MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 59

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It's just that this place is surrounded by so many troops and vampires, and the ninth prince knows that he will be defeated if he fights his sister here.

Then he will inevitably be eaten by this woman's cannibalistic vampire instinct, thus losing his life.

As for the other party's statement that he would spare his life by handing over the body of 'Flaming Yebo', the ninth prince did not believe it at all.

He knows his sister too well, she is a ruthless poisonous scorpion.

‘We must first find a way to escape from here, and then look for an opportunity to take revenge. ’

The ninth prince's golden eyes flashed, thinking secretly.

Many vampires around him are eyeing him, and there are many mercenaries with guns.

The weapons of these mercenaries are all contraband found by his sister Wang, and those curse bullets have a strong restraint on the immortality of vampires.


Unless he is the true ancestor, he will surely die under random bullets. The strength of vampires is the beasts, never the quality of the body.

'It would be nice if the beasts of Yebo Yanguang could be used here. ’

The ninth prince thought with regret.

No one can order the body of Yanguang Yebo, except for the legendary 'primitive' that the descendants of vampires don't know if it really exists.

These bodies, which are used as containers to seal the fourth primordial beast, will only take the initiative to participate in the battle and release their own beasts during the feast of flames.

Normally, even if these weapons were found, they would not obey orders to use their powers.

If there are the beasts of the Fourth Primogenitor, it will be easy to destroy my sister Wang and this group of people, it will be a lore!


The ninth prince thought fiercely.

Unfortunately, he couldn't order 'Ye Guang Ye Bo'.

Just when Ibrisbel Yagiz's thoughts appeared, a huge and suffocating magic suddenly appeared in this mansion.

That magic power is so violent and sharp, as if it can cut off everything in the world.

The expressions of the ninth prince and the second princess changed, and the two looked at each other with a look of horror and vigilance, thinking that this was some killer move hidden by the other party.

But when they saw the same look in the other's golden eyes, they suddenly realized.

No, there are third-party people here!

In the next moment, a magnificent sword composed of rainbow light descended from the sky, with unparalleled prestige, severing this vast mansion!

With a loud bang, the earth was completely torn apart, forming a gap that was several kilometers long.

The vegetation that was cultivated in the mansion was buried in the flying mud, the luxurious statues were turned into powder and shattered, and the water source of the fountain that flowed like a river was completely broken.

Smoke and dust filled the air, magic power roared, and within a three-kilometer radius, the entire land was turned upside down, as if it had experienced a natural disaster that wiped out humanity.


In the collapsed ruins, Ibris Bell Yagiz covered his mouth and barely got up from the dust.

Looking in the direction of the Rainbow Sword with his golden pupils, he saw an illusory giant Valkyrie who was burning with flames, floating in the air.

The moment he saw this beast, an idea popped into the ninth prince's mind—

It's over, it was really lore! Of.

Chapter 91: The Black Sword, the Rod of God!

"Cough...cough...cough...what's going on?"

Among the ruined ruins, Mai Weiya, the second princess of the extinct dynasty, pushed away the messy and heavy objects on her body and climbed out from the cement blocks and bricks.

The second primogenitor's direct line of vampires was disheveled at this time and looked utterly embarrassed. His beautiful black hair was stained with dust, and his black robe was torn in many places.

As a first-generation vampire, even though she was far from the True Ancestor in terms of immortality, she would not be killed by something like reinforced concrete.

There was mourning all around. The vampire troops she brought before were all injured. The injuries of these vampires ranged from light to serious. The only good news was that there were no dead people for the time being.

Compared with these vampires with self-recovery ability, those mercenaries hired by the second princess are miserable.

Except for some orcs who did not have any major obstacles, human mercenaries suffered heavy casualties in this building collapse, and more than half of them lost their combat effectiveness.

"A bunch of trash!"

The second princess cursed, and at the same time annoyed that her behavior this time seemed a little too much.

This time, even without the intervention of this third party, if his younger brother summoned the beast to destroy the building, it seems that his side really can't stop him.

This made the second princess also vigilant, and it seems that she has to be more cautious next time.

"What the **** is that?"

The second princess Maivia looked at the huge and far-reaching gully in front of her, at the plowed ground, and at the flaming Valkyrie floating in the void thousands of meters away, her expression was slightly fearful. said.

"What's your look like?"

Noticing the contemptuous eyes that Iblisbel Algiz looked at him, Maivia roared angrily.

"You idiot, that is one of the beasts of the fourth primogenitor 'Ye Guang Ye Bo', if I guessed correctly, it should be the sixth 'Rainbow Flame of Ming Ji'!"

"...You can't even recognize Yebo Yanguang's beast, so you still want to go to the 'Flame Light Banquet'?"

"But what's going on? I remember that the body of the sixth beast should be in the chaotic realm of the third primogenitor. Why did she appear here? Could it be that the feast of flames has already begun?"

Ibris Bell Agiz said in surprise.

"Since the feast of flames has begun, hurry up and summon the two flame light Yebos in your hands!"

Second Princess Maivia shouted loudly.

Although she is a direct vampire of the Second Primogenitor, she does not think that she will be the opponent of the Familiar Beast of the Fourth Primogenitor.

These beasts like natural disasters, maybe she can summon all her beasts to compete with one or two, but it is absolutely difficult to defeat.

She doesn't want to be an enemy of such a monster.

Take a look at the destroyed environment around. Although the vampire's beasts are strong, they are mainly strong in various abilities, but they are not purely destructive.

It is said that the fourth primogenitor controls the twelve beasts that are like natural disasters. Now it seems that it is correct. These beasts of Yebo Yanguang are completely disasters!

If you want to fight against the beasts of the fourth primogenitor, you can only be the beasts of the primogenitor.

Ibris Bell Agiz's face turned blue and white, he gritted his teeth and said: "...Can't be summoned, the body of Yanguang Yebo still doesn't obey the command."

"...In other words, the banquet of flames has not started at all, so why are these flames Yebo attacking us? How were they ordered? Is that rumor true?"

The ninth prince's expression was shaken, and even a little panicked.

"What rumor?"

Mavia asked quickly.

At this time, when the enemy is in front of her, she can't care about the battle with her younger brother. If she wants to face the beasts of the Fourth Primogenitor, the best way is for them to join forces to fight the enemy.

"There are rumors that someone devoured the primordial and gained the power of the Fourth Primogenitor."

"...But how is it possible, even if it devours the original, it is not so easy to control such a huge magic power and beasts!"

Ibris Bell Yagiz grabbed his hair and said in a hoarse voice.

Don't think that he is the direct bloodline of the true ancestor, he was born with powerful beasts, but in order to control those beasts, it took him decades to barely succeed.

But even so, one of his three beasts is still disobedient and needs him to continue to work hard.

As for the unknown person in front of him, he can completely master the beast of the Fourth Primogenitor in a short period of time, and it is estimated that no one will believe that he is not the Fourth Primogenitor himself.

In theory, no one can control the flame light Yebo before the twelve beasts are gathered and the flame light banquet is completed.

The purpose of the banquet of flames is to allow the 'Fourth Primogenitor' to regain endless magical power.

And now that someone has controlled the beasts before the banquet of flames is completed, doesn't it mean that the other party's magic power is stronger than these beasts?

But besides the other three true ancestors, who else could do such a thing?

"Could it be that the rumors are false, that Primordial was not swallowed up at all, but Primordial was completely reborn? Or is that cursed soul actually the Fourth Primogenitor himself?"

"...What Tianbu created the cursed soul to control the flame light Yebo is an illusion?"

The ninth prince is totally confused 0.....

The true face of the Fourth Primogenitor is a secret that only the other three Primogenitors know, even a direct vampire like him does not know the inside story.

"Now is not the time to think about this, someone is coming!"

Seeing that her younger brother was useless at all, Mai Weiya scolded 'trash', and then looked forward vigilantly.

In the dust, a tall man with black hair and black eyes, wearing a black gold-studded robe, with a handsome face and a treacherous face, was walking slowly.

The man's eyes were burning with pitch-black flames. Anyone who looked at him seemed to be absorbed by his soul, and then the terrifying meaning of aging and death swept through his body.

The princesses and princes of the extinction dynasty both shivered, and they quickly retracted their gazes and did not dare to look any further.

Then they noticed that behind the man was a petite girl.

The girl was wearing a black robe, only revealing a pair of flaming eyes.

The ninth prince, Ibris Bell Yagiz, shuddered when he saw these eyes, and he thought of something for 5.8 seconds.

Aren't these eyes the flame Yebo!


Ibrisbel Algiz cursed in a hoarse voice, looked panicked, and ran to the side while rolling and crawling, and at the same time summoned his own beasts.

Sylvia didn't know what her brother was crazy about, but in the next second, she knew why her brother was running away.

The terrifying gravity was pressing on the ground from the sky, and the terrifying thing had not yet landed. With this abandoned mansion as the center point, the earth within a radius of five kilometers was collapsed.

That is the purest gravity oppression!

Sylvia was crushed to the ground under this terrible gravity, and she couldn't stand up after struggling hard.

A thousand meters above the sky, a black giant sword fell from the sky with an indomitable momentum, just like the legendary space-based kinetic energy weapon - the 'Rod of God'! .

Chapter 92: The Devil of the Calamity


The black sword in the sky fell with a majestic posture, smashing on the ground, and there was an earth-shattering explosion.

The capitals of the extinct dynasties trembled.

The tall buildings were shaking, the ground was splitting, and countless walking people screamed, holding objects beside them in the violent shaking of the ground.

The traffic lights were damaged by the terrifying shock wave, and the cars stopped by the side of the road under the emergency braking, but the cars still collided, throwing the city into chaos in an instant.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake?"

People were screaming in panic, not knowing what was going on.

In the distance, a huge mushroom cloud rose up. In the mushroom cloud, there were also iridescent beams of light and a pitch-black giant sword.

The rainbow light illuminates the sky and dyes the white clouds with magnificent colors. When the color gradually fades away, when the rising mushroom cloud dissipates, the city stops from the heart-wrenching shaking.

Everyone looked at the place where the beam of light rose before and whispered, not knowing what happened.


The mansion of the ninth prince has been completely turned into ruins. A huge pit with a depth of 100 meters and a diameter of several kilometers has appeared, and the pit is still smoking.

People who didn't know thought that a meteorite fell from the sky and smashed the planet into a big crater.

Flame Light Yebo's seventh beast, the Black 07 Sword of Yama, is the weapon of mass destruction that ranks first among the twelve beasts in terms of destructive power.

This black sword has the ability to manipulate gravity, and it falls from a high altitude to accelerate gravity. The pure power is a space-based kinetic energy weapon, and a single blow is enough to completely destroy a city.

The aftermath of this beast alone can affect a radius of hundreds of kilometers. It can be said to be the simplest killing machine.

After landing, the 100-meter-long giant sword was inserted in the very center of the pothole, approaching the Valkyrie floating in the sky, shining with rainbow light. She suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled up the black sword of Yema.

The No. 6 Beast and No. 7 Beast merged into one at this moment. The Valkyrie holding a black sword, the magic power escaping from her surroundings formed a violent storm, tearing the sky and the earth.