MTL - Cosmic Professional Gladiator-v2 Chapter 15 1 battle to become famous

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Now in the entire Blue Star, in terms of the number of martial arts masters, in terms of military economy and other aspects, only the White Eagle Federation can rival the Xia Kingdom! The White Eagle Federation also attached great importance to 'global confrontation' as never before, and also broadcasted the battle live.

"Xia Guo is a master named Xu Jingming, and his strength is very terrifying." The white host was very solemn, "Alan Amelenko finally let Xu Jingming show his true strength, and Xu Jingming really showed it."

There was a scene of Xu Jingming's complete explosion.


Xu Jingming completely exploded the speed of his super-order body. After mastering the Rainbow Spear, he was particularly good at speed.

"Look, the speed of his body... has reached an unbelievable 129 meters per second!" The host pointed to the data confirmed by the virtual world, "This is the fastest speed that human beings can achieve since the opening of global confrontation! Tiano *Xilei's speed reached 107 meters per second. Miyagawa Mingxin reached 106 meters per second, and our Tiger Fussen was 115 meters per second. But Xia Guo Xu Jingming's speed was much stronger... ...much faster than Tiger Fussen."

The guests on the side also said: "According to our information, Xu Jingming practiced the Tianmang evolution method, not the evolution method that is good at speed. The speed can be so fast, it can be seen that his overall strength has reached a very high level."

"Look at this last move." The host pointed at Xu Jingming's terrifying shot, which directly smashed Alan Amelenko's shield into the air, splitting Alan into nothingness, "Alan's shield technique is very powerful, but in the long spear The split hit it directly, and the light body armor that Alan was wearing was completely shattered, and the whole person instantly turned into nothingness."

"This shot is Xu Jingming's real strength." The guests also sighed, and the guests pointed to the slow-playing screen, "There is also this arrow sneak attack, this arrow is an armor-piercing arrow, with a maximum speed of 703 meters per second. Xu Jingming suddenly shot from about 60 meters behind, and the arrow was in the air for about 0.1 second! Xu Jingming turned his back to the arrow, but he could sense it, and while turning his head, he easily reached out and grabbed it! , caught the arrow empty-handed."

The slow-play scene is very clear. Xu Jingming held the arrow shaft first. The arrow shaft began to smash under high-speed friction. The arrow was stagnant in Xu Jingming's palm, and the arrow itself was completely twisted and deformed.

Followed by a flick! Along the way, the arrow shot back.

"With a single flick, it can reach 823 meters per second." The guests were a little timid, "I have never heard that Xu Jingming is good at hidden weapons. With one flick, the arrow speed is so fast, which only shows that Xu Jingming's power is terrifying. Rakshasa Kingdom This sharp archer... was also stunned by Xu Jingming's empty hand grasping the arrow, and his reaction was slow for a moment! At this moment, the arrow had penetrated his head."

The host and guests narrated in detail, and slowly played the last key scene.

"After Xu Jingming really broke out, the marksmanship he showed, and the empty-handed shooting of the enemy... all represent the highest level of global confrontation today." The host said solemnly, "Although I can't believe it, Xu Jingming is definitely with Tiger* A master of the same level in Fussen."

"I think Xu Jingming must be one of the top three in the world," the guest said.

"The global confrontation has only started a few days, and the global masters are still growing, and it is still unclear." The host said, "But there is no doubt... Xu Jingming's performance in this battle is the highest level since the global confrontation!"

Countless people in the White Eagle Federation were also in an uproar, and the comments rolled over.

This is the first time they have seen the live broadcast of "Xia Guo Xu Jingming", but they also deeply remember the name.

In the past, the White Eagle Federation only knew that there was a 'Liu Hai' that was number one in the world over there in the Xia Kingdom. Liu Hai's name is almost a household name in the White Eagle Federation. Others are less well known.

And today! Many people are chanting the name 'Xu Jingming'.


"It's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

"His speed is the fastest since the global confrontation. His weapons and marksmanship and Alan's shield method can't stop him. He can even pick up armor-piercing arrows with twice the speed of sound with his bare hands. This is the most terrifying enemy since the opening of the global confrontation! Our Miyagawa Mingxin, who is only seventeen years old, can be ranked first in the world in terms of potential! But Miyagawa Mingxin met his biggest enemy - Xia Guo Xu Jingming!"

In the live broadcast room of Sakura Country, the two hosts were shocked by Xu Jingming's strength.


During the live broadcast, ordinary people didn't quite understand it, they just thought Xu Jingming was too scary. But with the 'slow play' in the live broadcast room and the careful explanation, ordinary people are after all practicing martial arts weapons in the virtual world, and they all understand how terrifying this 'Xu Jingming of the Xia Kingdom' is!

Strength, speed, this is the most direct feeling.

Xu Jingming's physical quality has brought a sense of oppression to countless people around the world.


If countless audiences in other countries feel oppressed, then in Xia Kingdom, countless people are only excited!

"This is the absolute suppression of strength." The male guest Jin Fan said excitedly, "Before this battle, no one thought that Alan Amelianke... In front of Xu Jingming, who really broke out, he was killed in one move. This is Xu Jingming's strength, and now he is truly the strongest in the world! Yes, the strongest in the world! I'm not mistaken, in the major battles revealed in the global confrontation, Xu Jingming's strength is the strongest."

"Maybe other people still retain their strength, but in terms of their strength, Xu Jingming is the strongest in the world!" Jin Fan has become a fanatic of Xu Jingming at this moment, "And when the Tinder Cup competition just ended, Xu Jingming was just a Become the eighth in the world! Alan Amelenko is the third in the world. But after more than a month, he is far behind Alan! This growth rate... is the most terrifying thing about Xu Jingming."

"I predict that Xu Jingming will become more and more terrifying at this speed. Let other masters in the world only see his back! Even become the new world number one!" Jin Fan said excitedly.

"Calm down." The host Liu Xin smiled, "Jin Fan, I know you are very excited, and I am also very excited. But there are also several other masters who have a complete victory record, such as Tiger Fussen, such as Tiyanuo Xi Lei Duo won very easily, and he may still retain his strength. And our teacher Liu Hai, the strength that Teacher Liu Hai has shown in the past is repressive, and he has not yet participated in the global battle. "

Jin Fan shook his head: "Just by defeating Alan, I believe that Xu Jingming is the most powerful contender for the world's No. 1 in the future!"

Countless audiences in Xia Guo also felt their blood boil.

In the past few days, Xia Guo's masters have lost a lot of battles, and they are also holding their breath.

"Xu Jingming is so awesome!"

"The first global confrontation was against Alan Amelenko, who slashed into nothingness with one shot! He picked up the armor-piercing arrow with twice the speed of sound with his bare hands, and the arrow with one hand was twice as fast as the speed of sound!"

"Compared with Xu Jingming, Fang Yu is indeed far behind."

"I feel that now in our Xia Kingdom, Liu Hai and Xu Jingming are at the highest level, and everyone else is far behind!"

"Yes, I also feel that Xu Jingming's strength may be similar to Liu Hai's."

"Xu Jingming's growth rate is much faster. After all, at the beginning of the virtual world, Liu Hai is still far ahead of Xu Jingming."

"Wow, wow, I feel like I've become a fan! Xu Jingming's battle, why is he so handsome!"

"I was thinking, why are everyone practicing the evolution method? My speed is only 20 meters per second, but his speed is 129 meters per second. Is it possible for people like me to form an army of 10,000 people? Is he abusing him alone?"



At this moment, the number of Xu Jingming's fans increased sharply. In the past, many people in Xia were just passers-by fans, but now Xu Jingming's "loyal fans" and "fanatic fans" are increasing rapidly.


At the end of the game, Xu Jingming came to the stand of the live broadcast room and came to his girlfriend Li Miaomiao.

At this moment, the parents and others, and the teammates of the Limu team are also gathered here.

"Jing Ming, you did a great job." Xu Hong and his wife both smiled and looked at their son, extremely pleased and proud.

"I can see that my blood is boiling, and I want to play a game. Alas, it's a pity that I'm still a little short of god-level." Mr. Xu sighed and patted Xu Jingming on the shoulder. "Grandson, continue to rush! rush to The world's first!"

"Yes, Grandpa." Xu Jingming nodded.

"Old Please accept my admiring gaze!" Heng Fang rushed forward, his eyes blazing. When the virtual world was just opened, there was still the idea of ​​competing with Xu Jingming, but the gap increased as the time went on, the gap was large enough at the time of the Tinder Cup, and now it is even more outrageous.

Heng Fang understood... In the past, he was able to match Xu Jingming's record because Xu Jingming broke his leg at the age of 20.

Didn't you see that Lei Yunfang, Gao Chong, Yang Yu and others who had won the world number one in the past were all left behind? He Hengfang couldn't catch up, not because he was weak. It was Xu Jingming who was too weird.

"I heard from the host that more than 50 countries around the world are broadcasting this battle live, and at its peak, the number of viewers exceeded 2.8 billion." Wang Yi said, "I believe this battle, many of those countries that did not live broadcast will also rebroadcast it! The video of the battle will also be spread around the world... More and more people will watch this battle, and most people in the world will watch this battle. You are truly famous in the first battle, and the world knows it.”

Xu Jingming nodded and smiled. Although he was a little happy, he was more concerned about how many people in the world could be his opponents!

His goal is to hit the world first! After that... is the wider universe starry sky!