MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 886 Comrades!

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How to lock the location of Griffin Command?

How to determine the location of the high-value areas that are mainly defended by the council army?

Intelligence Gathering, Cross-Analysis, Consolidation and Aggregation.

This is what is happening in the White Mist world.

The council soldiers who had surrendered before, the soldiers who surrendered in wartime, the soldiers who recovered their sanity after being captured... They painfully admitted that Griffin Williams had completely turned his back on the country and the Allegiance to his soldiers and civilians.

And willing to try to undo the mistake.

"What's your boss?"

"Which general do you know who is eligible to join the General Staff?"

"Can you name a few names of this general's cronies?"

Start with the lowest level of soldiers, target officers with some intelligence value, aggregate such information, and consult higher-level defecting layer after another.

According to the list of personnel they gave, it was conveyed to the powerhouses of various countries that had infiltrated the battlefield at this moment, and ordered these elite units with extremely strong personal force that could play the greatest role in the chaotic battlefield to accurately capture high-value targets, and then For further solicitation, inquiry and analysis.

Officers' meetings, troop mobilization, logistics coordination, military discipline management... For a large army to operate normally, it must be organized by various departments, which means that the daily communication and interpersonal relationships of the soldiers form a complex and huge network, which penetrates each other. , are related to each other.

As long as you grab a few key nodes, you can draw the outline of the top layer.

The time scale is deflected again. At this moment, the time flow rate of the White Mist World is the same as that of the Earth, and it has six times the time margin. The intelligence department did its best to obtain enough information from the congress.

A service officer in charge of military supplies.

Staff instrument for drafting documents.

Military police officers patrolling the front.

Without the need for high-ranking officers and generals, from the intelligence statements of these middle-level officers, we can outline the general situation of the council's military formation - which areas are heavily fortified, which hidden fortifications require materials and supplies beyond common sense, and which war zones are not. Military police inspections are required, and intelligence is kept secret.

"The conclusion has been drawn."

Kant raised his left arm, the personal terminal on the arm armor projected a light screen, showing the battlefield image, three highlighted areas were marked in three places in the council's main array, and at the same time, aerial reconnaissance also showed clues.

-After the invisible evil force unfolded and turned the council army into crazy puppets, the enemy troops on the entire front were boiling like mad dogs, and only these areas were relatively quiet.

Maybe enough to prove something.

"Your troops are awaiting orders."

The voice of Horus rang in his ears, Kant stood on the throne, the sky was high and the wind was fast, he looked at the sky full of stars, the power of the elements intertwined, the long-range rockets in the sky roared down like a meteor shower, the front line advanced, the two sides were like Ice and fire, the boundaries are clear, and life is lost every second.


Evil war.

Ugly, filthy, rancid, the most terrifying thing ever created by intelligent beings.

He saw the son, the father, the husband, the naive and the cunning, the kind and the selfish, the cowardly and the brave, the wanting and the wanting... all of them , all kinds of people, not so pure people.

All people, driven by the cold blood of a higher will, burn their lives so far and the future with infinite possibilities, and fight against people they have never met.

He could see the cries of life and the bones of long dead.

Who let the war happen, who let the people who could live peacefully go to the battlefield.

Fighting for your life and fighting in fear, what can you get for yourself?

What did you get for someone else?

"Father," urged Horus, "we are ready to fight."

Kant closed his eyes and opened them the next moment.

"Stay on standby!"


"—I haven't reached the front line yet!"

I won't hesitate, I won't back down, I won't regret.

But I want to be more at ease.

The battleship advanced, the artillery roared, the huge hull was as tall as a mountain, with the pouring magic blow, it moved towards the forefront of the front line, and the assault troops defending on the spot looked up at the peak.

Someone held up the purple sun, summoned the galaxy, and resisted the wind, winter snow, blazing light and thunder.

He is as dazzling as a torch, illuminating the bleak sky. He stands at the highest point, not because he likes to be high above and despise living beings, but because... that is the closest place to the enemy and attack!

"Kant is in power!"

The soldier, whose face was charred due to the explosion of the fire crystal, leaned beside the armored vehicle and looked at the steel army formation rumbled by not far away.

He stared at him and shouted, "I am willing to follow you forever!"

In the roar of the cannons in the sky, in the cheers of the soldiers along the way, his voice was not loud, but when looking up on the ground, the sky was shining brightly, and he couldn't see the true appearance of the figure standing at the highest point. ... But at this moment, his heart was so blessed that his heart skipped a beat, and he clearly saw the grown-up looking down at him.

It's not a hallucination, it's what actually happened.

Because he heard the words of the government.

"Do not."

The voice was not majestic and noble as imagined, but sincere and grateful from the heart.

"Bring your trust and loyalty to me until you win."

"After victory, give love and sincerity to the world."

The young soldier's eyes widened. Now he can't understand such words, but this does not prevent him from realizing his responsibilities in the distant future, as well as a greater and magnificent cause than defeating the star palace and expelling the invaders. , and naturally does not hinder, he is now the leader of allegiance Shan Hu Long live.

The wind of steel overwhelmed the scorching heat of death and fear, and the icy and enthusiastic machinery pushed the front line.

After this moving front, the holy pillar was launched, the prism was suspended, and the new army entered the battlefield to control the node and monitor the battlefield.

Looking forward to it.

Until the silver hull of the Astolfo, where the ruling army of Kant was located, and the power of the Far Harbor symbolized the Astolfo, crossed the battlefield and stood before the battle, until the announcement of Marshal Horus resounded through the entire battlefield channel.

"Kant, the ruler of the Far Harbor, arrives at the front line of the war!"

In front of them was half of the council's position, and the puppets with green glow in their eyes rushed out shouting.

brave soldier.

Sad exploited.



Their identities and definitions are intertwined.

Even on Earth, since time immemorial, armies have generally not been some sacred and great group, but a violent group that has produced endless killing, pain, destruction and destruction. The reason why Chinese people have romantic imagination and identification with the military is just because this nation has a saint-like army, people take it for granted, but they don’t know that in the entire history of civilization, this is just an odd number in all probability. .

In most cases, the army is a killing machine that outputs violence and creates destruction, but these messengers of destruction are just ordinary people who are controlled and seduced by a small number of people.

Before being manipulated by the God of Star Palace, the soldiers of these councils were only creating killings and wars for the benefit of a few people, and were rewarded with some fragmented soup... that's all.

- It's not just these that I'm going to beat.

- I want to change, not only this.

- It's not just this group that I want to save.

War, army, I hope the brave people who risk their lives and fight for the future can only fight for protection, not for plunder, and must not shed blood for the interests of a small group of people or a class...

Just like today.

Just like today!


Perhaps it was because he stood too high, or because he personally manipulated the offensive and defensive positions of the Phase Gate and the Council's strategic spell positions, Kant's voice was a little hoarse at first.

He wanted to tell the soldiers the meaning of this battle, tell them their expectations and hopes, tell them why this battle was fought, and tell them to use the weapons in their hands to fight for what is really worth fighting for... A thousand words, Lots and lots of words.

He even thought of the parrot, Li Manyue, and many years ago, when the last fire thief and Xinggong had their first battle, the demeanor of the Aurora warrior that Marekise still remembers, it should have been How stunning and eye-catching.

But in the first battle with this legendary enemy, did she have doubts about it, and before her, the fire thieves of those eras, the creatures who fought but failed in the end, were in their fierce and heroic, struggling one. Do you also have a beautiful vision and lofty ideals in the glorious moment of the fight?

All the thoughts, all the reverie, dissipated in the cheers in the strong wind.

All thoughts, all thoughts, turned into short and urgent sentences.

He changed his previous words.


Just such a title turns language into a sword, sonorous and powerful.

"—Attack with me!"

Like the raging waves on the calm sea, the Astolfo sounded a passionate charge, and the violent impact transmitted the communication channel, like a landslide, like a shock!

"Kant is in power!"

In the command channel, the Horus Machine Spirit roared: "All troops assault!"

Each combat unit, military mission updates, new war targets marked on the combat panel, engines roaring, soldiers shouting, artillery roaring, the wave of momentum rolling the waves of iron and fire, facing the frenzied chaos of the council, towards the enemy army Array, shoot down with the power of Wan Jun!

On the Transcendent Destiny, the captain held down the operation panel: "The command is transmitted, the command comparison is completed, the Doomsday Blade Agreement has been authorized... The coronal cannon strike is ready, the coordinates are input, and the constraints are released - the holy sword is unsheathed!"

The sun was clear, the brilliance was shining, and all the colors of the mortal world were taken away by the surging stream of light again.

The pure high-energy elemental flow slammed down, first silently melting everything, and then igniting the material explosion, the earth-shattering explosion set off a huge amount of soil, and the invisible shock wave scattered wildly!

"The target has been destroyed! Repeat, the target has been destroyed, warning, the strange situation of the council troops has not been resolved, and the value of destroying the facility has not been determined... The corona cannon is charging!"

"Then take down the remaining two!"

Kant stretched out his hand to aim at the sky, and the huge phase gate spread out. On the other side of the portal, there was a dark and infinite universe with only a little bit of starlight shining. The terrifying suction was drawn like a storm, and the self-assessment council's spell position was projected. The thunderclouds, light spears and fire rains were all swept away.

One of the high-level commander's agreement strikes, the super-phase cosmic vacuum suction!

With the heart of mortal and all kinds of vicious means, the council soldiers who tried to stop the advance of the Far Harbor, along with the hidden bunkers, traps and poisons, were pulled into the air by this irresistible true force, and danced into death. Undoubted world.

Kant's heart is like a stone, and he manipulates this vacuum suction to push forward like a storm, clearing the road ahead.

"Valentan guards, basalt power armor, unfold!"

Equipped with super-heavy power armor, the Valentin guards occupy favorable terrain and sit down on the spot. The huge power armor is unfolded like a cockpit, and the guards guard it. Equipped with three-barreled cannons, the released alchemy mechanical dog activates the cooling core and connects to the fixed turret.

In addition to the twelve-barreled Vulcan, heavy lance guns and grenade storms were deployed.

"The spear platform has been deployed, and the area is on alert!"

The heavy cavalry of the 2nd Regiment of the Greenskin Spears drove the smasher rollers to the vanguard.

The subsequent armored assault core rushed forward along the rushing road, and the mechanized magic guide troops and power armored infantry were deployed along both sides of the assault route to resist the chaos of the council.

"Request the Daylight Drone Protocol!"

"Agree to request, war points have been deducted—"

The swarm of small drones passed through the dense air defense network like swifts and reached the point of fire blocking. The engine turned, accelerated to fall, and exploded suddenly.

The layers of fire waves rushed and impacted, and the small magic guide positions were destroyed.

"Request the support of the Dragon Aviation platform!"

"Aerospace combat units have been dispatched."

The arrogant dragons fluttered down, flying at a low altitude. The dragon flames sprayed violently along the trenches, and the dual rocket launchers on their shoulders fired at the ground. Under the cover of the air-ground battle, the armored assault force rushed to kill the hurricane, and finally reached the target of the war. , the turret turns, the mage chariot unfolds!

Under the desperate interference of the surrounding council soldiers, the artillery fire roared in salvo!

The explosion shook the soil layer, and the magic disintegrated the defense, but after layers of reinforcements and trials, it could not be destroyed at once. The orcs started the crushers to dig wildly. A working magic organ.

But the energy shield unfolded.

The surrounding council soldiers kept fighting back, and the assault force was firing frantically at the target. The armored commander, Messi Zhu, heard the instructions on the communication channel, he suddenly woke up and ordered loudly.

The smasher turned, the mage chariot and the main battle tank changed their positions, suppressing the surrounding council soldiers, and in the cleared battlefield and the best shooting position, tanks with strange shapes rushed forward, and different turrets were deployed. Covers the cover to reveal the mirror-like shooter with special ammo reloads.

The small phase gates open and the one-time restraint ammunition activates, ready to withstand the energies of the stars.

"Prism Tank - Volley!"