MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 772 Deadly

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The sky was completely dark, but it was dead all around.

The flame of the sand began to become weak, until it completely disappeared, and the breath of the dry tribes gradually disappeared.

Shao Xuan looked at the bottom, Gan Qi still stood in the original position, because in order to avoid the flames of the sand yellow, farther away from the other side, so Shao Xuan can not see how the changes have occurred in Gan Pei now. It can only be seen that the person standing there is brighter than before.

In other words, the power of the fire made his body change again, just like it was meticulously forged...

The four people who were originally standing together because of the fighting, now only one is left, the other three have disappeared. At the moment when the power of the fire is completely removed, the three people have really "dead", after all, the bones They all turned gray, and the power of the fire was also withdrawn, and nothing could support them.

However, I still don't know how Ganhe's state is, and whether it is still rational. Shao Xuan is not going to go on for the time being. He doesn't know if the person who is just like madness will shoot him in the next moment.

On the other hand, Sule and Sui are running far away, and it seems that they have been affected by the flames of Sha Huang. When they are running, the steps are not stable and not fast.

On the ground, Ganche finally moved.

The sound of the feet slamming on the ground, the three ruined cloaks left by the dry tribes who were made into shackles, were gradually blown away by the wind, and they cut their eyes on the cloaks and looked away. Turn to the direction in which Sule and Sui fled.


The footsteps are getting faster and faster, and Sule and Hearing listen to the rapid approaching sound behind him, and then think of the scene just seen, there is no courage to fight.

The strong killings are approaching, and they can even feel the sound of the wind that the explored arm cuts.

A squat on the leg, a weaker squat fell to the ground, and a tooth on the ground broke a tooth. It was too late to complain about the tooth that was smashed. He reached out and grabbed a stone. If you don’t return, you will throw it away.


Some sparks splattered at night, and the stone thrown out by the scorpion has been broken into small pieces.

Hearing the movement behind him, the liver and the gallbladder tremble, clearly that he used to see the ancient corpse and the other is no different, but why is it now? What did Yanjiao do? !

Thinking about it, I felt a burning pain behind me, like a thorn in his back, and the meat was scraped away.


A scream rang in the night, so that Sule, who was running in front, shuddered and his feet were faster. Süller thought that if he could delay for a while, he would be able to flee directly.

However, after a scream, there was no sound, and the snoring that made Sule's scalp numb was still approaching him quickly.

Some of the legs are sour, probably because of the reason of the sand and flames, just not playing the usual state, and the people behind him, like the beasts in the violent, are approaching.

Before Süller thought that the distance between the two sides had been far away, he still had the opportunity to escape. Now, he knows that he is still too naive.

In the air, Shao Xuan listened to the screams on the other side, and the screams of the ground being constantly hit, and knew that Sule and Sui could not live to tomorrow.

It is better to say that it is eager to vent their emotions.

Although the three monks have not had any original consciousness, they have become a killing machine, but after all, they were once the dry tribes. Perhaps a long time ago, the relationship with Ganche was not bad.

"Leave first, find a place to rest, look at it tomorrow." I don't know how long this state of Ganche will last. Shao Xuan let the first to rest on a nearby mountain.

After flying for a day, I was tired, and I felt that it was very dangerous. I had never been close to Ganche. I heard that I was far away and I was happy.

There are no living trees in the nearby mountains. Perhaps there are plants and animals that have not been avoided in time. There is a trace of life in the flames of sand, but they take a long time to recover, at least for a short time. It is impossible to return to what it was before.

The next day, it was still a sunny day.

Shao Xuan went over there and looked at it. Gan Che did not leave. Instead, he sat on a stone and kept a posture. He didn’t know what he was thinking, if it wasn’t his white hair and the sharp black on his fingers. Brown long claws, Shao Xuan will think he is the same as in the past.

The atmosphere of Ganqi’s body has calmed down. Hearing the footsteps of the close, he will turn back. Shao Xuan will see the eyes that are full of blood, and the two fangs like beasts.

Shao Xuan: "..." This change is not small.

Seeing Shao Xuan’s strange eyes, Gan Pei looked at the long claws on his hands, and the newly gathered fire power in the body moved. The totem pattern on his body gradually disappeared. The long brown claws on his hands also shrunk into the phalanx. Among them, the two fangs with the mouth disappeared. No one knows what kind of lethality is hidden in this body that does not look strong.

The structure of the body has been different. If it is compared with the skeleton of the ordinary person, there are many strange structures, such as the alienated spine, each vertebra is elongated horizontally, and there are many places such as the arm bones and bones. Out of the structure, there is only the cover of the flesh, the surface is not obvious.

The fire can bring about change, and even directly change the original structure of the person. This is the first time Shao Xuan clearly discovered this in humans. Many tribal warriors will change when they use the power of totem, but it is only temporary. When it is over, they will still become the same as the skeleton structure of other people, but they are different, before Compared with him, even if it changes under normal conditions, it is big enough.

Moreover, Gan Qi can directly absorb the fire power of the three monks into their own use. This is very doubtful. This is not something anyone can do.

Seeing Gan Qi did not mean to attack, it seems that consciousness is also clear, there is no hostility, as in the past, Shao Xuan asked: "How do you plan?"

"Cooperation, how?"

This means that he will go back to the site of the Yanjiao tribe with Shao Xuan and will not go to the desert for the time being.

Shao Xuanqi looked at Ganqi and nodded. "We will talk about the cooperation. Let's talk about it first. First, you should find a cloak." After yesterday's World War I, Gan Chee was close to ****, Shao Xuan I don’t always have to run around with such a person.

Listening to Shao Xuan, Gan Pei remembered that he did not wear a cloak. No wonder he felt uncomfortable. It turned out that the sun came out.

Gan Che looked up at the sun in the sky, the sun could not cause him physical damage, but it made him feel uncomfortable, always feel uncomfortable, and after absorbing the power of the three people, the feeling became more and more strong. It’s really weird.

Not far away, the bodies of Sui and Sule have been covered with a layer of dust. Even without the cover of these dusts, they can't see the original look. I am afraid that people from the desert rocks may not be able to recognize them. These two people. Last night, with anger and anger, there was no water.

When Shao Xuan and Gan Qi left, the sun gradually hangs high.

Five figures appeared on a mountain, they are tribes living in this area.

"You said what happened to you last night?" The people who came over climbed to the top of the mountain and cautiously said, and the eyes carefully swept around.

Their tribes are not very close to here, but they also heard the voices passed down here, and they felt a thrilling power fluctuation. However, everyone did not dare to come out at the time. One was inconvenient at night, not careful. It will directly lose your life. The other is that they feel that with their own strength, if there is an accident, there is no confidence to escape. The sudden violent force at that time was too scary.

“Will it be a beast?” Someone guessed.

"Impossible, there are no vicious beasts here, unless they are brought over by people, and the power of the riots yesterday was also said, like the breath of fire, and I don’t know what happened."

“Is there a tribe in the fusion fire?”

"Let's come here many times this time, where is the tribe still unclear? But the truth is that there is no tribe there!"

When the five people climbed to the top of the mountain, their tribes were farther away from here. Every time they came over, they would turn over the mountains, because there would be some fruit to eat in the mountains, and they would collect those fruits when they turned over the mountains.

Tightly tightened the back of the bamboo basket, a few people gasped, rubbing the sweat of their forehead, looking forward, over there, was the power riots yesterday evening.

However, when they saw the situation there, the movements that were shocked and sweating were all stiff, and they couldn’t wait to get out of the way.

Rubbing your eyes, looking at the past, yes, still!

"This... this... what happened here?!"

Five people standing on the top of the mountain, their eyes were shocked and sluggish.

In front of them, wherever the vision is, all the vegetation has withered, this season should have been clustered in bloom, all dry, no bright colors, all things, green trees, all kinds of flowers and plants, all turned into yellow!

As if overnight, this place was taken away and turned into a dead place!

Waiting for it, it’s hard to go back to God. They even crawled away from here and ran to the tribes. They told the people in the tribe that they would not come here in the future! Maybe the people who come here will suddenly become like the grass there?

Soon after, there were all kinds of sayings in this area. Some said that the king beast appeared, some said that a certain tribe deliberately created this, and some people liked the people on the other side of the sea. After all, no one has seen the truth of all these changes. (To be continued.)