MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 893 Who do you send it to?

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Callius, the interim president of the Southern Council, witnessed the fall of Griffin Williams together with the company of Nemesis he formed.

Some people say that the taste of revenge is not good, there is only endless emptiness.

Some people say that it's obviously cool to let your mother's fart.

And Karius was able to confirm was the former.

They stood in the underground bunker, looking up at the passage that Kant had carved out, and witnessed the scene where Griffin was executed by the blade of light, turned into pure light, and dissipated in the air.

Thus, their vengeance, sworn with the blood of the dead and the tears of the mourners, ended.

At this moment, the Avengers were even a little dazed.

Is this the result they want?

There seems to be something wrong.

But as soon as the idea came up, cheers broke down along the corridor.

Immediately, more intense brilliance poured in, flashes of light appeared, and as the sand fell, the incomparably radiant figure fell down and landed steadily.

It's Kant.

The arcane hunters looked complicated, and immediately, they showed an incredible look of shock.

Because of the elements...they sensed the endless elements escaping between heaven and earth, surrounding Kant like the most docile servants, rhythmically rhythmically with his breath.

The most elite mages of the Arcane Council have the best element affinity and perception, so they can perceive that the Aurora in front of them is like a star with huge gravitational force. Without deliberately doing it, they can naturally attract all active elements, Magic and arcane laws go in one direction.

Even let these powerful spellcasters mana like boiling, active and agitated, almost leaving the body.

This is an extraordinary phenomenon that breaks the second law of magic.

The only thing that can do this is...

An arcane hunter sighed: "Supreme Mage..."

As powerful spellcasters, they felt the extraordinary suppression from higher-level mysterious individuals, and at this moment, they even had the illusion that Griffin Williams was standing in front of them.

A look of shock also flashed in Karius' eyes, and he murmured, "This is... the fire thief?"

He listened to the final dialogue between Griffin and Kant throughout the whole process. Part of it was illusory, which made him puzzled. He did not understand why Griffin thought that as long as he died at the hands of Kant, he had a chance to rescue those who were controlled by the mind. The accuser, he did not know, why Griffin knew that he had no way out, and he had to endure the unbearable humiliation and dignity of the extraordinary powerhouse, and he had to wait until Kant came to execute the sentence in person.

Now, he understands.

Kant nodded: "Yes."

He was suspended in the air, and the earth naturally generated repulsion. Feng'er supported him to fly, swept over the crowd, flew to the vicinity of the psychic mechanism, and stretched out his hand to hold the astrolabe that controlled the device.

"So the gods of the star palace are so afraid of you? Because you can not only kill them, but also take everything from them? Power, honor, memory, and even soul?"


There was a white glow in Kant's eyes.

Kalios was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but say: "Mortal... can it be okay? So you deprived Griffin of everything? Including his power?"

"Yeah." Kant replied casually, "but the effect is usually not so good... Perhaps only pure thoughts with amazing will voluntarily open their minds, so that the ritual of this inheritance can be completed perfectly."

His psychic powers drill down carefully, making connections.

The temporary grand speaker was silent again. He looked at Kant's figure with complicated eyes, and the surrounding arcane hunters involuntarily took a few steps back. The information revealed in this brief conversation made them thrilled.

The intelligent creatures in this world are already a group standing at the top of the food chain, and the extraordinary among the mortals is even more powerful and transcends the mortal world, and they are proud of this.

But I just learned today... There is another person above the predation chain.

It can feed on the extraordinary and deprive the soul of the power from penance.

How terrifying.

What a damn.


They should have killed with awe, and tried their best to get rid of this natural enemy and predator according to their instincts, but they looked at Kant who was operating the psychic mechanism and seemed to be defenseless, but they didn't have any courage to take action.

"That is to say..." Kalios said with difficulty, "As long as enough mortal powerhouses voluntarily donate their power, the Fire Thieves will combine countless great powers and become a new **** enough to shake the star palace?"

"I don't know, plus this time, I've only had two experiences."

Kant said calmly: "But I think it should be useless."


"The Star Palace has destroyed countless epochs. There will always be desperate fire thieves who are on the verge of madness thinking of this way. Among them, there must be the bravest, most courageous, and the most ruthless, who can try and execute this plan. ." Kant said lightly, "This is not my way."

Callius didn't speak, he just stared at Kant.

Kant suddenly laughed: "Your eyes... Kalius, you know, I have already connected to this psychic organ, just need to make some changes, the tens of thousands of elites of the council controlled by this battlefield will have a new one. Master. They will not fear death, and regard my command as the supreme command."

"Even if I ordered them to kill their family members with their bare hands, they would not hesitate to tear their parents, wives and children to shreds and eat them in one bite."

He turned his head and said with a half-smile, "Do you think I should do this? They are my enemies, and the threat of Xinggong is so urgent that they may not appreciate it if they are released. It is better to count the plans and tens of thousands of elites. With my weapons and equipment, it must be an invincible force, who would reject a fanatical loyal army that will never betray? The bigger picture is the most important thing."

The magistrates of the council changed their expressions and broke down in cold sweat.

Kant shook his head and laughed.

He pressed the earphone and said into the speaker: "All departments are in place, report the status."

"It has been evacuated and redeployed in batches, the front-line troops have stopped engaging in combat, and the trauma team and the officer training team are on standby... Governing, we are ready."

"Okay... listen to my password, five, four, three,!"

Kant raised his left hand and raised his **** to Kalios and the restless mages, like a bird who despised the bird, and then the blade of light spurted out of his hand and pierced the bleak green psychic organ.


With a single stroke of his hands, he stripped the evil tentacles from innocent souls.

"—It's free!"

A violent storm broke out in the spiritual world, as if the glass was shattered and crunched, and the spiritual shadow shrouded on the battlefield was stirred and dispelled by invisible forces.

In an instant, the evil thoughts disappeared, and reason returned.

The soldier who was charging fiercely stumbled to the ground, staring blankly at the burst crystals hanging all over his body, screaming in fright, and scrambling to pull down.

The mages who squeezed their mental power and continued to launch magic shots stopped, stunned for a moment, and looked at each other, their eyes slowly showing pure shock, fear, and disbelief.

Sanity is being restored, and the entire battlefield has fallen into great confusion and confusion.

But this confusion did not last long, because although he lacked sanity before, what he saw, heard, heard and thought was like a dream, leaving traces.

They remembered what happened earlier... It's as if they've fallen for evil!

Inexplicably, they charged to the death, the corpses of their comrades were beaten to pieces, and the wreckage was crushed by the tracks.

And Kant's order, his oath to kill, the final battle.


Griffin's execution.


The smartest and most nimble ones are always spellcasters, officers and elite troops, and the more loyal and steadfast they are to Griffin, but in the same way, when the faith is broken, the more painful it is.

After the shock and disbelief, it was just howling.

The bad news ran faster than the wind, and soon the bewildered troopers began to sob.

In particular, the drone swarm in the far port has been shouting with loudspeakers, and even mobile playback devices have played the previous battlefield images. All flukes have been wiped out.

Nightmare memories.

The uncooled flesh and blood of fellow robes.

The result of these months of sacrifice, giving and following.

The meaning of loyalty was also rejected.

The whole world is absurd.

Some people can't even accept this fact and choose to end their lives under the agitation of their emotions.

"I've heard of people committing suicide."

The shouting from the loudspeaker was originally, "The officers and soldiers of the council, please remain calm, the mind control has been lifted, the war has no need to continue, please lay down your weapons and wait for assistance, the Far Harbor has taken the initiative to cease fire, any continued attack will incur Severe strikes" and other words of exhortation.

It has now been replaced by Kant's voice.

"By the way, I'm Kant, the one who killed Griffin, defeated the council, and saved you."

"Long story short."

"The cowards of the council, listen to Lao Tzu."

Kant cleared his throat and said calmly: "From now on, those who commit suicide will be treated as war criminals, and one-third of their family members will be killed. Those who don't die, the men will be sent to the kiln, and the women will be sent to the chicken. Wo, the children are sent to the death camp for brainwashing, and when they grow up, they will learn that you just tied them full of burst crystals to bomb the Star Palace."

After a brief silence, the officers and soldiers who were at a loss in the council suddenly raised their heads.

Showing a variety of complex colors.

Kant did not give them the opportunity to express themselves.

"Fuck you, your charming mother, the cowards of the council, do you have **** in your mind? Damn, if you want to commit suicide, tell me earlier, I have a hundred ways to kill you guys who were just kidnapped by Yurid. The unwanted scraps turned into a puddle of rotten meat, but now that I am free, play this set for me again? Huh?"

The vulgar words of the Aurora people echoed in the skies of the battlefield.

"Fuck, do you know how many soldiers were injured or even killed because Lao Tzu was forced to confront you in order to free you from mind control?"

"I'm going to fight the God of the Star Palace in person, from the Phoenix King to the Dragon Emperor, to fight the God of the Star Palace in a state of self-destruction, and it's not for you idiots!"

"Come on, don't you want to commit suicide? Hurry up! All of them must be recorded. Before you kill your family, before you throw your father, your brother, your uncle, and your son into the mine to work, kill your mother. Before your sister, your wife, and your daughter are thrown into the chicken coop to pick up guests, I have to tell them—"

"You, you didn't die in the previous positional battle, nor in the controlled chaotic battlefield, but after being rescued, Wen Qing exploded, looking for life and death, and committed suicide! I would say that you are very brave! Obviously you can survive. Going home to reunite with my family, and the result is a **** slap, dead!"

Kant's voice was neither happy nor angry, as if he was talking about ordinary things.

"Just do it like this. You have heard my reputation and know my style. If one commits suicide, deal with one family. If there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be considered that my surname is Kang."

The battlefield was dead silent.

These officers and soldiers who escaped from the dead originally wanted to scold, but now they dare not even scold.

"You don't expect me to be merciful at all, and don't say anything like your family's misfortune. Damn, you beautiful sisters, mother, you guys who picked up a life on the battlefield don't care about your family. At the chance to meet again, do you expect me to have mercy on them? Do you really think I opened a shantang?"

"—Listen to me!"

The fighter jet roared and flew low, like the airship of a giant beast being pressed down from the sky, and even the two-legged dragons were ordered to land—not to mention the dragon emperor, the deceleration force field had been shattered, and under the overwhelming air superiority of the far port, the two-legged dragons were ordered to land. Foot Flying Dragon didn't even have a chance to escape, and the battlefield situation was completely settled.

After a brief evacuation and reorganization, the Huanghuang army in the far port was repressed again.

The momentum is like a torrent, the steel is the front, and the power is displayed.

It was an army that the council army could not stop even if it was mind-controlled, and even a suicide attack that was not afraid of death.

Under the siege of this kind of open space, the power of Kant's scolding was infinitely magnified when the morale of the army in the council was low and the army was confused.

"Everyone put down their weapons and sealed up important equipment assets. From now on, you are all prisoners! Far Harbor treats prisoners preferentially. It will be your old buddies who will receive and manage you in a while. Weeping in my arms."

"You will be sent to the prisoner of war camp for physical examination and adjustment, to remove the factors that caused you to be controlled by your mind before, and undergo a period of isolation and observation, which will last for about a month."

"Then, you worthless **** who are not as good as women, you can go home!"

As soon as this statement came out, the army was in an uproar, and they were stunned... Can you go home?

"Although I often say things that don't count, but in front of my army and the people, I will do what I promise. That's right, as long as you are captured obediently, don't damage the spoils, don't resist teaching, cooperate with the inspection, that one After the month's observation period has passed, you can go home."

The conditions were so favorable that the soldiers looked at each other in disbelief.


Kant laughed: "I don't think it's that simple? Think I will invite you to join my army and join the journey of counterattack and revenge against Star Palace?"

After a short pause, he said sharply, "Who are you sending it to? Are you worthy?"

"A group of scumbags who can't beat us even if their morale is locked, and who cry and cry when they get stabbed in the back, are they worthy of fighting alongside us? I saved a dog, and it knows to wag its tail at me. I saved it. You also help you kill Griffin to vent your anger, and you don't even want to call me a good person!"

"Damn, if you have the ability to cry, if you have the ability to commit suicide, but you don't have the ability to fight with Xinggong?"

Kant spit and shouted: "Okay, that's all, the teaching team, the propaganda team, go to the prisoner placement work, the council, you see who is not dead, the ones with the highest rank roll over, I have something to tell you... fuck, a bunch of stuff."

Loud spitting sounds came from loudspeakers all over the battlefield.


Carius, who came out with Kant, sighed: "This is your way? You won't control these soldiers, but give them freedom... You don't look down on them at all?"

"Can't understand, right? Because you haven't seen a real army." Kant said lightly, "The power of belief and will... The beasts who only eat assault ingots can't beat them."

Karius looked puzzled.

Kant shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, it has been sinking for too long, without their land, their blood."

The interim president became more and more confused.

There was not much turbulence in the army of the council, perhaps its morale had been sluggish, perhaps it was intimidated by Kant... In short, everything went smoothly.

They formed a system to swallow the paradox crystal and were sent to the white fog world.

Previously, there were prisoners of the Azure Fleet and Azure Fleet, so the training team knew how to manage the prisoners... Even the previous prisoners knew how to manage the later prisoners.

Matters after the war have nothing to do with these ordinary soldiers.

As Kant had promised, they could go home when the observation was over.

Under the watchful eyes of the monarchs of the various countries and the observation group, several generals came to Kant with a gloomy look.

"I won't say anything superfluous, you all understand. This war has been a mistake from the beginning, and Griffin has paid the price. I believe that you are aware of the threat to the star palace. If not, I will Some additional courses will be arranged for you... In short, I think we should have a consensus on this matter, that is, the inevitability and justice of revenge against the star palace."

"This is also your job for the next period of time."

The generals looked at each other and didn't speak.

At this moment, the Grand Speaker of Kalios said: "The division of the country is a mistake. Turaxia will end the war, reunite the power, and restore the honor of the council. You are all loyal soldiers of this country. ,I believe…"

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

Because the generals are looking at him, the messengers of the nations are looking at him, and the two majesties are looking at him.

The temporary grand speaker's heart sank.

Because Kant is looking at him too.

He paused for a moment: "Kang... Kant is in power?"

"Who are you sending it to?"


Carius could not understand.

"I mean…"

Kant looked at him with a faint sneer in his eyes.

"You don't think that this war is over, do you?"


PS1: I can't finish writing this chapter, let's start with 5,000 words.