MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 48 Tide Island Naval Battle!

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Two hours later, Li De ended his interrogation of Chogall.

In order to ensure that this guy was completely honest during his imprisonment, Reid asked Niebuhr and the other three shadow hunters to cast dozens of spells and curses on Cho'gall, depriving him of all spellcasting abilities, and then left him in this cabin. in the custody alone.

After that, Li De invited Talanji and Lal to meet on the Dinghai, and informed them that Gul'dan was dead.

Talanji is not bad, but Ral has been paying attention to the battle reports of the Eastern Continent since the middle of the war, and Gul'dan is one of the few people who left a deep impression on him.

Especially after learning that Gul'dan died of greed inexplicably, Ral felt extra absurd. Even a high-ranking tribe like Gul'dan who defected to the tribe, for whatever reason, showed that he had lost faith in the war.

At this moment, Li De didn't care to accompany Lal and sighed, but gave out a more important piece of information.

"I learned from Cho'gall that Orgrim has divided his troops again. He can't wait to take Quel'Thalas with Zul'jin, and with 17,000 troops, he is approaching west to attack Lordaeron."

After learning about this, Lal shook his head again and again. The initial strength of the Horde army was around 75,000 people. Now that the troops have been divided, there are only 20% of the troops left by Orgrim.

The situation on the entire battlefield The Horde has long been a success or failure. The real core of the alliance is undoubtedly the commander Lothar. Even if Orgrim really won Lordaeron, what would happen?

"Duhu Li De, then which way do we choose to go next?"

There are two paths in front of the coalition forces, one is to land at Southsea Town in the Hillsbrad Hills, and the other is to continue north to Lordaeron.

"Of course it is Lordaeron. Since Orgrim has decided to surprise Lordaeron, of course we should go to the rescue and let King Terenas of Lordaeron get a big favor.

Otherwise, what if they landed on the Hillsbrad Hills and worked so hard to the end, and they still didn't appreciate it? "

One thing to say, this strategy that Li De has set is actually risky. If by the time they arrived, Orgrim had already taken Lordaeron, it would all be meaningless.

Therefore, the soldiers are very fast, and they must arrive at Lordaeron as soon as possible. As for how to deal with the tribe's army after arriving in Lordaeron, with more than a thousand of them, it can only be seen one step at a time.

Ral can only hope that Lordaeron's defenders will be strong enough to last until they pass. It is best that the alliance can also have troops back to help at that time, so that the interests of the coalition can be maximized.

Two ships were left behind with the prisoners of the other two ships behind, and the main force of the fleet was heading towards Lordaeron at full speed.

On the way, Li De couldn't help being a little distracted. If it wasn't for the yaw, he should have followed him to Lordaeron. He was promoted to a hero in battle, and now Bao Buqi has become a famous general under Lothar. Of course, he may have died. on the battlefield.

What Li De could not have imagined was that before they could reach Lordaeron, they encountered another naval battle.

That was the eighth day when they decided to rescue Lordaeron. At this time, they would be able to reach Lordaeron in another day, but in the northwest of the mainland, near the sea near Tidefall Island, they found two fleets. There is a firefight!

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and on this dark sea, fierce battles are breaking out. The artillery fire of both sides lit up the sky as bright as day.

What's more shocking is that this is not a simple maritime operation. Both sides have invested in air combat troops. This is a three-dimensional operation of sea and air coordination!

The Alliance dispatched 18 destroyers, all of which were battleships with a displacement of more than 1,500 tons. Such a fleet had a total displacement of nearly 30,000 tons, and the lineup was quite luxurious.

In contrast, the battle strength of the tribe is much more shabby. There are only seven brigs, and they are not opponents at all from the fleet level.

If the tribe is simply fighting at sea, the tribe will be defeated, but in this three-dimensional coordinated battle between the sea and the sky, there are seven giant dragons flying in the sky!

They belonged to the Red Dragon Corps. The Orc Dragonmaw Clan controlled the Red Dragon Queen with an artifact. These dragons were forced to become the Orcs' mounts to help them fight.

Against these orc dragon riders are dozens of gryphon riders, Wildhammer dwarves from the Hinterlands. The Wildhammer dwarves teamed up with the local gryphon to form this formidable air force. It was the Horde's incursion into the Hinterlands that brought these Wildhammer dwarves to the side of the Alliance.

Griffin is much smaller than the dragon, and it is definitely not an opponent to face head-on. But the griffin is far more flexible than the dragon, and with the advantage of numbers, it is barely able to fight.

In order to assist the Griffin Knights, the Alliance fleet had to separate several ships for support with artillery fire.

But their artillery can't pose too much threat to the dragon, on the contrary, several warships suffered serious damage under the dragon's breath!

Every flame breath of the red dragon will take the lives of more than a dozen soldiers on the deck! At the same time cause a fire on the ship!

The Wildhammer Griffin Knight wielded his warhammer and struck the orc knight on the back of the red dragon with elemental magic lightning, but these orcs were all experienced and able to steer the dragon to avoid the attack.

The elemental magic of Wildhammer Knight can only slow down the speed at which the dragon destroys the ship.

In the face of such a fierce battle, Lal raised a semaphore to Li De on his boat, asking what to do. Li De did not rush to reply, but called the Knicks.

"Can the artillery on our ship deal with those giant dragons?!"

Goblin engineer Nix gave Li Derby a thumbs up.

"Goblin technology is shocking! Our main guns have no problem dealing with giant dragons!"

After getting the exact answer, Li De then ordered to semaphore to Lal:

'You are covering the rear with firepower, and the Dinghai will attack and join the battle! ’

At the same time, Daelin Proudmoore, the marshal of the Alliance Kul Tiras fleet, was saddened on the deck of his flagship.

He is the Admiral of Kul Tiras and the King of a country. In this war, the battle on land has already been won. Because he was only responsible for cleaning up the remnants of the sea, he only carried the Third Fleet on the mission. But how did you expect to encounter such a powerful enemy?

What's even worse is this operation. He has the mentality of training his successor, and he also brought his young eldest son Derek Proudmoore. Now this fierce battle makes him extremely worried about his son's life.

But Daelin has an extremely firm will to fight. He believes that with his excellent command, he will definitely win this battle.

"Marshal, an unknown fleet appeared at 9 o'clock in the southwest."

At this moment, the sailor on the mast who was in charge of watching and observing shouted, and the intense gunfire made him need to be loud enough for Daelin to hear.

Dai Lin hurriedly opened the binoculars to look over, and soon found the fleet mentioned by his subordinates. Decades of rich experience across the sea, Dailin recognized it at a glance, the special ship type and flag showed that this fleet belonged to the ancient kingdom of trolls!

"The Zandalar fleet?! Are they reinforcements from the Horde?! Yes, the Horde must have colluded with them through Amani. These guys actually broke through my blockade and found new reinforcements from the sea..."

Dai Lin wished he could bite all his teeth into pieces. It seemed that he was destined to be buried here today, but even if he was desperate, he still wanted to let his son live!

However, things backfired, and the sailor on the observation deck exclaimed again!

"Damn it! Major Derek is in danger!"

Daelin turned to one side as if electrocuted, and two giant dragons were temporarily freed from the entanglement of the Griffin Knights, and launched an attack on the ship where Daelin's son: Derek Proudmoore was located!


Dai Lin felt as if his hair was being pulled hard, and the skin all over his body stinged like needles. At this moment, he almost collapsed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

But at this moment, a rumbling cannon sounded. Just by listening to the sound of this cannon, Daelin could tell that it was more powerful than the cannons on both sides of the battlefield.

The dense cannonballs hit one of the two giant dragons that attacked, and one of the cannonballs even hit the jaws of the giant dragon!

The giant dragon that was hit swallowed its breath, and flew out sideways in pain. The other giant dragon that hit it breathed and lost its head!

"Haha! Have you seen it all! I fired that shot!"

Nix pulled off his goggles and boasted proudly to his surroundings.

During the entire battle, none of the Kul Tiras Third Fleet's artillery was effective against the dragon.

How could Dai Lin not know that his son was out of danger now? Immediately, the professionalism of the navy made him curious, where did the shelling just now come from?

"Marshal, it's that fleet! They attacked the dragon!"

Daelin's face was full of disbelief. Could it be that he thought wrong, the Zandalar fleet was here to help them?

With this question in mind, Dai Lin used the telescope to look in the direction just now.

He soon discovered that due to his negligence, there was another battleship of a different style in this fleet that he had not seen before. Completely different from the battleships of Zandalar, more like the ships of the Terran Kingdom, or more like the ships of Kul Tiras? !

"Sail! Raise the flag! Pull the boat over!"

Li De climbed up the mast, pulled out the whip, and shouted. Li Deben thought of the flag that he had treasured a year and a half ago, and then displayed it in Lordaeron, but it was rising with his participation in the war.

"That flag... is the Kingdom of Stormwind?!"

Daelin couldn't believe his eyes. Now even Lothar is commanding operations under the "Seven-Star DL Flag" of the Lordaeron Alliance. Where did this lion flag come from? !

Li De was naturally unaware of Dai Lin's shock. At this moment, he was standing on the observation deck, confronting the giant dragon who was bombarded and flew in anger to retaliate!

Seeing Li De staring at him, the giant dragon decided that this tiny human race was the culprit who hurt him, and spit out a dragon's breath at Li De!

"Screw you!"

Frightened and paying attention to everyone here, Li De jumped high from the observation deck, let the high temperature flames scorch himself, and waved the whipper against the dragon's breath!

The shadow and arcane energy contained on the lasher formed a powerful energy storm that actually split the bursting dragon breath in two!


The eyes of the orc cavalry on the dragon's back were all stared, and Li De had already come to the front of the giant dragon. Just as he was about to fall into the sea, Li De grabbed the dragon's nose and jumped up. On the back of the dragon.

"Get off!"

Without giving the slightest chance to react, Li De dragged the dragon knight into the sea with one kick.

Li De didn't know how to control a giant dragon, so he simply abandoned the dragon's saddle and stood directly on the dragon's head.

With the blessing of Nozdormu, Li De's strength is no less than that of an adult dragon, and because of his human size, his strength is more concentrated, how can this red dragon break free?

"Can you wash away the shame of being enslaved by orcs today! Listen to me!"

Li De's words made the giant dragon, who was still trying to struggle, hesitantly. He could only obey Li De half-heartedly and flew towards his companion.

The other red dragon was planning to continue attacking the Kul Tiras battleship, but he didn't expect that his companion was already under the control of the human race and rammed straight towards him!

The frightened red dragon subconsciously wanted to dodge, the bumpy orc knight was ignorant.

Just as the two giant dragons were about to collide, Li De yanked the dragon's horns sharply, and the giant dragon under him rolled over and passed by upside down. The orc knight above made two cuts, and at the same time, a large scale of dragon scales was lifted on the back of the red dragon, and the dragon's blood floated over the sea area of ​​Tidefall Island in an instant!

Both Li De and the giant dragon felt tired after performing difficult movements. He knew that such a high-intensity battle would not last long. To win this battle, joint efforts were needed.

While thinking about this, Li De looked around in the battlefield, suddenly he pressed the dragon head down suddenly, the red dragon helplessly dived towards the sea, turned sideways when approaching the sea, his entire wings did not sink into the sea, and rowed on the sea. A long trace is left.

Li De reached out and picked up a rope from the wreckage of the warship at sea. As the dragon lifted off again, he threw one end of the rope to the commander of the Wildhammer Griffin Knight.

"Grab the rope! Use it against these big guys!"

Kurdran Wildhammer took the rope subconsciously. At this moment, he was still a little stunned, and he had no idea where this fierce man came from.

But the dwarf was born with a forthright character, so he put all of this behind him, no matter where he came from, as long as he knew that he was on their side.

Compared to Li De who could only use brute force to drive the dragon, Kurdran was much more flexible. The griffin that bears him can be said to be his close companions and cooperate with each other. Kurdran is like a shooting After choosing a target, it flew around the neck of the dragon, and successfully wrapped the cable around the neck of the dragon.

"Tighten up!!!"

Li De shouted loudly, pulling on the rope at the same time as Kurdran. Of course, Li De didn't want to strangle the dragon just like that. He couldn't do it in the air at all. Doing so would only make it difficult for the dragon to move.

But that's enough, the control of the orc knight was shackled, and other griffin knights immediately found the opportunity, swept across the sky, and smashed the knight's head with a hammer!

After dealing with the knights on the dragon's back, Li De and Kurdran let go at the same time and continued to deal with the other dragon knights.

Almost in an instant, three of the seven dragon knights were killed! Although the dragons are still alive, the dragons who have recovered their freedom are no longer enemies of the Alliance. Except for the giant dragon that Li De was carrying, they were all watching from the edge of the battlefield.

Since then, the balance on the battlefield has finally tilted, and the remaining four dragons are no match for dozens of griffin knights at all.

On the Dinghai, Anderson drove the warship flexibly to avoid attacks, creating opportunities for the Knicks' gunners. The pressure of the Third Fleet was greatly reduced, and immediately under the command of Daelin, it strangled the Horde's warships with all their might.

At the same time, Ral and Talanji, who led the Zandalar fleet, did not completely stand by and watch. Although Li De promised that Zandalar would not need to take action in person, they were destined to be unable to watch on the sidelines.

Of course, in the current situation, there is no need for the Zandalar fleet to be the main force. They just told Daelin with a semaphore that they were here to help the Alliance, and they would help Daelin intercept the Horde ships.

An hour later, the tribe's command ship finally raised the flag and surrendered after realizing that there was no hope of escape.

The Battle of Tidefall Island, a great victory!
