MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 3 Loli Ai in the rain

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Chi Feichi put the phone back where it was, this is...

Suspect his parents have mental illness?

"Doctor Fukuyama, the hospital stay here is not cheap..."

"Sure enough, do you have a history of mental genetic disease?" Fukuyama Zhiming's expression became more serious, and he advised, "If you find a problem, you should treat it in time..."

"No, I mean," Chi Feichi said in his usual calm tone, "please let them go. If the whole family comes in, who will pay the hospital?"

Fukuyama Chiming choked, then slowed down, "It doesn't necessarily need to be hospitalized, we can also solve it through communication. In this case, it may be good for your recovery."

"I don't mean to be sarcastic, but I'm still a little curious. Seeing everyone seems to have a problem, is it an occupational disease?" Chi Feichi asked back.

"Is that so?" Fukuyama Zhiming thought for a while, but did not deny that it was an occupational disease, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Chi, what day is tomorrow?"

Chi Feichi glanced at the calendar on the wall. Today is August 21st, "August 22nd."

Fukuyama Zhiming corrected, "Tomorrow is August 11. It seems that there are still some problems with time perception."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He hesitated for 0.01 seconds between flipping the table... Forget it, Dr. Fukuyama was a good and responsible doctor in addition to his occupational diseases.

"Well...but don't worry, don't run away," Fukuyama Chiming said with relief as he took the notebook and recorded, "It will be okay if you take your time."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Faceless × 2…

"Okay," Fukuyama Zhiming recorded it and raised his head with a smile, "Let's try again tomorrow."

Chi Feichi wanted to say, 'Take it away, give it up, there is no cure', but it is estimated that after saying this, he will be poured into a pot of fragrant chicken soup of comfort, so he simply changed the subject, "I applied for a trip out. ."

"Is there a problem?"

"Go and buy two books."

"I want to know the content of the book, no problem, right?"

"What time are you going to be back? I'll register your outing records for you."

"Five p.m."

"The weather forecast is for rain today, remember to bring an umbrella."

When you go out, you need to determine the time of your return, and someone will accompany you.

This is Chi Feichi's life in a mental hospital.

Accompanying him out is a male doctor, Kitagawa Adachi.

Very young, dressed in a neat black suit and pretending to be unsmiling, but it suddenly revealed that he was a new rookie in the hospital.

"Doctor Beichuan, are you nervous?" Chi Feichi asked casually, carrying the selected book to the cashier.

Beichuan Anda immediately retorted, "No."

Chi Feichi silently labelled the other party a 'rookie' again, far worse than the old fritters like Fukuyama Zhiming who can always smile, "Don't be nervous, I won't attack people, and I've always kept my senses."

Beichuan Anda breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a look at the book Chi Feichi selected.

The pile on the left: Introduction to Psychology, Measurement of Personality, Abnormal Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychostatistics, Psychometrics…

The pile on the right: "Murphy's Law", "The Destructive Anatomy of Man", "Three Lectures on Theory", "Hysteria Research", "Analysis of Dreams", "On the Contributions of Sensory Perception Theory", "Crime and Personality", "lie"…

Beichuan Anda: "!"


What do you want to do? What do you want to do!

"That's all," Chi Feichi had already settled the bill, chose two copies and put them aside, wrote down the address on the label, and handed it to the clerk, "The rest will be packed in cardboard boxes and sent here, no one will be there. If so, put it directly with the uncle at the reception desk at the entrance of the apartment."

"Okay!" The clerk took it with both hands, "It will be delivered to you around 3:00 this afternoon!"

Chi Fei nodded and only took out the two books he picked out.

"The Interpretation of Dreams" and "Introduction to Psychology".

Beichuan Anda hurriedly followed, "Cough, Mr. Chi, you buy these books..."

"Isn't this kind of book allowed to read?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

"That's not true, but..." Beichuan Anda hesitated, "Well... I don't know, I have to wait to go back and ask Senior Fukuyama."

Chi Fei nodded, then concentrated on waiting for the green light at the intersection.

Beichuan Anda burst into tears, obviously the two were standing side by side, and he was wearing a more formal suit, while Chi Feichi was only wearing casual clothes, but why did he feel more like Chi Feichi's little follower?

Is this the so-called aura?

Unscientific, this is absolutely unscientific, obviously he is the doctor...

Suddenly the sky started to rain.

"Hey? It's raining?" The passerby who was waiting for the green light stretched out his hand to catch the raindrops.

The green light was on, and a couple behind them complained to each other and walked quickly.

"It's said that it will rain today, but you don't bring an umbrella."

"Didn't you bring it either?"

"Fortunately, Senior Fukuyama reminded me..." Beichuan Anda sighed with joy, lowered his head and pulled out two umbrellas from his handbag, "Mr. Chi, since the bag is empty, let me keep the book for you first."

"Excuse me." Chi Feichi retracted his gaze towards the sky, took the umbrella, and handed the book to Beichuan Anda.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the originally gloomy sky became darker.

Pedestrians without umbrellas lowered their heads and hurried past, stepping on the rain that gradually accumulated on the road.

Along the way, there were fewer and fewer people on the street. On the sidewalk, a small figure wrapped in an ill-fitting white coat, bowed his head, leaned against the wall, and walked barefoot and slowly.

Chi Feichi saw the figure and stopped.

Beichuan Anda followed suspiciously, "That child..."

The next second, the little man tripped over the edge of his white coat and fell into the standing water. A lot of sewage was spilled on his already wet brown hair.

Chi Feichi sighed inwardly, and walked towards Hui Yuanai.

Seeing with my own eyes the embarrassed appearance of the little Lolita fell in the rain, it was very heartbreaking...

Hai Yuanai struggled to stand up, wiped the rain on her face with her wet sleeves, and just as she was about to continue walking, she found that the road ahead was blocked and raised her eyes.

In the rain, two tall and thin men stood in front of them with black umbrellas.

One looks more mature, wearing a neat black suit, white shirt, black hair, short head, and a serious look.

The other person who was dominant in her opinion looked much younger and was also dressed in black.

The zipper of the black jacket was pulled up, the loose stand-up collar stood up, which somewhat blocked his face, the short black hair fell softly, and the light purple eyes were calm and indifferent, staring down at her.

Is it someone from the organization?

Was, was discovered...

Hui Yuanai's face was pale, she froze in place, raised her head dazedly and looked at Chi Feichi, her eyes full of panic and vigilance.

Chi Feichi realized that Loli Ai was in a wrong mood, so he looked down at his clothes, then turned to look at Beichuan Anda, it was really interesting to go out today, the two of them were all in black, squatted down, looked directly at Hui Yuan Ai, "You Where are you going, I'll take you."

Haibara Ai:"…"

Watch carefully.

This kind of calm tone, this indifferent look... Maybe it's true to ask her where she's going, but what to say to send her is actually mocking her embarrassment, right?

Beichuan Anda, who pretended to be "I'm not easy to mess with", eased his expression a little, coughed dryly, and reminded with a smile, "Mr. Chi, you seem to have scared her, just smile at children, don't keep your face straight. ."

Haibara Ai:"…"

Continue to watch carefully.

These two guys... are they laughing at her on purpose?

"Oh... Really." Chi Feichi was noncommittal. He could probably guess that now Haibara Ai can't trust anyone other than Kudo Shinichi, who has the same experience of becoming smaller as her and has hatred for the organization.

Not to mention that they are all black, obviously stimulating the nerves of Loli Ai at the most sensitive period...

Haiyuan Ai couldn't bear it anymore, and he was going to die sooner or later. Why should he accept the ridicule of these two guys? He took a deep breath. Although his body was weak, his voice was still full of coldness, "If you have enough ridicule, go ahead and carry out your mission, you... "

Chi Feichi, who was named by his gaze, said, "..."

"Isn't it a member of the periphery?" Hai Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi. Although she couldn't read minds, she could vaguely sense the threat from Chi Feichi, and with the disposition corresponding to her indifferent eyes, she was in the organization all over the place. Unlikely to be a general peripheral member.

Is...a member with a code name? who is it?

"But it doesn't matter anymore," Haibara Ai calmed down, "Let's do it."

Beichuan Anda was confused, "Uh, little sister, what are you talking about? Wait! Mr. Chi, you..."

Chi Feichi had already picked up Hui Yuanai, holding an umbrella in one hand and a person in the other, "She asked me to do it."

"No, but..." Beichuan Anda was at a loss for words.

Let you do it, do you really 'do it'?

"Haven't you found out yet, her physical condition is not right," Chi Feichi reached out and touched Hui Yuanai's forehead, "Sure enough, she has a fever, it would be better to take her to the hospital."

Beichuan Anda also got serious, took out his mobile phone and searched, "Let me see where the nearest hospital is... Little sister, where is your home? Do you remember your parents' phone numbers?"

Haiyuan was stunned for a moment. She seemed to... misunderstood these two people?

However, people from the organization may be searching nearby, and she must stay away from this area...

"No, no..." Haiyuan Ai clutched Chi Feichi's sleeve tightly with her right hand, and looked up at Chi Feichi's serious and frightening eyes, "You can't go to the hospital!"

Chi Feichi knew that it might not be far from where he escaped, "Then go to my house?"



Haibara Ai and Kitagawa Adachi spoke in unison.

Haibara Ai was silent, she couldn't implicate others.

Beichuan Anda sternly persuaded, "Mr. Chi, the reported time to go out is only until five o'clock in the afternoon, and now it's only over an hour, you have to go back, it's better to take her to the hospital, and it's better to contact her Family, her family will be worried when they find out that she is gone...Little sister, do you remember the contact information at home? Uh, little sister?"

Chi Feichi hugged Hai Yuanai who was sleeping with his eyes closed: "I've already passed out."

Beichuan Anda: "..."

Is he being too verbose?
