MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7269 Bloody reality

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Lean less.

But seeing the **** of nothingness stretched out his hand, all the energy was eroded away by the **** of nothingness within thousands of kilometers.

Not only that, but looking around, all the surrounding plants have withered and turned into nothingness, and all the green has disappeared.

Even the land has become chapped, and no energy can be sensed at all.

"Tang Yu, be careful."

Tang Dou yelled, "The God of Nothingness has used a certain method to eat away all the energy around him. If this continues, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

With so much energy being sucked in by him, I'm afraid it is going to use some amazing tricks. "

"His physical body may not be able to withstand the current energy!"

Tang Yu sneered: "After all, this is not his real body."

"But don't forget one thing, this is the flesh of the **** of nothingness you know."

Tang Dou reminded: "It also means that this physical body controls the power of nothingness, and the power of nothingness turns all energy into nothingness. He can use any energy from outside to bless himself at will. This is his strongest. Place.

Moreover, these energies do not need to be used in the Dantian at all. Therefore, everything he absorbed can instantly be transformed into a move to attack you, without causing any damage to his current physical body at all. "

"That being said, how does he turn these energies into useful attacks?"

Tang Yu looked indifferent: "The power of nothingness, I will too.

Moreover, what I control is at the top level. Do you think that his attack of absorbing these energy really has any effect on me? "

Tang Dou did not speak, but his heart was solemn. In the face of the **** of nothingness, there must be no carelessness.

"Tang Yu, do you think my moves are simple?"

The voice of the Void God lingered around Tang Yu's ears: "However, to truly reach the top level is to reduce complexity to simplicity and return to the basics. Even a simple trick can burst out the strongest power. Obliterate everyone.

Do you think that being really powerful is really that kind of fancy moves? "


Tang Yu's eyes were indifferent: "True strength is definitely not a fancy move, but it is not relying on the loss of this world to promote this shameless behavior.

My own world is ruined, now, do you want to ruin this world too? This is what you have to do? No wonder you were so badly injured back then that even your basic physical body was gone. What do you deserve to be? "

"Tang Yu, what do you know?"

The Void God pointed at Tang Yu and sternly shouted: "How can you understand what I experienced back then? If you don't understand history, don't talk nonsense!"

"But now I only see you who are cruel and selfish."

Tang Yu's voice was cold.


The Void God looked cold, murderous and awe-inspiring: "Who didn't go from the weakest to the top step by step? Who was born again, the world is the strongest?

There are at least some people around you to support you, but what about me? From beginning to end, I am only one person. I knew from the very beginning that I could only rely on myself and no one could count on it. But what you have experienced, I have experienced everything. I am getting stronger step by step, and the top players above are crushing me crazily and wanting to kill me.

They want to recruit security and make me their dog leg. Of course, it was actually by Zhao An to kill me. Do you think that there will be no selfish people in a universe? Will there be real peace? "

Tang Yu looked indifferent, but did not speak.

"No, as long as someone exists, no matter where it is, there can be no peace!"

The Void God pointed to Tang Yu and laughed up to the sky: "Even if it is the internal world you have created with your own hands, do you really think it is a utopia or a paradise?

I tell you, Tang Yu, everything is your wishful thinking. Now, you are not me, but it will not take long for you to become me, because I am also from your stage, step by step. In your internal world, with the exception of a few people, most people will still fight, there will be level differences, and they will grab resources. The subsequent fights, killings, and then evolve into war...

The real resources and power are in the hands of a few people. The people at the bottom are not willing to be left alone and can only crawl online step by step. In order to avoid the subversion of their control rights, the people at the top must either recruit security or kill them. This is fate. The lives of all the bottom people!

You have no background, no strength and no resources to support, even if you can really get out of the bottom, you can only barely reach a slightly higher level, want to be higher? Ha ha, the Arabian Nights! "

In the palace of yin and yang.

Everyone listened to this quietly, and for a while, they were silent.

Of course, the number of people who can hear these words is extremely limited. At most, those top masters. But the people in the common world and the small cloud world didn't even have the qualifications to hear it.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that the words of the **** of nothingness do have some truth.

They could not judge whether the **** of nothingness was right or wrong.

Perhaps, in this world, there is no real right or wrong.

"What do you want to express?"

Tang Yu raised his head and spoke lightly.

"Ha ha..."

The Void God laughed: "Whether I win this time or you win, the result is the same. Because, sooner or later, you will become the next me.

Your internal world will also become a duel field, and finally evolve into a battlefield, which is devastated for resources and power. You think that you get the hearts of the people, but in fact, it's just your self-righteous thoughts. Because people are the most grateful species that they don't understand. It won’t take long for them to forget what you did for them. Even if you fight with me and die now, what if they know?

Would they think you saved them? They only care about the small circle in which they live, they only care about whether they can eat up, and their own little interests, they will not care about your life or death, let alone the so-called cosmic events!

So, why bother? Why do such boring things here and waste time fighting with me here? What is the picture? Is it just for the trash? I think back then, my body also died for the sake of the world. What happened? Do you think how many people are grateful to me, do you remember me?

I'm the **** reality, can't you see it clearly? Tang Yu, if you and I join forces, you can control the entire world. Why do you fight to the death with me for those ants? "