MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 74

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Nangong snorted coldly after looking at Momonga that month.

She thought with malice in her heart, if the undead in front of him saw the terrifying Dark Lord in a while, would he still be able to maintain this calm and rationality?

Nangong didn't know what happened that month. When she was in Itogami Island, her consciousness suddenly soared, and she came to this dark space again.

It's just that this is not the first time the witch has come, so there is no panic for the first time.

And after seeing Momonga, she also roughly guessed that the undead in front of her, who couldn't see the face, was probably the poor little guy who accidentally opened the invitation letter from some other world.

During the eight years of living together with Xixiang, Nangong also knew about the existence of another world that month, and she was not surprised by this.

After all, even if it is a beast, it is actually a monster from a different world. Although this different world is different from the other world in the mouth of Xixiang, the general meaning is the same.

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

Although Nangong's tone was fierce that month, Momonga was not angry.

His own personality is biased towards good-natured people. As long as the other party's words do not involve his friends, he is rarely angry.

He didn't care how others laughed at him.

It is also such a character, when Momonga faces those NPCs in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, he can't put on any airs, and he is not used to giving orders like Xixiang.

Momonga's voice was thick and full of curiosity, but when he heard Momonga's innocent and curious tone, the experienced Nangong also roughly guessed what Momonga's personality was like that month.

A gentle and honest undead, this is really rare.

But Nangong Nayue didn't hate this kind of character. Seeing this, she also restrained her unfriendly attitude and slowed down her tone: "...I can't tell where it is."

"...If that existence is willing to see you, you will soon know where this is...."

Hearing what Nangong said that month, Momonga was even more curious, but when he saw that Nangong didn't want to say more that month, he had to keep silent and didn't ask any more questions.

This is the habit of being a migrant worker and a social animal. It is not something that you should ask yourself and never ask questions. This is the way to protect yourself.

At this moment, the thick fog in this darkness suddenly dissipated, and a sky-reaching throne and a majestic figure appeared looming ahead.

Seeing that figure, Nangong that month's pretty face unconsciously flashed a hint of fear.

Even if it is not the first time to see that great existence, as long as he is visualized in her mind, the witch will be mentally disturbed. If she can, she really does not want to meet that existence again.

Nangong fell silent that month, trying to restrain the fear in his heart, but the trembling of his body was uncontrollable.

But in Momonga's eyes, he couldn't hold anything, his whole mind was attracted by that supreme existence, and at that moment he even had a kind of fear that his soul was about to fly away.

That figure was formed of pure darkness and sin, and it looked like a human being, but it had absolutely nothing to do with humans. It was the ultimate sin, the ultimate darkness, and the ultimate nothingness!

In an instant, Momonga couldn't control his body, and the skeleton of the skeleton fell to the ground.

As an undead, his own fear is very weak, but at this moment, all his mental abilities brought by being an undead are lost.

Even his basic ability, the passive skill of 'force and hold', which can suppress his 5.8 excess desires, is useless at this time.

Momonga felt that he was no longer the ruler of death. He once again changed back to the social animal who was exhausted every day to make a living, and became an ordinary person with nothing and no ability.

And what kind of changes will an ordinary person face when facing the "Four Primitives", the mother of evil gods, Momonga's current posture is the best interpretation.

If it wasn't for this mysterious space that kept his soul intact, Momonga would have collapsed even when he was facing the Lingge moment of the Mother of Evil Gods.

After all, the power that Momonga got was bestowed by the World Tree game system, not his.

When that system failed, he was undoubtedly an ordinary person, and had nothing to do with heroes and powerhouses, so he couldn't bear the enormous pressure brought by Xixiang's figure! .

Chapter 117 The Void Temple of Zoroaster

Nangong Nayue lowered her delicate and beautiful face, trying her best not to look at that great existence with her eyes.

The light of darkness that he possesses is enough to encompass the universe and cover the universe.

Looking directly at that prestige light, a little carelessness can even make oneself nervous.

Nangong, who had the experience of coming to this dark space, naturally knew how to face the current situation.

Her pitch-black eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at Momonga, who was at a distance from her, and was kneeling on the ground in a state of insanity.

Nangong sighed slightly in Nayue's heart.

Taking back the foreword, this undead who had behaved calmly before was nothing more than that.

I thought that he possessed powerful power and could analyze rationally after coming to this mysterious place, which made Nangong glance at Momonga Gao before that month.

But who would have thought that after facing the Dark Lord, this undead would be so unbearable, almost no different from ordinary people.

But on the other hand, anyone who faces this terrifying existence will have various symptoms that are difficult to control, but the symptoms are big and small.

"Your Majesty!"

Perhaps it was because of the same illness, Nangong took the initiative to speak at this time, she lowered her head, and the parasol in her hand stood on the ground mountain to show her respect.

Although he was already familiar with the big devil played by Xixiang, Nangong didn't dare to be disrespectful in the face of the "creation 07 master" of all these demons.

Sitting on the throne, Saigo tried his best to maintain his sense of superiority as if he didn't care about everything, but also seemed to control everything.

In fact, he was very surprised that Nangong would appear here again that month.

This time, Xixiang originally designed it a little, and let Momonga open the invitation, just to summon Momonga.

Even Xixiang made a plan, not to pretend to be unpredictable in front of Momonga, and even wanted to give him some hints to tell him his true face.

Unlike Nangong Nayue, the World Tree game where Momonga is located, Xixiang can easily go even if there is no road sign.

So he didn't have to use 'threat' to make Momonga obey.

The reason why Xixiang used all kinds of words like 'destroy the world' to fool Nangong that month was because he was afraid that Nangong would cut off his coordinates in that month's way.

Therefore, according to Nangong Nayue's character, Xixiang 'coerced' her to do things according to her own requirements, and at the same time asked her to work hard to complete the contract.

Momonga is different. Anyway, Xixiang can go to that world at any time, and he doesn't need to ask Momonga to follow Nangong's request that month. If he really encounters a problem, Xixiang can solve it himself.

But who knew that this time when Momonga was summoned, Nangong, who had an invitation letter, came here again that month, which shattered Xixiang's abacus.

Now Xixiang has no choice but to maintain his supreme attitude, so that Nangong does not doubt him that month.

Otherwise, as soon as you lose your vest, you'll be gone!

Seeing Momonga's uncontrollable terror, Xixiang just sighed helplessly in his heart.

No way, the spirit of the Mother of Evil Gods itself possesses such power, and Xixiang cannot completely control this spirit.

In front of him, all the power and abilities that the current Momonga gained because of the game system disappeared.

He is no longer the ruler of death, nor is he the supreme, just an ordinary social animal Suzuki Satoru.

At this time, Xixiang had roughly guessed the reason for the generation and passage of the World Tree game, which must be related to the distorted law of heaven.

"Moonga, or should I call you Suzuki Satoru?"

Sitting on the throne, Xixiang, who was holding the handle of the throne with the elbow of one hand, looked at Momonga. His deep and casual voice sounded in this ethereal darkness, making Momonga's eardrums roar.

After saying this, Xixiang looked at Nangong Nayue again, and said in an extremely calm, cynical tone that mocked everything:

"...Sit down, Nangong that month, in this void temple of Zoroaster, I allow you to have your own seat."

Xixiang's voice fell, and a grand temple appeared in the darkness of nothingness.

Nangong found himself just below the temple that month, like a believer who was looking at the gods, and also like a demon who was worshiping the mother of evil gods.

Nangong hesitated for a while that month, but she still sat down slowly, sitting on the stone chair behind her.

She found that the stone chair she was sitting on had the same shape as the throne that Xixiang was sitting on, but it was several sizes smaller.

Nangong held the handle of the chair with his hand that month, and found a strange pattern carved on it, which was the profile of a woman.

At the top of the temple is the monarch who embraces and gives birth to all darkness, and at the center of the temple is a brazier burning with dark flames.

The brazier burns quietly, and people can't help but want to worship when they see it, like 'worshiping fire'.

'Zoroastrianism, the Void Temple...'

Nangong recalled the words Xixiang said just now in his heart that month, and immediately grasped the key point.

As if aware of the doubts in Nangong Nayue's heart, Xixiang said in his voice that he has no feelings, embraces all things but rejects all things:

"...In the beginning, this world gave birth to all good, and in the beginning, this world gave birth to all evil."

"They are the least common multiple of the universe, symbolizing the duality of 'good gods' and 'evil gods'."

"...The good gods live in the light, and the evil gods live in the darkness. The fusion of the two forces makes everything in an endless cycle of birth and annihilation."

"Therefore, the two gods cooperated, and they jointly created the two existences at the beginning of the birth of this world, that is, 'Void' and 'Foqi'."

"...Void separates good and evil, and it exists in a 'material form'; Fauci is an immaterial 'ideology', which you can understand as the 'rules' of everything, the truth of everything."

Xixiang's gaze fell on Nangong 090 Nayue, the emptiness and darkness of the gaze had real power, making this darkness boil.

"This is a place of emptiness that separates good from evil, and a place where dualism is balanced!"

Using words that Nangong could understand that month, Xixiang roughly explained the creation myth of 'Zoroastrianism'.

The first duality is good and evil, and then from good and evil came matter and consciousness!

After explaining it to Nangong Nayue, Xixiang didn't think it was superfluous.

When Nangong picked up the invitation letter and opened it that month, she had already stood at the pole of evil as a witch.

Her fate has also been linked to Zoroastrianism.

Xixiang's eyes fell on Momonga again. At this time, Momonga was still kneeling on the ground, unable to move.

His skeleton face showed a look of fear, and his body shook like a sieve.

If it weren't for the fact that the undead had no sweat glands, he would have been sweating profusely at this time.

Why, why is his real name known?

Why is there such a terrible existence!

Momonga still thought that he was still in the different world of the game, and he felt that he was cautious enough to explore the different world carefully.

But he didn't expect that he would still encounter such an invincible terror, Momonga even thought desperately that he would die now.

Chapter 118 This is evil, my evil to you!

"Don't speak? Well, it may also be that you have lost the ability to speak here."

The majestic figure sitting on the throne, his unspeakable eyes stared at Momonga.

The performance of Saigo, the mother of evil gods and known in Zoroastrianism as the prince of darkness, can be described as a subtle expression of the gesture of lording over everything, including everything and destroying everything.

It is a kind of aloofness that has completely lost its humanity, and only the divinity is left, and it is the boring and cold look of the gods looking down on the mortals.

When Nangong saw this scene that month, she inexplicably remembered what her contract demon told her.

The Maharaja is happy to see all developments.

It doesn't matter if you save the world and keep His influence out.

It doesn't matter to the Maharaja whether the devil comes and destroys the world in the end.

The scene where you save the world will please him, the scene where you fail and let the devil descend will please him.

Such an existence is simply pure evil, not the evil of what you do, but from the very beginning, from the deepest part of your heart, there has been a strong current of darkness and evil towards you.

In Nangong Nayue's heart, the dark monarch in front of him showed the kind of spiritual will that was worthy of the name of the evil god.

Momonga's skeleton's jaw opened slightly, he wanted to say something, but the voice was difficult to spit out of his throat.

Seeing this scene, Xixiang showed a malicious smile and said, "...It seems that you have nothing to say."

"...Then let my will come down, destroy your world, destroy your personality, and destroy everyone you care about!"

He absolutely can! !

After hearing Saigo's words, Momonga roared in horror in his heart.

From the first time he saw this Dark Lord, Momonga knew that this was a monster that he could not defeat, and that this was the enemy of all living beings and the world.

He has the mighty power to destroy a universe while talking and laughing, and his existence itself represents the truth of the universe!

If such a being is really allowed to come to the world he is in, then everything will be over.