MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 34 deterrence

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“The surface of the toothpaste is not smooth and it is not transparent, and the mirror surface of the mirror is just a smooth enough surface. The combination of the two, together with the light at the right angle and the white walls, can create a painting-like effect. "

"Simply put, the place where the toothpaste is applied reflects no or very little light, and it turns black. The place where the toothpaste is applied is under a white wall and light, and it reflects ordinary white light... The whole looks like It's like a sketch on white paper."

"Of course, such a 'painting' only exhibits its qualities as a 'painting' if certain conditions are met. And it is extremely easy to rub off or erase, and does not leave as suspicious as other 'paintings' trace."

"And you, using the characteristics of this 'painting', created a perfect passage for yourself - using your ability, the ability to 'shuttle between two similar paintings painted by the same person'."

"Judging from the fact that you collect large-format paintings, you can't move around in too small paintings, or it may be because you are fat... I don't know if your eccentric collecting habit gave birth to this ability, or It's because of that ability that you've chosen to collect various pairs of fake masterpieces—but it doesn't matter."

"I tried to restore this toothpaste painting. You also painted the same toothpaste painting in the underground painting storage room as a 'painting shuttle transfer station', and because the shuttle is one-sided, you temporarily I don't have time to wipe off that toothpaste painting, am I right?"

Guan Dounan put his hands in his pockets and slowly paced from one side of the corridor to the door of the bathroom. Outside the door, he looked at Se Yu, who had a serious face and was sweating slightly in the Mediterranean Sea.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask, from the perspective of a professional art collector. Are my paintings ok? I mean, the ones you see..." Guan Dounan raised his mouth slightly, Mukase Yu asked.

"...It's very similar, I can only say that it's very similar. But both skills and emotions are messed up, it's just a printer-level work." Seta sneered, unfolding the crumpled note in her hand, "And, Your handwriting is so ugly."

"...After all, I don't want you, Grandpa Seyu. If you can receive a complete art education, you can still think of using this method to kill people." The expression on Guan Dounan's face was unmoved at all, but he couldn't tell whether he really didn't care or pretended. do not care.

"Don't talk nonsense, when will I..."

"It's already at this time, are you still pretending to be stupid? It's almost done. Everyone knows the bottom line. It's useless to play this intelligence game." Guan Dounan interrupted Se Yu directly, "I need money. , you need to keep the killing and the ability a secret in exchange, which makes sense."

"...How much do you want?" Se Yu's face sank again, and he asked directly.

"Fifty million, yen, cash." Guan Dounan smiled slightly, and the lion opened his mouth.

"Are you kidding me? Who can take out 50 million yen in cash so easily now! One reduction is good for all of us." Naturally, Seba couldn't accept this amount, even if the yen exchange rate has increased significantly in recent years Diving is not as valuable as it used to be, and no one has any spare time to put more than 10 million yen in cash at home.

"How much can you take out?"

"...up to 10 million yen, and if that doesn't work, I can make it up with my collection."

"The collectibles are exempted, and maybe you will pass through them. It's physically unacceptable like panties." Guan Dounan rejected Seyu's proposal with a smile, "Since you said you have 10 million in cash , then please tell me where the money is, and I'll get it myself."

"After all, there are paintings you've collected all over the place. I don't have the ability to keep watch over you for so long and not let you use your abilities to escape... Well, maybe it's because I don't have the patience, and I want to kill you on the way. Killed." Guan Dounan's smile did not diminish, but what he said was heart-stopping.

"Don't go too far! I'm just negotiating with the intention of cooperating with you. If I'm in a hurry, I'll call the police. When the police arrive, even if you tell my 'secret', The police won't believe it. After all, 'how can there be superpowers in this world', how can those guys who like to present physical evidence believe you. They will only believe me, and then you will be a criminal who illegally invaded the house, I can't even get a penny!" Se Yu threatened.

Indeed, "criminals are actually committing crimes with superpowers", almost no one will believe it. Seyu's ability is still the kind of ability that needs to be actively used to see the abnormality, as long as he is killed. Demonstrated ability, then really can't find any evidence.

"Well... do you really think that no one will believe it?" Guan Dounan raised his eyebrows, looking very contemptuous, "The first crime of 'The Famous Painting Thief' was more than a year ago."

"What do you want to say?" Se Yu asked in a deep voice, a little confused.

"The famous painting thief is you. You used your ability to steal a lot of famous paintings... Of course, those in museums or warehouses, because the paintings are protected by glass or boxes, even if you pass through, you will not be able to let the whole The body shows up, so you're stealing the kind of paintings that private collectors have in their homes."

"From the perspective of time, you awakened more than a year ago, or the ability you possessed. It can't be said for a long time, but it is definitely not short. And in terms of number, you won't think that you are the only one in the world. The chosen son of heaven, right?" Guan Dounan narrowed his eyes and looked at the mirror behind Se Yu, "Perhaps there are far more people with amazing abilities in this world than you think..."

"And to say that there are people or organizations that have enough human, material and financial resources to investigate all kinds of seemingly strange things, and to investigate people of various identities formally and legally... in the name of protecting national security."

The sweat on Seba's Mediterranean Sea increased more and more.

"Maybe they will be called some other names and belong to any other department. However, in the face of this kind of enough to subvert people's cognition, in some cases, they can even play the role of more than an army, and their use They're probably already authorized to use some legal and infinitely limited means of violence."

"So, are you going to continue to talk to me, pay only a small amount of money, or tear your face and make a fuss to attract their attention, and then suddenly disappear in the society for no apparent reason one day, waiting for the official to give an ordinary the disappearance of the character?"

Guan Dounan's implication is very clear, you are not the only guy who has awakened the ability to substitute, and if the number of substitute envoys is large enough, the state violence agency will definitely not sit idly by, and it is more likely that coercion will be used. control them.

And now there is no rumor in society that someone has superpowers that can be verified... Either such people are really an absolute minority, or they are "being" turned into an absolute minority.

"...Hmph, don't try to use violent institutions to oppress me." Se Yu sneered, "What we are now is like the nuclear deterrence that happened not long ago, you and I have enough means to destroy each other, but the final result is No one dares to use it lightly... If the violent organ really intervenes, you will never be able to escape."

"Well, it makes sense." Guan Dounan actually nodded seriously, his long hair was a little messy, and with the backlit position, most of his face was covered by shadows.

"Then, I can only ask you to die."

The corners of Guan Dounan's mouth raised strangely to both ends, revealing some frighteningly white teeth. And behind him, the same weird smile also appeared, and at the same time, there was a black human figure, and those pale eyes were staring at Se Yu.

"Nuclear deterrence, indeed. If we let the violent agencies know, we will have nothing to do. But..."

Xiao Hei behind Guan Dounan suddenly disappeared and reappeared again, like a low-quality video tape with dropped frames, but this time his movements changed slightly. He seemed to be raising his hands and his position was a little forward.

"Right here, I'm a young man, and you're an old man."

Xiao Hei disappeared in situ and reappeared again. Its hands had already been raised in front of him, and both hands were vacantly clasped, as if to grab Se Yu's neck. The latter couldn't help but take a step back and hit the ice cold wall.

"There isn't any painting here - oh, the toothpaste painting I 'printed' out might count. But it wasn't painted by the same person, and it doesn't meet the activation conditions of your ability, so you don't have any Escape from anywhere."

Xiao Hei's shadow flickered several times, each time it was a little further forward than the previous one, and the more his hand was stretched, the further forward it was. Combined with the dim environment in the bathroom and Guan Dounan's devilish whispering voice, it resembles a ghost in a horror movie who is approaching step by step with the snowflake stripes on the screen, but ordinary people can only watch and have no ability to resist.

"I'll clean the scene with gloves on like you, and not a single hair is left. And it wasn't me who killed you, physically. Perfect escape, like you did It’s the same as the past, so this is called retribution, or is it called the causal cycle?”

The frequency of Xiao Hei's flickering is getting higher and higher, and the movements are getting smoother and smoother. If it was just two or three seconds per frame, now it has developed to one frame per second, or even two frames per second, and the expression on its face seems to be different. Get excited gradually.

"Come on, use your abilities..."

Se Yu seemed to be able to read such words from Guan Dounan's eyes.

"Stop joking!" Se Yu suddenly burst out, picked up the hand sanitizer on the sink next to him and threw it at Guan Dounan. Because the distance was really close, he didn't need any aiming, so Guan Dounan had to dodge sideways.

"You've been fooled! You deliberately misrepresented my ability, waiting for me to use the toothpaste drawing you drew to escape, and then be caught by the person you've been ambushing for a long time! ability is far away not only that!"

Seyu suddenly stretched out another hand, and that hand was holding the note that Guan Dounanto Shibata Mika handed to him. He slammed the note to the mirror and used the stickiness of toothpaste to stick it. live. In addition to the words "Go to the second bathroom on the third floor" on the note, it was a stick figure drawn with a pencil.