MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 81 That Yanjiao!

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Yi Jia Mansion, a heavily guarded courtyard.

The repressed atmosphere is getting heavier and heavier, and the unsettled people are eager to make small turns in the same place, and they dare not make a sound, for fear of affecting everyone in the courtyard.

The broken bones in front of Yi Yi have already made their hearts sink. After that, there is no second broken bone, which makes the people around them feel a little relieved, but wait and wait, day by day, Although the wind and rain in the courtyard was undisturbed because of the totems that appeared in the hospital, but for a long time, many people did not maintain the original calm. Some people want to be here to guard, but unfortunately wait to wait, but they make themselves very annoying, their feet are vain, like not eating enough for many days.

Such people are not in the minority, and even some people are stunned when they are guarding, mental and psychological pressures, even if they do not do other physical labor, it is not good, let alone, such days have been going on for a long time.

"There is no movement, it is good news." Some people thought. At least there is no broken bone or broken stone, so it seems that the situation there should be fairly stable.

"Don't have an accident, otherwise, the Yi family will be turbulent." The people who are near the Yizhen trio are restless. From the closed door of Yijia to the present, people are coming to inquire. There are five other tribes in Wangcheng. People, there are people from other places, although those who are worried about worrying about the Yi family, in fact, are not in a hurry, if there is any crisis in the Yi family, those people will sneak into it.


In the face of interests, the six major tribes of Wangcheng never talk about friendship. If there is an internal crisis in some other tribes, they will also be shot by the Yi family. Therefore, what kind of situation will happen, they understand it better as a good person.

On this day, everyone after a short break came to the courtyard again.

"You go back to rest first, we are guarding." The leader said to the people in front.

Today, two classes of people take turns guarding and changing.

A person sitting in front of the animal skin pad and keeping it in the distance, with thick dark circles, eyesless, slightly messy, and some mud stars on the clothes, I don’t know when to put them. It’s never possible in the past, but now everyone is used to it, and no one cares about it.

The two classes are planning to alternate. The person who got up from the animal skin pad hammered some of the stiff legs and was trying to say something. He suddenly slammed and slammed into the air.

In the courtyard, the turtle shell held by Yi Yi had a shining light, and the bone pieces in the turtle shell jumped up. The courtyard was wide and the atmosphere was stagnant. Everyone stared at the turtle on the hand. The shell is as unbelievable.

What changes in the shells mean, they are naturally clear.

"Even the oracles left by the ancestors are used!"

"That Yi Xiang, really is that powerful?"

"I don't know what the situation is at this time."

Many people are concerned, no matter how to comfort others, but there is only one idea in their hearts!

What is the grim situation that forced Yi to take out the oracle bones left by the ancestors?

See you, the people who should have been rotated to rest, do not go, go back and sit and continue to guard, this time, where do they come to eat? Going back can't sleep at all!

In this way, every day, the people who are in the yard are even more embarrassed. The guards outside the mansion are heart-wrenching, and some people have already given birth to other minds.

After a while, the weather gradually warmed up, and the people who were in the yard were obviously sweating because of their mood, but they felt the chill from the bones.

Something is wrong! Looking at the totem of the big bang, it seems that there is nothing to suppress it, so that it gives people a feeling of unsupportable.

Suddenly, the totem in the courtyard is getting brighter and brighter, the more obvious the fluctuation of the power belonging to the totem, and the more and more unstable, like a hammer slamming into the top.

"What happened? What happened?!"

They don't know the specific situation, they can only do their urgency. In a short time, they only listen to the sound of "咔", like picking up their nerves.

The people in the courtyard looked straight at the turtle shell in the hands of Yi Yu, and the eyes were all smashed out. All of them were pale, and the big drops of sweat on their foreheads fell down and could not be rubbed. In general, keep an eye on the turtle shell.

"No... impossible! impossible!"

The person closest to Yi Yi stared at the shell of the turtle, his lips trembled, and the words spoken were sharp and sharp.

I saw the tortoise shell on the hand, the hardest carapace, even the most sharp sword of the armored family is difficult to leave a mark on the top, a crack in the hard!

Soon, they didn't have time to stare at the tortoise shells, because the totem patterns in the courtyard flashed more fiercely, and even the shape could not be maintained. That was the trend to break!

The totem that almost covered the courtyard burst into bursts after a rush of glory, and the splattered fire quickly vanished like a meteor and went out.

Everyone in the hospital exclaimed, and the people who were close to Yijing stepped forward, and they were able to help them from the previous state. They had not yet had time to ask, and they saw Yi Biao’s blood spurting out and shouted: "That inflammation Horn man!"

After the end of the game, Yi Yan turned his eyes and fainted.

The other two old men on the side of Yi Yi are not coma, but the situation is not much better. The face is unmanned. It seems to be more old. It is difficult to open his eyes. The hands that are dry like bark are constantly shaking. If someone is holding them, they will even sit. Can not be maintained, will fall directly to the ground.

Behind the Yizheng three people, there are many people in the big crowd, and many people are fainting in the past, and the injury is difficult to judge. But everyone who sees this situation knows that in this battle, they lost and lost. Terrible!

Yi Jia, I am afraid it will usher in a big turmoil!

As for the words that Yi Yi said before he passed out, some people thought about it, didn't they fight with Yi Xiang? How easy is it to mention Yanjiao? And the first sentence mentioned is the Yanjiao people, even Yi Xiang did not have time to mention.


Why did you pull the Yanjiao people?

Yi Jia was turned upside down, and Wang Chengzhong, who had been staring at the other tribes of Yi Jia’s movement, also got news, and the whole place began to move around.

In the far away from the king city, another big 6 is at the foot of the mountain near the Eagle Mountain.

Shao Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and breathed a few breaths. The feeling of vertigo and vanity was slightly lighter. The muscles of the whole body were still shaking. The feeling of the load still remained, and the clothes on the body were all sweaty.

Hearing the movement, he quickly came over and called a few times.

"No...nothing." Shao Xuan waved his hand weakly, and the movements of the arm were extremely difficult.

After a while, Shao Xuan felt a little bit of physical strength and slowly stood up. At this time, he was only present. In the place where he was originally sitting, there was a double "work" pattern with crosses criss-crossing, like the traces left by the rocks on the ground.

After thinking about it for a while, Shao Xuan did not understand why this happened. The screaming voice made Shao Xuan feel strong hunger and got up in the direction of the woods. He planned to find something to eat first.

After a few steps, Shao Xuan noticed the movements on the side of Yi Yi, looking at the past, and seeing Yi Qi’s eyes look red.

"You!" Yi Qi trembled his finger and pointed at Shao Xuan, only said a word, and spewed a few mouthfuls of blood, his arm fell and fainted. (To be continued.) 8