MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 6 trouble

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Living in the cave, plus Shao Xuan, a total of twenty-seven children, all fierce, Shao Xuan now how to manage the small arms and legs?

There are a lot of children in the cave who want to take over the location of the library. In order to get more food, Shao Xuan is obviously a lot smaller to take over management. It is obvious that other children will be dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction will inevitably lead to battle.

Two words - trouble.

The middle-aged man who is responsible for transporting food to the cave is called "Ge". He is not as strong as Mai, and he lost an arm in a hunting operation. Now he can't go hunting, and retreat from the hunting team every day. Responsible for transporting food.

Shao Xuan asked the reason why he did not ask anything.

After the food was distributed, the grid left with an empty stone cylinder with one hand. Even if one arm is missing now, its own strength is still there. There is no problem with the one-handed anti-stone tank.

After the grid left, the library entered the hole to announce the new decision and the candidate to succeed him.

"From tomorrow, A Xuan is responsible for distributing food!"

After eating the atmosphere, the atmosphere in the cave was calm, and there was no hot fight. But because of the sentence of the library, I was nervous again. The children in the cave would not complain about it. I don’t know how to go to theory. Not very good.

The library did not stay much, did not explain, and quickly packed up and left. He is old, and if there is no accident, after the end of this winter, he will awaken the power of the totem, that is to say, he will not return to the hole when he leaves this step.

The library left easily, but Shao Xuan was in a heavy mood.

Looked at the sky, and the time point of the last life, it is about three o'clock in the afternoon, there is still some time left from the sun.

Shao Xuan took Caesar and went to the gravel again. He sat on the ground and wondered what to do next.

I was still thinking about going through this plain and faint, dragging the power of the totem to awaken for two or three years, even if the qualifications are not awakened late, at most the age of the library will naturally wake up, then go out and build a self. The house, plus a hunting team, went out to hunt for life. It seems that this dull life is impossible. Just as he left the cave, there were several children staring at him with ill will, and Caesar next to him.

"You said that they will get up in the middle of the night to eat you?" Shao Xuan said to Caesar, who walked up and down the gravel.

In the past, there was a library town. The little scorpions didn’t really do anything. Once the library left, the situation would be hard to say. The children in the cave could be jealous of other children in the tribe. They wouldn’t think too much. They were so hungry and ignored the witch. The pattern of the cards, how to get together to get Caesar to roast? Shao Xuan can rival the 20 people in the hole.

Caesar did not realize the impending predicament. He could not find a stone worm in the gravel and began to want to go to the Black Marsh.

There are two forbidden areas near the mountain where the tribe is located. One is a large black marshland, which is easy to get stuck in. It basically falls into a dead place. On the other hand, there is a big river in front of the mountain that does not see the other side. There are river beasts in the river. It is rumored that several powerful soldiers in the early tribes went fishing, but they never came up again. There were too many unknown dangers. Finally, the tribal executives decided not to let people go.

Therefore, in addition to the tribal women who occasionally go to the shallows to wash the skin, they will not touch the river. There is a creek from the top down on the mountain. The tribe's drinking water is used there. Naturally no one wants to contact a river full of unknown dangers.

Whether it is the Black Marsh or the river bank, there are soldiers who guard the wheel to prevent the tribe from entering the two dangerous places, and also prevent the unpredictable dangers in these two places.

Fishing, hunting and hunting, no fishing, no domestication and planting, the tribe basically only went out to hunt, which is the main reason why the food in the tribe is always in short supply.

Everything is based on food. Caesar is such a large piece of meat in the cave every night, walking in front of the hungry children, and the little sisters in the cave have coveted.

"What should I do?" Shao Xuan sighed again, and couldn't help but complain about the old **** stick that gave the brand but did not show up again.

The tribe does not allow people to enter the Black Marsh, nor is it allowed to go down the river, especially the children who have not yet awakened the power of the totem, but did not say that the wolf is not close to the Black Marsh. So, occasionally coming over here, Caesar will go to the edge of the Black Marsh to find something to grind, such as some weird beetles living in the Black Marsh. More times, the soldiers responsible for guarding the border also closed their eyes.

Animals are very sensitive to the dangers. Caesar naturally knows that the Black Marsh is dangerous and only wanders around the border.

I don't know what to find, Caesar ran over with something, and smashed a black hole in front of Shao Xuan.

Cameron came over with a bug that Shao Xuan had never seen. Unlike the last beetle, this time the bug is softer, as big as Shao Xuan’s palm. It has a flat oval shape and a long slender shape. The feet are as black as the black swamp.

When he was stunned by Caesar, it used his feet to tie Caesar's wolf nose.

The first few Caesars also came back from the bugs, and probably came back to play. After all, there are not many places where the tribes live to make Caesar interested, and it is even more delusional to catch rabbits. As a wolf, it is very pitiful to deal with bugs until now.

When Caesar tried to bring back the worm that was about to escape, Shao Xuan found that the worm spit out a lot of black bubbles from his mouth and wrapped it all over. Caesar didn't like these black bubbles very much, only when the mouth was loose, the bugs were smashed.

The black bubbles got together and ended up being as big as a football, wrapping the bug in the middle. Caesar circled the ball made up of black bubbles, but didn't shut it down. Obviously it hated those black bubbles, probably bad taste.

About a quarter of an hour later, Caesar gave up the worm that was hiding inside the black ball and turned back to the gravel to continue searching for the stone worm.

Shao Xuan was somewhat interested in the worm. He took out his own stone knife and poked the ball. He found that the original soft black bubble is now hard and brittle. Under Shao Xuan’s hard shot, black "Football" split in half, and the worms hiding inside ran out in panic and fled in the direction of the Black Marsh. The whole seemed to be more than half thinner than before, dry and dry.

Did not go after the bug, Shao Xuan, and take a closer look at the "ball" that split into two halves.

Using a stone knife to try to pick, Shao Xuan found that these two black hemispheres are very light, I don't feel much weight, and I need to make some strength to crush.

After Shao Xuan studied a hemisphere and crushed it, his eyes were placed on another black hemisphere. After thinking about it, I called back to Caesar and walked to the river with this black hemisphere.

Even if the tribes come to the river, they will only be cautious in the place where there is a shoal, which is safe.

Shao Xuan naturally will not go into the water to die, who knows what strange creatures in the water? He just came to try this hemisphere is really like he thought.

Untie the grass rope tied to the waist, one end is tied to the black hemisphere, one end Shao Xuan himself holds, and then the black hemisphere with the straw rope is thrown into the water.

Sure enough, like Shao Xuan thought, the black hemisphere floated on the water.

This stuff...can be used for fishing.



This is even more of the 2nd, the 3rd double.

I opened the book for five days. I didn’t expect so many people to reward me. I also had a protection method (blue for melancholy) and a rudder master (cat cat). I saw many familiar names and voted for comments. . When I opened the cat back, I would list every friend who was rewarded. Later, because many people complained that they always heard the names when they read the books with sound, they would hear them back, and then they would not list them again. come out. Now this book is not listed one by one, the author also has every reward record in the background, the words are said here, thank you for joining us!

It has been more than four months since the end of the cat's return. Many factors have caused the delay in opening the book. During this period, many people have asked for new books. There have been people who voted back to the cat. Thank you very much for your kindness. Thank you for your comments. stand by.

Although it was late, I still said it here: My words are back!

This will be a bit slow, and those who are interested can raise it first, and the words will try to write this article.

PS: By the way, tell everyone a message, back to the cat may have to go out of the traditional, see traditional books and friends can look forward to.