MTL - Concubine’s Stunning Daughter : Ghost Emperor Please Be Lenient!-Chapter 1228 Distressed

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Remember [花香 居] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. Bai Ze hurriedly asked Yuexianxian, "What else do you know, Xianxian!"

The three looked nervously at Yuexianxian.

Yue Xianxian had to say truthfully: "Sister Fu Yao, she went to the heart of the dark sea."

After a pause, she comforted again: "But Sister Fu Yao should be fine. Fenghua has already seen it. If something happens, he won't come back so early."

"Sister Emperor must be in danger." Bai Ze was anxious. "No, I'm going to see the heart of the dark sea!"

"My dear goes too!"

When the three of them snapped together, Huoer transformed into the real body of the dark flame and fire phoenix, and flew to the dark sea carrying Bai Ze and Bing phoenix.

Yuexianxian frowned, uneasy, "Sister Fu Yao won't be in trouble, won't ..."


In an unknown mountain forest, the mist is veiled over the mountains and mountains, and the weather is like a fairyland.

When Di Fu shakes up, she finds herself falling into this mountain forest. She leans against the bluestone giant rock, her face is as dead as gray, and pale as snow.

Ye Zhongyuan's mind echoed with a murderous stab at her.

Although this sword did not stab her, Di Fuyao knew very well that it was indeed Ye Zhongyuan.

She didn't know why he came to the weak water's abyss, nor did he know why he wanted to kill himself, even if he was controlled by the power of the night demon, the sword seemed to be stabbed in her heart firmly.

She leaned against the bluestone boulder, and the darkness was constantly in front of her eyes, her hands were shaking all the time, and she felt nothing was scratching.

It hurts so much that she feels out of breath.

Emperor Fu shook his eyes slowly and closed his eyes, allowing the breath to be disturbed.

Like a living dead, she didn't know how long she had stayed.

A little fox who had been hiding in the grass saw her motionless and thought she was going to die.

The little fox jumped up, but did not expect to hit the enchantment head-on.

The enchantment has deep power, and when it feels the assault of the spirit, the power is like the intricate entanglement of the little fox's body.

Emperor Fuyao just opened his eyes with the noise of the little fox.

I saw that the little fox was only a few meters away from her, and was hung halfway in the void enchantment. It sobbed lowly and looked very painful.

Those ice-colored ice-colored eyes burst into tears, and looked at her pitifully as if asking for help.

Di Fu shook his eyes at the little fox, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

The enchantment is absorbing the practice of the little fox, and the little fox is struggling in pain, and the screams it makes are more and more heartbreaking.

She wanted to be quiet, but the little fox made her more upset.

Di Fu shakes up and walks forward, rescues the little fox from the power of the enchantment online, and finds that if it is one minute later, the little fox will be dried out by the enchantment and die.

"It's cheap for you." She stroked the little fox with her fingertips and lost a lot of spiritual power to it.

The dying little fox was repaired spiritually and his injuries were much better.

The little fox was lying weakly in her palms, sticking her pink tongue and licking her fingers, expressing gratitude.

"Small thing, you know that there is an enchantment and break into it, now it's alright, you have to accompany me trapped here." Emperor Fu chuckled expressionlessly.

After she woke up here, she found that a strong enchantment had been set up here, and her space art was useless here.

Emperor Fuyao guessed why she was here because it was related to the space art she used.

It doesn't look like a dark sea area, or a dark abyss.

Presumably because she didn't locate the coordinates well, jumped in space, and strayed into a secret place set by some power.

The little fox pinched her palms and then disappeared into the thick grass.

Emperor Fu meditated in place, abandoning her cluttered thoughts, and recalling her experience before her coma.

"Darkness, golden light ... familiar power ... what exactly is it?" She tried her luck to see what the power of golden light was in her body.

Unexpectedly, no matter how she looked, she didn't find the whereabouts of the power of golden light.

It seemed as if the sea was sinking into the sea, hiding in her body.

"Let ’s just settle in when it comes."

Di Fu shook himself, trying to find the mouth. After looking around for a few laps, he didn't find the exit.

Can not help but feel discouraged.

Which jump is not good, he just jumped into the enchantment circle, now he's fine, can't get out.

Di Fu took a deep breath, and she couldn't sit still.

She also has to go back to the weak water to get a ray of destiny to save Di Gouyou, who is still waiting for her!

Hands clasped, condensed with all their strength, and attacked the enchantment.

With a full blow, the enchantment was untouched.

Emperor Fu was short of breath.

Suddenly the little fox patted her calf.

Look down.

I saw that the little fox came with five or six spirit fruits, and was proud to ask her for credit.

Di Fuyao saw that her white fur was messy and stained with a lot of weeds. At first glance, this little thing took a lot of effort in order to pick the fruit for her.

"Why is it so good to me?" She crouched down, touching her little head. "I will die for you at first."

The little fox didn't take it for granted, her little head poked at her hand, and her paw stretched out, giving her the spirit fruit.

Di Fuya tasted one, and immediately felt that a clear stream was injected into the veins, and the fatigue was swept away, and the spirit was refreshed.

"The fruit is so strong and pure," she said.

No wonder here will be set up a powerful enchantment, it turned out to be good things everywhere.

The little fox saw that she liked Linguo and happily circled in situ.

Emperor Fu shook and laughed and weeded the weeds on his body.

Where she went, so did the little fox, and accompanied her day after day.

When she meditates, the little fox will take the initiative to look for food, find a bunch of spiritual fruits for her to eat, and Di Fuyao, who can't finish eating, will be stored in the portable space.

Later, Di Fuyao was used to holding it and flying in the mountains. Every time he passed a place, he marked it and went to the next place to continue looking for an exit.

But it's too big here. She searched for a month, but I didn't find the half gap in the enchantment.

On that day, Di Fuyao was meditating and practicing, and the little fox suddenly ran and dragged her clothes.

She opened her eyes, and the little fox pointed in one direction with her white claws, her mouth screaming, as if to tell her something.

Emperor Fu shook the little fox into his arms and walked in that direction.

It was only then that, across from an ice creek, the enchantment shook and opened a mouth that could only be accessed by one person.

Looking at the gap and shining, Di Fu shook his mouth and closed his mouth with joy, holding the little fox and slamming, "Little guy, good job! We can finally leave this ghost place!"

She hugged the little fox and jumped out of the enchantment, then didn't hold back and laughed!

"Come out-hahaha!"

At this moment, under a towering ancient tree in the enchantment circle, a figure of white clothes heard the light and cheerful laughter, turned around, and looked around.

I saw a beautiful young girl in red holding a little fox, hopping away.

"Who is she and how can she appear in the mountains of all gods?" The young boy in white couldn't help wondering.

It's a pity that Di Fuyao didn't see this eyebrow as ever, and the peerless young man in white.

It is the oracle.

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