MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7266 Death of the Eight

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Damn it!

Tang Yu scolded.

But now, he has no good solutions.

The Void God is definitely ahead of his own strength by several grades.

All he can do is get beaten, and there is no way to fight back.

The **** of nothingness is by far the strongest master Tang Yu has ever seen, not one of them.

Bang bang bang!

With a muffled sound, Tang Yu was smashed into the air again, and fell into the space.

The so-called indestructible Eucharist cannot be resisted.

The so-called cohesion into phases is broken when touched.

The so-called energy phase is also meaningless.

Tang Yu was like a sandbag, where the **** of nothingness kept venting his anger.

Although Tang Yu couldn't die for a while.

However, the undead power in the body will always be exhausted.

At that time, the physical body is injured again and it will be difficult to recover.


Seeing this scene, Chen Chong and others kept roaring, but they had no choice but to be anxious.

They stepped forward and couldn't solve any problems.

However, the **** of nothingness would never kill them.

After all, the gods of nothingness need their existence to support this world and avoid the immediate disintegration of the universe.

If this continues, they can only watch Tang Yu being tortured to death by the **** of nothingness here.

For a time, everyone's hearts have already mentioned their throats.

As long as Tang Yu died, then they would have no effect.

There is no doubt that they will die too, and they will die miserably.

"How to do how to do!"

Chen Chong banged his head firmly and couldn't help screaming.

He couldn't think of a way.

In the face of absolute strength, what can be done?

Now, even the palace of Yin and Yang cannot go back. This is the biggest crisis.

"Now, there is another way, I don't know what you say."

However, at this time, the shrine, who had been silent for a long time, spoke and said, "Using this method, I think it will solve the immediate crisis, but at a great price."

"The shrine, it's already this time, what are you talking nonsense here, don't play dumb riddles, please?"

Chris couldn't help but said.

"This universe was created by the **** of nothingness."

The shrine said with a deep voice: "And now it is about to collapse, it is only a master of the creation **** level, supporting this world. To be precise, we are supporting this world. If, we are not here. In the world, then this world will inevitably collapse directly.

Otherwise, the **** of nothingness cannot keep us from killing. "

"But, we can't go to the boss's Yin-Yang Palace, and now the Yin-Yang Palace is also blocked."

Kongming was taken aback, couldn't help saying.

"Could it be that..."

Roman's heart was shocked, and he shouted in a deep voice: "There is another way for us to leave this world."


Chen Chong and others couldn't help but feel moved.

No one is a fool, and everyone instantly understands what Roman is talking about!

Stop yourself!

That's right.

Even if they took the initiative to seek death, didn't they leave this world?

Otherwise, why doesn't the **** of nothingness kill them?

"When Tang Yu is dead, we will all die."

Roman said word by word, "The God of Nothingness will never let us go.

We have been with Tang Yu for so many years. Tang Yu has done his best for us. I don't know how much it has helped us. As brothers, since we must all die, we might as well help Tang Yu one last hand and use our lives to break the shackles of this universe and give Tang Yu a chance to survive.

This opportunity is great. As long as one person survives, this is also the best result, isn't it? At the very least, it is much better than the entire army is wiped out. "

Roman's voice fell, and everyone was silent.

Not long after, everyone suddenly raised their heads and nodded slightly: "Lao Luo, you are right.

Since he must die, it might as well be more meaningful to die. Give the boss this opportunity to let him leave the world created by others alive and let him gain true freedom. "

Death is not terrible.

However, it is a great courage to choose death on his own initiative.

Especially, it has reached the pinnacle of the world.

The eight people looked at each other and smiled suddenly, extremely hearty.

Suddenly, eight people shouted at Tang Yu: "Boss, it's worth it to be a brother with you in this life!

At this point, we won't hold you back. We will go ahead. No matter what, you must win. "


Tang Yu shook his heart, staring at Chen Chong and the others, with infinite horror: "What are you doing? Don't do stupid things!"

With Tang Yu's cleverness, he had already thought of what Chen Chong and others would do.

In addition, he clearly perceives that the energy of the Eight Gate Array in Chen Chong and others is already countercurrent at this time.

There is only one result of the eight-door retreat array energy flow, and that is death!

And yes, the soul is gone!

These eight people want to use death to create a little bit of life for themselves.

Seeing this, the Void God's expression changed suddenly.

If these eight guys die, then his world will directly collapse.

The consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

He also never expected that these eight guys would make such a desperate choice.

"Asshole, you guys stop it!"

The Void God's complexion was extremely ugly, and he sternly shouted at Chen Chong and others.


Chen Chong couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "Why? We want to live very hard, but we want to die, do you think you can stop it? No one has died since ancient times? You can't stop us.

And as soon as we die, your broken universe will collapse directly, and you will no longer be able to restrict our boss in this universe. At that time, the power of backlash will make you more uncomfortable, and your good days are over. "

"Asshole, asshole!"

At this moment, the **** of nothingness was panicked for the first time.

Chen Chong and others died, which was extremely fatal to him.

Now he hadn't been able to absorb Tang Yu's body, the universe collapsed, and his backlash was tremendous!


Tang Yu's eyes were red, and he hurriedly yelled at Chen Chong and the others, feeling unusually anxious.

"Boss, live with our will."

Chen Chong and the others laughed, but did not regret: "We are dead, but you can use it as our eyes to help us see the beautiful world outside this universe.

No matter what, boss, you must not die! "

The eight people looked at Tang Yu and shouted.

Although he was going to die, there was a smile on his face.

They walk without regret, they walk calmly!

This is their choice without regrets.

"Do not!"

Tang Yu let out a roar, and the eight gates flew against the current, engulfing the eight people, and there was a shocking explosion that directly submerged everything.

Accompanied by the fall of eight people including Chen Chong.


The universe on this side could no longer be supported, cracks began to appear above the starry sky, and they began to spread rapidly in all directions.

Slowly, the top of the starry sky began to collapse.

This universe just fell apart!