MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 2370 you are talking nonsense

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【Conan: I am not a snake disease】【】

"Not only must the news of the competition venue be passed on, but also the identity card must be handed over to Qin Jiu..." Dr. A Li frowned and thought, "Isn't it possible for one person to do this? Because after Miss Hualian's accident, Feichi had people block her All the exits of the banquet hall and the hotel, if that person was in the venue at that time, there is no way to leave the banquet hall and hand over the ID card to Gin!"

"I think so too. There are at least two people who cooperated with gin and vodka in this park. One person informed them in the venue, and the other person provided them with a building topographical map and an ID card for entering the door. Conan thought for a while, "I want to ask Brother Chi to find out who's ID card can open that door..."

"No!" Hui Yuanai objected subconsciously, seeing Conan looking at him in surprise, he explained calmly, "We agreed not to involve Brother Feichi in these matters, and he is so sensitive. If you are careful, he will notice something abnormal, if you want to inquire about the situation, you must be in my presence, I want to make sure that you will not talk nonsense in front of Brother Feichi!"

"Hey, what's nonsense..." Conan muttered blackly, and did not refuse Haibara Ai, "Okay, I get it, then let's go together, it's good to have you help cover, I'm sure I won't object."

Hui Yuanai nodded and continued to sigh inwardly.

On the one hand, he was worried that Brother Feichi would be discovered by Edogawa and be implicated by Edogawa's reckless behavior, and on the other hand, he was also worried that Edogawa would accidentally expose his identity in front of Brother Feichi, making things strange and uncontrollable...

This is the difficult situation in which she survives in the cracks.

The point is that neither of these two people is worry-free, so she really wants to let it go and leave the problem to these two people to solve.


Chi Feichi registered the check-in information, took advantage of the opportunity that Suzuki Sonoko and the others gathered in the rest area for supper, calculated the time, and sent an email to Gin with his mobile phone.

[Already left the building, safe.

A fire broke out on the 17th floor. The police and firefighters surrounded the 17th floor. It is said that no victim was found.

I didn't see Shirley in the square.


Since it was previously agreed to send emails to each other to report safety after an hour of separation, Gin's emails also came in almost at the same time.

[Rushing back to Tokyo, safe.

Charles and the situation near the hotel will be watched by other people. You should go to bed early, and go to inquire about the results of the police investigation after you wake up.

Call me again after ten o'clock in the evening. —gin】

Chi Feichi looked at the time displayed on the phone, but did not reply.

It's already past three o'clock in the morning, and it's almost dawn before going to sleep one night...

"Feichi!" Dr. Ali came from the direction of the elevator with Conan and Hui Yuanai, and greeted Chi Feichi with a casual smile, "Have you registered your personal check-in information?"

"Just checked in."

Chi Feichi quickly deleted the email, put away his phone, and walked to the rest area with Dr. A Li.

On the sofa in the rest area, Suzuki Sonoko and the three children were eating small bowls of hot noodles, while Mao Lilan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were also eating snacks.

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【Conan: I am not a snake disease】【】

Mori Kogoro had a plaster cast on one foot, bragging about his performance just now, "half of the 17th floor is pitch-black, I knew there must be something wrong there! As for the 18th floor, After careful observation, I discovered that there is a secret in the so hotel..."

The three children looked at Kogoro Mori curiously.


"Tonight, the lit windows of the so hotel formed a huge hiragana 'そ'!" Mori Kogoro said proudly, "But the lights behind two windows on the 18th floor were turned off, resulting in a break in the middle of 'そ' point, so I quickly realized that there might be someone on the 18th floor, and reminded the helicopter to search for the location where the lights were off! It turned out that Xiaolan and Xiaoai were really on the 18th floor, and there was a police helicopter outside the window. Don’t dare to go to their hiding place casually, I have guaranteed their safety to a great extent!”


There was a little worship in the eyes of the three children.

"Don't be so surprised. Observing the details is also the skill that a detective needs to have," Mori Kogoro pretended to be emotional, "Talent and hard work are indispensable!"

"There is an event at the SO Hotel tonight. By default, the lights in public places are turned on. From the outside, there is a lighted 'そ' on the front of the building. It is on the park brochures. It is not a secret information!" Sonoko Suzuki Reaching out to take a park promotional magazine on the table, he ate again, "Although there is only half a page introducing the so hotel, haven't you noticed that the hotels near here are all named in hiragana, such as this one The name of the hotel is yama. If you look at the hotel from the outside at night, you will see the lit windows of the building forming 'や'ya. This is a unified design made by the designer of the park. Uncle, did you know this tonight? ?"

When Conan followed Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li, he heard a group of people talking, and couldn't help but glance at the brochure on the table.

When he read the brochure before, he only looked at the map of the park, looked for the location of the hotel and the location of the music festival venue, and didn't pay much attention to the small words attached to the pictures, so before tonight, he didn't know the original so hotel lighted windows can form 'そ'…

He reflected that in the future, he should not casually ignore some information that he felt was unimportant. If he had time, he still had to learn more about it.

"Cough... I already knew about that kind of thing!" Mori Kogoro tried his best to hold on, "It's just that too many things happened tonight, I just said it deliberately to be a little mysterious, just to brighten the atmosphere! Hmph, but unexpectedly Using lights to form special symbols, this design is really naive."

Conan arrived beside Suzuki Sonoko, and reached for the brochure on the table to read.

"Conan, you're here," Mao Lilan saw Conan, temporarily stopped eating, and smiled softly, "The explosion was so loud before, didn't you get scared?"

"Uh, no, no..." Conan temporarily stopped looking through, looked up and smiled at Mao Lilan, "I started to feel sleepy after returning to the room, and fell asleep without knowing it. After being awakened by the explosion, I found Huiyuan was not in the room and wanted to go out to find you, but at that time there were many people coming and going in and out of the hotel lobby, I was worried that I would miss everyone, so I walked around the hotel a few more times and went back upstairs to have a look..."

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【Conan: I am not a snake disease】【】

"It's a pity that Conan went astray with us in the end," Dr. Ali said with a smile, "When Xiao Ai and I went upstairs to look for him in the room, we just met him and were about to go downstairs!"

"Conan, you can call the doctor or Brother Chi," Guangyan looked at Conan seriously with an expression of "I'm worried that you're not only unwell, but your IQ has also dropped seriously," and said, "Even if your phone is out of battery or you have It can’t be used for other reasons, there is also a landline phone in the guest room that can be used, and you can go to the front desk of the hotel to ask the staff to help us contact us.”

"Yes," Yuan Tai nodded heavily, "As long as you call us, you will be able to join us soon!"

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Ayumi smiled and told, "So, Conan must remember to call next time!"

"Understood..." Conan finally realized the feeling of the school teacher being educated by these children, and laughed dryly in his heart. Seeing Chi Feichi sitting down on the sofa, he winked at Hui Yuanai, and took the initiative to go to Chi Feichi's side, "Brother Chi, why did the SO Hotel explode? Could it be that you or Sister Yuanzi accidentally said something nasty and were deliberately retaliated by others?"

Chi Feichi looked at Conan, and a question mark slowly appeared in his mind.

Could it be that the famous detective was stimulated tonight and didn't want to live anymore?

"Hey, you brat..." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became unhappy, and stopped eating noodles, staring at Conan and questioning, "I didn't say anything about you just now, why did you drag me into it? I How could it be possible to offend people without knowing it!"

Dr. Ali, Mori Kogoro and the three children looked serious: "..."

Don't say it, it seems that this is really possible.

"I didn't mean to mention you guys, this is just a guess," Conan smiled and waved his hands, pretending to be confused again, and his childish voice was cute, "Because the security checks for entering and leaving the park are very strict! Prisoners can bring bombs in, Maybe it's the staff in the park, then it's possible that Sister Yuanzi and Brother Chi irritated the staff by talking, and the other party has an extreme temper and wants to retaliate against you, that's why you want the hotel to explode, right?"

"Nonsense." Chi Feichi commented without hesitation.

Suzuki Sonoko who was just about to speak: "..."

(*? ◇?)

Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Dr. Ali: "..."

(*? ◇?)

Maori Kogoro:"…"


As a teacher, he wants to let go of him.

Conan's pure and harmless expression almost cracked, and the smile on his face stiffened, "Yes, is there?"

What is nonsense? He just wanted to lead others to suspect the park staff!

Chi Feichi said calmly, "It's not sure whether someone planted a bomb or the kitchen appliances in the restaurant exploded. Many things are uncertain. Don't rush to suspect others..."

Conan's heart tightened, and he reflected that he should not forget that the information he and Chi Feichi had were not equal, and told himself to be more careful in what he said next, and pretended to be a child messing around, "But, I just suspect that someone deliberately caused the explosion ! This is an incident that must be investigated carefully, and it must not be perfunctory!"

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【Conan: I am not a snake disease】【】

"That's right!"

The other three members of the Detective Boys spoke in solidarity. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"The possibility of someone deliberately causing the explosion is not ruled out now, is it? I think Conan is right. This kind of incident must be investigated carefully, and it must not be taken lightly..."

"If you want to investigate, we can help too!"

Hui Yuanai didn't follow suit, but stood by and quietly observed Chi Feichi's expression.

Brother Feichi's reaction tonight was that of a person who had nothing to do with the explosion, and his speech and behavior were in line with his usual habits, without any mistakes or omissions.

If she hadn't known that Brother Feichi was a member of the organization, she would have believed that Brother Feichi knew nothing about the explosion.

It also gave her a strange sense of separation.

Now the conclusion drawn based on experience conflicts with the point of view she had identified earlier, and the two ideas are clearly opposed in her mind, causing her to think wildly—

Is Brother Feichi's split personality still unhealed? Could it be an 'innocent personality' who is facing them now?

Or, is it possible... that night she heard Brother Feichi call and said that "Belmode" was a hallucination, and the agreement she made with Brother Feichi that night was all a fantasy? Is it because she was too worried about Belmode hanging around Brother Feichi that she suddenly had such a dream, and she has always regarded the dream as real?

If Brother Feichi wasn't crazy, then maybe she was crazy.

Although she had hallucinations before, she felt that it was more likely that Fei Feichi would go crazy.

Tonight, Brother Feichi was walking in the banquet hall talking to himself, as if he had been talking to someone, but there was no one following Brother Feichi, the scene looked very strange, but she remembered it clearly Woolen cloth!