall into. The demonic realm is full of demonic obstacles, which is detrimental to practice. In severe cases, it may even fall into the evil way, be judged in the immortal way, and become a demon puppet.

   There are even stronger demons who are good at the art of seizing the house, directly occupying the magpie's nest, and Li Dai peach is stiff.

   This destructive power is quite terrifying.

  Think about it, some officials and officials in the Celestial Dynasty and Xianting who hold heavy power have become demons' minions, and the harm caused by them is greater and more terrifying than the army of demons.

  Mr. Mingjing meant that the extraterritorial demon lord hooked up with the strong men of the demon kingdom, and he came prepared, eyeing the strong men on the side of the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty, and preparing to attack them.

   However, the target who can make the extraterritorial demon lord take action must at least be a strong supernatural power, and Chu Chen's current Daoist cultivation level cannot reach that level, so he can't control it.

  Mr. Mingjing didn't say much, and said:

   "The demon king from outside the realm will not be alone. He has countless demon sons and grandsons under his command. You should also pay attention to this. You are on the assassination list of the demon kingdom. Be careful that the demon will attack you, but don't let me hear the news of your enchantment."

   "Don't worry, sir, this disciple will not disappoint you."

   "Great Goodness!"

After    instructed, Mr. Mingjing left in a hurry without saying much.


   After a while, the fragrance cloud dissipated in the clean room.

   "I never imagined that the kingdom of demons would think so highly of me."

  Chu Chen put away the [Wanquan Supervision Order], and the news he got from Mr. Mingjing shocked him, and immediately frowned slightly. …

   Mr. Der Spiegel said that he had already heard about the assassination list of the Demon Alliance.

   For the immortal seedlings who have been promoted to the realm of great supernatural powers in the Dachang Celestial Dynasty, the kingdom of demons has always been extremely, and often assassinated geniuses of the Celestial Dynasty.

   The powerhouses of great supernatural powers are very involved in their hands. In ordinary frictional struggles, all parties will exercise restraint and reservations. The powerhouses of supernatural powers do not easily take action.

   Killing a great cultivator of supernatural powers is much more difficult than killing a leader of a rank five immortal seedling.

  Assassination of geniuses is a very good deal.

   To this end, the Demon Alliance released a hunting list, offering a huge reward to the geniuses of the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

  This hunting list is not only for the major demon kingdoms, but also for the strength of magic, sidewalks, and even loose cultivators. Anyone who kills the heavenly immortals on the list can go to the Southern Barbarian Alliance to receive extremely amazing rewards.

   is on the hunting list of the Monster Alliance, which means that you have been sanctioned by the Monster Alliance.

   This is a huge hassle.

  Caibo understands people's hearts, and under the threat of a huge reward, it is very dangerous to be stared at at any time.

   However, being on the Monster Alliance Hunting List is a kind of supreme honor to a certain extent. The three young leaders of the Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian schools of the Tianchao are proud to be on the Monster Hunting List.

   In fact, many of the leaders of the Celestial Dynasty who have entered the Monster Hunting List have entered the realm of supernatural powers. Therefore, it is jokingly said that entering the monster hunting list is half a foot into the realm of supernatural powers, which is very beautiful.

   Even the great supernatural cultivator, when he recalls the past, will be proud that he has been on the list of monster hunters.

   On the other side, the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty was not to be outdone, and also posted a reward to punish the demons of the demon alliance and demon forces. The two sides fought fiercely.

   It is precisely because of this that the talent hunting list of both sides is called the "Heavenly List" by the practitioners.

   The "Monster List" is full of celestial arrogance leaders, while the "Celestial Celestial List" is full of monsters with huge potential and tyrannical strength.

  In the cultivation world in the wilderness outside the customs, there are many legends that "someone killed a genius in the sky and became rich overnight".

   As far as Chu Chen knows, Master Guan Tongda, the master of ghosts and gods in Wanquan County, is a Buddhist son who is on the "Heavenly List", and his ranking is extremely high.

   Before the demons ravaged Yunzhou, Master Tongda also received special attention.

  Fortunately, Master Tongda has profound and profound Buddhist teachings, his physical body has been cultivated so that the vajra is not broken, and his supernatural powers are extremely good.

  Whether it is the celestial arrogant fairy seedling or the devil child of the demon kingdom, they have mixed feelings about being on the hunter list of the other party.

   Worried about danger and proud of being on the hunt.

  Chu Chen shook his head, feeling complicated.

   Obviously, after the Battle of Guangling Mountain, he made a name for himself in the barren states and counties of the eight states in the southwest, as if he was captured by the big demon kingdoms in the southwest.  After staring at it, he became the "Leader of Immortal Seedlings" in the eyes of the Demon Alliance, and he wanted to kill it and then hurry up.

   After thinking about it, Chu Chen quickly contacted Qingying and asked him about the Demon Heaven List.

  Golden Toad Palace is a neutral place and is extremely well-informed.

  Qingying was busy with Occasional Shuangxiu and managing the Diyuan Chamber of Commerce before, so she didn't have time to take care of him. After hearing that Chu Chen was on the list of demons, Qingying hurriedly went to inquire.

After    a stick of incense, the dream moon palace.

  Qingying came in a hurry with a serious look:

   "Erlang, the news is not wrong. Yesterday, the Monster Heaven Ranking was updated. You are really on the Heaven Ranking. Although your ranking is not high, you are only ranked in over 400, but the reward is extremely high, with a full two million jade coins."

   Chu Chen was slightly speechless when he heard the words.

  Two million jade coins, which is not a small sum.

   Even the dignified and dignified Yuanlonggong Longnv couldn’t take out two million jade coins casually, let alone ordinary monks, even the great supernatural monks would be moved.

   "I never imagined that I would be targeted by demons so early, and I am only in the middle stage of fifth-grade cultivation."

  Chu Chen shook his head, quite depressed.

   He was not surprised that he was sanctioned by the demon kingdom and offered a reward in the future, but he did not expect that the battle of Guangling Mountain would suddenly expose it to the vision of the demon alliance in advance.

   "Erlang, you have shown a very good eight formation method. The Demon Alliance attaches great importance to the arrogance of the military, and it is reasonable to offer a reward to you. I have been so busy these two days that I almost forgot about it."

   Speaking of this, Qingying was quite worried, thought about it, and said:

  " Erlang, why don't I move to Lingxiao Residence..."

  Chu Chen was a little moved, what could be said about the threat of the Demon Heaven Ranking, the most important thing is that it is convenient to practice in peacetime, and the two don't need to run around.

   "Is this okay... Will Long Jun's side..."