MTL - Chasing Summer-Chapter 57

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After Lin Zhexia finished washing, Lan Xiaoxue and the others came back after visiting the campus.

When the group of roommates opened the door, Lin Zhexia changed into her pajamas and was sitting on the bed, talking on the phone with Lin He.

She first reported the situation of the new school to Lin He.

Lin He said on the other end of the phone: "Okay, pay attention to your safety outside, you are alone in Lianda, and you and Uncle Wei are easily worried."

Lin Zhexia said, "Mom."

Lin He: "Huh?"

"I'm not alone in Lianda."

She paused, then said, "Chi Yao is also here."

Lin He was also surprised: "He also reported Lian Da?"

Lin Zhexia gave a "hmm".

Lin He: "I really haven't heard from him. After he moved away, I haven't had much contact with him. Blame me. You said why I forgot to care about him before the exam. What major? His grades must be in the major It's best, next time you meet, congratulate him on behalf of your mother."

Lin Zhexia Xin said that it wasn't just you, she didn't dare to ask: "It's the most powerful major in our school."

At this point in the chat, she finally said: "My roommates are back, so I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, she found that Lan Xiaoxue and the others sat neatly in a row opposite her, as if they were about to interrogate her.

Lin Zhexia was a little nervous: "...You guys are done shopping, is there anything interesting nearby?"

Lan Xiaoxue interrupted: "Don't avoid the topic."

Lin Zhexia: "..."

Lan Xiaoxue: "Tell me about your boyfriend's story."


Why are they calling Chi Yao more and more strangely? ? ?

An hour ago or brother.

She couldn't accept the title of brother, and now she has become a "boyfriend".

Lin Zhexia was busy denying it, with red ears: "No, he is not my boyfriend. He was the one who talked nonsense in the bar just now. He and I are good friends who grew up together."

Lan Xiaoxue didn't believe it at all. She called up the contact person she had just added, clicked on the cat's head portrait, and yelled at her: "Let's not talk about the fact that he said that he is your brother in public. Look at this picture, can you think of it?" what."

Lin Zhexia: "...I can think of this as a WeChat avatar."


Lan Xiaoxue was speechless, and reminded her: "How many people in the whole school wanted to add him today, but none of them added him, but because we are your roommates, they added us."

Under Lin Zhexia's strong denial, Lan Xiaoxue and the others did not continue to question her.

In addition, the dormitory will turn off the lights and electricity in a while, so they are busy taking turns washing.

At ten o'clock sharp, the lights in the dormitory were turned off.

Lin Zhexia was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar dormitory, only then did she truly feel that the surroundings were already in an unfamiliar environment.

She, Chi Yao, and He Yang, the three of them have grown up and walked out of Nanxiang Street where they grew up together.

They will no longer rush out of the house with their schoolbags on their backs like before, and then call three or two hair boys. Everyone starts from the street sign in Nanxiang Street and walks to school.

But ushered in a new world.

A world that bid farewell to Nanxiang Street and gradually bid farewell to the lush era.

Lin Zhexia hesitated whether to chat with Chi Yao before going to bed.

As soon as she touched the cat head portrait that Chi Yao had used for many years, Lan Xiaoxue's words just now came to her mind.

Certainly not like that.

Lin Zhexia did not dare to have any expectations.

Anyway, it's definitely not what they thought.

Chi Yao is usually not good at being a human being. Moreover, she is in college now, and he will add her roommate for a token, and if there is anything she can't find, it will be easier to contact her if she has a roommate, so it is normal to add her as a friend.

After all, in Lian Da, he and she are the only ones who take care of each other.

Just when she was hesitating, a new message appeared in the chat box.

Chi Yao took the initiative to send a message.

There are only three simple words in the chat box.

- can't sleep

This is not like what Chi Yao would say.

Because the three words "can't sleep" seem to be deliberately showing weakness no matter how you look at it.

Lin Zhexia replied: What time did you go to bed last night?

Chi: It’s past three o’clock

Lin Zhexia: ...

so late.

Lin Zhexia huddled under the quilt, thinking about typing: You lie on the bed for a while, close your eyes, and you may fall asleep after a while.

Chi Yao came back with a question mark.


After the question mark, he sent again: If I remember correctly, someone collected my cigarettes before leaving

-this person

- I don't plan to take care of it after I collect it.


Lin Zhexia's face was a little hot from his accusation.

She typed slowly: But when I call, my roommate is already asleep...

After two seconds, she deleted the passage.

She finally sent out a sentence: Then call, but my roommate is asleep, I can't speak, I can only type.

Almost at the moment she sent it, a voice call came from the other side.

Lin Zhexia found the earphones, stuffed them into her ears, then held her breath and pressed the switch.

Chi Yao's side is very noisy. In the boys' dormitory, there are many other entertainment activities after the lights are turned off. Hearing the noisy background sound, it seems that he is playing a game. Someone shouted, "Don't turn on the speaker first."

Lin Zhexia heard his voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Sleeping?"

Lin Zhexia responded by typing: Yes.

"Then you sleep," he said, "just hang up the call and put it aside."

Lin Zhexia: I'm not very sleepy yet.

She typed and chatted with him again: How many people are there in your dormitory?


Lin Zhexia: So few.


Lin Zhexia thought that he had already added her as a roommate, so she also planned to reciprocate: I... add them as friends too, in case something happens and I can't contact you, I can find them.

She thought that Chi Yao would definitely not refuse.

But unexpectedly, Chi Yao said without thinking, "They don't have mobile phones."

Lin Zhexia: ...

"Impoverished students," said Chi Yao, "understand."

Is she a fool.

She heard someone yelling "Why did you slow down your ult", and someone yelling "Clear the line in the middle".

Lin Zhexia was speechless, she knocked **** the screen: I don't want to be on the phone with you anymore.

- a bit power consuming

- or we'll just leave it at that, I'm dead.

Chi Yao searched around for a while, there was the sound of the sliding door being opened, and then she heard a faint humming of cicadas, and realized that Chi Yao probably went to the balcony of the dormitory.

Then she heard a sentence: "Okay, give me back the cigarettes."


Lin Zhexia could only endure the humiliation.

Very spinelessly, she retracted the few words she typed just now.

[You retracted a message]

[You retracted a message]

[You retracted a message]

After the withdrawal was over, she reorganized her words: I think it's good to be on the phone with you, and no one is allowed to hang up tonight.

On the other end of the phone, Chi Yao let out a familiar snort.

At this moment, Lan Xiaoxue called her gently: "Xia Xia."

Lin Zhexia got out of the quilt: "Huh?"

Lan Xiaoxue didn't know she was on the phone, she just wanted to share information with her: "I just posted on the school's confession wall, I saw you, I sent it to you, it seems to be a boy in the same major as you, when the freshmen registered When I met you, I was asking who you are."


Lin Zhexia was stunned, and felt embarrassed at first: "You don't need to send it to me."

Lan Xiaoxue: "I've already sent it, it's okay, just take a look."

The bedroom was quiet again.

Belatedly, Lin Zhexia realized that she was still on the phone with Chi Yao.

I don't know if Chi Yao heard it.

It's somewhat embarrassing for boys to hear this kind of girls' night talk.

She listened quietly to the other end of the phone and found that Chi Yao hadn't spoken. After waiting for a while, she guessed that he probably didn't hear.

Otherwise, this person will definitely find a chance to mock her.

After being quiet for a while, Lin Zhexia was a little sleepy, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and typos began to appear in the messages he sent. Chi Yao seemed to be aware of this and stopped chatting with her. In the end, the two only listened to each other's shallow breathing through the receiver.

After a while, Lin Zhexia heard "Good night".

She fell asleep in Chi Yao's good night.

Before her consciousness completely disappeared, she thought in a daze that there seemed to be something different between her and Chi Yao.

After going to college, Chi Yao's attitude towards her seemed to be different from that in high school, there was a subtle difference that she couldn't explain clearly.

But as the person concerned, it is difficult for her to see clearly what the difference is.

On the other side, in the boys' dormitory.

Chi Yao stood on the balcony for a while, confirmed that Lin Zhexia was asleep, and quietly hung up the call before opening the balcony door to enter the bedroom.

Compared to his "can't sleep" problem.

The real purpose of this phone call was that he was worried that Lin Zhexia would not adapt to the new environment.

After all, it was the first time she left home, and she might not be used to sleeping at night.

He walked back to the dormitory. The sound in the dormitory was very noisy. The group of people were playing games while asking: "—Do you know any girls who can be added? There were too many rules in high school, and now I am in college. I feel that university study does not only refer to the study of knowledge, but the study of how to behave in the world is also very important.”

Another person said: "If you want to fall in love, you can just say it directly, and you don't need to elevate it to the perspective of 'being a human being'."


A few people chatted here, and seeing Chi Yao came out, so someone brought the topic to him: "It's not easy to get in touch, there is one, I guess as long as he is willing, he can add all the girls in the school, and then you Pick slowly in his address book."

Chi Yao didn't say anything, but just glanced at them. After less than half a day together, these roommates had almost figured out his temper, so they immediately changed their minds: "Or this way, you hang up your WeChat account and say that you are Chi Yao's roommate will also be flocked by many people."

"When a person comes, it is an opportunity. It doesn't matter who she is targeting at the beginning, the enemy can turn into a friend. Nothing is impossible."

It was dark in the bedroom.

Chi Yao didn't participate in the discussion, just walked past them, sat on the chair beside the bed and replied to the others.

Chi Hanshan, Bai Qin, Xu Ting, and...

Chi Yao pulled down the contacts, only to see He Yang who was overwhelmed by the news.

He Yang's news was ignored for several months.

He Yang: brother

He Yang: I have applied for a volunteer. I am taking the Lianyun Normal University exam. Where do you plan to fill in?

He Yang: Are you staying in Beijing or returning to Lianyun?

He Yang: ...

He Yang: Are you still alive?

Chi Yao replied to him with two words: Lian Da.

He Yang replied quickly, and he came back with a long string of ellipses:  …

Then he flicked the phone back.

"You still remember me," He Yang complained on the other end of the phone, "I thought I had become a corpse in your address book, either you died or I died."

Chi Yao said: "I was too busy a while ago, so I didn't see it."

He Yangfei wanted to hurry up and stab himself: "Did you not see the news about my Brother Xia?"


"Just reply to her news!" Brother for many years, He Yang got the answer from Chi Yao's short silence, and said that even if you like her, you can't treat her differently, "My news is not news!"

Chi Yao changed the subject: "I'll have dinner with you tomorrow."

He Yang immediately climbed up the pole: "I want to eat the expensive one."

Chi Yao twitched his forehead: "Okay."

Late at night.

Chi Yao became addicted to cigarettes, subconsciously wanted to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette, and when he returned to the balcony, it took him a while to realize that the cigarette had already been handed in.

So he squeezed his knuckles, suppressed his craving for cigarettes, and suddenly said, "I want to ask you something."

—I just brushed the school confession wall and saw you.

During the call just now, what Lin Zhexia's roommate said casually surfaced.

A thought that was deeply hidden in his heart also appeared at the same time, which was more unbearable than the addiction to cigarettes. Because he had hidden it for too long and hidden it too deeply, it was not so easy for him to say the following words. He said with difficulty: "...What kind of person do you think Lin Zhexia would like."

He Yang was also blowing air on the balcony of the dormitory. He thought: Am I pretending not to know, or pretending not to know?

He really regrets it.

Regret the day Chi Yao left, why did you push open that door.

He Yang went through all kinds of answers in his mind, and finally picked the one that looked like "don't know": "I don't know, she has never been in a relationship, how would I know, but why did you suddenly ask this?"


Chi Yao leaned against the balcony fence and asked himself.

He listened to the various voices coming from the windows of other dormitories, and thought to himself that there were many reasons.

Both he and Lin Zexia are no longer immature and restrained high school students.

They have come out of **** and academic pressure, and have the right to face more life issues.

What I have to learn in the future is not only academic, but also many other things.

But compared to this reason.

The more important reason is because of the difference of more than a year.

Before Chi Hanshan had an accident and he separated from Lin Zhexia, he thought that if he hid his liking for the relationship between him and Lin Zhexia, there would be no mistakes, no business trips, and no changes because of his "like". .

Not to mention losing her because he crossed the line.

But the fact is that even though he tried his best to maintain this relationship with Lin Zhexia, they couldn't go on like they did when they were children.

Between him and Lin Zhexia, it turned out that a different life could start at any time.

It turns out that no matter how intimate the relationship is.

As long as the gears of fate take a step forward, they will immediately undergo unforeseen and uncontrollable changes.

He didn't want to go through such a change again.

He wanted to have the position and qualifications to continue to stand by her side when his fate changed for no reason.

"So..." Chi Yao didn't tell He Yang much, after hanging up the phone, lowered his eyes, and said to himself in a low voice, "I'll chase after her, it's okay."