MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 6 Disc her!

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Maidmaid Vaedra returned by boat.

This means that Princess Tina finally got permission to study.

The head maid has served the Teddariel family since she was a child. She is forty-five years old, unmarried, serious and strict. The servants of Goethe's court are all afraid of her, but there is a benefit to such a person.

As long as she can persuade her rationally, she will not be stubborn.

"We have brought back the princess' expense items."

She said: "Next, I will organize the accommodation for His Royal Highness and help everyone to set up camp. In this case, I think it is necessary to properly explore the surrounding environment..."

The head maid looked at the Cleveland Guardian Knights: "Because we need to find water sources, we also need to identify whether there is food that is safe to eat on the island. Her Royal Highness The Princess is knowledgeable and we need her knowledge."

The knight commander hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

"Then, I will select a few elite warriors to **** His Highness to explore."

This ship not only brought back the personal belongings of Her Royal Highness the Princess, but also brought back the armor that Cleveland had abandoned on the ship. Today's knight commander has changed his equipment, gray steel armor, the blessing of the Grand Duke, and cold metal engravings. With luxurious patterns, an emerald green cloak is draped from behind the shoulders.

This is the dream lover of countless girls of Goethe.

He bowed to Her Royal Highness the princess politely and politely: "Please allow me."

Her Royal Highness the princess smiled softly: "I'll leave everything to you, my knight."

After all, it is a legendary forbidden place, no matter how much caution you have.

The Cleveland Cavaliers brought his attendants, and selected five elite warriors, a total of seven people, to **** Her Royal Highness to investigate, and everyone was like a formidable enemy.

"Be careful of predators, and also be careful of poisonous insects. The danger is also hidden in the slightest."

The experienced warrior warned: "Although the dispelling agent has been sprinkled on the body, this does not mean that we can relax our vigilance, and everyone must be careful."

Everyone said yes, even Her Royal Highness, but this beautiful girl obviously didn't put all her energy into vigilance, she was almost greedy paying attention to the grass and trees around her.

"As of now, it doesn't seem like there's anything surprising..."

She said to herself: "The vegetation grows normally. Although there are some species that I don't know, the life forms are all normal, and there is no trace of being eroded by alien energy..."

"Please don't let your guard down, Your Royal Highness."

The knight commander has no interest in the ecosystem here: "After all, this is a legendary land. In addition, we have gone further, and no matter how far, if something happens, reinforcements will not be able to arrive quickly."

"I know I know…"

The princess kicked the small stone under her feet: "After passing this hill, let's go back, okay?"

"Thank you for your wisdom."

The words of the knight are always serious.

Princess Tina was a little sullen.

But this mood soon turned around.

Everyone stepped over this small hill, and Tina let out a sigh. Below was a small plain, with long grass blades dancing in the wind, colorful flowers blooming everywhere, and farther away, there was a jungle.

A flair of birds and flowers.

All eyes were drawn to a bird.

It was a parrot, golden in color, dazzlingly beautiful, and extremely extraordinary. It was fluttering its wings and flying low, as if to show its beauty to the heaven and the earth, and it made a melodious cry, like the music of the palace of the gods.

Tina murmured, "So beautiful..."

The Cleveland Cavaliers glanced at the princess.

Even he has to admit that this parrot is really beautiful... This kind of bird has always been the pet of nobles and wealthy businessmen. Because of its beauty, it can speak, and it has excellent entertainment and viewing effects.

He pondered for a while, and an idea came to his mind.

From the day before yesterday to the present, Her Royal Highness has gone through many storms and suffered a lot, and she must be in a bad mood. She is gentle and kind, and she refuses to cause trouble to others, so she can only keep negative emotions in her heart. There's a beautiful parrot here, let's catch it...

As soon as he thought of this, he heard the surprise cry of the princess again.

It turns out that this parrot is not afraid of people. After discovering a few people here, not only did it not frighten and flew away, but it flew closer to it curiously, as if looking at these uninvited guests.

The princess' eyes lit up with stars.

The Cleveland Cavaliers made up their minds. He handed the sword in his hand to the squire and tried to take a few steps towards the parrot. The parrot was not afraid, but looked at him curiously.

Looking at this beautiful bird, thinking of the happy smile the princess showed when she had this plaything, the knight commander also showed a faint smile. He approached cautiously, calculated the distance, and was always ready to take off.

Then he slowly extended his hand to the parrot.

"Bird, bird..." he whispered, "It's very nice, but you can't speak human words, just follow me obediently, Her Royal Highness will teach you how to speak, and you just..."

The distance between the two is very close.

at this time.

He heard thunderous shouts from the sky.

Obviously it came from the mouth of the parrot.

"The macho fell from the sky!"


Before he could react, he saw the parrot turned into a lightning bolt and fell from the sky, hitting his chest heavily. In an instant, his eyes went black, and it felt like he was being arched head-on by a giant wild boar.

Cleveland was knocked backwards with armor, and fell heavily, unable to struggle for a while.

At the same time, the surrounding grass shook violently!

Chickens, geese, wolverines, and groundhogs flew out like survey corps.

The swan is the vanguard, flying and running, with two wings whirling and two flaps, the strong wind blows the face, sweeping the two warriors who were caught off guard and flying out. As he fluttered, he stretched out his mouth to peck at the body of the sword. Duang's sound was like a golden sound, and the forged steel machete was pecked out of a hole.

Wolverine and Marmot also entertained one each, and with three claws and two scratches, they knocked each other's weapons out of their hands, and then slapped their heads and covered their faces, just like hitting a grandson.

At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, and the kangaroo ran at full speed, approaching from behind, like a pole vault, with its thick tail supporting the ground, and two long legs kicking up, only listening to the knight commander's attendant. With a scream of pain, he flew out like a cloud.

Immediately after, it hugged the frightened princess by the waist, then turned around and slipped away.

Over there, the Cleveland Cavaliers were still on the ground, and when they turned around to see this scene, their eyes were cracked, and they shouted, "Your Highness Princess!"

He struggled to get up, but was pushed down by the parrot.


He struggled to get up again, and when the parrot approached, he suddenly pulled out the short knife from the armor's interlayer.

The parrot's body suddenly swerved, and the two swords flashed without any risk, but he was obviously taken aback, hurriedly flew away, and then shouted loudly: "Your mother is dead! Your mother is dead!"

But apparently dared not come any closer.

The knight got up quickly, and the magical beasts obviously understood the principle of letting it go.

Cleveland is in a hurry and pursues like a mad tiger, but on a desert island with unfamiliar terrain, who can run after a group of scattered and fleeing animals? In just a moment, these guys burrowed into the grass, jungles and rivers, slid east and west, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking at this huge island and complex terrain, Cleveland's blood was surging, self-blame, anxiety, anger and unwillingness swept his heart, causing him to roar involuntarily.

"your Highness!"

Soon, reinforcements from the camp arrived.

"His Royal Highness was captured by an animal?"

The face of the head maid of Bedela changed: "Are there large predators on the island?"

"Do not…"

The Cleveland Cavaliers' eyes were red: "It's a parrot, a goose, a chicken, a wolverine, a kangaroo, and a marmot..."

If it wasn't for the knight commander's ability and loyalty, if it wasn't for Her Royal Highness being kidnapped, everyone present would have laughed out loud—what the **** is this? Circus?

The Cleveland Cavaliers had no intention of laughing.

The other six people who accompanied the princess didn't laugh either.

In the absurd raid just now, as warriors who were proficient in martial arts and experienced in many battles, everyone exerted their full strength and fought desperately.

But he was beaten down by those hilarious animals.

The movements are seen through, the weaknesses are mastered, and there is no power to parry at all, as if they are not facing a few beasts, but the legendary fighting god...

"Master Maid, Your Excellency Captain."

Cleveland gritted his teeth and said, "Her Royal Highness has been kidnapped. She is now in great danger. Please call everyone. While the traces are still there, we will pursue and rescue Her Highness!"

The head maid of Bedela suppressed the unease and anxiety in her heart, and did not accuse the knight of dereliction of duty, it was meaningless: "It's just that I don't understand why those animals...

"I know what you mean, if I'm not wrong... there are people on the island."

The knight commander's eyes were round, angry, and his body was shaking constantly. He gritted his teeth and said: "I remember now, that parrot can speak human language, someone taught it to speak, I heard that language when I was a child... "

The expressions of several people changed, and the captain asked, "What did the parrot say? What language?"

The knight commander didn't answer. Embarrassment and anger flashed in his eyes, and he said word by word, "It's the Aurora language... There is at least one Aurora from the East living on this island!"

Kant stared at the **** the ground dumbfounded.

Blonde hair that shines like sunshine, a beautiful face that even the great masters of retouching can't show, Yun Heng Qinling who is very conspicuous when lying on the ground, slender jade legs curled up, stunning beauty lying on the ground still showing charm in a coma The beauty of all beings appeared in front of Kant without a trace of defense.

His body stiffened from excessive shock.

Yes... it's a Yanma!

Raising his head one by one, he looked at the magical animals who were offering treasures around him.

The animals were also staring at him, their eyes full of encouragement and excitement.

Seeing Kant looking over, they nodded in unison.

And the parrot whirled and whirled overhead.

"Fuck her! Flip her!"


PS1: First of all, let me state that this book is not a fan of the medieval Warhammer. The word Aurora is one of the names of ancient India for China. Don’t get me wrong.

PS2: You guys keep betting on the setting. (Please)

PS3: And remember to vote, the new book results are terrible... (crying)