MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 687 preparation for war

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Turasha leaves.

It was late at night, the Tower of All-Seeing was still brightly lit, and the employees of the highest authority of the Austrian Law Council were urgently called back to work overtime to deal with this sudden major diplomatic accident.

All communications were kept in a low voice, all walking was in a hurry, and everyone's face was full of solemnity and solemnity.

Because the dignified air from the Starry Court has spread like the breath of the winter god, these civil servants who have low authority and do not know the whole situation of the situation also feel a chill.

After all, one of the evil natures of intelligent beings is that when they are incompetent and furious, they will anger others. , servants and slaves.

The Austrian Law Council is known as free, progressive, and enlightened. Naturally, there are no slaves. The officials pride themselves on their identities and claim to be civilized. Of course, they will not have the same knowledge as the vulgar servants. , as long as you look for a mistake at work, you can get angry.

If you really can't find any mistakes at work, you can also focus on personal style problems, and even unprovoked troubles are all right. If you encounter them in the toilet, they will scold him for being lazy and deserting. , If you meet him in the restaurant, that's great, you can not only scold him, but also slap him in the ear.

The lower-level officials with discernment will be extra careful at this time, hold their tails, and make no mistakes, so as not to incur a thunderous blow from their superiors.

But this lower-level official is also a human being, and will also feel irritable and angry because of the gaze and pressure from the boss. Except for a few warriors who dare to beat their bosses, the way for others to vent their anger is just to slash at them with knives. weak.

In this way, the pressure has been passed down from the Starry Sky Court level by level, and it has swept across the officialdom of the Council in a short period of time. Every political animal is holding their breaths, trembling, and asking around to find out what happened.

Paper can’t contain fire, not to mention that many people don’t want to. In this era when telecommunication is not yet developed, the causes and consequences of this major geopolitical conflict are still spreading to the entire continent at an extremely fast speed, like a wildfire. generally spread in the Austrian law council.

This crazy front page headline and important news, with the special report of the Far-Hong Kong People's Broadcasting Station tonight as the content, can be summed up in one sentence...

—Kant was incensed by the semblance of the council.

It is said that the Council's secretive forces carried out covert missions in the Broken Isles, which resulted in chaos, causing heavy damage to the rebuilding Broken Isles.

In a fit of rage, the Dragon of Aurora captured the entire azure fleet, and the absolute main fleet in the western sea area surrendered, which meant that the balance of ocean power on the west coast was broken.

Not only that, Yuangang also held a press conference, and in the name of the Dragon of Aurora, carried out a "heinous and unprovoked attack" on the Star Court. The entire Far Harbor was sent back to their respective organizations by treasured journalists, spies, and spies.

This oath was named "Kant's Angry Starry Court".

The oath condemned the outrageous role played by the MPs in the despicable operation against the Broken Isles, citing numerous charges against the Star Court.

Coveting and forcibly plundering the wealth legally owned by the Aurora Dragon is unreasonable.

It is a scoundrel to send a fleet to rely on the broken sea, to steal and rob.

After being strongly opposed and strongly condemned by Yuangang, it is shameless to continue to go its own way.

It is ignorance to rashly explore things that are not understood and cause disasters.

It is ruthless to instigate front-line soldiers to give up honor and give their lives for their own selfish desires.

Lies, conspiracy to steal, selfishness, can be called immoral.

Pretending to negotiate, in fact, delays time and conceals the actions of the far port, which is really untrustworthy.

It would be unjustifiable to categorically reject everything and allow brave soldiers to be captured in disrepute.

It is absurd to insist on ordering the military to act regardless of the diplomatic conflict or even the risk of war that may be caused by this matter, and to disregard the safety of life and property of the majority of the people in the council.

After all kinds of calculations, they screwed everything up, not only did they get nothing, but they also had to bother the Dragon of Aurora to end the mess made by the council, which was incompetent.

In this rant, Kant sneered at the Starry Sky Court, calling them "ten no members". The Aurora people always locked the attack range precisely, and all the firepower was directed at the Starry Sky Court, he claimed. These **** MPs are not worthy to command those brave and fearless soldiers, let alone lead the great Austrian law council. They should immediately resign and step down, and apologize to all the people.

After this eloquent article was published, the entire continent was stunned.

Spies and spies have never seen such a meticulous and thoughtful public opinion war. The evidence is complete, the video materials and text descriptions coexist. They are well-founded, detailed and reliable. After watching the press conference or listening to the broadcast, there is no one who does not despise the Ten Wu MPs. Their despicable behavior, even the officials, businessmen, mages and even soldiers of the Austrian Law Council were shocked and ashamed, and felt ashamed.

Mainly, they still see too little.

From the spokesperson system to the video pictures, from the PPT broadcast on the LED giant screen to the brochures and memorandums distributed to everyone, from the interviews of the parties to the entire battlefield documentary, oh, and a little bit more harmless Excellent editing skills and innocuous artistic processing, all of which are intertwined into a solid evidence of truth, so that no matter how blunt and shameless people are, they can't find a focal point for refutation.

After all, I don't have a wide vision, and I was dazed by this combination of punches I heard for the first time, let alone a foreigner with a low level of social development, even the Chinese people with a relatively higher education level were mastered in their early years. The public officials who have the right to speak in public opinion are so embarrassed and inferior that it takes several years for them to come to their senses.

—Gan, your mother, you were talking about loneliness at that time, and there were loopholes everywhere. Why didn’t I realize that you were talking nonsense?

Even the people from the council can't resist, this is a great success of the public opinion offensive.

After all, all the intelligence information received by the council comes from the reports of council reporters, business travelers, scholars, officials, spies, and even soldiers stationed in the far port. The public opinion environment will gradually undergo a transformation.

Even the official will be affected.

No one knows this routine better than Kant.

Learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians from other worlds is called writing round eyes.

As for the effect, the cold air of the Tower of All-Seeing has already explained the problem.

"We must order immediately! Strictly prohibit the spread of those **** news from the far port! We should explain the situation to the members and citizens, and demand a unified voice, especially the military!"

The Starry Court was filled with manic and angry atmosphere.

The MPs have all gone crazy since the news of the total failure of the operation was confirmed.

A stud, all games are lost.

The submarine Abyss Walker took the initiative to cut off contact. The final report of the Azure Fleet was that the entire fleet surrendered unconditionally, and the penultimate news was that all the war machines that Ilan-Tair had launched a killing spree had all malfunctioned, and the Forbidden Curse Strike was terminated. In addition, and even now, the Starry Court has lost control of the front line, and they don't even know the status quo of the Broken Sea or what happened.

They only know a few things.

First, the plans have all gone bankrupt.

Second, the entire azure fleet was wiped out.

Third, the entire legacy of Ilan-Tair fell into the control of Kant.

Fourth, Kant got a huge advantage and is still scolding them.

"War! War! War!"

Members of Congress are also human, and have they ever suffered such a major failure and suffered such a heavy blow.

As the most well-informed people in the entire country, of course, they also read the text version of the masterpiece "Kant's Angry Starry Court" for the first time.

There is no such shocking and strange writing as "The Reply of the Zaporozhye Cossacks to the Sultan of Turkey" in the history of the other world. Even if there are similar insulting reprimands and remarks, the object of persecution is definitely not the ruling Austrian law. The council, the star court that leads half of the world's spellcasters.

No one has the courage, and there is no need to do so for those who have the courage.

Kant this is really the first time.

So we can be sure that today, the core members of the Star Court have suffered the ultimate insult.

War is undoubtedly the first choice to wash away the shame.

The generals came in a hurry. They were extremely upset because of the destruction of the blue fleet. When they heard the serious war inquiries from the congressmen, their eyes rolled to the sky.

Soldiers have not always been the main fighting faction. Although they are eager for military exploits to advance, they can only win military exploits. This time their opponent is Kant - this potential opponent makes their scalps tingle.

The element sand table simulates the complex terrain of the west coast. Starting from the far port and sailing south along the coastline for thousands of miles, you will reach the land of the council. Further south, it is the traditional sphere of influence and colony of the council - the developed maritime trade. , the prosperous southern archipelago.

"The entire azure fleet has been annihilated, and the naval power in the western sea area is out of balance. It will take a long time to transfer fleets from other sea areas. If during this period, the navy in the far port uses Kant's space skills to perform jump maneuvers and burn the ports along the coastline all the way. Destroy, even go deep into the southern islands, destroy our colonies, ports and estates, does the council have a way to deal with it?"

"This strategic disadvantage is even based on the premise that Kant is concerned about the reactions of various countries and will not use the forbidden spell to destroy the city easily. Can you guarantee that he will not use the forbidden spell?"

"The war between the two countries is nothing more than land and sea. The navy will not have the upper hand in a short period of time. Judging from the defeat of the elves in the Songyue War, it is difficult for us to have confidence in the land battle."

"In addition, according to our inference, from the perspective of the quantity and quality of Kant's large-scale air vehicles, the far port must have established a systematic air combat mode, and we know nothing about it. Once a war occurs, In the early stage, there are bound to be heavy losses and passive beatings.”

“It’s just one of the conjectures—if those large air vehicles large enough to hold a thousand people fly over the council city and drop powerful alchemy bombs, not to mention casualties, it will inevitably cause a huge blow to the confidence of the people, and even make the city production and life have come to a complete standstill…”

Although most of the congressmen did not understand the military, they understood the words of the generals.

The current defeat is just the loss of some materials and technologies. Although the entire azure fleet has been wiped out, the ships can be rebuilt and the prisoners can be returned. The noble-born crew members have been transferred back early, and a small part of the core main force has also Avoiding, so, in addition to the complaints of the military and the outcry of the outer members of the parliament, plus the shame and shame, the loss is actually the same.

However, if a war starts, and it is difficult to win for a while, Kant leads the army to go straight in, set fire everywhere, destroy the port, interrupt the shipping, destroy the colony, and burn the manor. The businessmen, big families, and guilds suffered heavy losses in business and cut off their fortunes. The big guy is afraid that he will rise up and kill the mothers of the parliamentarians together.

Now it is shameful and shameful, and if we start a war, we may be in danger of annihilation.

The unprofitable members of the parliamentary account clearly, they looked at each other, dumbfounded.

This is the benefit of democracy.

Don't ask, unless the balance of power is like a god, it must be extreme pacifism.

- Otherwise, forget it.

Many members have already begun to retire, but they are too embarrassed to speak up.

They don't speak, but the generals can't come for nothing.

"Once the war begins, I am afraid that the captured colleagues of the Azure Fleet will be unreasonable. The top priority is to ask the Starry Court to organize a rescue or redemption operation to bring back the captured officers and soldiers and rebuild the Azure Fleet."

Lips are dead and teeth are cold, and the generals are well aware of what happened to the Azure Fleet. The fact that a fleet full of honor and courage has fallen to such a point is simply cold to the hearts of the brothers.

The MPs were silent again.

To put it lightly, if you go to ask Kant to ask someone, you will definitely be kicked on the nose by the Aurora people to continue to point grass.

The Grand Speaker, who has not spoken, said slowly: "Of course, they are loyal to the country and face the power of the forbidden curse. It is normal for them to choose to surrender. The Star Court does not blame them, and we will try our best to rescue them."

The generals nodded their heads.

The MPs were also relieved—you took it.

Of course, the generals have not finished speaking.

Come all come.

"Speaker, members, if the Star Chamber is seriously considering war with Kant, I can only say that now is not the time, because the existing troops and weapons of the Council are seriously insufficient."

"We need a lot of military investment to purchase new magic tools to counter Kant's alchemy arms, not only to strengthen the army and navy, but also to focus on the sky, develop our own air vehicles, and air defense magic tools, if the quality If we can’t beat it, then we can only use quantity to beat quality.”

"In addition, the strategic defense magic device of defensive mass projection must also accelerate the pace of research and development and manufacturing, not only that, we also need allies, because Kant is an unprecedented enemy we have faced, and in terms of direct threat, Even better than Empire and Dusk Moon."

The generals grabbed Kant and blew a loud blow, focusing on the military's powerlessness - soldiers and soldiers used their lives, we are full of courage, but the equipment is not enough, and money is urgently needed, the more the better.

"We need the cooperation and cooperation of our allies, we need the wisest sages in this country to jointly develop special magic tools and design siege plans, we need to gather the top peerless powerhouses, take beheading actions, and the threat of Far Harbor For Kant, if Kant can be solved by beheading, it will be done once and for all, if a full-scale war breaks out, we can only burn and sacrifice with sweat and blood."

The more the generals talked, the more the lawmakers frowned.

Damn, giving you so much money to expand your army so much, where does this money come from?

Misappropriation of court funds, the military takes more, and the administrative system, industry, commerce, and agriculture will take less. Many families, guilds, and members of the industry rely on these investments to expand their industries. The cake in their mouths ran away and attacked us , will you come to the top?

You have expanded your army, your army has become more powerful, your voice has become louder, the military industry has also gotten fat, the balance has been broken again, and you have another round of open and secret battles.

The more the lawmakers thought about it, the more peaceful they became.

Anyway, Kant won't take the initiative to fight. If you think about it carefully, the people of Aurora are quite reasonable, but their temper is a bit big, and everyone doesn't need to use knives and guns. It's enough to fight.

In short, it is impossible to expand the army. What do you do with the money? Don’t think that I don’t know. Just buy some expensive tables and chairs to wipe your ass. It’s just a matter of suppressing the uprisings in the Southern Islands and expelling pirates. Report the battle damage and spar consumption, and pay Nima to pay the protection fee to the pirates, fuck.

The members were about to say, "We will seriously consider it," when the voice of the speaker rang.

"If the military budget is sufficient, how long will it take you to increase the strength of the army enough to compete with Kant and have a certain victory?"

The members showed shock, what are you talking about, Speaker!

The heads of the army and navy looked at each other: "One year."

"Too long... This is not a full-scale war." The speaker said lightly, "You don't need to think of a way to defend the strategic magic tool against the forbidden spell, and I will contact you about the affairs of allies. The military's reasonable requirements will be fully satisfied by the council. In this case, how long will it take you to complete the preparations for war?"

"...Four to six months, no more."

"Three months, at most three months, I need a complete report and plan. I need you to expand your arms and prepare for war as quickly as possible. You can go back and prepare."

The generals were surprised and delighted, and left. The councilors maintained the unspoken rule of the Starry Sky Court, which is to maintain absolute respect for the Speaker in front of outsiders.

After the eights said their goodbyes and left, they started firing guns.

"Speaker, what are you talking about?"

"It's not wise to go to war with Kant!"

"Once Kant starts to flow, domestic stability will plummet!"

"Those soldiers will open their mouths! The council can't afford such a huge military expenditure!"

Dove MPs have discouraged them one after another, and even hawks are beating drums—the interests of these hawk MPs are mostly military background and the production and supply of military magic tools and materials. Forget it.

They chatted and clamored, until the thunderous roar roared and shook.

"Shut up for me!"

In the silence, the speaker pinched his eyebrows and sighed wearily.

Not long ago, he and the legislators had reached a consensus on Kant's threat theory and were ready to carry out all aspects of competition, repression and hostilities, but now, the legislators have all become pacifists, they are afraid of Kant's growing threat. Strength - after all, the wise councilors know in their hearts that it is not just the Forbidden Spell that Kant relies on to capture the Azure Fleet.

So they became quails, blind to what was going on.

"It's not that we regard Kant as an opponent, it's that Kant has taken a hostile attitude towards us." He said slowly, "Kant is so powerful now, and he also took over Yilan-Tair, the essence of ancient civilization plus Do you want to turn a blind eye to his alchemy division?"

A congressman whispered: "But war is not a good choice. It is better for us to solve the problem through diplomatic and economic actions..."

"Yeah." Another congressman said, "We can disclose the matter of Yilan-Tair to the countries, and unite the whole world to put pressure on Kant, and the countries will definitely not want to see such a strong Kant taking Yilan alone. -Tyre's heritage of civilization, this will be our chance to win."

The Speaker did not speak, but sighed and waved his hand.

The clerk next to him picked up the latest information and put it on the projector.

The content of the intelligence surfaced on the table of every member of parliament.

"Reliable information shows that Kant invited the kings of various countries to discuss how to help the revived Yilan-Tair rebuild civilization, and accept their generous gifts to strengthen the country and benefit the people."

There was an uproar.

The congressman who made the proposal exclaimed in disbelief: "This is impossible! There must be some conspiracy!"

He looked around, looking for approval: "That is the essence of the entire ancient civilization, and you have seen its strength! Kant will definitely take it alone, why would he share it? How could he share it? There must be something. Vile trap! How could he be so generous?"

"But that's not the point, MP."

The speaker said faintly: "The point is, we have rejected him."

Angrily scolding the Starry Sky Court, Kant openly asked the Grand Speaker to go to the Far Harbor to apologize, which was of course rejected by the Austrian Law Council - if the Aurora Dragon said a word, the country's top leader would personally apologize, then the council's face would be Lost, the mages never want to raise their heads again.

And the political career of the Great Speaker will be completely cut off at that moment.

"This is a dead end that Kant personally designed." The Speaker said slowly, "We have been excluded from him. This is direct hostility from the Aurora people, and he regards us as irreconcilable competitors. , and that seems to be the case... So, when are you going to wait?"

He stood up.

"Until Kant excludes us, until the nations share the legacy of Ilan-Tyr, until the Empire and the Dusk Moon become stronger because of this, until the two nations that have grown in power, together with the Far Port, further encroach on our interests, until Kant After finally revealing its hideous minions and attacking us directly, will you remember to expand your army and prepare for war!?”

The grand speaker slapped the table hard: "Understood? This is Kant's political tactics! Using Ilan-Tair's legacy as bait, he lured the top forces of the entire civilized world to surround him spontaneously, forming a siege of the council. Net! After the expansion of the various countries, they will be enemies of the Council, because the increase in national strength will inevitably be accompanied by an increase in the demand for interests, and this is what he is doing!"

The MPs looked at each other.

Even if you say that...but it still doesn't feel real.

Is Ilan Thiel so good? Even if they are so powerful, it will take a long time to absorb and integrate their heritage and knowledge. As for the war in a few months?

—Looking at the disapproving expressions of these moths, the Speaker could hardly contain the murderous intention in his heart.

The first-generation Grand Speaker who established the Chamber system is really an extremely stupid, compromised and cowardly idiot.

These so-called parliamentarians only care about their own interests and ignore the fundamental interests of the entire country. Are such guys worthy of being parliamentarians? Yes, even if Kant was in power and the countries forced the council, these guys would have resigned long ago, and they could still make a lot of money, but what should this country do?

I would never allow such a thing to happen.


Some members felt the delicate and condensed atmosphere now, and said carefully: "We will vote on this matter according to tradition and rules?"


These superfluous words were meant to be a reminder, but they completely detonated the surging murderous intent in the heart of the Great Speaker.

He didn't look at all and said calmly: "It's a little early to mention this now. Let's wait for the generals to submit their plans and then vote. Even if we don't start a war, we will expand our army. This is an earlier proposal, and it's not a conflict. , do you think this is true?"

The hawks were greatly moved, and they were right to say that they would not fight, but only expand the army. We agree with both hands.

Ah, the Speaker finally figured it out, yes, yes.

They nodded again and again, the doves no longer insisted, and no one noticed that the grand speaker was sitting in the seat, and there was a palpitating light in his eyes.

I need allies.

Allies with shared interests and potentially fatal conflicts with Kant.

The elves are absolutely impossible to count on. The far port in the future will even become a springboard for the dusky moon to influence the mainland. It is ridiculous that the strategic goal that the dusky moon could not achieve with the big swordsman was achieved by their queen.

The Great Speaker's eyes wandered, freezing on the global map hanging in the Starry Sky Court.

In the Goethe East, there is the Holy Empire, the co-lord of mankind, the leader of the nations.

In the south of its vast territory there is a small port in ruins, and that is a thorn in the hearts of Kant and the emperor - a thorn that Goethe may drop, and Kant may drop.

But the emperor would never believe that Kant could let go.

Because he is the emperor.