MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7271 Fuss

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"Bold, who dares to be presumptuous here!"

At this moment, a burst of shouts reminded me, I saw countless masters coming one after another.

In a short time, hundreds of masters gathered in front of Tang Yu.

"It must be this kid who is practicing magic skills here, and he has made thousands of miles like this. What a damn."

I saw a group of masters dressed in red and yellow and special clothes looking at Tang Yu coldly, murderously.

Tang Yu sighed, "This matter has nothing to do with me, that guy has already left here.

However, I would advise you not to trouble him. With your strength, to trouble him, it is estimated that you will die, and you can't do anything. Forget it, you may also know some things in this world, just to tell me, I also know the world a bit, not too ignorant. "

"Boy, you are bold!"

In the lead, a man full of flesh pointed at Tang Yu, and shouted sharply: "Don’t pretend to be garlic here. You are the only one here. Do you want to pretend to be the only one who will not admit it? I don’t know what evil you used. The technique has absorbed all of our energy, causing several elders of our sect to fail in retreat. The sin is unforgivable, you deserve to die.

Boy, take your life! "

With a burst of shout, only several masters came to Tang Yu's face instantly, and the various energies on his body gathered dazzling light, and suddenly patted Tang Yu's body.


Along with the loud noise, gunpowder smoke was everywhere.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them, sneered.

Tang Yu's bone age was too young, they didn't believe that such a young kid could do anything.

of course.

They didn't try their best.

How much, but also to keep alive.

"Is it a bit heavy for us to start? If this kid can't hold it up, I'm afraid it's already torn apart now."

"Shit, this kid must be a cultivator. So, it's not that easy to die."

"However, he is very young, and it depends on his fate."


There was a lot of discussion, as if the winner was already in hand.

"Indiscriminately, do you just shoot?"

At this moment, amid the gunpowder smoke, a voice slowly spread: "It seems that the folk customs in this world are not very good, at least, there is no distinction between good and evil.

It seems that wherever there are people, there will be fights and killings. "


"who is it?"

"Could it be that bastard, this kid is not dead?"

Everyone stared at the gunpowder, their spirits tense.


Lean less.

Within the smoke, Tang Yu slowly walked out, gently dusted his body, and said lightly: "I don't want to care about you, don't overdo it.

Tell me, what kind of world is this, what is this place, who is the strongest among you? "

"Boy, crazy, what qualifications do you have to ask us questions?"

The leader sternly shouted: "You can actually withstand our attacks. It looks a little capable, but don't think that we deliberately keep our hands. You think you are too strong."

"My time is limited, answer my questions."

Tang Yu looked indifferent: "If you don't want this universe to be destroyed, answer me now."

"I bother!"

Everyone laughed, looking at Tang Yu as if looking at a fool.

One person was full of sarcasm and shouted: "Who do you think you are? The destruction of the universe? Hahaha, you can really tell the truth, how can this universe be destroyed? Do you think you are the legendary creation god? World God, it is basically impossible to destroy this universe.

I tell you, now, if you are caught in a hand, and carried back half-deadly beaten by us, you may still have a dog's life. If you dare to resist, kill it! "


In front of him, a dozen masters stepped forward, besieged Tang Yu, and shot directly.

"If you want to know, then you can catch it with your hands. You will know everything by then!"

All of them grinned, and the blade turned directly to Tang Yu's neck.


With a crisp sound, the knife fell on Tang Yu's body and broke instantly.

The man's mouth hurt, he could no longer hold the knife in his palm, and fell directly on the ground with a bang.

"you you!"

The master's heart shuddered, and a chill suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Just now, you said that you would catch with your hands, and you wouldn't be a killer. However, I didn't move, but you wanted to kill me."

Tang Yu looked indifferent: "Is this your credit?"

"Asshole, let's shoot together!"

The expert shouted sharply, "I don't know what special armor this kid is wearing. It is invulnerable. It is an absolute magic weapon. Don't attack him, just attack his head!"

"The cruel ones."

Tang Yu's eyes were slightly icy, locked on the master.

"Scaring me?"

The master grinned: "Even if you are wearing expensive armor, I will take it off. Then, everything will be mine. Kill!"

With a roar, countless people attacked Tang Yu, as if to chop Tang Yu into meat sauce.

Under the voice of the other party, everyone was aiming, not Tang Yu's body, but Tang Yu's head!

Ding ding ding ding!

Countless clear voices sounded.

Those dozen swords were like broken copper and rotten iron, and broke directly at the waist!

The surrounding people were shocked, their eyes widened, and they looked at Tang Yu like monsters, with a bit of fear: "This kid is so evil, his body is extremely hard, and the sword can't hurt it!"

You know, what they hold in their hands is a magic weapon, not a piece of bronze or iron!

At this moment, the face of the master who had been clamoring just now was pale and shivering constantly.

He couldn't see the depth of Tang Yu.

However, he is not stupid.

So far, the kid in front of him is so indifferent and motionless. Obviously, he is not an idle role.

For a while, he was born with retreat.

"A person who is dead will definitely find ways to let himself die."

Tang Yu looked at this person and said lightly: "My patience with you has reached the limit. Since you are going to die, I will perfect you."

" dream!"

The master suddenly felt a very strong murderous intent, which made him feel fear.

For a moment, the master hurriedly backed away, turned and fled.

As a master, everyone has their own intuition.

His instinct tells that he is going to die!


However, this master just took a step and wanted to escape, suddenly his whole body exploded, turned into blood mist, and died on the spot!

This dense blood mist instantly filled the entire space, shocking everyone.

It's not surprising that a person died.

But what they fear is that this person died too strangely, and suddenly exploded for no reason, which made them feel fear!

" you?"

Everyone kept perceiving their surroundings, and finally looked at Tang Yu, and shouted sharply, "What did you do?"

"Just clean up the garbage, don't make a fuss."

Tang Yu said quietly, "Now, can you answer my question?"