MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 40 Gin must win hemp

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"Can this really avoid that tragic ending?"

Miyano Akemi sat on the ground with her knees in her arms, tilted her head back slightly, and leaned her back against the cool wall, trying to calm her mind.

"I can't guarantee it, but..." Guan Dounan sat next to her in a similar posture, curled up on one leg, resting his chin on his knee to support his head, "other than that, there seems to be no other way. You should also Knowing the character of Jinjiu, if you choose to fight him, there may be a chance of life, but if you don't do something, there is only a dead end."

"He's not a man who keeps his promises, especially your sister."

Miyano Akemi still raised her head, thinking about what Guan Dounan told her just now, which was enough to subvert her worldview. And Guan Dounan didn't say anything more, just looked down at the sunset outside the apartment and gradually disappeared, turning the last crimson sky into black without light.

People are different. Some people are accustomed to thinking quietly in their own minds, while others take out a pen to write and draw when they are thinking. A person who can sort out his own thinking and see things more clearly.

Conan probably belongs to the first category, and Guan Dounan thinks it should belong to the third category. After all, his expertise is not in intelligence, and he still needs to ask these guys who have really useful brains. As for Miyano Akemi, in Guan Dounan's view, it should also belong to the third category. a type.

After gaining the trust of Miyano Akemi, he discussed the "replacing messenger", "black organization", "Gin wine's ability", "Miyano Shiho's research" and the fact that Gin wine is likely to betray her trust and kill her directly. He told her, and in the process of telling this, his own thoughts became a lot clearer, and he already had a vague plan to deal with gin in his heart.

Now, Miyano Akemi, who was waiting to digest this information, spoke up.

"...I don't know much about organizations."

Miyano Akemi finally spoke after thinking silently for a long time.

"I only know that the representative color of the organization is black, and as long as it is what the organization wants to do, it will be done no matter what. Of course, the means will definitely not be above board, but like a crow, pure darkness." Miyano Akemi murmured, "Body substitute ability, rewinding time, changing appearance... I don't know about these things, I don't even know what Shiho is researching, and she hasn't told me about it."

"However, I know that Jin Jiu is a very scary person. He has a high status in the organization, but his ability is higher. As long as it is what he says, no one dares to disobey..."

"I also know that the 'deal' I proposed to him is very unlikely to actually materialize. It's probably just a number with an unknown number of decimal places. But that's the last straw I can grab. Yes, but that's what I thought at the time."

Miyano Akemi turned her head and looked at Guan Dounan seriously. Although she didn't say it clearly, Guan Dounan already understood what she meant.

"Compared to straws, I can at least count as a swimming ring." He said half-jokingly, and Miyano Akemi seemed to be coldly stunned by this humourless joke, and smiled helplessly.

"So, what do I need to do? Judging from the... ability of Gin you mentioned, it is not easy to deceive him."

"Well... First of all, let me confirm that in his original plan, what did he want you to do with the one billion yuan in cash that he grabbed?" Guan Dounan thought for a while, and was going to ask Jin Jiu's plan first, and then follow his plan. Get started.

Since Jinjiu's ability is activated at the time of "failure" and looking back in time, then Jinjiu can't feel that he is "failed", and let him win all the time. Qin Shihuang eats peppercorns while stepping on the electric door, so that he can win Ma De. Can't be any more numb.

There is a saying that people are often carried away by victory, especially for a person like Gin, his ability can keep him in a state of "no error" and can handle all events in an orderly manner , the Prophet generally anticipates all kinds of surprises—in his own opinion, of course.

Therefore, such gin is bound to have a stubborn and arbitrary mentality, and Miyano Shiho also said that gin does not like to cooperate with others, because others always "will act without authorization". There is only one tool person Hanhan Vodka, who is the same as Sha Monk, who can only say "big brother is right", which makes it convenient for Guan Dounan to create an illusion to deceive the gin.

Of course, you can't let Gin wine go smoothly as if the green light is on all the way. This may cause him to be alert. It is best to create some small troubles, so that Gin wine does not need to activate its ability, and can solve it with its own body. kind of...

"After grabbing the money at noon, I didn't leave too far with the other person and got out of the car nearby. I asked him to exchange the grabbed cash into another box, and then store it in the locker of the XX Hotel. , the key will be sent to my house by courier tomorrow morning." Miyano Akemi said, "I have already asked the bank for leave today, and I will wait for tonight to pass. If there is nothing abnormal on the police side, it will be tomorrow. Go to a warehouse and meet Gin at five o'clock in the evening, hand over the key to him, and tell him where the cash is stored."

"This way..." Guan Dounan Then, what was your original thought? "

Seeing Miyano Akemi for a moment, Guan Dounan continued to ask, "Even if you didn't meet me, you probably expected that Jinjiu might not abide by the agreement between the two of you? try to fight back."

"You're right." Miyano Akemi sighed and took out a set of keys from his pocket, "I prepared a locker and a set of other keys in advance, and I will quietly change the cash for another at night. somewhere to store. The keys are also hidden somewhere and no one can find them.”

"If Gin really goes against the deal and kills me, he will never find the real cash deposit... And when that cash is found by chance, he will see me left in it. A message about a poor man being coerced, and the code names for 'gin' and 'vodka'."

"In that case, I advise you to give up this plan." Guan Dounan looked at the key in Miyano Akemi's hand, "I think what we are experiencing now is a time that has not been retraced yet. If he kills you in the future, and he doesn't get the cash, he should cut off all this directly from the source, go back in time, come directly to you as a party, and nip the trouble in the bud."