MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 18 That kind of deep meaning is called shameless

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  Chapter 18 The deep meaning is called shameless

   It feels really good, which led to a smile on the corners of my mouth when I slept quietly this night.

   Good night's sleep.

   When Quiet wakes up again, the sky is already bright.

  The unmarried women here all have loose hair, An Jing picked up a wooden comb and combed it. Fortunately, although Lin Jing was as thin as a bamboo pole, her hair was of good quality.

   Leaning on the wooden stick that Xiao Changyi gave her last night, as soon as he walked quietly to the door of the main room, he saw Xiao Changyi drying clothes, his own, and her clothes in the yard.

  Quiet's face was hot, and no man had ever washed her clothes. This was the first time.

  Perhaps he heard the sound, Xiao Changyi turned to look at her, the two of them met, and she smiled: "Morning."

   In fact, it's already late, it's very late, if at Lin's house, if you wake up at this quiet time, you will definitely be scolded.

   But now at Xiao Changyi's house, Xiao Changyi not only didn't scold her, but returned her a word: "Morning."

  Quiet's smile got bigger. Farmers here don't have the habit of saying hello in the morning. She just said hello subconsciously, and she didn't expect him, an ancient person, to come back.

   As soon as Xiao Changyi dried the laundry, he fetched water and brought it to An Jing who was standing in the yard, and handed An Jingyi a new willow branch that had just been folded back.

   In this era, there is no toothbrush, only willow branches brush their teeth. They are quiet and understand without saying anything. They just take the willow branch and bite one end softly.

   Xiao Changyi handed her the tooth salt again.

  Quietly dipped the tooth salt on the soft brush-like part of the willow branch, and then brushed your teeth carefully.

Xiao Changyi didn't walk away, just stood beside her with tooth salt. When Jingjing was in the army, everyone brushed their teeth and washed their faces together in the water room, so now that there is someone standing next to her, she didn't feel that something was wrong. .

  In the yard, the two of them just stood there, moving and still, but extremely harmonious.

   The villagers who passed by saw it, and they were all stunned for a while, as if stunned and quiet, but they only brushed their teeth at this time, and they seemed to be stunned and quiet and Xiao Changyi stood together, and there was an indescribable feeling of matching.

   Jiuping Village said that it is not big or small, but yesterday’s story of An Jing’s rush to sell the deed and Xiao Changyi’s return home is known to the whole village, so everyone is not surprised that An Jing is now at Xiao Changyi’s house.

   It's just that everyone's eyes on Jingjing have a little more meaning, and that meaning is called - shameless.

  Quiet brushed her teeth and planned to wash her face. The water in the tub reflected her current appearance. Her face was yellow and her skin was thin, and she had no sense of beauty at all. It was too different from her previous appearance.

   As soon as she washed her face, Xiao Changyi took her face wash and poured it on the vegetable floor in the yard.

   It is said to be a vegetable field, but in fact there is no vegetable.

  Quietly glanced at the empty yard and said, "Let's raise some chickens and ducks, and we won't raise pigs, it's very flavorful."

   "Yes." Xiao Changyi replied without objection. "Eat first or apply medicine first?"

  Quiet was taken aback, "Have you finished your meal?"

   "Well." Xiao Changyi just nodded lightly and didn't say much. In fact, he got up before dawn. First, he went to the ridge roadside to pull some beef tendon grass and came back. Then he made a fire to cook, and the meal was ready. Seeing that she hadn't woken up, he went to the river to wash clothes.

  Quiet and sweetness in his heart, smiling: "Let's eat first."

   Walking towards the stove with a wooden stick, she suddenly remembered one thing: "By the way, I haven't eaten half of my wowtou, and I have it by the bedside. I have to eat it quickly, or it will go rancid."

   (end of this chapter)