MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 701 vile kant

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"This official, ask for your name."

"Shen Maocai, the word Yunjie."

"Dare to ask where Xianxiang is?"

"Don't dare, people from Feng County, Yunzhou."

"I haven't asked about the knowledge of governance, and what skills have I learned?"

"At the end of your studies, go ahead, treat the "Fuqi Shuyao", and learn the techniques of organ change..."

After answering five or seven questions back and forth, the Aurora fellow sitting opposite him smiled slightly, pointed to a strange object on the table, and said warmly: "Brother Shen, please look at this object."

That thing has the path of a lamp, and it is covered by a piece of glazed glass that captures the sky without a trace of impurities. The lines are beautiful, and the beauty of industrial design is eye-catching. Shen Maocai looked over curiously: "What is this?"

The Aurora civil servant in charge of registration and filing said with a smile, "The camera can record Brother Shen's respectful appearance."

Shen Maocai was taken aback, and then said happily: "But Duke Qin's skillful hand? Can you show me below?"

"Since Brother Shen is a talented person, he will have the opportunity to contact him in the future." The civil servant politely declined, pointing to the long line behind him, "But there are still many friends waiting, you should leave."

As soon as the words fell, another machine on the table hummed, and a metal plate with the last trace of warmth was pushed out. The civil servant handed the metal plate to Shen Maocai with a book.

"Brother Shen, walk along the road, get water and food, and then board the car. There will be special personnel to receive you and take you to a place to rest."

The civil servant's smile was very friendly: "This is an identity card, please keep it close to your body. It is not only an identity certificate, but also a certificate for salary distribution, purchase of internal products, and job rating. You must keep it properly. As for this book, it is a local Customs and His Royal Highness Kant... Oh, it should be duke honorable now, in short, the rules of the duke, the situation of the far port, and some common sense are all in the book."

He concluded: "Brother Shen has free time, you must read more. The rules of the Duke are not the same as those of Aurora."

"Little brother, thank you for your suggestion."

Shen Maocai is clever and flexible, and he is quite a man. He slipped two gold daggers out of his cuffs without a trace and shoved them into each other's hands. He smiled and said, "I dare to ask Xiongtai's name.

"Brother Shen, don't do this." The civil servant looked as if he was not surprised, and calmly shoved Jin Qianzi back, and without waiting for the other party to speak, he explained, "This is also the rule of the Far Harbor... Qin Gong's family is extremely thick. However, the imperial court is also extremely strict, and Aurora's human relations will not work in the far port, and they will all be punished by corruption."

"I received your gold coins today, and in a quarter of an hour at most, there will be a rebel agency to freeze my account, deprive me of my official position and all benefits, and then send me to the distortion mining area to dig spar."

Shen Maocai's face was slightly red, and he said slowly, "Ah this..."

"This is Yuangang. Duke Qin's first priority is the word fairness. The able ones will go up and the inferior ones will fall. It's good."

Shen Maocai took the identity card and the rule book, and carried a small box, and walked along the straight road.

The road under his feet is seamless, hard and flat. It seems to be smeared with mortar, but it seems to be better than mortar... He wanted to squat down and study it, but he also knew that it was not suitable now. In short, the trip to the west gave him excess. Surprise, this strange new world is full of novelty.

At a booth in front, he received drinking water. The people in charge of the booth should be a middle-aged couple, also from Aurora. Judging from the condition of their hands and skin, they should have been farming for a living.

"Your Excellency, the diet is simple, so let's put a pad on your stomach for now, the camp has already prepared meals."

That smile and expression were not cramped. Although they were respectful, they were not obedient. The husband and wife who used to make a living from farming should have such an air of neither humble nor arrogant. It's really novel...

Shen Maocai took over the "simple diet" and was taken aback again. The food was packaged in a transparent, thin, non-paper and non-cloth bag, while the water came in a bottle, which was cool and crystal clear.


No, the hardness is not enough, but it is flexible and precious, and it is not an ordinary product. A bottle of water is contained in this first-class bottle... Qin Gong's hand is so big!

He said goodbye to the couple and moved on. He held the bottle of water and looked at it carefully. The more he saw it, the more he liked it. It was so crystal clear, light and flexible. Although it didn't feel as smooth as a pearl, and the texture was not too surprising, it was rare and light, and it was easy to touch. It is also extremely durable, and it must be excellent to use as a portable water bottle on weekdays.

"Brother Shen, this way!"

The familiar call came to his ears, and Shen Maocai was refreshed, looked up, and smiled: "Brother Mian!"

He saw Brother Mian standing by the road ahead, tall vehicles like giant beasts, quietly lying on the side of the road, the doors and windows were all made of large transparent glass, and a group of people beckoned to him by the windows.

"Okay, the last one... You two, please get in the car!"

He boarded the car with Brother Shen, and saw the rows of seats on both sides, the car board under his feet was actually made of stainless steel, and the front seat of the car had various oddities such as crossbars, steering wheels, and engraving instruments, which attracted Shen Maocai at once. look.

He couldn't move his legs, but was dragged by Zhang Li to the fourth row seat and sat down.

Dozens of people in the car looked around like curious babies, and then chatted and laughed at each other. After a while, two more people came up in the car, dressed in uniforms, obviously from the Far Harbor, so everyone kept their voices.

One of them sat directly in the front row of seats and started to play with the utensils. Shen Maocai looked hot and curious, but he couldn't see clearly. The other person stood in the middle of the aisle and gave everyone a salute.

"Everyone is polite, I am Han Mingxiu, a second-level clerk of the Shogunate Unity Department. He was born in the Hanfu of Far Harbor, and the head of the family is Han Zezheng. He occupies the position of the Minister of Economic Affairs in this city. I am here to **** you to the place where you are staying. You are welcome to come. When you arrive at the far port, if you have any doubts along the way, you can ask your younger brother."

Everyone returned the salute, and then saw that Han Mingxiu pressed the wristlet of his right arm a few times, and the slightly larger wristlet glowed, illuminating the other's face - what is that?

"Forgive everyone, this car is responsible for receiving 64 people, my brother will order a 卯."

With that said, he shouted at the glowing wrist guard, "Brother Yu Zhaolong, Fengzhou!"

"Someone is here!"

"Cangzhou Li Jun Li brother!"

"It's down."

When answering this point, Shen Maocai asked in a low voice, "What is that?"

"I don't know." Zhang Li replied softly, "Just ask later."

Shen Maocai nodded, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Brother Zhang, how do you feel?"

"In all fairness, it's beyond my expectations." Zhang Mianzhi thought for a while and replied, "I take a closer look at the people in the Far Harbor who came to join in the fun today, and they all have a clean face, a sincere smile, a lively body, and they seem to have no worries about food and clothing. , Calm and leisurely, this is the kindness of the people that can only be found in a country's first good place."

"What about Duke Qin?"

"Everyone can say nice things, but his words are simple and unpretentious, which is unexpected... But how Kang Jun is in government and how he is in government, we still need to take a closer look."

"You still refuse to call him the prince."

"My name is Kang Jun, and it's not rude."


"This is the section... Brother Shen, what else did you find?"

"Yes." Shen Maocai looked through the car window and looked at this strange city. It could be foreseen that this would be his new home for a long time. He saw a straight street, the road was black and thin. On closer inspection, it turned out to be paved with countless black pebbles. He whispered, "...clean."


"It's so clean, it's almost spotless." Shen Maocai replied, "It's hard to come by, it's hard to come by."

They talked in a low voice until Han Mingxiu called the names of the two.

After answering, all 64 people finished counting their points: "Everyone, we are about to set off. Now that the vehicle starts, there will be sounds and vibrations, please don't panic."

In the low sound of rumbling, the giant beast under their feet woke up. The two of them only felt that the vehicle vibrated a few times, and then slowly moved forward. Someone shouted excitedly: "It's moving! Where's the horse?"

"No horse... This car doesn't seem to have a horse!"

Amidst all the discussions and admiration, Shen Maocai turned his head, the straight and wide asphalt road was flat and clean, and beside the pier road, large vehicles were parked, taking passengers one after another.

"This... it is the work terminal assigned by the shogunate to our civil servants. It can receive orders from the boss in real time, check the progress of tasks, and access various information." Han Mingxiu pointed to his wrist guard, "The new one, the name is more comparable. Strange, it's called 'brother boy'."

Shen Maocai was salivating and wanted Kangkang, but Shen Mingxiu politely refused.

"This is a secret, and it is stipulated that you cannot show it to others... You will soon be reused by the Duke, and you will have your own DD boy..."

Shen Maocai only felt a pity, but soon someone continued to ask, "Why is there no horse in this car?"

Han Mingxiu smiled and said, "Animal power is just one of the power sources. This car has other power sources, so there is no horse."

Everyone understood, it should be a clever change such as the talisman machine. After all, Duke Qin's skill in refining is said to be unparalleled, so someone sighed: "Use these heavy weapons to pick me up and wait... Courtesy of Duke Qin."

Another person said: "It is indeed a heavy weapon, used to transport soldiers, but it can travel day and night, and the speed is not reduced. It is really a soldier's speed... Qin Gong's ability is unparalleled in the world."

Hearing this, Han Mingxiu turned the knob, recalled the confidentiality regulations from the log, and confirmed it. After turning on the recording function again, he said, "The soldiers do not ride in this car."

Everyone's attention was drawn again, and Han Mingxiu talked eloquently. The receptionists of the Unity Department had been trained for half a month. Their task was to unite the front. The united front began when these fellows got on the bus.

He explained: "In the military sequence of our shogunate, there is no one who walks on two legs."

A warrior character exclaimed: "All in these horseless carriages?"

"Naturally not." Han Mingxiu laughed, "Only the fourth and fifth rank of the new army and the local garrison can use these vehicles to maneuver. They are called 'motorized troops'."

Everyone was sent to the Western Continent by the Empress and said a thousand words and ten thousand. In fact, the purpose was very simple. They were here to help Duke Qin fight. Everyone was very concerned about the military. After listening to Han Mingxiu's speech, everyone was in a commotion. Only the fifth-tier troops sit here?

The crowd became noisy, some people asked "what is a motorized army", some people asked "what kind of a strong army of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class", and some people asked "what do they use to travel"...and so on and so on.

"This motorized army is difficult to explain, and my little brother will not be ugly, but this second- and third-tier strong army, my little brother can talk about it..."

Han Mingxiu said: "This third-class strong army is the main force in the army. They are called 'mechanized troops'. They march on weekdays and ride in sturdy, fast, and powerful chariots. Getting out of the car and relying on the chariot to fight, the end is very powerful..."

"This second-tier strong army is naturally stronger than the third-tier army. It is an ace troop formed by the elites of the strong army. In addition to riding in chariots, it is sometimes delivered by air vehicles, long-distance raids, and day trips. Wanli is not a problem... like the Valentine Guards, the Greenskin Guns, which are represented here."

People couldn't hear it clearly, but they were fascinated and asked, "What about the first class?"

"The first-class strong army uses neither chariots nor planes. They are the elite of the elite, the trump card of the trump card. They are awarded the regiment's flag and wear power armor. They don't even need a mobile march because they are Duke Qin. The absolute direct line, only following Duke Qin's military orders to fight, reaching the battlefield through hyperspace jump, as long as Duke Qin knows his will, thousands of miles and countless battles in a blink of an eye, this is the battle group."

How mad to pull the cool tyrant.

Everyone was shocked and suspicious when they heard it, and they subconsciously turned to Lu Yu, but thinking about what they saw yesterday and what they saw today, it doesn't seem to be fake... After a short silence, someone said: "Then we will be the number one. Wait?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The soldiers and warriors of Dongdu are all short-term choices, resolute, loyal and brave. They pride themselves on their military strength and are confident that they will become Qin Gong's strong support, but now...

Han Mingxiu glanced at the DD boy again, and then smiled: "You don't need to worry about gains and losses, everyone is a hero, and Far Harbor is the most fair, and those who have the ability can stand out."

"As far as I know, the sergeants will be incorporated into the guard training regiment, learn the tactics and concepts of the next era, and then be equipped with weapons and equipment to become the third-class strong army. If they want to be promoted to the second-class, they will even be favored by the duke and formed. The new chapter will depend on your military merit and performance."

It seems... not bad.

People fell silent, each with their own concerns. In the silence, Zhang Li said warmly: "That is to say, Brother Han, is the vehicle we are riding in for the national economy and people's livelihood?"

"Yes, Brother Zhang, this is a civilian vehicle."

Zhang Mianzhi's eyes flickered, and he turned to look at the broad avenue, and the convoys on the side of the road that could hardly see the end: "This car is for civilian use and has a huge passenger capacity. I have seen many vehicles larger than this car... I'm afraid they are as small as a horse-drawn carriage. There are also cars. If these horseless cars are used for people’s livelihood, the drivers who make this business will probably lose their livelihoods… What should those people do?”

Han Mingxiu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Their jobs are naturally ruined, but the Duke gave them a better one... Brother Zhang, don't worry, Duke Qin is the most kind."

He said another thing as proof: "Do you know, a month ago, thousands of farmers around the Far Harbor were smashed their jobs, the Duke did it."

In ancient society, agriculture came first, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Before the sudden change in the Far Harbor, some nobles hoarded food and tried to starve the commoners to death. Later, they gathered together to conspire to resist Duke Qin, but they were killed by Duke Qin. Naturally, all the fields of the nobles belonged to Qin. The fertile fields around Yuangang are thousands of hectares, and they are now owned by Qin Gong.”

He gestured and described: "Last month's autumn harvest, I saw with my own eyes, the huge alchemy machine roared forward, running back and forth, it can catch up with the harvest of a family of eight desperately a day, and the fields around the far port are flat and endless, those alchemy machines. Sweep past, drive straight in..."

"Harvesting, processing, threshing... A series of processes, all performed by machines, are thousands of times faster than farmers. I was dumbfounded at the time, and I thought, it's broken, farmers have no work to do."

"Indeed, the farmers who farmed the land for Duke Qin were quickly notified that they would not be hired for the next year, and Yuangang would not need them to farm. Those who want to farm elsewhere, You can take a sum of money to move out, but if you choose this path, you will never have the opportunity to work for the shogunate in the future, and those who want to continue to make a living in the Far Harbor immediately report to the village brigade—it seems to be called this name.”

"Anyway, I asked them to join the agricultural-to-worker vocational and technical school for preliminary training and to change careers as workers... Tsk, I don't know how many people were crying and crying at that time."

When Han Mingxiu said this, he shook his head and said, "They don't know, even the most stupid and useless can become miners, and the hardest miners are easier and more profitable than farmers, no matter what. I understand, no matter what, we have to continue farming..."

Everyone looked at each other as if listening to the scriptures.

To be reasonable, in Aurora, if any landlord or official dismissed all the tenants in one go, or ordered the peasants not to work in agriculture, within three days, the imperial court's decree to kill the whole family would come down. If the emperor did this kind of thing. When it comes to things, all the ministers will violently attack, let alone put on the hat of a fool, even if the emperor is directly abolished and a new monarch is established, it is not impossible to do it.

But what Han Mingxiu is talking about...a bit weird.

After a while, someone whispered, "Why did Duke Qin do this?"

Han Mingxiu thought for a while: "Someone asked this question, and Duke Qin also answered."

"What did Duke Qin say?"

Han Mingxiu recalled: "'When I was fifteen years old, when I went back to my hometown on vacation, I was arrested for three or four days of work during the busy farming season. From then on, I vowed to be a scientist and promote agricultural mechanization and automation. , we must make the profession of peasant disappear completely, you motherfucker, farming is not something that people should do' - Qin Gong said so."

In the silence, I don't know who laughed first.

In the happy laughter, Zhang Li's eyes flickered, and if there was something mentioned, he opened the rule book, which recorded many rules, humanities and taboos of Far Harbor.

He saw the first paragraph.

"The Far Harbor has no slaves, let alone an emperor, only us... us who make history."

And Shen Maocai was holding the bottle of mineral water in a daze—twice, he thought.

Whether it was the Aurora farmers who distributed the food, or the Aurora officials who greeted them, they all said the same thing - Duke Qin's first priority was fairness.

Seems to be true.

He thought so and smiled.

Does Kant value fairness? It looks like this, but there's always something unfair.

for example…

Every Dongdu visitor will receive water and snacks before getting on the bus, but Shen Maocai can only drink Hengda Ice Spring or Baisui Mountain mineral water, and some people even get ice dew.

And some people...

A low-key and elegant Toyota Coaster moved forward slowly, the fragrance in the car was refreshing, Yingying Yanyan, it was the body fragrance of the stunning beauties mixed together, Qianjiao stunning, this is the female official group carefully selected by the empress.

Wei Yunyuan played with the water bottle in her hand.

The whole body is crystal clear, the starting point is warm, the bottle is printed with frosted flowers, it is made of Swarovski crystal and precious metal coating by hand, the bottle stopper is a shining crown, and the angel wings are behind it. , The price of a bottle is more than 200 US dollars, and it is more than 1,000 yuan. It also has a monthly limit.

Such luxury-style starvation marketing tactics were of course crushed by the nouveau riche. Kant bought 10,000 bottles in one go, almost cleared all the inventory, and still got a 50% discount.

- After all, although he doesn't know Japanese, he knows Japanese father.

So easy to get it.

The price is to hear A Chuan's roar: "Are you looking for me for this kind of shit!?"

Originally, ladies and gentlemen could only drink Nongfu Spring, at most Kunlun Mountain, but after seeing it with his own eyes, Kant became degraded - no way, they are too beautiful, their **** are too spectacular, their bodies are too good, their temperament is too good Too noble, Hei Changzhi is too elegant, and he smiled at me, hehe.

So replacing Nongfu Spring with more than 1,000 bottles of fillico is also the meaning of the title. Although the ladies and sisters are well-informed in the palace, it is rare to see such excellent products. The snack gift package sent to them Also sweet and colorful, the whole car is full of laughter.

The little sister, who has been drifting at sea for nearly two months, exchanged their bottles to see the difference, and carefully tasted many candies and desserts she had never seen before. Her beautiful eyebrows and eyes were crescents, full of joy, and she landed on the shore. The preoccupation with gain and loss has long since been thrown out of the sky.

Wei Yunyuan frowned slightly.

Duke Qin gave these treasures at will. Looking at the weather in the far port, I am afraid that he is also a hero for a while. He does not care about me very much, and I am afraid that he does not care too much about beauty... How should I complete my task?

But anyway, this is not the worst ending.

The best development in the vision is to be directly brought into the house by Duke Qin, and the worst result is to be rewarded by him to his subordinates, and the current situation should be above average...

As soon as she thought of this, she held the bottle with a smile on her face.

so far so good.

With the emperor's mandate, even if Duke Qin was an old, ugly, rude and domineering old man, they would give everything without hesitation, and now it seems that the situation is much better.

No wonder everyone is so happy.

She hesitated for a moment and shook her head gently. She had seen them laughing a lot, and even eating those sweets that were too sweet. She should have stopped it... But let them be happy first.

She thought of Kant again, her other hand clenched the neckline of the plain white corset, and her cheeks were dyed crimson... Indeed, she looked at it, and stared at it for a while, His Majesty was right.

She snorted slightly and turned her head away, her white and greasy neck stretched like a swan, full of charm.

Tide Sound Manor.

"You remember happy things?"

"No, no."

"Then what are you laughing at?"

"That's the relieved smile that sees through everything after masturbating!"

"—You actually admitted that!?"

Kant and the parrot looked at each other for a moment, and the earthlings who had never seen the market couldn't help whistling again.

The previous Phoenix King said contemptuously, "Look at your potential."

Kant said abruptly: "What is that point of interest? This kind of stunning country, thirty-six people came all of a sudden, they have been trained since childhood, they have been nurtured and taught in various ways, and they all have the temperament bonus of extraordinary people, don't say The earth is modern, even in ancient times, there is no such lineup, why am I happy?"

Marekise raised her middle finger: "Then call a few to sleep tonight."

Kant waved his hand and said: "That's not enough, it's not their turn for the time being."

"Yo." The parrot hummed, "It's tough to talk after talking."

Kant didn't retort, he was silent for a moment, took two deep breaths, and said softly: "But speaking... parrot, I seem to be a little..."

Parrot waited for him to speak, but the next moment, Dong Tianming and Hong San pushed open the door and saluted Kant.

Kant restrained his description, nodded and said, "Mr. Dong, congratulations on your reunion with your old friend."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Aurora Dongdu is indeed a rare new force."

Qin Guogong entered the state: "Unfortunately, the time is short, the training is not enough, and it may not be able to catch up with the next war... Let's discuss how to arrange them."