MTL - Congratulations on Your Arrest-Chapter 399 Purple Epic [Nine Tails]! (Big

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  Chapter 399 Purple epic [Nine Tails]! (big chapter)

  Alia Rhine.

  He is the youngest among the second-generation descendants of the Tianlong family of the Nine Heavens and Humans.

  Wearing a white cloak and top, she combed her slightly silver curly hair, her skin was as fair as snow, and her facial features were exquisite. The pair of golden vertical pupils in her eyes gave her an inexplicable majesty and solemnity.

  Among the second-generation children of the Nine Heavens and Humans who gathered at the White Swan in Bartonshire this evening, most of them were acquaintances in the past.

  In contrast, there is only an empty area around Alia Rhine of the Tianlong tribe, standing alone by the seaside of the White Swan Harbor Wharf.

   Others are not afraid.

  The people who are qualified to come here on behalf of the family today are all the best among the second-generation children of the Nine Heavens and Humans.

  For the new face of this young and powerful second-generation child of the Tianlong clan, everyone was curious, but the reservedness engraved in their bones from the pure celestial blood kept them from going up to strike up a conversation with each other.


   Not everyone has this reserve.

  Occam Bart, the second-generation child representing Tianhu Bart's family, did not show any embarrassment after he took the initiative to "strike up a conversation" but was ignored by the other party.

  He smiled and looked at Emilia who was still looking at the sea with his back turned and seemed to be unaware,

   Rubbing the smooth and pointed chin,

   He pondered for two seconds and then smiled and said:

   "Oh, is Ms. Arya tired of such opening remarks? Hehe, to be honest, I am also tired of such hypocritical politeness. It seems that we are the same kind of people."

  Speaking of this, Occam Bart, who came on behalf of the Tianhu Bart family, stretched out a hand with a smile, "Let's join hands and kill someone."

  Killing is a very dark thing.

  Even the aristocratic celestial nobles would not put such words on their lips.

  However, among the second-generation children of the Tianhu family, Occam, the most slanted and heterogeneous, appealed to his mouth so easily, even with a calm smile on his face.

   Just at this moment,

   Looking at the sea, Alia Rhine of the Heavenly Dragon Clan finally retracted her gaze, turned around, and stared at the face of Occam Bart standing behind her with those gold-plated vertical pupils.

   Time seems to have passed for a long time.

   But only for a moment.

  Occam Bart, who is in his forties today, rubbed his well-maintained face with some narcissism, and said with a smile, "It must be admitted that in terms of maintenance, men are not much inferior to women."

   "I am twenty-seven this year."

  Alia Rhine suddenly killed the conversation.

  Her implication is obvious, you look like you are in your twenties, but I am really in my twenties.

  Occam Bart of the Sky Fox clan froze for a moment when he heard the words, and an imperceptible light flashed in those dark blue slender fox eyes.

   Still with a smile on his face, he said:

   "What an enviable age. Of course, what is even more enviable is having such strength at such an age. It almost reminds me of my niece."

  The second-generation descendants who can represent the Nine Great Masters of Heaven and Man to enter the boundary gate are all outstanding among the ninth-order god-level ability users who control the power of order.

  Aliya Rhine, who was alone and independent by the seaside, seemed to stop talking about it. Her gold-plated vertical pupils looked straight at each other, and she asked straightforwardly,

   "Who are you going to kill?

   What can I get in return? "

   Who is the target?

what is the benefit?

  Such bare and direct words.

   I have to say that among the second-generation descendants of the Nine Family of Heaven and Man, who live high above the clouds and are reserved to the core,

  The man and woman by the seaside of White Swan Harbor Wharf are indeed two out-and-out heterogeneous.

  But upon hearing this, Occam Bart of the Sky Fox Clan, who had been smiling but not smiling, showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and said:

   "Remember the niece I just mentioned? We are going to kill the little boy under my niece. This involves some family privacy. The old man in our family wants face, so I can't say more."

  Alia Rhine didn't seem to care about the privacy that the other party said. She still looked at the other party calmly, as if she was quietly waiting for something.

   "Of course, in return."

Occam Bart of the Sky Fox family said with a soft smile, "I'm not interested in those purple epic talents in the **** world behind the fourth-level boundary gate this time. If you need it, I can wholeheartedly help you grab a purple one." Epic monsters."

   It's rare that it's not a lie.

  Occam Bart is indeed not interested in this.

  Because he himself is the controller of the talent sequence 19 purple epic meat system ability [Nine Tails].

  If this is not the case,

  How did he become the one among the second-generation descendants of the heavenly and human nobles in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area who was qualified to compete with the human mad dog of the Judgment Division?

  The real reason why Occam Bart agreed to go to the border gate with the Tianhu Bart family this time is obviously not to share the few "cakes".

   "Help me? It's not enough."

  Alia Rhine shook her head, and she seemed to be about to turn around and end the conversation as she acted vigorously.

  Occam Butt raised his index finger and put it on his mouth, "hush", and said with a smile,

   "Don't rush to say no."

  I saw him turn around slightly, scanning the white swan port wharf talking and laughing in twos and threes, and from time to time glanced at the other nine children from the corner of his eye.

  He said softly, "As you can see, they have known each other for many years, and it seems that this trip to **** has also reached a reliable covenant."

   "But would you believe it,

  When a purple epic rank that is not on the talent sequence periodic table is really placed in front of them, that reliable covenant. Will be weaker than a thin layer of window paper.

   One poke will break. "

  Speaking of the last four words, Occam Bart with a grumpy expression raised his voice at the end.

  But unexpectedly,

  Alia Rhine, the representative of the Tianlong Clan, was not angry at all. Instead, her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was seriously thinking about the other party's proposal for the first time.

  Do you need allies after going to the Border Gate?

  If it is a low-level border gate,

   That may not be needed.

   But don't forget,

   This is the fourth-level purple border gate!

  It means that the purple strange demon lord cakes behind the door that make them "covet" all have the strength of the eighth-level peak or even the ninth-level, and the abilities they control are even more weird.

   Taking a step back, even if Alia Rhine of the Sky Dragon Clan is confident enough in her own strength, she can defeat and capture a purple strange demon lord independently.

  But they are not like Higashinohara, who can collect unknown particles and transform them into innate ability fragments after the purple strange demon lord collapses by killing them directly.

  According to the records in the secret volume about the **** world in the Nine Great Families of Heaven and Man.

  —Ordinary people want to steal the abilities of strange demons, they only need to wait for the **** "Styx" (the tide outside the sky) to enter together, and use the peculiar nature of "Styx" to wash, reconstruct and absorb the abilities of purple strange demons.

  The success rate is extremely low,

  The whole process is extremely long and dangerous.

  But the temptation of the purple epic level ability is ahead, which is the most solid foundation for climbing higher peaks after the ninth level, so no matter how dangerous it is, some people are willing to try it.

   And when you use the power of Styx to steal the ability of the purple strange monster, the dangerous and long process must not allow anyone to disturb it.

   Therefore, it is particularly important to have an "ally" who has no fundamental conflict of interest with you at this time.

   After a long silence,

  Arya Rhine, the representative of the Tianlong Clan with an expressionless face, finally said, "I will help you kill people, and I hope you can keep your promise."


  The slender dark blue pupils of Occam Bart of the Sky Fox Clan showed a deep smile,

  If you say it with deep meaning,

   "In this world, it is people like us who value promises more."

However, Alia Rhine of the Sky Dragon Clan was not "comfortable" that Occam Bart classified them into the same category of people. After reaching a verbal "gentleman's agreement", she turned her head away and continued to look at the purple in the distance. of uncharted seas.

  Occam Bart glanced at the graceful body of the other party, even if the other party was wearing a white hooded top, he could vaguely see the exquisite curves of his figure.

   It's just that he has shown himself as a **** all these years, but he doesn't have too many strange thoughts in his mind.

  On the contrary, when he was ordered in the World Bank Building, the old man who was the old Tianhu Bart said to him before he left.

  —"If it can't be eradicated, then try to establish a friendship with that human through Dorothy. The Tianhu Bart family has no permanent enemies."

  It’s true that the Tianhu Bart family has no permanent enemies, but he, an old man, has a butcher’s knife.

   Don't take advantage of the time when the lovely niece Dorothy and the human boy are seriously injured and kill them all in the **** world.

   Do we still have to wait for them to grow up, and one day the niece knows the truth about her father's death, and brings that little boy to the door with a knife in hand to settle accounts with herself?

  Don't be kidding me.My lord father.

  Occam Bart leisurely looked over Alia Rhine's shoulder, looking at the mysterious sea area covered by dark clouds, where there was no wind, no rain, lightning, thunder, and only the faint cry of whales.

   time is coming

  Suddenly, the sea water in the vortex of the strange purple sea suddenly boiled, swaying like a burning flame in the afterglow of the evening sunset.

   At this time,

  The fourth ruling of the Judgment Department, which had been standing quietly behind, made Passeton take a step forward.

  Wearing a black robe, his figure was a bit hunched, but with a full smile on his face, he raised his hands and said loudly, "The time is up, everyone, please follow me to hell."

  The voice fell, and a speedboat carrying supplies had arrived at the shore.

  The old man Paseidon took the lead and walked up,

  The other disciples of the Nine Heavens and Humans behind them looked at each other and quickly followed.

  Everyone is here.

  I saw the speedboat carrying the heavenly and human nobles pulling a churning Bai Lian on the sea,

  Under the complicated gaze of countless people on the shore, he drove towards the strange purple swirl sea area.

  In a blink of an eye, people only saw the stern of the speedboat lifted high, and then it fell straight towards the abyss of **** as if flying down a waterfall.

   "Now, it's our turn."

  In front of the beach bar not far from White Swan Harbor, looking at the speedboat that disappeared on the sea, the pirates gathered here on the West Sea today also looked at each other.

  They did not take any speedboat, but each changed into a diving suit and carried their own supplies.

  The distance from that piece of purple sea to White Swan Harbor is not that far away. Today, those who are qualified to commit crimes against the wind and come in to get a share of the pie are all tyrants from the West Sea.

  Such a distance for them,

   It's just a moment away.

  However, even so,

  These pirates who have roamed the West Sea for many years are not as calm as they appear on the surface, because the end point they are going to today is the legendary "hell".

  There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is no shore to turn back.

  Hell World, Sioux City.

   lying on the ground,

  The back is the touch of gravel friction,

   The whining wind blows across his face and occasionally brushes his face lightly, the sky in front of him is as dark and depressing as ever.

   Higashinohara licked his dry lips, and heard footsteps in his ears.

  He turned his head,

  The person who came is naturally not a strange monster,

   It was the empress Dorothy Alita whose face was still covered with a little yellow sand.

   Higashinohara, who was lying on his back, smiled and said to Dorothy Alita who had gone and returned:

   "How? We can't find anything here to satisfy our hunger, I kid you not."

  Hearing what Higashinohara said, Empress Dorothy Alita rarely glanced at Higashinohara with a little annoyance.

  She opened her mouth to say something, but found that her throat was dry, and she lost the interest to speak immediately

  Today is the evening of the second day they came to this **** world. Since they left the garden last night, they haven’t been too far away from here. They just kept a safe distance from the strange female demon in the red wedding dress they met last night.

  No way, people are iron and rice is steel, and what they urgently need now is supplies.

  According to a certain law of the boundary gate, they can only pass through this gate in one direction in a period of about seven days, which means that they cannot return to the real world in a short time.

  Although it is not known whether the purple-level boundary gate complies with such a time criterion, the anchor point from the real world to the **** world is at the outer edge of the Sioux City garden.

  So if they can't get some "materials" from these people who have arrived in **** world, then even if they don't encounter danger, they will starve to death here.

  Empress Dorothy Alita glanced at Higashinohara, paused, and couldn't help asking, "How is your injury?"

   Lying on the ground with his hands half covering his face and squinting his eyes, Higashinohara heard the words, put his hands on the slightly hot gravel on the ground, supported his body and slowly got up.

After standing up, he moved and stretched his limbs a little, and said to Empress Dorothy Alita with a smile on his face, "Except for being unable to move your hands for a short time, there should be no major problems in walking around, so you don't need to continue to hug her." gone."

   When talking,

  In fact, he still had a dull pain in his shoulder blade.

  There was yesterday when he smashed the lower body of the second judge Puso Wiseman with two knives in the **** battle in Swan Harbor yesterday, and was also pierced through by the demon knife in the opponent's hand.

  Even so, Empress Dorothy Alita looked at Higashinohara who was walking as usual with a smile on her face, and couldn't help being surprised.

  It is difficult to connect the other party with the weak young man who was lying in her arms and hugging her waist yesterday.

   Then rule out the possibility of the other party pretending.

  This young man's physique and recovery ability are really strong beyond expectations, even the Tianxiang clan, who are good at physique among the nine heavenly and human beings, may not be able to do so.

   Just as Empress Dorothy Alita bowed her head and muttered to herself.

  Suddenly, Higashinohara picked up the clown mask that was lying on the ground, skillfully brought it to his face, and immediately grabbed the hand of Empress Dorothy Alita.

  The latter was stunned for a moment, but followed Higashinohara obediently and ran towards the side of the rockery. Immediately, Higashinohara pressed her head again and the two of them squatted down.

"What's wrong?"

  The Empress only answered half of what she said.

  The next second,

  She knew what was going on.

   Without warning, the dark cloud layer in the sky above the garden suddenly seemed to be trapped in a hole, and it spun spectacularly like a storm.

   Without warning,

  A speedboat fell straight down like a sharp sword falling from the sky, and plunged obliquely into the quicksand where they were just now with a bang.


  A series of figures also descended from the sky.

  In the vision of these first-time strangers,

  In the evening, the dim yellow sunset hangs at the end of the horizon. In the distance, tall buildings are inserted obliquely in the yellow sand like withered forests, and then sink into the darkness little by little as the sunset light gradually sinks to the west.

  The noble children of the Nine Heavens and Humans are vigilantly looking around at the strange and desolate world of hell,

  Until the figure slowly descends,

  The feet are actually stepping on the soft yellow sand,

   It was the first time they entered the **** world, and their hanging hearts were slightly relieved.

  Even if the feet are not "solid", it is always better than the plankton-like consciousness gradually scattered in the turbulent flow of time and space when passing through the boundary gate.

  In contrast, this strange and desolate place made them feel inexplicably stable.

  However, at this moment,

   Higashinohara, who was hiding behind the rockery, suddenly felt the palm of Dorothy Alita, whom he was holding, tighten slightly.

  He moved slightly in his heart, turned his head and glanced at Dorothy Alita, who was squatting beside him, and followed her gaze.

  The ones who entered the eyes were an extremely old man and a middle-aged man with frivolous brows and eyes.

   "Do you know them?"

   Higashinohara compressed his voice into a line, which passed into the ears of Dorothy Alita.

   Dorothy Alita, whose heartstrings were suddenly tensed, couldn't help but relax a little when she heard Higashinohara's soft voice.

  She also lowered her voice and said:

   "That old man is the fourth adjudicator, Paseidon, and his strength is not inferior to mine, but if there is a real fight, he is definitely not my opponent."

   Higashinohara couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he heard that.

  The evaluation in this sentence is very objective.

   Not only affirmed the strength of the opponent,

   At the same time, it also reveals the domineering and awe-inspiring that belongs to the empress alone.

   And she was able to become the third SSS-level arbitrator above the opponent. I am afraid that in addition to actual combat power, what is more important is the strong potential of this ninth-level god-level powerhouse who is only 26 years old.

   "Where's that man?"

   Higashinohara suddenly asked again.

  Empress Dorothy Alita was silent for a rare moment this time, and finally said slowly, "One of my uncles, Occam Bart."


  This time it was Higashinohara's turn to be stunned.

  He just saw that the empress was nervous about the two latecomers in this line of hell,

  Thinking that this might be her old enemy in Shangjing, unexpectedly, an uncle who was related to her appeared.

  Empress Dorothy Alita seemed to see Higashinohara's doubts, and said in a soft voice with a trace of confusion and regret, "When I was young, I felt that he killed my father, but there was no evidence."


   Higashinohara hesitated to speak.

  Empress Dorothy Alita turned her head and glanced at Higashinohara, and said softly:

  “The afternoon when my father fell from the World Bank Building many years ago, I met him in the corridor without knowing the news. His face smiled brightly at me in the breeze of the afternoon sun”

  He smiled at me in the afternoon sun and breeze.

   This should be a very warm picture in the family room, but Higashinohara heard the meaning behind Dorothy Alita's words.

   asked with a slight frown:

   "When you were little,

  Is this uncle treating you badly? "

  Empress Dorothy Alita didn't turn her head, and said in a calm tone, "He thinks I'm an illegitimate child who brought shame to the Tianhu Bart family."

Dong Yeyuan immediately showed a thoughtful expression when he heard the words, and then suddenly remembered something, glanced at her side face and asked, "But I heard from you last time that your father died at the hands of your grandfather. "

  Dorothy Alita nodded, and said blankly, "At Tianhu Bart's house, Occam Bart has been helping my grandfather with things that are inconvenient for the elderly."

   Speaking of this, under the black veil, she suddenly frowned slightly, and turned her head to look thoughtfully at the profile of Higashinohara's mask.

   Higashinohara noticed the other party's gaze, was slightly stunned, and suddenly reacted.

  He raised his finger and pointed to himself, "You mean he might be targeting me this time?"

  Unexpectedly, Empress Dorothy Alita nodded seriously, and immediately said solemnly, "Our matter may have been exposed."

and many more

   This sounds like the exposure of adultery.

   Higashinohara was a little speechless.

  However, just as he was about to say something, his heart suddenly tightened, and he pushed Empress Dorothy Alita's head down again.


"Do not talk."

   Not far away, I saw the dark blue pupils in Occam Bart's slender eyes sweeping across the surrounding gardens submerged in the yellow sand.

  His gaze suddenly fell on the rocky rocks around the rocks that looked like beasts lurking in the shadow of the twilight, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

  However, at this moment,

  A series of black shadows appeared again in the depths of the vortex that had not dissipated in the clouds above the sky, and immediately large swaths of people fell from the sky like rain.

  Occam Bart of the Sky Fox Clan couldn't help but look away from the rockery.

  He moved toward the fourth ruling that stood quietly not far away, representing the Judgment Department, so that Passeton took a look,

  The voice said with a light smile:

   "Your company's security at the White Swan Port Wharf is really 'strict defense'."

  (end of this chapter)