MTL - Concealed and Blended: Fendai-Chapter 19

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Li Boxi went to catch the plane.

It is also rare for him to get an international job. This time it is because the actress wants to take a slant and add some Chinese ink elements to the forest elves. After flying for more than ten hours and landing to start work, Li Boxi could only keep spinning.

Cheng Ping went to the platform party alone.

A Halloween-themed scene, literally a group of demons dancing wildly. Mermaids and horses, cat monsters and rabbit monsters, it's like Li Boxi's list full of options has become a ghost, and a hundred ghosts walk in front of a row of long guns and short cannons.

Cheng Ping was dressed in a dark dress, and as soon as he entered the arena, he was submerged in a sea of ​​joy. He didn't care, and silently walked through the crowd to find something to eat.

As a result, after walking all the way, Moses divided the sea on the spot.

The chatter of the crowd on the left and right has weakened, and the sound of cameras clicking gradually became more intense.

Cheng Ping entered the industry late, and he had a reputation for being a hot-tempered person, so no acquaintances in the industry approached him for a chat. He was quite happy, but he didn't know that the people on both sides were wondering in unison: Is Cheng Ping so good-looking?

The dark vampire makeup didn't soften his temperament at all, but polished it sharper and colder. His footsteps are everywhere, like a sword splitting the shadow of this fragrant clothes.

The eyes of everyone followed him openly or secretly, and they were afraid of being stabbed by him.

Then the vampire walked up to the buffet table, solemnly picked up a donut and took a bite.

Everyone: "..."

Cheng Ping's eyes were uncomfortable. No matter how hard he blinked, he couldn't offset the foreign body sensation of the colored contact lenses, which made him cry all the time.

He rolled his eyeballs left and right, scanning the audience inadvertently.

Apart from him, there is another focus of attention on the field tonight. It was a floret who had just grown up, dressed as a blue peacock, with feathers on her head, and bluesy smoky makeup with sequins.

This kind of makeup is easy to bring dust and dust, but on her immature face, it looks full of aura and brilliance.

Cheng Ping noticed that the crowd was taking pictures of her, so he took a few more glances, thinking that her makeup artist is also very good.

In the next second, I saw the guy next to her helping her to touch up her makeup.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping quickly looked away, trying to pretend he didn't see it. The other party didn't give up, and walked straight towards him.

"Teacher Cheng, are you alone? Where's my brother?"

Cheng Ping said stiffly, "He didn't come because he had something to do."

Junior brother: "Are you uncomfortable wearing colored contact lenses? Tears are streaming down your eye makeup. I just brought tools to help you fix it?"

Facing Cheng Ping's eyes, he added with a smile: "It's purely kind. With so many people watching, I won't do anything to you, you say yes."

I'm still afraid that you won't succeed? Cheng Ping was provoked.

The younger brother took Cheng Ping aside, used tweezers to help him take out the colored contact lenses, and then put on the primer again.

"Mr. Cheng," he didn't stay idle, "You may have misunderstood me a little bit about what happened before."

Cheng Ping: "I don't think there is any misunderstanding."

The younger brother smiled: "I really don't know about the little flow. If I knew, I would dissuade him. It's too cheap."

Cheng Ping was skeptical.

The younger brother is in a good mood. He was the biggest winner in the previous turmoil. After serving actor Zhang's little lover for so long, he finally got a ride with actor Zhang and wanted to follow up on a big project. Reminiscent of Zhang Yingdi's original intention to bind Li Boxi, the younger brother is even more refreshed.

He won a round, so it's an afterthought to come here to provoke Cheng Ping. He saw that Cheng Ping had a good impression of Li Boxi, and he would not hesitate to try anything that could affect Li Boxi.

Junior brother: "Teacher Cheng, I didn't mean anything against you at all, and I believe senior brother didn't either."

Cheng Ping: "What do you mean?"

Junior brother: "Our two senior brothers have always been fighting like this." He smiled apologetically, "We are also very sorry for involving others for no reason."

He puts the emphasis on "others" and "us".

Cheng Ping heard it harshly, and was about to refute, when he suddenly remembered Li Baixi eagerly saying: "This is a competition between me and my junior."

The yin and yang eccentric response to people is the master's forte. He euphemistically expressed the meaning of "you are being used as a tool by Li Boxi", and waited expectantly for Cheng Ping's wonderful expression.

This time, however, he was disappointed. Cheng Ping just sneered: "Don't take it to heart."

The younger brother suddenly felt that life was boring. People in the entertainment industry grow up so fast, it's not fun all of a sudden.

After such a short period of time, he had already finished filling up the eye shadow and eyeliner by inertia, and accidentally overdid it, changing all the colors that Li Boxi had originally planned.

He came back to his senses, stopped his hands and said: "Okay." Anyway, he couldn't find any fun with Cheng Ping, so he packed up his things and slipped away.

Cheng Ping stayed where he was and stood motionless for a moment.

The manager searched around in the crowd but did not see Cheng Ping, and finally found him holding a drink and hiding in a corner, ignoring anyone, looking down and playing with his phone.

She walked over resentfully, wanting to persuade him to be more social, but accidentally caught a glimpse of his mobile phone screen, but he was sending a message to Li Boxi.


Cheng Ping was finding fault with a sullen face: "The colored contact lenses made me take off my makeup."

Li Boxi was still on the plane, so naturally he wouldn't answer.

Cheng Ping was patted on the shoulder suddenly, and when he turned around, it was his manager.

"Xiao Cheng," she sat down beside him, "I have something to talk to you."

This tone is usually a big deal.

The manager seemed a little embarrassed to say: "Li Boxi..."

Cheng Ping remembered that when he was wearing colored contact lenses this afternoon, the manager seemed to have walked into the room. He didn't know if she had seen the most embarrassing detail, he felt a thorn in his back, he gritted his teeth and waited for her to speak.

Agent: "...Is he pursuing you?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping: "???"

It took Cheng Ping a long time to react: "No, no, you misunderstood."

But the agent had a clear face: "It's okay, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the industry. The key is how we deal with it..."

"You really misunderstood." Cheng Ping said with a big head.

The agent was suspicious: "But I thought about it for a long time in the afternoon, and bystanders can tell, he has always been so good to you, is there any other reason?"

Cheng Ping: "He clarified, he said he is my e-sports fan."

The broker sneered.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping fell into deep thought: Could it be that I am too slow?