MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 798 tame a dog

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"Tell me what I don't know."

The voice of the Great Speaker was indifferent and cold, with no emotional fluctuations at all.

And Phaerson was just screaming.

These days, he used all the language he knew to insult this perfidious and daring dirty Nether, but the other party was neither dissatisfied nor ashamed.

Not even afraid.

Every time.

These Nether species.

Just like ants, whether it is burned to death by fire or scalded by water, destroyed again and again, it will continue to emerge after a period of time, or it will be as numb, sad, and stupid as before, repeating the sad mistakes before. , will always be so hopeless and inexorable.

Phaethon roared: "We will destroy your country, destroy your blood, torture and destroy your body bit by bit, and cast your soul into eternal purgatory..."

"A terrible threat."

The speaker said indifferently: "But eleven days have passed since you were captured by me. In these ten days, you have been imprisoned by me, threatened by me, studied by me, humiliated by me, used by me, and I even found you. Oh, the insults you suffered, I'm afraid an ordinary beggar can't bear..."

Hearing this, Phaersson roared bitterly: "I'm going to kill you ah ah ah ah ah!"

"So you are not a very important person in your group. Even if I treat you like this, they don't seem to immediately send a stronger force to avenge you and rescue you."

"Are you not important enough, Phaethon?"

"Or are your companions aware of your current situation, but can't do anything about your situation?"

The speaker's tone was calm and indifferent: "No matter what kind it is, it makes me sad for you."

"—Shut up! Shut up!" Phaeson's eyes were split open. Compared with being insulted and hurt by the Nether, he couldn't accept the other party's pity - a mere ant, is he worthy of pity on me!

"So you really can't do anything about what's happening in the world, at least you can't dispatch more powerful interfering forces. Your threat to me is useless, you can only look like a sad joke."

The Great Speaker held the eagle staff in his right hand and paused to the ground.

His appearance is an authentic "mage appearance", which is the most standard image of a spellcaster stereotyped by inherent impressions, mysterious legends and dramatic stories.

The dense white hair is meticulously combed, the robe is gorgeous, and the posture is proud. The face is slightly pale due to living indoors for a long time. It contains a surging power that is restrained and unrestrained, implicit and powerful.

This kind of gaze, which is accustomed to watching and observing, has a strong purpose, which is commensurate with the gorgeous robes and calm expressions, so that the casters usually show a kind of arrogance, wanton, indifference and even cruelty that are different from mortals. They possess knowledge that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and they are walking on the road to explore the ultimate in the world.

Therefore, the spellcasters are proud, the spellcasters are smart, the spellcasters are different from ordinary people, the spellcasters are bold, respect knowledge but rarely submit to authority, set goals and execute them unswervingly, paranoid, strong, and extremely powerful, Gambling is extremely high, and the moral sense in the soul is extremely indifferent.

The Supreme Arbiter and Executor of the Starry Court, to which the Austrian Law Council belongs, the Grand Speaker Griffin-Williams, is such a standard mage.

Years are old and wrinkles have developed, but knowledge and power are more mellow like fine wine, and the part of the character that is bold, gambling, and wanton indifference is also more and more paranoid.

As a politician, he hides these qualities under the appearance of gentleness, wisdom and generosity. His image is widely circulated by many portraits, coin heads and sculptures, as the spiritual leader of spellcasters and the international image of the Arcane Council. spread between continents.

And as a spellcaster, at the moment when the council faced crisis, when strange opportunities came, his resoluteness, gamble and boldness in his temperament helped to make the situation now.

Aware of Kant's activity and the extreme threat he posed to the Ofa Council, he steadfastly pursued plans of containment and warfare.

When the God of the Star Palace arrived, he spent two months with the other party, and after he had cleaned up everything that he could extract and lure from the other party, he did not hesitate to mobilize troops, or even go into battle in person, to besiege and kill. Captured this powerful mysterious visitor.

And now, he wants more from this guy.

The wise old man was well-dressed and arrogant, and once again used provocative language violence, and immediately said: "In the end, your powers can't interfere with the mortal world, right? Or are you just pretending... In the end, you're asking for your troubles. Eat. If you want to ask me to help you deal with the traitors, you should beg in a more humble way, not boss me..."

Faersson said angrily: "Nonsense! If it weren't for Xing..."

When he said this, he suddenly woke up, closed his mouth immediately, and glared at the Great Speaker fiercely.

Griffin didn't care about the failure of the cliché. Since it has been confirmed that the anger of the other party's organization cannot come to the world for a while, what is the reason and the reason is not the point.

He sneered: "Let's hear it, what reason did you find for your tragic failure?"

"Let's laugh while you are now!" Phaersson said viciously, "Sooner or later, a mighty legion will come to the mortal world and crush you and your pathetic country!"

The Great Speaker smiled coldly: "But before you destroy us, you have to pass the Kant level."

As if struck by lightning, Faersson immediately struggled and roared: "Kant!? Why mention this name! What the **** are you trying to do! Answer me!"

—Sure enough, Kant is very important to them.

The Great Speaker changed the subject, he raised his head, this is the interior of the Star Titan, with thunder and lightning, light and shadow flickering, that is the Titan's energy core: "Answer me, the unidentified visitor, why can the Heart of the Star Titan's Secret Vault Hearth work? Suppressing and binding you?"

Phaethon just roared angrily: "I will destroy this blasphemous evil with my own hands!"

"Who are you? Or..." Griffin jumped on the topic and asked with high intensity, "Why are you so obsessed with Kant? Who is Kant and what does it have to do with you?"

Faersong's eyes were cracked, and he said fiercely: "Kant is a traitor of our family! Traitor! He stole our most precious treasure and fled to the lower realm! We want to catch him! We want to punish him!"

- It's always been this way.

—Whether humiliated or tortured, tortured or questioned, the answers I get are all such rhetoric... But that's what makes me suspect that this answer is too standard, this anger is too stereotyped, maybe it's a lie , but more likely, is a mixed bag.

But in any case, Kant's bottom line revealed a little.

Just like the conclusion I came to a long time ago, there is absolutely no possibility that he is from Aurora. The technology, force and alchemy he masters are simply the achievements and power of a new civilization that is completely different from the mortal races. If that's the explanation, it makes sense.

Kant, you really are not from this world.

The Grand Chancellor stared at Phaethon with a ferocious face.

—Look what you brought here.

He suddenly showed a cruel and playful smile, like a cat looking at a mouse.

"So..." Griffin paused, "Kant is very important to you."

Phaerson glared at him and said nothing.

"What are you going to pay for this?" The aged mage looked calm and straight, like an old gentleman who was used to world affairs and experienced a hundred battles, steady and powerful, "It's just some technical knowledge that has not been tested in actual combat. , I just want to encourage us to fight with Kant desperately, this price is not worth it."

The God of the Star Palace was startled at first, and then burst into a wild laugh. He laughed and roared: "It's really funny! You lowly underworld! You have done that kind of thing to me, and you dare to continue to bargain with us—you I really don't know whether to live or die! This is an eye-opener for me, bastard!"

The speaker was not angry, nodded and said: "Okay, this is what you said. Since I offended you, I can just make peace with Kant. The technology you gave, and your 'same clan', should be used as sincerity. The gift... By the way, ask him if what you said is true."

Phoebus's face changed suddenly.

He immediately said hatefully: "It's useless, Kant will definitely deny it!"

—Ah, so stupid.

Possessing such great power, she possesses pure and wonderful skills, as well as a body and soul like a god, and possesses a technique and wisdom far beyond the ordinary.

But why so stupid.

Don't they know how to lie?

The Great Speaker remained calm and changed the subject again.

"The way you communicate with your boss or your companions should be that mysterious instrument." He said casually, "Let me have a chat with your boss, how about that?"

Fauson's expression was gloomy: "What do you want to do?"

"Just wanted to talk to a more sane person with an opinion."

The Grand Chancellor glanced at him: "Why, are you afraid? Are you afraid that your comrades will find out that you were attacked by the Nether and imprisoned, doing such and such things?"

The God of Star Palace roared violently: "—You shut up!"

Griffin changed the subject again: "Actually, you can be more frank with me... We don't need to be like this. I do those things to you just because you don't respect me."

This is so funny.

Thinking of his situation and what he suffered, the God of Star Palace just grinned.

"You know what? You're dying."

Hearing this, there was only endless hatred and resentment in Phaethon's eyes.

"Only I can save you."

In the hatred and resentment, there are many more ridicules, but there is also a trace of curiosity.

"You've been missing for a while, and your companions will definitely feel strange and uneasy. Since they can send you down, they can also send other clansmen down. If I find this place, since I can catch you, I can also catch him. But I will not treat him like you do, I will just say, you don't respect me and have some minor conflicts with me, but I have no hostility towards you, we have a common enemy, Kant."

"I will put the blame on you and tell your boss that you almost screwed up this cooperation. Your new partner will definitely use your instrument, and I will contact your boss sooner or later. I will ask him for new aid, as well as proposals."

"Since Kant is so important, you will definitely not be stingy as a gift to deal with him."

The Chancellor looked at Phaethon, who was sarcastic, and spoke word by word.

"I want to be one of you."

Phaersson's eyes moved violently—even more so than when he had heard Kant's news.

What the God of Star Palace didn't know was that the expressionless and despicable lower realm in front of him was also tumbling and roaring like a sea tide at this time.

- Sure enough, sure enough.

"Your boss, will agree, if you become one of you, the previous grievances and unhappiness will disappear immediately, but this proposal to join has a small dissonant note, that is you - me and you If you have a grudge, if you join you, you will definitely get revenge, I don’t worry.”

"So I'll propose to your boss..."

The Grand Chancellor leaned forward and approached the bound Star Spirit a little bit.

"Abandon you, kill you—" he said grimly, "let me take your place."

Faersson was shocked and said loudly, "Don't even think about it! Dream!"

"As long as you are dead, all the problems will cease to exist."


"You can even use it as a bait to lure Kant. In this case, even your boss will definitely agree, such a good deal."

"—shut up! Shut up!"

Griffin looked calm, looking at Phaethon, who was roaring and venting, without any fluctuations in his heart.

even become contemptuous.

This guy, what the **** is going on.

No challenge at all.

He waited for two minutes and thirty seconds, not a second, not a second.

Then he said, "Look, there is absolutely no need for us to go this far."

He took a step forward, passed his right hand through the thunder cage, and pressed Phaethon's shoulder.

The grand speaker whispered: "Actually, you are afraid of being known by your companions."

"Almost screwed up."

"Almost pushed us to Kant's side."

"You can't interfere here for a while, can you?"

"Are you sure you want me to join Kant? Are you sure you want Kant to get more time?"

"You've already asked."

"A few months ago, he was shockingly weak. He was killed by a ninth-class guy in a small viscount, and he tried his best to get his revenge... But now?"

"The little Viscounty back then, now he doesn't need to do anything, or even dispatch his subordinates, just say a word, and the people there will die."

"How long has it been?"

"What about later?"

"Do you want something worse to happen?"

"Do you want to die? Abandoned and discarded, used and thrown away, and died silently?"

"Even push me to Kant's side and let Kant know your plans and arrangements - what if he just ran away and disappeared like this? Where are you going to find him?"

Phaerson looked at the Chancellor who was close at hand, speechless.

- Does he want to die?

Don't want to die. Originally, as the **** of the star palace, he has almost looked down on life and death, because life has become extremely boring... but now it is different.

Because the master already has news.

This means they have the opportunity to become purer.

- Want Griffin to fall to Kant?

of course not. That is the enemy designated by the master himself, even if he dies, he cannot let go!

If Apophis knew that he made things like this...


Confused about his thoughts, he only felt his head sink and someone hugged the back of his neck.

Inside and outside the Zidian Cage, Griffin stretched out his hand and half wrapped his arms around Phaethon's head.

"There's no need to do long as we respect each other." The white-haired mage looked sincere and said solemnly, "For the best of both of us—how about it?"

I don't know how long, I don't know how long they looked at each other, Phaersson turned his eyes away indifferently.

"I...what should I do?"

Griffin's expression was calm and his tone was calm: "First, you get in touch with your organization and tell them that everything is fine—of course, you can also tell the truth, at the cost of your boss realizing that you screwed up, and If I find any clues, I will immediately fall to Kant."

Phoebus was silent.

"Secondly, please say something nice to your superiors on my behalf, and ask for more support—if fighting Kant, no amount of help is needed."

Phaerson's head nodded slightly.

"Finally... let's help each other. I want to ask you to be my strength. This is an agreement between the two of us." The Speaker whispered, "I need you to tell me more."

Phaerson raised his head slowly, his eyes changing and full of resistance.

The Great Speaker immediately said, "I won't delve into those secrets that you don't want to tell anyway."

Fauson's expression moved slightly, and even a slightly grateful color flashed in his eyes: "Ah...ah..."

With his pride, he naturally couldn't say thank you.

"But things that don't matter, such as experience in tactics and technical guidance, you must be able to give generously."

This time, Phaerson nodded much faster.

"and also…"

The speaker said casually: "You are very powerful, and you also have a lot of influence and friends in the council... I want to use your strength and prestige to help them more closely and enthusiastically to help our cause, so that we can be faster. Beat Kant more effectively—what do you think?"

Immediately, he got the answer he wanted.

"Then...we're friends."

After a while, the figure of the Great Speaker returned to the Starry Sky Court.

The gentle, friendly, generous, and tolerant smile that belonged to the spiritual leader and co-tutor of the caster has disappeared, and the part of the politician in the soul has dived into the deep sea.

The temperament of the cold, mean, indifferent, decisive, and daring caster dominates the soul.

—Ah, an unexpected surprise.

If it is a person who is used to lying in the mortal world and is used to lying, I am afraid it will not be so easy to give in.

But that's the goal after all.

Powerful and weak, arrogant and naive, surprisingly simple and easy to understand, but also has his own fears and concerns, after a long period of torture, blows and confusion, he has finally fallen to this stage.

—The corner of the Grand Chancellor's mouth gradually evoked a cruel smile.

Haven't played like this in a long time.

He slowly unbuttoned the cuffs.

- If this goes on, can you tame a dog?

But this is no longer the point.

The point has never been this.

Next, we will come to the last step... The future direction, where is it going to lead?

He walked to the dome balcony and looked at the dark night in the distance, which was the direction of the Far Harbor.

The Great Speaker sighed silently, with a strong enemy on his side, now is not the time to be happy.

Even if he has already been conscious, even if he is fully prepared, at this moment, the master of the Austrian Law Council still cannot help but sigh.

It would be great if Kant was so easy to deal with.


PS1: I suddenly found out today that the number of chapters is wrong... It was wrong for almost a month, and I changed it.