MTL - Cosmic Professional Gladiator-v2 Chapter 22 Miyagawa Akira's request

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"Because of his confidence in his strength, he dared to use the shield technique that was not mature enough." Miyagawa Akira fell on the ground in the distance and was extremely calm, "He used this to hone the shield technique, and the shield technique is gradually improving. Incredible growth rate."

"My only chance is to seize the flaw in his shield."

"The longer he delays, the fewer flaws he has."

There was a stern look in Miyagawa Ming's eyes, "Fight!"

The longer he delays, the more perfect Xu Jingming's shield technique will be, and the slimmer his chances will be.

After making up his mind, Miyagawa Mingxin charged again with a pair of knives! The figure and ghost are unpredictable, making it difficult to determine from which angle he will strike. Xu Jingming also stood there and waited calmly...

"Boom." At the moment of approach, Xu Jingming suddenly rushed forward, as if a streamer greeted him.

Step forward, one is to increase the potential energy of the whole body, and the other is to change the position instantly, increasing the difficulty of the opponent's attack.

"Huhu." As soon as Miyagawa Mingxin stepped on the ground, the ground paved with marble tiles was cracked. Miyagawa Mingxin suddenly changed direction greatly, and the whole person leaned close to the ground, passing a huge The arc, suddenly rushed to Xu Jingming from the side, a blade of light like a waning moon.

"Bang." Xu Jingming's left-hand shield blocked it smoothly, and his right-hand shield was ready to go. It was indeed another sword light that was extremely sinister, stabbing from below, and stabbing Xu Jingming's head in a flash. Xu Jingming, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally blocked the attack with his right shield.

Miyagawa Mingxin's foot was phantom, and he moved to Xu Jingming's side, and the knife light struck again.

This time he did not retreat, but attacked, attacked, and kept attacking!

His movement is too fast, two knives, one knives, one knives! Incessantly! In the face of Miyagawa Mingxin's sword, it is impossible to concentrate on resisting one sword, because when trying to block one sword, another sword will be missed.

Xu Jingming's mind is extraordinary, his mind naturally senses his surroundings, and his double shield instinctively resists.

"Kill, kill, kill!" At this moment, Miyagawa Mingxin showed his attacking attainments of all swordsmanship, fast, cunning, and yin and yang changes, all of which were vividly displayed. How could he fight with Tiger Fussen for ten minutes, and how could he defeat Haru Singh, the No. 1 leader in Tianzhu Kingdom? It was really because his movement and swordsmanship matched perfectly.

Under this kind of oppression, Xu Jingming didn't have time to think, and the double shields resisted with all his strength.

And because of this kind of oppression, Xu Jingming's double shields became more and more smooth, and the force became more and more natural. Human beings are also life. Under the pressure of the environment, life will naturally adapt to the environment, or it can be called evolution! Of course, an environment that is too comfortable will also cause people's 'degeneration'.

"Boom." Xu Jingming only felt a lot smoother when he swung a shield. The shield's move was obviously much faster and faster than Miyagawa Ming's expectations.

With a shield, Miyagawa Mingxin was forced to retreat violently, retreating more than ten meters away, looking at Xu Jingming with some doubts.

At this moment, Xu Jingming heard a voice in his ear: "I found an unknown fourth-order shield technique, please name it."

Xu Jingming smiled.

Finally broke through!

"It's called the shield method." Xu Jingming's lips moved slightly, and he said softly, this sentence turned off the voice, and no one else could hear it except himself.

There's no way, now that the world is broadcasting live, if this sentence is broadcast... it's really attracting hatred.

As for the name?

There is only one type of footwork and shield, so there is no need to deliberately choose a special name. After all, the combat power panel is only for yourself to see.

"His shield technique just now seems to have become stronger?" Miyagawa Ming was in shock, but he didn't think about rushing again! No matter whether Xu Jingming becomes stronger or not, he can only fight with all his strength!

When he was attacking with all his strength just now, all his mental wills converged into the same thought to break the shield and kill Xu Jingming.

That attack also gave him some insight into the sword technique.


It's never just one party who gains, the other party also gains, it's just that the perception is different.

"It can be over." Xu Jingming watched the other party rush, but still stood there, waiting for the moment when the other party reached the front and swung the knife! Xu Jingming rushed forward again.


Like a streamer rushing out, while rushing out, the two shields also hit the enemy like planets.

"He's getting faster!" Miyagawa Mingxin immediately realized this, and dodged a little under his feet, but a shield was still in front of him, and he blocked the force with one knife. But he was still hit by the terrifying impact of the shield, and the whole person flew backwards.

But Xu Jingming has already caught up, and the shield strikes again!

Xu Jingming is indeed faster!

After the shield technique breaks through to Tier 4, first, the overall control of the body is improved, and it can burst into a stronger speed. The second is to use the shield method more naturally, and the footwork is more perfect, everything is very smooth.

"Boom. Boom."

The figure like a streamer came to the front, the shield was crushed like a star, Miyagawa Mingxin tried his best to retreat, the whole person flew backwards against the ground, and the two knives were also trying to unload.

But Xu Jingming rushed forward again, faster than Miyagawa Mingxin retreated.

"Drink!" Miyagawa Mingxin, who was in shock and anger, slammed on the ground, ignoring the pain in his ankle, and dodged aside.

But still a step behind!

Barely dodging one shield, the other shield still smashed on his knife light, and hit him!

Although he stepped on the ground hard with both feet and flew upside down, he still vomited blood! He fell on the far wall and fell to the ground, he still struggled to stand up after vomiting blood.

"What a nimble movement, this takes away 70% or 80% of the impact." Xu Jingming was a little surprised. His shield was considered a heavy weapon, so it should have smashed Miyagawa Mingxin into nothingness.

Miyagawa Mingxin insisted on taking the initiative to fly upside down, and relieved 70% to 80% of his strength, but he was seriously injured, not dead!


Miyagawa Mingxin coughed, suppressed the injury, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Xu Jingming: "What a powerful shield technique! Xu Jingming, your strength is indeed far higher than mine. I wonder if... Let me see it. Your marksmanship! Your marksmanship should be much better than the shield technique!"

All of this has made the official live broadcast rooms of countries around the world boiling.

Miyagawa Mingxin's previous crazy attack was indeed gorgeous and strange, and it even seemed that Xu Jingming was forced to defend all the time!

But all of a sudden... Xu Jingming's shield technique became fierce and faster, and the continuous pursuit almost killed Miyagawa Akira!

Now Miyagawa Mingxin asks Xu Jingming to use marksmanship?

"Miyagawa admits that he is not as good as that Xia Guo Xu Jingming."

"Miyagawa, defeated by Xu Jingming's shield technique."

In the official live broadcast room of Cherry Blossom Country, the male and female hosts were a little dazed, and some couldn't accept Miyagawa Mingxin, who had the upper hand before, but now he was seriously injured, and he publicly admitted that Xu Jingming's strength was far superior to him.

"Xu Jingming's real strength is indeed much stronger than Miyagawa." The male host stabilized his emotions and said, "Once you use the marksmanship, it is likely to completely defeat Miyagawa. But we don't have to be discouraged, Miyagawa still has the world's top few. Strength, with his growth rate, will definitely be stronger in the future."

"Miyagawa will definitely be stronger!" The hostess also said excitedly. :.

Countless national comments of Sakura Country are rolling over.

"Come on, Miyagawa!"

"I feel so sorry for Miyagawa!"

"Miyagawa will definitely defeat Xu Jingming from the Xia Kingdom next time."

"Why is this Xu Jingming so strong?"

The atmosphere in Xia Guo's official live broadcast room was completely different. Before, both the host, the guests, and the people were extremely nervous! Because Xu Jingming has always been forced to defend, Miyagawa Mingxin's sword light is cold and mad, and it is indeed scary.

Now the situation has reversed?

Even Miyagawa Mingxin publicly admitted that Xu Jingming was much stronger than him?

"Is Xu Jingming practicing the shield technique? Now Miyagawa Mingxin is asking him to use the spear technique."

"Practicing the shield technique, the Sakura country boy was severely injured. If I tell you, don't do what he wishes, so that he can't see the marksmanship even if he dies!"

"I'm curious, how good is Xu Jingming's current marksmanship?"

"Anyway, Miyagawa Akira of Sakura Country believes that Xu Jingming's spear technique is far superior to shield technique."

"The shield technique is already very strong, how strong is the spear technique?"

under global attention.

Xu Jingming was also in a good mood. After all, he had just broken through the shield technique, and his body control had improved as a whole.

"Okay." Xu Jingming nodded, and while putting down his shield, he took out the two spears he was carrying from his back. The spears turned, clicked, and locked.

Holding a long spear and looking at Miyagawa Mingxin, Xu Jingming said, "Be careful."

Miyagawa Mingxin nodded slightly, his body was very solemn and his body was slightly lowered, holding a knife in each hand, staring at Xu Jingming at the moment with all his strength. He felt that Xu Jingming at the moment exuded a power that shocked him.

"I have never used the Rainbow Spear in public battles." Xu Jingming's mind and spear became one at this moment.

He practiced the rainbow spear technique more than ten thousand times a day.

Every time it is in the starry sky, the edge of the star system, stabs again and again! The long-term cultivation has long penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

"Turn into light!"

At this moment, Xu Jingming moved his feet.


A dark red streamer was already approaching in front of Miyagawa Mingxin, which made Miyagawa Mingxin's eyes widen: "Why so fast?"


When using the Rainbow Spear Technique, only when the only thought of 'turning into light' is pure, the human spear is like one body, and when it strikes like a streamer, it is the fastest time!

"This speed" Liu Hai, who was in the stands, shrank his pupils and felt a strong sense of threat.

"This marksmanship?" Tiananuo Xilei, who had been leisurely eating fruits, was about to put a pear in his mouth when he opened his mouth but stopped. He looked at this shot with a shock that could not be concealed in his eyes.

In the live broadcast room, the virtual world automatically displayed the fastest speed of Xu Jingming's impact at this moment, "163 meters per second."

This is astounding speed!

Enough to stimulate the speed of all masters in the world!

"Yeah!" Miyagawa Mingxin's face was a bit ferocious, and he did not choose to escape. UU Kanshu In front of such a speed, he had no time to escape at all, and he faced it with all his strength.


"I touched it!" Miyagawa Mingxin's knife light touched the gun, but before he could rejoice, he became terrified. He felt the unstoppable will of the gun, and his chest was also cold, and there was wind passing through.

His body became illusory.

Obviously, when his knife light touched Xu Jingming's gun, the tip of the gun had already pierced his chest.

"So fast." Miyagawa Mingxin looked at Xu Jingming, and he was convinced that he lost this battle.

Miyagawa's heart dissipated and disappeared.

Only Xu Jingming was standing on the spot with a long spear.

This last shot was also broadcast live to more than 4 billion people around the world at the same time.

Don't wait, there is a chapter today. To provide you with the fastest update of the universe professional players, the second chapter 22 Miyagawa Akira's request is free to read. :.