MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 843 Deja vu

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Under the surface of the water, there seems to be something swimming, the team began to descend, dive, the flying beasts closest to the water surface, open their powerful jaws, and swallow the fish that are active near the surface of the water.

Soon, there is no need to rush into the sea, there are a lot of fish on the water surface, many fish jump out of the water, and the scales reflect a dazzling silver light.

For this team, this is a feast.

The team that looked slender, this moment spreads out, each one is preying on excitement, and even bigger is even gorging, like a slow step, you can't eat enough, just a lot of fish. On the other hand, those at the end of the team can only eat a few, but they also eat fast. The fish just leaps and is eaten, leaving only some fish bones to fall into the water.

In a short time, the team near the surface of the water began to rise again. The fish on the surface of the water jumped more active and the number was more, but the team had already flying high and away from the sea.


A huge figure of a fusiform shape jumps out of the sea, and the rotating body pulls out the water. The flying water reflects the glare of the sun. The large and hard bones on the body are particularly eye-catching, letting Shao Xuan feel Especially familiar.

A strip of the same fish-like figure jumped out of the sea and into the water. The small fish that jumped out of the water were probably driven by this fish.

In the air, the team that once again formed a long dragon continued to fly. In the water, the fish with bone scales on the body also swam along the same route.

Look at the little figures at the end of the team, and then look at the fish swimming in the water, it seems familiar.

Shao Xuan suddenly remembered a scene that had been seen in the tribe. The little pterosaur stood on the tree and rhythmically screamed. Not long after, in the artificially carved river, the people sent by the Lushan people lived in the sea, only every year. At certain times, it will go upstream and return to the river to reproduce the fish that appear in the water.

Think about the situation at the time and look at the scene in front of you.

Migratory flying beasts, swimming fish in the sea, they have long known.

Shao Xuan is like a bystander, following the long-distance migration of herds and watching this daunting and magnificent world.

Everything seems to work slowly with a fixed survival rule.

Tens of thousands of years.

Until one day, a white light broke through the clear sky and squatted on the ground.

The white fire that exploded was scattered everywhere, and the trees, fish, birds and beasts that were touched all burned.

Once the incompetent tyrants, the huge size, sharp claws, sharp teeth, can no longer help them, can only desperately scream, painfully roll on the ground.

The white flame invaded the world.

Shao Xuan looked at the large and small beasts running away from the places where they believed the safest flames could not reach. Many of them were blocked by white flames and burned on the road.

Humans who live in the slit can't avoid it. Those who are hiding in the cave can still not completely get rid of those white flames.

Those white flames seem to chase all the living things, to wash everything.

There is also a flame falling into the sea, which has been burning and falling into the depths of the sea. However, compared with the ground, the flames falling in the sea are much less. Therefore, many of the beasts living in the rivers and lakes have avoided this disaster.

The flying beasts in the airspace are also not spared. The large airborne tyrants with their spine crowns are flying in one direction under the leadership of the largest ones. Some of the teams couldn’t stand falling and turned into ashes, and some of them with burning bodies continued to struggle.

Shao Xuan watched them fly to a land, flew into the forest, and fell to a place. The hill-like body, stacked one by one, piled up and piled up into a mountain, such as a collective cemetery.

Still familiar.

The world is encroached by white flames, and the white fires are everywhere. The prosperity of the past is no longer alive.

And the herds that thought they had reached the "safe place" escaped the blazing flame, but could not escape another disaster. The place where there is no white flame, all the creatures that are frozen in the air, and who have retired, can’t escape and can’t bark.

I don't know how long it has been, the world has changed. The white flame is gone and seems to dissipate in the air.

Some trees seem to be mutated and become another look. A single animal that has only appeared has undergone tremendous changes. The ones that climbed out of the water, the ones that came out of the ground, the ones that came out of the woods, and so on, were no longer what they used to be.

In the forest, on the other side of the towering mountain range, a mountain that does not see the top, a figure breaks through the snow and rises into the air. Without the membrane wings, thick feathers cover the whole body, and the body shape has undergone tremendous changes. The only constant is the flight, spreading wings, and the loud screams break the silence of the mountains. The majestic figure seems to be once again with the sky!

However, after all, after flying through the flames, there are a few, and more are buried in the piled up mountains.

Shao Xuan confronted the situation in front of him with the place in memory.

Here, it is the origin of the mountain giant eagle, and it is the belief of the mountain giant eagle.

Death and vitality seem to be just a moment. Suffering from this disaster, when you climb again, you become another way to regain your life.

Shao Xuan’s line of sight spans a distant distance and stays on a mountain that looks ordinary.

In front, there is a cave, and there are traces of decoration at the entrance. That is where human life lives.

As night fell, the hole was used to cover the protected stone, but it was not moved, and the hole was not blocked.

In the darkness, the mountains and rivers that are in danger are fierce.

The reborn newborns, the beasts, once again set their sights on those weak individuals, followed the smell, came to the hole, surrounded by, surrounded by, and quickly narrowed the encirclement. Stronger individuals set aside other competitors, approaching one step at a time and wanting to go in and kill prey.

However, the beast that is close to the hole, like suddenly smelling a bad breath, groaning, delaying into the hole.

A little white light appeared in the hole, and as it gradually approached the hole, it became clear and bright.

And when the white light was close to the hole, the night beasts outside seemed to see something terrible, and they stepped back and forth, with deep taboos in their eyes.

A rough hand covered with scars shivered and slid down the cane that blocked the small half of the hole.

A figure walked out, and he was only sitting around a worn, unseen hide, standing in the hole and looking at the beast outside. Finally, it seemed to use all the courage to step out of the cave.

In his other hand, there was a white flame burning, and this white flame, let the night beasts who had been bloodthirsty, like seeing natural enemies, screaming in horror. Call, turn your head and rush into the woods.

Shao Xuan stood outside the hole and watched the figure step by step.

From the beginning of the battle, I tried to move out of small steps, and then stepped forward and stepped up. The fearful appearance of the beasts made him take more firm steps, when the beasts screamed and fled into the woods. His backed back was slowly straight. Hold the fire, step by step, away from the dark lacquered cave, and go to a wider place, like a pilgrimage.

The danger in the night is far from fear, and the green-eyed eyes hiding in the trees look at the people who come.

The flames brought changes and new life to them, and they were engraved in the fear of the bottom of their hearts. They still avoided it.

Looking at people who are getting closer, they make unwilling screams and eventually retreat and flee.

The man looked at the flames in his hand, his eyes filled with eagerness and excitement, the unkempt hair as the hay was blown up by the wind, and the strong emotions were fluctuating in the eyes of the white fire.

A shouting sounded in the woods under the night, Shao Xuan could feel the excitement of excitement.

The white sorcerer appeared under the bare feet covered with wounds and old cockroaches. The ground steamed white flames and burned the nearby mosquitoes.


The real original fire!

This is the first person to control the power of the flames of the world, that is, from the day of the plexus, humans are no longer squeezed into the slits, no longer stepped on the bottom of the food chain, no longer shrinking into the dark and narrow caves. Not before!

The sun broke through the night and brought the light back to the earth.

The person standing there, the line of sight removed from the fire group on the hand, in the direction of the rising sun, striding out, going faster and faster, finally letting go of all the concerns and running.

In Shao Xuan’s vision, the world is shrinking, and the woods and people have become blurred. The only thing that can be seen is the first fire of the moving white flame on the mainland plate.

The white flame is moving, and during the movement of it, there is a fire group appearing from it. The first thing that appears is a white and orange flame. After that, there are some other colors of fire from it. Appeared, there are big and small, some are moving in other directions, and some are left in place. Inside, some Shaoxuan saw it, and on the tribe, Shao Xuan found a fire group belonging to Yanjiao. The double-horned totem floated above the fire group, not only the Yanjiao, but also other tribes, the six major tribes of Wangcheng. Corner, back, squat, rain, drought...

Some Shao Xuan has never seen it, very strange.

As the most primitive type of fire, the white fire of the group ignited many fire groups, so it will not be rejected by the fire of other tribes. And those fire groups that are ignited are the foundations of the various tribes and the fires of the core tribes, the source of the power of the totem!

The appearance of fire is destruction, innovation, and respect and fear. Everything is Nirvana from that fire.

It was a worldly nirvana brought by the fire.

After the destruction, it is a colorful, colorful, upward-growing life.

People, perhaps the biggest winner of the natural disaster. (To be continued.)

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