MTL - Close to You-Chapter 16

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Lorraine far thought that he would not be able to sleep, but in fact, after saying that, he fell asleep in a daze.

When I woke up again, I heard the sound from the sleeping bag next to me. Lorraine Yuan slept with fever all over and his limbs were soft. He rubbed his eyes, and as soon as he opened it, he saw that Yu Han had put on his coat and unzipped the tent.

Sliding down the zipper, the sky seemed to be broken in a corner, all the sunlight poured into this small tent, Lorraine Yuan half-squinted his eyes to adjust to the light, he saw the layers outside Clouds with the sun rising slowly in between.

Yu Han turned his back with his back to him, his profile was covered in a hazy layer by the morning light, Yu Han smiled and said, "Sunrise."

Luo Lin Yuan was stunned, he looked at Yu Han's smiling face, because compared to the sunrise, it seemed that the person in front of him was more worthy of him to see and reward.

Yu Han noticed his dull gaze and followed. Lorraine is like being caught with pigtails, avoiding his eyes in embarrassment.

He embarrassedly got out of the sleeping bag and rubbed his disheveled hair: "Well, it's pretty."

Luo Linyuan took out his mobile phone, wanting to see if it would be too stupid to look like he just woke up. At this time, Yu Han said to him, "Thank you."

Lorraine Yuan: "Thank you for what?"

Yu Han turned his back to him, got out of the tent, and he rose towards the sunrise: "Thank you for telling me, so my name has other meanings."

After saying thank you, Yu Han left the tent. He still had a lot of work to do. He had to clean up the tent, dispose of household garbage, and make sure that no fire was left. Compared with the busy Yu Han, Luo Linyuan has nothing to do after washing up.

The group quickly packed up everything, got in the car and went down the mountain, and the camping was a perfect end.

On the way back, Lorraine Yuan still sat with Xia Fu, but this time he was less distracted than when he came, and often forgot to pick up Xia Fu's words because of his distraction. Seeing Lorraine Yuan's face, Xia Fu felt a sense of unease in her heart.

The woman's intuition is very sensitive, she perceives that Lorraine has changed a lot, and it becomes more incomprehensible to her.

Xia Fu began to think about what happened, could it be because she refused to cook and refused to stay in a tent for two, Lorraine was far from happy?

She clenched her fingers awkwardly and awkwardly. She regretted a little but not too much. She felt that this was her principle. She wanted to be with him all the time, so she would not hide it.

She twisted her fingers hard, suddenly her hands were covered with the boy's hands, she raised her eyes in surprise, Lorraine looked at her red fingertips with disapproval: "Don't pinch, it's all red."

Xia Fu stopped this self-torture behavior, she was not afraid of anything, she was afraid that Lorraine would not care about her.

She put her head on Lorraine Yuan's body, and her fingers followed, trying to wrap her finger around Lorraine Yuan: "Will you hold me."

Unexpectedly, Luo Linyuan avoided her hand, Xia Fu froze, bit her lip subconsciously, what was really different, Luo Linyuan would cooperate with her before, now But not anymore...

As if confirming her bad hunch, Lorraine said softly: "One month is almost here."

Xia Fu's eyes instantly turned red, she silently retracted her hand and lowered her head. The beginning of the two of them was her wishful thinking. Luo Linyuan proposed to give it a try. After only one month, she was also full of confidence. She thought she would get him in a month.

In the beginning, she just wanted an opportunity. Her friends said that there is no boy who will not be tempted when they get along. If a girl chases a man's interlayer yarn, she will definitely get him.

Xia Fu wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, a wry smile, where is the interlayer gauze, the distance between her and him is only a lot in her daily pursuit.

In this way, the two of them were silent all the way to the get-off point. At this time, the captain of the tenth class stood up and said, "Everyone don't leave for a while, how about we go to have a meal and then sing?"

His suggestion was accepted by many people. Everyone didn't have enough fun. Now it's more fun to listen to it.

Luo Linyuan took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Uncle Wu, so that he didn't have to come to pick him up, he also had to play with his friends.

When she got off the bus, Xia Fu left, and her little sister accompanied her. Fang Xiao was looking for Luo Lin Yuan, but when he saw Xia Fu's red eyes and the look of his little sister staring at Luo Lin Yuan, he realized that something was wrong.

Fang Xiao came to Luo Linyuan who was using his mobile phone: "What happened to you and your girlfriend?"

Fang Xiao continued: "Oh, woman, you have to coax her, why did you make people cry?"

Lorraine put away the phone, his brows furrowed, his face still a little worried. Fang Xiao saw it right at a glance, and quickly said, "Don't go after it?"

Luo Lin Yuan gave Fang Xiao a sharp knife, his eyes were cold, making Fang Xiao shrink his neck, Luo Lin Yuan really said to him: "I haven't asked you to settle the account, you forward."

Fang Xiao jumped far away, and Luo Linyuan didn't even want to pay attention to him with that cheap look afraid of being beaten.

He took his mobile phone and thought about how to talk to Xia Fu, she could say that she dumped him, the girl needs face. But it's not very formal to say this kind of thing on the phone.

Although Lorraine has never been that considerate, but because Lin Shu doesn't care about him, she has always been strict with him when it comes to treating girls.

Little girls who came to Luo's house since childhood, Lin Shu would treat them well and order him to be nice to girls.

I later heard from Uncle Wu that it was because Lin Shu was pregnant with a daughter before him, so he had some preference for girls.

Luo Linyuan finally put away the phone, planning to meet and talk.

At this time, he heard not far away, the tenth class captain said: "Why don't you come?"

The captain's voice was very low, the others gathered together to chat in twos and threes, Yu Han was standing beside the captain, Luo Linyuan quietly took a few steps forward, in a safe place where he could eavesdrop The distance stopped.

Yu Han said, "I have something to do tonight, so I won't go."

The captain is still persuading: "How can this be done, everyone has been bothering you for the past two days, this meal must be eaten."

Yu Han said very realistically: "If you are satisfied, pay more for the service fee."

The captain laughed and smacked someone on the shoulder: "This will be without you, don't talk about anything else, let's play together at night."

Yu Han refused: "There is something important tonight, you go."

The captain sighed in disappointment, and finally had to nod and agree to let him go, and turned to his brothers to talk about it.

Yu Han glanced at his watch and prepared to leave. Lorraine Yuan quickly stopped him: "Wait a minute." Yu Han stopped to look.

Luolin Yuan trotted forward: "Let's play together." After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Yu Han to refuse: "You are going to work tonight, how much is a night, I..."

Yu Han's face turned cold: "No."

Luo Linyuan was interrupted by him, but he still insisted: "Why, just like this time, you play with everyone, just play with me tonight, the paid kind."

Yu Han's eyes sank a little when he heard his words. The tenderness that he once gave Lorraine Yuan was taken back by him mercilessly at this moment.

Yu Han said: "I told you, don't joke about money."

He turned around and left without waiting for Lorraine to say anything.

Lorraine Yuan, who had never been shaken like this before, was stunned. He was stunned for a long time before raising his legs and chasing after him. When he caught up to the side of the road, he saw a taxi parked on the road. Someone got out of the car and was talking to Yu Han.
