MTL - Conan’s Corpse Picker-Chapter 1463 1463【Uzo's matter has nothing to do with me】

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  Chapter 1463 1463 [Uzo's matter has nothing to do with me]

  Okiya Subaru refreshed the interface over and over again, and every time he refreshed, he couldn't help but see a new way of death of Shuichi Akai in his mind.

   But worry is nothing but worry, in fact, he still prefers to believe that Akai Shuichi is still alive.

   There is a reason for not replying to messages.

  Actually, today, before leaving for the airport, Okiya Subaru once received an email from Akai Shuichi—the counterfeit "Okiya Subaru" received a task and is currently busy with it.

  Okiya Subaru has also received the tasks sent by the organization to peripheral members. He knows that many times, when he is busy, he has no time to look at his mobile phone.

   Refreshing the mailbox for countless times failed.

  Okiya Subaru had no choice but to press his temper again, and switched back to the group chat interface.

  The group he is watching is the group of the show that he followed this time.

   Click to open it, and it is the same as before. Those who ran out to eat melons are uploading the news they saw at the scene of the crime one after another.

  Okiya Subaru silently prayed that they would not capture Uzo, so as not to bring death to the entire crew, while carefully writing down various situations on the scene, trying to analyze the possible role Uzo played in this.

  Thinking about it, his eyes stopped on Jiang Xia and the little boy across the phone screen.

  Okiya Subaru: "..." Speaking of which, why is it this group of people again?

   Mr. Akai said before that Jiang Xia will not be Uzo.

   And according to Okiya Subaru's own experience, he also felt that Jiang Xia's personality was completely different from Uzo's, and he was not a commoner at all.

  But... this is such a coincidence.

  Okiya Subaru: "..." There are no "coincidences" for no reason in the world. There must be some kind of conspiracy by Uzo.

  If we can figure out the reason why Jiang Xia appeared at the airport, maybe we can get some information about Wu Zuo in reverse, and even find out his offline. but…

  Okiya Subaru quickly pushed this thought out of his mind: What does Uzo's other subordinates have to do with him, who is about to breathe the free air on the other side of the ocean?

  Intervening in this kind of thing now will only lead to death. It's better to keep a low profile and focus on running. As for the others, let's talk about it after successfully running away...


  In a lounge at the airport.

  Meguro Police Department went to the table and sat down. Across the table, on the other side was Hideki Sugimoto—the young man who had an argument with the person who fell from the building.

  Jiang Xia looked around, dragged a stool, and sat on the side to listen.

  Hideki Sugimoto glanced at him, as if he was a bit repulsed by the appearance of the detective. But soon he lowered his head again and didn't say much.

   Miwako Sato looked at this taciturn person and asked, "Why do you have conflicts?"

Hideki Sugimoto sighed: "I was thirsty just now, so I went to a vending machine to buy a bottle of juice, but when I drank it, I accidentally spilled the drink on my hand. I like to be clean, so I want to go to the bathroom to wash it off right away , but I have luggage again.”

   As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to the side.

  There is a suitcase and a backpack there.

  “At that time, I had sticky drinks on my hands. If I didn’t want to get them in other places, I had to drag the box in with one hand, but the bathroom was relatively narrow, which was really inconvenient.

"I happened to see people coming and going in the nearby shops. I thought that with so many people present, no one would steal things shamelessly, so I temporarily put my luggage at the door of the bathroom, and planned to go in and wash my hands. Come out right away."

  Officer Takagi looked at the young social animal and felt that the other party lacked common sense, so he couldn't help reminding: "It's easiest to lose things where people come and go."

  Hideki Sugimoto sighed: "I haven't lost it before, have no experience. Now I know."

He continued what he just said, "Who knew when I went in to wash my hands, I realized that the drink had flowed deeper than I thought, and it had already stained my sleeves. I could only open the sleeves inside and rinse them. Wait until the water is wrung dry." When I came out again, all my luggage was gone.”

  He shook his head in fear: "Looking closer, I saw that person was holding my bag, dragging my suitcase, and was about to leave.

  “I rushed over to him to ask for my luggage, but although he let go of the suitcase, he refused to give me back the backpack... It’s such a bad day. I was very angry and fought with him.

"He had a lot of strength. At that time, my attention was all on the bag, and I didn't notice that we had moved to the railing. But at this moment, the strap of the bag broke suddenly. He couldn't stand still, fell backwards, and then... "

   Speaking of this, Hideki Sugimoto seemed to remember the horrible appearance of the corpse when it fell from the building, closed his eyes unbearably, shook his head, and didn't say any more.

   "So that's the case..." Miwako Sato confirmed while scrolling through the records, "That is to say, you don't know him?"

   "Of course I don't know him!" Hideki Sugimoto shook his head, a little angrily, "I don't have such shameless thief friends!"

  Mumu police department let out a groan, touched his chin, and felt that he understood:

   "So in general, the situation is that the thief stole the bag, but he was caught on the spot and fell in the middle of the fight. Alas, another unfortunate, uh..."

  He wanted to say, it was another unfortunate accident.

  But before opening his mouth, Mumu Police Department suddenly remembered something, turned his head unconsciously, and glanced at Jiang Xia.

  "..." Although he didn't want to admit it, his experience told him that when these detectives are present, there are no simple accidents...

   Taking a sneak peek, Jiang Xia happened to be looking at him too.

   Seeing that he had finished speaking, the young detective spoke politely.

Jiang Xia looked at Hideki Sugimoto on the opposite side: "When you go into the bathroom, it's not easy to drag the suitcase, and it's barely reasonable to leave it outside, but why do you leave the backpack together? ——If you just wash your hands, the bag on your back is not It will affect your actions. On the contrary, the action of putting down your backpack makes it easier for your luggage to get juice."

  Mu Mu Police Department was stunned, inspired, and then sharpened his eyes: "Yes, why?"

Sugimoto Hideki was quite calm, and was not overwhelmed by this question. He raised his hand and gestured: "My suitcase is cheaper and doesn't have so many hidden locks. Doesn't it have a handle on the top, even if you put the handle back, It can also be pulled up easily.

  "So I think, if there is only one box there, it is just a matter of reaching out to steal it. The difficulty is too low, and it would be bad if someone has evil thoughts because of it.

"So I put my backpack on it. In this way, if I want to take my luggage away, I have to have a lot of movements, and the difficulty increases suddenly. In this way, no one will steal it! And as long as you get used to carrying it, the backpack is actually It's easy to put down, and the juice won't get on your hands in the process."

  (end of this chapter)