MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 65

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Balthasaru Zahariyas is the man's name.

It is famous in the Nilepsy Dominion.

Balthasaru is a Hungarian, the lowest vampire. He is an arms dealer by profession and has made great contributions to the Nilepsy Dominion.

Even he once became the speaker of Nilepsy, that is, the supreme ruler here,

Although he has long since retired from the position of Chancellor, he still has a great reputation in Nilepsy.

Twelve years ago, when he invaded Count Karjana "Zero Nine Zero" in the realm of the war kings in Nilepsy, he provided a lot of money and weapons, thus giving Nilepsy a great victory in that war. .

But few people know that the reason why Balthasar would support this war actually had his own personal purpose.

After using the Huns to break through Count Karjana's fortress, he took away the body of a flamethrower hidden by Count Karjana.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs of the basement of the villa. Balthasaru seemed to have known who was coming. He turned around leisurely and looked at the stairs in the basement.

A few seconds later, a man with a tall figure and a clear face, wearing a black gold-studded robe, walked into the basement.

Behind the man, eight beautiful girls with rainbow-colored hair and flaming pupils followed neatly.

"Good evening, Mr. Zarathustra."

Balthazar saluted the arrival of Xixiang in a leisurely manner.

Xixiang looked at the basement. It was very clean and had luxurious furnishings. He walked to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sat down, while the flames and Ye Bos stood behind him, all lowered their eyebrows.

The fire crackled.

"Oh? You know me?"

Xixiang looked at the old Hungry Ghost in front of him and said with a faint smile.

As the devil who has been hiding behind Nangong Nayue in the past, there are not many people in this world who know the existence and identity of Xixiang.

"Of course, you must know that as an arms dealer, we are the kings of war, and naturally we must have the most precise and accurate information."

"...So Mr. Zarathustra, you are mysterious in the eyes of many people, but I still know about your past."

Balthasar is not afraid of Xixiang, and he doesn't care about the eight flames behind Xixiang.

His tone was very respectful, and he just bowed to Xixiang and said, "...I know why you are here, Mr. Zarath. Naturally, it is for the three bodies in my hands."

As Balthasaru's voice fell, a hidden door in the basement was opened, and three Flame Light Yebos walked out.

The three Flame Yebos wore tights similar to battle suits, and their appearance and expression were no different from those of the many Flame Yebos behind Xixiang.

They are number one, number two and number eight.

After seeing Xixiang, the eyes of the three Yanguang Yebo seemed to flash a ray of light, and then the light dimmed, and the three of them were expressionless and emotionless.

"I'm just a Hungry Ghost. Although I'm an arms dealer, my own strength is not enough. For you who have been able to use the power of Yanguang Yebo to fight against the Third Primogenitor, I'm so insignificant."

"... Therefore, I am willing to offer three bodies for you to complete the feast of flames. I only have one small request, and I hope you will agree to me."

Balthazar's words were extremely sincere.

Xixiang said noncommittally: "...then tell me what you want."

Balthasar looked at the crystal coffin, his old face softened, and his tone was light, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping girl in the coffin.

"This is my sister. We were born as humble Hungarian ghosts, living at the bottom of society."

"...She is my only relative and my only obsession. When I was a teenager, I worked so hard to make my sister have a good life."

"My sister is a hybrid of human and vampire. She is born with powerful spiritual power, so she is coveted by some people."

"...I didn't protect her well. In a certain attack, she lost her life, but because of her powerful spiritual power, she did not die completely, but turned into this kind of living dead."

"I built this crystal coffin to keep her body from rot, looking for a way to revive it."

"... hard work pays off. After I became an arms dealer, I learned many secrets of this world, and I learned about the existence of the Fourth Primogenitor and the Feast of Flames."

"I believe that the power of the Fourth Primogenitor will definitely be able to revive my sister. For this reason, I am going to collect the body of Flame Light Yebo, eager to complete the Flame Light Banquet."

Balthasar wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said emotionally: "...I have worked hard for decades, and now I finally have the possibility of success."

"...Mr. Zaratul, I only hope that you will use my sister's body as a medium for resurrection when you are having a feast of flames. She has a powerful spiritual talent, which will make her the blood of the Fourth Primogenitor. relatives, and thus be resurrected.”

"This is my lifelong wish as a brother!"

Balthasaru's voice was hoarse, his words were like cuckoos crying blood, and the old face was full of old tears, enough to move anyone.

However, Xixiang didn't change his expression. He just clapped his hands in admiration and said, "...a good story, a good performance, if Balthasaru is running for the Oscar actor now, I will definitely vote for you."

Balthasar's expression froze, and he smirked: "...What are you talking about, Mr. Zarath?"

"I'm saying that your story is well made up, but unfortunately, there is no possibility of concealing your past from me."

"...That's your sister, yes, she has a strong spiritual talent, but it's not that she was attacked and turned into a vegetable, but you made her like this yourself."

"At the age of 20, you discovered the No. 1 body of Yanguang Yebo, and at the same time, you also knew the secret of the Fourth Primogenitor at that time."

"...So you deceived your sister and offered her as a sacrifice to No. 1 Physique, so you got a rib of No. 1 Physique, and integrated it into yourself, making yourself No. 1 Elemental relatives of the body.”

"You have low self-esteem for your identity as a Hungry Ghost, and you want to try to change 0......"

"...But your actions are not to improve the social status of the Xionggui. What you are doing is to turn yourself into a high-level vampire, so that you will get rid of the identity of the Xionggui."

Xixiang's expression was full of playfulness and disgust. He looked at the crystal coffin and said again:

"...The technique you set in your sister's body is hidden. You want to use this technique to capture the resurrected soul of the Fourth Primogenitor, so as to control the power of the Fourth Primogenitor."

"It's a pity that I won't be deceived by your clumsy trick, and even if the soul of the fourth primogenitor really resides in that body, do you think that technique can control the fourth primogenitor? Naive ignorance !"

Saigo sneered, looking at Balthasar as if looking at an ugly maggot.

"For the sake of ambition, even my own sister can be sacrificed, and to perform such a disgusting performance, even I feel that it is superfluous to look at you."

Hearing Xixiang's words, Balthasaru's mournful expression disappeared, he became indifferent, and his old body also shrunk, and soon a teenager appeared in front of Xixiang.

Taking part of the power of the first body and turning himself into a blood family, Balthasar naturally obtained part of the life force of the fourth primogenitor, so he is no longer a Hungry ghost with a limited lifespan.

"I'm really careless. I didn't expect you, the devil, to even know this information."

"...It seems that it is really difficult to deceive the devil in this way, and now I have to compete with you at the feast of flames!"

Balthasaru said with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Compete and fight with me? Are you kidding me?"

Xixiang laughed, and was amused by the vampire's words.

"Although you have mastered the bodies of eight Flame Light Yebos, I also have three in my hands, so I might be able to fight with you..."

When Balthasaru's words came to the end, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and a slender arm penetrated his chest from behind.

And on that plain hand, he was holding a blood-stained rib!

"how come……"

Balthasar turned his head in astonishment, watching the No. 1 5.8 Physique come behind him at some point, and took away the rib that was given to him with a blank face, and took his life at the same time.

"Unfortunately, the secrets you know about the Fourth Primogenitor are only part of it. You don't really think that the Feast of Flames is a 'Holy Grail War', right?"

"...The person who has one of the physiques can participate in this banquet, and then there is only one person left in the fight. The winner will get the chance to realize his wish from the fourth primogenitor?"

"The Feast of Flames is not such a fairy tale!"

Xixiang laughed loudly in an exaggerated tone.

But Balthasar could not hear him, because after losing his status as a blood family, Balthasar's body had been turned to ashes.

"Why do the weak feel that they can control the strong with power, money and means? They don't think that power and money are power?"

"...Ah, what a bunch of ugly maggots, dirty and disgusting!"

Xixiang smiled contemptuously, a mockery of those who were overly self-sufficient and felt that they could control everything with power and money.

"Master Primordial!"

No. 1, No. 2 and No. 8 bodies bowed to Xixiang.

Xixiang nodded slightly.

At this point, there is only one body left, and the 'Flame Yebo' will really be born! .

Chapter 102 The concubine wishes to give birth to an heir with Lord Zarath

Saigo was sitting on the sofa in the luxuriously decorated private jet hall on the plane of Nilepsy to the Iluwas Demon Special Zone.

He crossed one of his legs and held a glass of red wine in his hand, quietly enjoying the luxury and exaggeration.

Xixiang has a very strong desire. Before crossing, he was a capable person himself, but his abilities were also limited, which did not make him really in the ruling class.

After crossing, I came to the world where the World Tree game was located, but the resources of that world were close to withering, and Xixiang was a low-level person again.

Even if he climbed to a high position after a period of climbing, he still did not completely climb to the top of the pyramid.

In today's world, Xixiang, who has truly gained strength, is finally standing at the top of everything, enough to enjoy everything that he has not enjoyed in the past.

Xixiang is not a saint who restrains his desires. On the contrary, his desires are extremely strong. Demons should be corrupted and degenerate.

However, Xixiang also understands the truth that when things go to the extreme, they will bring about self-destruction, and extreme goodness will bring self-destruction.

Therefore, Xixiang has been controlling his own desires, keeping it within an allowable range.

07 There is a laptop on the table in front of Saigo. He is on a video call with Nangong Nayue, who is far away on Itogami Island.

In the video, Nangong Nayue, dressed in a Gothic Lolita outfit, is enjoying afternoon tea in the garden on the roof. Beside her, a Japanese-style beauty in a kimono with fiery eyes is sitting demurely.

"Aye, is the LCO done?"

Seeing Xiandumu Aye whom he hadn't seen for a while, Xixiang asked with concern.

The relationship between the two is the relationship between the devil and the witch, the relationship between the lovers, and the relationship between the master and the slave.

Saigo is a qualified superior, he knows what to do as a superior, such as caring for his subordinates.

"About two-fifths of the LCO members are willing to come to Itogami Island with their concubines and join us."

"...The 'Philosophy' team of the LCO's first brigade, which belongs to the concubine, has all surrendered, and most of the fifth team's 'Science' has also submitted."

"Including the other members of the LCO team, there are probably two-fifths of the number."

"...But this also made the remaining members of the LCO and the concubine become enemies, and they vowed to kill the concubine."

Xiandumu Aye's wide twelve kimono sleeves covered his red lips and let out a lingering laugh.

Her fiery eyes are charming and charming, and even in the video, you can feel her fiery style.

"Then wait for the end of the matter with the Sanctuary Treaty Country, and you, Aye, will lead some of the armed forces of Itogami Island to exterminate the remnants of the LCO."

"...Since the LCO wants to kill you, it is the enemy of Itogami Island, and it cannot continue to exist."

Xixiang can also understand the anger of the LCO. As the leader, Xiandumu Aye was the first to defect, and almost took away half of the organization's accumulation of hundreds of years.

As long as people still have a sense of belonging to the LCO organization, they will definitely kill Xiandumu Aye with a thousand swords.

"This is also the concubine's plan. The LCO still has a large part of the magic book hidden, and the concubine can only get those magic books back by completely destroying them."

The secretary's witch said indifferently.

She has no feelings for the LCO organization, and the reason why she became the leader of the organization is only because of her secretary witch's ability.

It can be said that Xiandumu Aye was exactly the same as Nangong that month. Nangong was forced to establish a prison barrier in that month by the Xianshen Island Management Commune.

And Xiandumu Aye was also forced by the LCO organization to become its members. This is their sorrow as pure blood witches, and their lives have been set by others from the very beginning.

That's why Xiandumu Aye has such strong feelings for Nangong Nayue, saying that she is his only ally.

However, after the decided life appeared in Xixiang, fate flowed again.

Xixiang used the computer to look at a document sent by Xiandumu Aye, which contained a list of some witches who had surrendered to Xianshen Island.

These witches were moved by Xiandumu Ayena's desire to save all the witches, so they followed her.

Among these lists are the lists of witches who have surrendered, such as the "Dark Witch" and "Crimson Witch" known as the "Sister Maya".

With a magic book that controls time and space, Dajishu, the leader of the LCO "Science" unit, is called the "Witch of Every Witch".

There is also a witch Merylloy who was once the manager of a certain 'prison barrier' like Nangong Nayue, who was finally cursed because she could not stand the loneliness and loneliness and broke her contract.

These witches are relatively well-known witches who have left imprints in this world.