MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 151

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Say thunderbolt is true, thunderbolt really arrives.

Under the rain of cherry blossoms, a beautiful girl who was exactly the same as the head of the shadow was walking towards the lotus.

She was wearing a simple and elegant kimono in cherry white, with a wide kimono and open cuffs.

At the hem of the kimono is a pair of small jade feet, wearing snow-white foot bags, and stepping on the clogs among the cherry blossoms, as if a goddess of cherry blossoms is in full bloom.

Raiden is really different from Raiden's movie. Her purple hair is spread out, which is more feminine. It is not like a shadow, and it is more suitable for combat.

The shogun of the shogunate held a flower umbrella with a few strands of cherry blossom ribbons on both sides of the umbrella, making it look magnificent.

The facial features are as charming as Lei Movie, and the body is as plump and graceful as Yingying, but the two sisters can easily be distinguished when they stand together.

Because the girl who came in front of her looked too gentle, as if everyone could drown under her tenderness.

"It's an adult!"

Several people in Huzhai Palace respectfully saluted Mingshen.

Compared with the shadow who can play with them unscrupulously, the thunderbolt who has been in charge of the shogunate and exercised political affairs really makes people feel more majestic.

"You don't need to be too polite. My sister has always been taken care of by you. It should be me thanking you."

Really gentle smile, her voice is just like her appearance, if it is continuous spring water, soft and delicate.


Ying was a little restless, she glanced at her sister, looking slightly embarrassed.

She is not a child, how could she still need to be taken care of.

Except for Sasa Lily and Husai Palace, Miyu Chiyo is all she takes care of.

On the battlefield, Lei Movie is an invincible Mingshen, but in daily life, she is a little dumb, just like the girl behind her sister, as Morax described.

"Hehe, Ying, are you shy?"

Zhen Zhen blinked his beautiful jade-like eyes at his sister, seeing Ying standing there and not talking, Zhen no longer tried to stimulate her, but restrained her expression and looked towards the west:

"...You have also noticed that there is the power of the elements of the Demon God fluctuating there."

When Ying heard her sister's words, she frowned slightly and said, "...I haven't seen this demon before. Could it be that there are other demons in this Dao wife area?"

After really thinking about it, he shook his head and smiled and said, "...It shouldn't be the devil **** of Rice Wife, it's probably a foreign devil god."

"An alien devil? Could it be that a devil escaped the war and came to Rice Wife? Or do you think we are weak, so he can defeat us here?"

Yingxiu raised her eyebrows, her words filled with anger.

If there are demon gods who feel that their sisters are easy to bully, let them know that thunder and anger!

"Ina wife has always had trade exchanges with Liyue across the northern sea. Although there is no trade between them now, there is also trade between the people in private."

"...According to the Liyue merchants who came here, Liyue is now unified, and the two Liyue emperors are in charge of Liyue, both literary and military, and now Liyue is peaceful and the people live in peace and prosperity."

Lei Dianzhen suddenly changed the subject and talked about Liyue, and there was such a trace of envy in her words.

Liyue Land is vast and rich in resources. With an outstanding ruler, it naturally develops extremely fast.

On the other hand, Rice Wife is different. This is an island, and the property is very restricted. Therefore, even if the thunder and lightning work hard, it will not be able to completely solve the basic needs of the people.  …

This is not something that Raiden can really control. After all, she can't change the environment of the rice wife and change the property.

But Raiden really knows that although Liyue is rich in material, there are also the most demon gods, and the war is fierce.

If she and her sister were fighting for the position of the Seven Gods in the Liyue Land, there was no certainty that they would be able to win.

So fortune and misfortune depend on each other, their sisters are at least fine in Rice Wife, and no one is in danger.

"Really, you mean that Morax, the Devil of the Rock, who we met once?"

Shadow moved in his heart, pursed his lips and said.

Ying had met with his sister and the Devil of the Rock once, and even Ying admitted that Ruobi Wuyi might not be the opponent of the Devil of the Rock.

This also makes Ying fortunate that their sisters and the Demon God of Rock are not in the same area, otherwise this Demon God war will be extremely difficult, and the two of them will also be at risk of falling.

"Liyue is actually ruled by two monarchs. Could it be that the Demon God of the Rock is like us. Can't he have a brother or a younger brother?"

"...It's just that the Demon God War is not..."

There was some excitement in the shadow's tone.

The reason why the sisters did not end the war was because of the rules of the Demon War.

However, they are twin demon gods with special characteristics, so the two sisters also thought of a way to escape the rules, but they are not guaranteed to succeed.

After all, the Demon God War is not a natural and unchanging truth, but a rule set by Sky Island.

Since it is man-made, there are ways to escape the rules.

But if Liyue's Rock Demon God had a better way, she would not hesitate to ask for advice and treat each other with a 5.8 gift.

Thinking about the character of the Demon God of Rock, she should be able to help her.

"I know what you mean, and I do too... But this matter has to be carefully thought out."

"...The demon **** that appeared to the west of Mingshen Island, I think about it and think it is like the demon **** that Liyue defeated. Let's explore it first, and then decide what to do next."

Raiden really doesn't act too big, even if he perceives that the devil is not strong, far less strong than his sister, Raiden really decides to investigate first.

"If that devil **** is hostile to my rice wife, I will make the thunder of the ten directions vibrate and let them know the wrath of the god!"

Shadow put a finger on his chin and said.

She will not let his wife and sister encounter any danger, and she will bear all the dangers.

It's just that the two sisters don't know. Building a new island was done by Orobas alone, and Saigo did not contribute.

So whether it is Raidenzhen or Raiden Movie, they are unaware of the existence of Xixiang.

Chapter forty-ninth eternity and eternity

To the west of Inatsu, a huge island suddenly appeared under the sea.

Such myths are passed down by word of mouth among the people of Daozu, and everyone is surprised by this rumor.

Some people believe it, some disdain it, and feel that this is just a rumor created by people with good deeds.

But gradually, more and more people saw the strange island.

Although this island that rises from the sea is not as vast as Naruto Island, it is also a large enough island within the Inatsuji boundary.

Many rice wives were curious about the appearance of this island, and some people wanted to take a boat to explore it, but General Raiden ordered that civilians are not allowed to go privately.

The prestige of General Thunder and Lightning was prosperous. After receiving the order, although the people were curious, they gave up, but there were more legends about this new island.

On the sea island, many colorful plants are dazzling.

Looking at this island like this, no one would have thought that it would have any relationship with Inami.

The ecology here is completely different from that of Inaba.

There is a grand 07 shrine-style palace in the center of Kaiji Island. The palace is called the Coral Palace, which is the main temple of the "God of the Sky" and the "Great God of the Sea".

It is headed by the present goddess Coral Palace, and worships the two gods that the people of the abyss believe in.

In a corner of Haiji Island, a huge phosphorus-free white snake was crawling slowly on the ground.

The demon **** who once defeated the cowardly and fled in Liyue was already weak at this time.

In order to build this island, Orobas has exhausted all his demonic powers, and has even damaged the root.

Although He is still lingering, he has lost most of his power.

"Why did you name this island Kaiji Island, my lord..."

The poisonous snake pupil of the big snake looked towards the man standing on the huge rock, looking at the sea, and asked in a low voice.

Xixiang was wearing a black robe, and he was holding a long lamp in his left hand, standing quietly like a formidable god.

After hearing Orobas's words, Xixiang said: "...This island was built by you with everything you did, and it has nothing to do with me."

"...Why do I have to take people's favor and take your credit, I don't even bother to do this kind of thing."

Orobus was silent for a moment, and then said again: "...I don't care about the beliefs of the people under the abyss. I am willing to help them just because I am willing."

Hearing this, Xixiang laughed and said: "...I understand that your demon gods always love people, but so do I. How can I care if the people on these sea islands have faith in me?"

"...I don't care, it's just that these humans care."

"The reason why I shelter in the people of the sea is not because they believe in me, it's just my agreement with you."

"...I am still willing to abide by the promise. You have interested me, and I have promised you to fulfill your wishes, so I will guard them here."

Orobus sighed softly, admiring the state of Saigo.

He doesn't care about human beliefs, just because he is a demon and should love people.

Saigo doesn't care about human beliefs, just because he is closer to 'God'.

God doesn't care about the so-called belief, it's just human beings who care about it.

This is an unimaginable state of Orobas.

"I can't live long. In order to build this island, I have exhausted everything as a demon."

"...But I don't regret it. I once abandoned my own people in Liyue, and I feel very guilty about it. Now that I can do these things for my new people, I'm finally relieved."

Orobus spoke at this time.

Orobus, as a demon god, betrayed his people, and it was an unimaginable torture for him.

Today's phosphorus-free serpent has given the people of the sea a new life, and he is finally able to have a good idea and be able to die generously.

"Even if I haven't exhausted the power of the devil, as a participant and loser of the devil's war, I will not survive."

"...Unless I can beat the Rice Wife and defeat the Thor sisters, but I know I don't have that kind of strength."

"Besides, I have seen forbidden things in the land under the abyss, and the order of the sky will never allow me."

"...I've been lingering on for so long, and now I feel a sense of relief."

The phosphorus-free serpent sighed, his sinister eyes filled with joy, watching the piece of land under his feet that belonged to him.

In the distance, the people of the sea finally saw the real sun, and everyone on this island is working and farming with great enthusiasm for life.

They were devout and grateful for the great gods of the sky and the sea who rescued them from the abyss and brought them to the place where the sun rises.

That belief was fanatical enough to die for its own god.

"If you ask me, maybe I can save you."

Xixiang spoke at this time.

Unexpectedly, Orobus laughed and shook his head: "...I used to be afraid of death, and I was ashamed of myself."

"...Now that I finally have the courage to face death, why should I run away?"

"My lord, I have the intention to die, and I have nothing more to ask for."

"...If you are willing to protect my people, I am already grateful to you, how can I ask for anything else."

At this time, Orobus sang a generous elegy, so Xixiang couldn't help but glance at him.

At this moment, Xixiang has completely recognized him, and will always remember this big snake in his heart.

"It's a pity that this island was created by my 200 demon power after all, not a natural one."

"...The land is fertile today, but maybe in a thousand or two thousand years, the land here will lose its ability to be cultivated."

"At that time, how will the people of Kaiji Island survive?"

Orobas was worried at this time, worried about the future.

"This is what the people of the sea have to worry about, why should you decide the future for them."

"...Life is just a few decades, and human beings should not leave regrets for themselves. They should laugh when they want to laugh, and cry when they want to cry. Human beings should live in the present. Who can guarantee the future?"

"Even if it's me, I can't really predict the future."

Xixiang turned his back to Orobas, he raised his head slightly and looked at Haitian Yishen, and said leisurely.