MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 17 shock my mom

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The two sides agreed on a time and place to meet tomorrow.

This is the first official exchange visit between Earth and another world.

The princess and her party watched Kant leave.

Tina was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Knight, why do you want to meet him?"

Cleveland replied, "Because I wanted to see what kind of person he was."

The princess turned to look at him.

The knight met her gaze and bowed his head slightly: "I have overstepped, but this is something that must be done, whether his nature is good or evil, his material desire is greed or restraint... All of this must pass through me. eyes to confirm it for yourself."

Tina frowned: "I said, don't think of him as..."

"Even so, the necessary contacts and exchanges are also necessary. As His Royal Highness, it is not suitable to take the initiative to go there. I should come first."

The knight said: "I will exercise restraint and will never conflict with him, guaranteed by the honor of the knight."

The princess thought for a moment and reluctantly accepted this statement.

She thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Sometimes, the first impression is very important, because it is the first judgment made by one's own intuition... Then everyone, what is your impression of Mr. Kant?"

The head maid of Vedera said: "Our family has served Teddaril for generations. From my superficial knowledge, this Mr. Kant's behavior is relatively frivolous and frivolous, and he does not always maintain the grace and self-discipline like a noble... He may not have received rigorous training and education since he was a child."

She bowed slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

The princess said: "Mr. Kant is from Aurora, and he uses the noble etiquette of the mainland to ask him..."

Head Maid Bedra said slowly: "The nobles of Aurora are also nobles, and they will definitely act like the nobles of the mainland. With all due respect, the nobles in the world have an amazing consistency in the strict pursuit of etiquette and ritual, because It's an important way for them to become narcissistic in their personality and differentiate themselves from the untouchables."


The princess smiled bitterly: "Chief maid, are you complimenting Mr. Kant?"

Head Maid Bedra said: "I don't dare, I'm just expressing my personal insight with superficial knowledge."

Tina looked at Captain Oswald, the man of the sea who had been drifting in the raging waves for decades, traveled all over the world, visited countless places and met countless people.

"Mr. Captain?" she said, "please state your impressions and opinions."

The captain replied: "I am not a nobleman, but a sailor, but from our perspective and point of view, to judge the level of a person's upbringing and status, we should not only look at the standard of etiquette he shows, but also look at his relationship with various people. The attitude you show when dealing with it.”

Tina raised her eyebrows slightly: "Please be more specific."

"Mr. Kant looked at us, curious but not afraid. When facing us, he was neither inferior nor arrogant, but very... calm. I judged that he had received an excellent education and was a true nobleman. Aurora must have a very high status.”

He took off the pipe in his mouth and said lightly, "Because from beginning to end, he was full of strength and confidence... He looked at us, not because of ignorance, nor because of arrogance."

The princess nodded.

She looked at the last person: "Knight?"

Cleveland bowed: "Sorry, please wait for my confirmation tomorrow."

Tina glanced at him and nodded, "Yeah."

The figure of the knight is still tall and straight like a sculpture.

But in his mind, the figure of the Aurora appeared.

The first meeting was by no means friendly. The conflict of misunderstandings led to a life-and-death struggle, but Her Royal Highness was right. The first impression on the intuition was very accurate. The impression that the Aurora gave him was...


Like a pile of extremely unstable magic spar, a little disturbance and influence will detonate it.

So I don't want to talk to you about this first impression, so I'm going to confirm it myself with my eyes, Her Royal Highness - he said silently in his heart.

He didn't want Her Royal Highness to feel that he was slandering.

But the Aurora man named Kant felt really dangerous to him.

"His mind is full of hesitation, and after hesitation comes madness, just like the Bayero people who wandered across the continent, those tragic subjugators, who have lost their faith and no morals, and become mad in despair and hesitation. And degenerate, become extreme and hysterical...because they have no home."

The knight pondered silently in his heart: "This Aurora man named Kant gives me the feeling that he is very similar to those Bayeros, but he should have controlled the spiritual landslide with strong willpower. Metamorphosis, but the mental state is still very unstable, and it will change with a little stimulation... just like the day."

"I'm going to take a good look at him."

"Want to know his story if I could."

"Never allow dangerous factors to appear around Her Royal Highness... Never allow it."

Kant, let me confirm with these eyes what kind of person you are.

on the way back.

Kant lit the road with a flashlight, turned his head and said, "Speaking of which, Tina knows where our home is... Beware of people, and sleep a little more vigilantly these days."

The animals barked lazily, looking completely unconcerned.

Kant was still not at ease, and said: "Find a few boxes of screaming chickens when you are tumbling through the shopping center warehouse, turn back and scatter these things on the only way, the right is a siren, don't step on it... If it's not enough electricity , I'll pull up the monitor when I look back."

The animals were immediately surprised.

They like the young sand sculpture toy like screaming chicken.

Kant rolled his eyes: "Also, don't pretend that you don't understand what I'm saying... Before you didn't understand Chinese, I recognized it, and now I have learned Esperanto..."

He switched to the foreign language he had newly learned: "What is the island of Sacred Seal? And what is the altar below? What is the matter with my awakened superpower?"

After all, the animals looked at Kant with glittering eyes.

Obviously, they were very interested in Kant's displayed superpower.

"Okay okay, go back and perform for you guys."

back to the valley.

A bonfire was lit, Kant sat by the fire, and the animals sat in rows, looking at him eagerly.

"Probably so..."

He stretched his hand to the firelight, the spiritual beam spread out, the elements were extracted, the flame dimmed, turned into a flying red light group and merged into his fingertips, and then attached to a fruit knife.

The slender blade radiated red flames.

Kant held a knife flower, fiddled with it, and then signaled to the animals: "Then the fruit knife becomes enchanted by flame... The lethality is greatly enhanced, and this ability can probably be called the magic of enchanting, it is very powerful. , can greatly increase the lethality of my weapons, and I also thought of many advanced combinations and routines, such as..."

Before he could finish speaking, the parrot fell to the ground.

And made a quack laugh like a drake.

It rolled on the ground: "Shock my mom! Shock my mom!"

Then the animals also fry, pigeons, chickens and swans laughing together, kangaroos pounding the ground hard, groundhogs and wolverines put on a "smile to death on the street" pose.

They laughed like they saw something extremely funny.

Kant can't hang on his face, damn, what do you mean with such a cool ability?

He said with a dark face: "Stop laughing."

The orangutan also bared his teeth and roared at the animals a few times, but the animals were unaware and continued to laugh wildly.

Kant shouted: "Laugh again, don't think about spicy sticks and wine!"

The next moment, the animals sat up obediently.

"...You really are hiding a lot of secrets."

Kant pinched his eyebrows and said, "Is it that funny?"

The animals nodded wildly.

Kant sighed: "Am I using it wrong? Isn't this superpower used in this way?"

The animals nodded frantically.

Kant asked, "What is that?"

The pigeon stood up with its head held high and its wings around the parrot, as if trying to demonstrate to Kant with its unusually rich body language.

But the next moment, the kangaroo stopped it.

I saw the kangaroos bark solemnly a few times, and the animals immediately became thoughtful, and the animal faces once again showed humanized expressions, thoughtful, and then sad.

The kangaroo turned around immediately, stretched out his thick arm, and patted Kant on the shoulder.

There was a soft light in his eyes.

As if to say, this usage, you can.

It's as if what these animals consider "correct usage" is an extremely heavy burden.

Kant said, "I don't understand."

The kangaroo waved his hand, then turned to leave, and the animals seemed to lose interest all of a sudden. They got up and walked away slowly, leaving only Kant in a daze.

It's such a hard feeling to be kept in the dark...

Kant looked at the gorilla who hadn't left, and the gorilla also looked at him with very blank eyes.

The gorilla seemed to be completely unaware of this.

Whether it’s the island of Sacred Seal, the island’s secrets, the origins of the animals, or even this superpower—Kant has also asked about these spiritual animals before, and the other evil animals are pretending to be stupid. Orangutans know absolutely nothing about it.

"'s really a headache."

Kant's mood also became a little low.

After the wild laughter just now, he didn't bother to show the animals another kind of Dajian fantasy enchantment based on the law of two blossoms.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, Aang, you also rest early and wake up a little at night."

He said so and returned to his room.


Wings of Wayne.

This mighty elven battleship floats at sea.

"Master, are we still waiting here?"

"Your Excellency Captain, today's meditation gave me an uneasy premonition. My intuition even urged me to move forward immediately and kill all the humans on that ship..."

"But they entered the Forbidden Sea, which is the island of Sacred Seal."

"Because of this, I have a very uneasy premonition, as if a seed of destruction is about to be planted, and my soul howls to urge me to act, to stifle the germ of this danger. Tonight, I will pray again."

"As you order, Master, Wings of Wayne relies on your judgment."


PS1: The second update... Today is another 6,000 words. Ah, speaking of which, The Division 2 and Devil May Cry 5 haven't played yet...