MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 783 Fight with me? !

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In the forest, a team of about 500 people is walking through the forest, and a group of guards wearing armor protects several people in the middle.

Two of the people in the middle were particularly conspicuous, because the two men were wearing silky clothing, and the silvery patterns reflected from time to time. Compared to other people’s wolverines, the two were tired, but they were tired. It is also neat and tidy.

"How long does it take for the master?" In the team, the headed person turned to the middle of the team and asked.

Among the two people being guarded in the middle, the older one held a square plate with one hand, a few jade in the square plate, and the other hand licked the beard. "It will be reached within ten days."

The headed person heard the words and said with a sigh of relief. "That's good."

Even if they were prepared, they could really come in this mountain forest. They were nervous all the time, and they didn’t sleep for a while. They were afraid that when they accidentally they were eaten by the beasts hidden in the dark, or Towed away by those strange plants, here, it is much more dangerous than the forest they have been in the sea!

In fact, when they first came in, there were more than 800 people. Up to now, there are only about 500 people left. The three hundred people who are few have become the food of the plants or the beasts of the plants in the mountains.

This is still the result of avoiding most of the crisis under the guidance of the two people of Yi Jia. If there are no two people in Yijia, only those of them who enter the forest, probably who are still alive, a slap All counted.

"A break, there is no big danger around this," said the person holding the square plate.

The surrounding guards were relieved and finally rested. However, although the people of Yijia said that there is no big danger, they must also be wary of small crises that may come out all the time. If they are too sloppy, any small crisis may have their lives.

"The bigger the teacher, you really don't know what kind of insects are like?" When resting, the only one in the team of the leader of the team was the master of the master class. It is a pity that the new king can't get used to the workmanship. Now, the situation of the workers is not very good. If they are not sheltered by Mujia and Yijia, the more the workers can continue to live on luxury days, maybe even the forged materials are looking for Not uniform.

Sitting in a short distance, the more the hair is white, he is not too young, and he was still very prestigious in the armored family. Unfortunately, before the new king succeeded, the more the workers were ridiculed, he never had a good attitude. So that the new king is in the upper position, he has won a lot of resources in the hands of the workers and the other craftsmen of the workers. After all, there is not only one craftsman in the armored family. However, the ability of the craftsman's craftsmen who only worked hard all day long could not collect much resources. Most of them were given by the Wangcheng nobles. Perhaps they could maintain their inventory for a few years. However, once a few years have passed, there is no way to continue.

The more the workmanship lost, the people of Mujia and Yijia continued to support him in the back, and the more the workmanship, the more they would not really fall. The Mujia and Yijia support workers are also conditional. They hope that the more armor can create more powerful weapons. The persecution of the desert rock is mainly aimed at the Mujia and Yijia in Wangchengzhong. It is no wonder that they are two. The family will be so anxious, just to seize the opportunity of the more troubled workers to get caught up.

The more the workers are planning to turn around, he has enjoyed many years of glory and extravagant life. The feeling of losing power is not good. If you can do this well, it is not impossible to return to the original life.

On the forging skills, the more the workmanship is called the master, and once in the young, he also went to Shibuya like the work of Jiaheng, and read the secrets recorded by the ancestors of the armored family. Therefore, Gong Jiaheng knows Of course, he also knows.

Both the green fangs and the tombs have been found, and the weapons they have created are clear to their minds. Although they are better than other goldsmiths, they are not as good as the satisfaction of Mu and Yi.

Since the blue face is not good, try to find the kind of worm in the legend. There is very little information obtained from the notes left by the ancestors of the armored family. But isn't there a person with a family?

Therefore, after the two sides joined forces, after paying some price, they finally got the position of the insects. They then summoned the people, bypassed the main battlefield at the seaside, and avoided the sites of the Yanjiao tribes that had had contradictions. Go to this mountain forest.

"The kind of worm, I have never seen it. The notes left by the ancestors are only written in words, and there are no patterns. The ancestors called them stars." The more the answer has been said several times, he can only say these. Because he himself does not know what the specific butterfly looks like, and the larvae they are looking for don't know.

"The only certainty is that we must find them before the butterfly larvae and butterfly, and take their blood back." At this time, the armor is flashing in the eyes, if it can forge a more powerful weapon, then, He will be able to turn over gorgeously! For many years, no one in the armored family has been able to reproduce the records recorded in the notes left by the ancestors.

"Reassured, the time of the butterfly larvae is far from the butterfly." Yi Qi said affirmatively.

"I am worried if someone will follow us. If someone comes over, isn't it cheaper? And, maybe the people who come with it will destroy our actions." Mu said his concerns.

"Don't worry, those people have been taken rid of." Yi Qi's face is proud. He uses his ability to guide the team's action and the time of each action. Every time, some people are removed. Now, I don't feel anyone following them.

Sitting next to Yiqi is another young man from Yijia. The strange thing is that this person looks very young, but two white hairs have fallen. Unlike Yi Jing's calm, he is a little anxious and always has a bad feeling.

"Uncle, you still need to be cautious." The young man said goodbye.

"Yi, you are doubting my ability?" Yi Qi is very dissatisfied with Yi Yan's words, is planning to say something, suddenly a pair of eyebrows, and no matter what else, raise his hand in the square in front of him, The plate was rolled with a warm, lustrous jade, and it took about five minutes to stop.

"The master, but what has changed?!" Mu and other people saw it and asked quickly.

"No problem. I don't know who is stealing the skills of Yijia Buddhism, or, which waste is the defect of the Yi family. I want to know our movements through the method of divination, hey! Fight with me?!"

The scream of arrogance shows his disdain for the person who intends to know their movements.

"What about now?" Mu cuisine looked at Yi Qi.

"The man can no longer be informed of our movements." Yi Qi said very casually, "It is just the play of the Yi family juniors."

"Someone knows our movements through the divination?!" The next thing is easy to surprise, then I think of something, the eyelids jumped, and quickly took my square plate and reached out and grabbed a pottery from the side of the slave. Golden fine sand, sprinkled in the square plate.

The golden fine sand spontaneously separates a strip of stripes in the square plate. At the beginning, the fine sand changes normally, or approaches the jade in the plate, or avoids the jade. However, it didn't take long for such a change to stop suddenly. With the soft bang, the golden sand in the square plate was scattered.

"I can't know the other's movements!" Yi Yi exclaimed.

Generally speaking, if the other party traces them through the technique of divination, they can follow the secret method of Yijia, and also track the position of the other party. Of course, they can directly block the other party to continue tracking, just as Yiqi did just now. . But there is also a variable in it. If the strength gap between the two sides is too large, it may also cause unilateral suppression, such as the inability to cross-track through the divination. This is also the reason for Yi Su’s suspicion. He is already a leader in the younger generation of Yi’s family, but he can’t even trace the opponent’s position.

The face of Yi Yi changed, and the faint expression appeared on the face that was always indifferent. "It is like this!"

It seems that there is a layer of fog, so that he can't make more things. Every time he tries, the result is a mess, and the jade is very chaotic and not a result.

This feeling has been experienced by Yi Yi. It was a bad memory. Every time I think about it, I feel like I have a pair of hands, which blocks the pace of his progress. In general, he has a bottleneck. .

People who used to have Yijia suffered such a situation that they could not go any further. If they couldn’t get through the bottleneck and were stuck here, then this person might stop here, and Yijia would give up his continuation. to cultivate.

Although Yi has encountered such a thing, but after all, he is a rare genius in the younger generation, Yi Jia did not give up on him, and even tried to help him break through, but no results. This time, Yi Yi said to the people in the family that because they have been stuck in the bottleneck, they have to come over here and become a long-distance experience, hoping to get the opportunity to break through the bottleneck through this experience.

Unexpectedly, I have encountered such a situation again!

Yi Yi picked up the jade in the square and turned it around the palm. For a few moments, he said to Yi Qidao: "Uncle, can you expect the other party's movements?"

"You are questioning my ability?" Yi’s eyes flashed in anger, and I couldn’t get out of it. That’s because Yi’s ability is limited. He’s easy to be in the top ten in the whole Yijia, how could it be? In the same situation as Yi Yi? !

Yi Yi did not pay attention to the obvious anger on his face. He insisted, "I also ask my uncle to repeat."

"Good! I will show you!"

Yi Qi suppressed the anger, raised his hand and grabbed the jade in the plate to start the divination.

However, soon, the sweat of his forehead was more and more, and the hand holding the jade began to tremble, as if it was unstable.

The muscles on the easy-to-face surface that I was watching all the time trembled a few times, and finally closed my eyes. He already knew the result of this divination.


The gold sand scattered in the plate.

Yi Qi's face was pale, his fingers were still holding a jade, but his eyes fixed on the golden sand left in the square plate, as if he could not believe the result.

"How is it possible? Why is this?!" Yiqi shook his lips. "Not only can't know the other's movements, but the blockade just failed!"

The team is dead. Mu Yue and Gong Jia are all looking at Yi Qi with an incredible expression. They suspect that they have just listened to it.

what? !

Yiqi can't track it! ? Even the block just failed? So, can the other party continue to learn about their movements through the divination? !

"Who has such ability? Even you can't stop it!" Who can't think of the food, or is it the other people of Yijia?

"I guess who it is." Yi Yi slowly said. Compared to other people, Yi Yi’s reaction at this time is much calmer.

Yi family rarely said the word "guess", because it is not sure about their strength, they can only say "guess" when they can't get the exact result. However, now, Yi Yi said calmly!

"Who is it?" Yi Qi did not care about the words in the easy words, and asked.

"That Yanjiao, Yanjiao Shaoxuan!"

"Impossible!" Yi Qi decisively denied, "That used the Yi family's technique. I just noticed it, specifically the kind that I still can't know, but it is definitely the way of Yi family!"

"Although I don't know why that person can master the skills of my Yi family's divination, but I think that the person who is learning about our movement through the technique of Yi Jia Bu Yi is Yan Yan Shao Xuan!"

When the team chased the migration team of Yanjiao, Yi Yi doubted whether the Yanjiao had the ability to have a divination. However, at that time, he did not think that it would be the method of Yijia. The speculation may be the means of divination of other tribes. The people are not only one of Yijia, but Yijia is definitely the most powerful tribe of Buddhism, no one!

Now, Yi Qi, who is better than Yi Yi, has already said that it is the method of the Yi family. It can be felt by Yi Yi. This time, as he had encountered in the beginning, then, when the Yanjiao tribe migrated, it was used. The means is very likely to be the skill of the Yi family. Unfortunately, with his current ability, it is still impossible to know what kind of technique.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yi Qilai returned to this sentence, he did not believe that a tribe who does not belong to the Yi family, has such ability, this is simply a loud slap to the face of Yi family .

If Yi Yi knows what Yi thinks at this time, he will tell him that in fact, this slap was played when Wangcheng was in the same year, but no one noticed it at the time.

"Hurry!" Mu cuisine jerked up and shouted. Now that someone has been able to learn about their movements, then they can only find the larvae of the butterfly before they arrive, and take the blood away!

At this time, in the mountains, there is a place farther away from the team.

Shao Xuan looked at the knot in his hand. This time the rope was not smooth. The middle of the road was like someone pulling a straw rope and not letting him tie the knot. In the end, he was still finished.

Called on the side of the python, Shao Xuandao: "Don't play, hurry to eat, the other side should know that we are chasing after."

"I hope those people don't want to mess around." Shao Xuan looked at the distance and said.

He already knows what the worms that those people are looking for. However, the place where the worms live is too special, but it is an important site for the mountain eagle!

Every place where the beasts gather gathers a subtle balance between the two species. If such a balance is broken, will those people be eaten by the giant eagle, or will they be eaten? Still will be eaten?

It seems that there is only one result. (To be continued.)