MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1073 The second attack of the biological world begins

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I also said a moment, seeing how to persuade the three women of Xia Qingqing, the three-eyed emperor can only helplessly: "Let's do it, wait for the souls of the gods to attack the gods, we have attracted their attention here, three Can the master and the mother go to the spiritual world?"

He can only do this now.

Xia Qingqing's three women frowned slightly, and no one knew whether the strongmen of the gods and dynasties of the gods were attacked. They had the heart to go to the peak of the gods before the attack of the gods of the gods.

At that time, in the event of a major war, they would immediately contribute.

If so, what time do they have to wait?

And, is it still too late?

"The three masters are assured that there are so many gods in the Netherland, even if the gods of the gods of the gods are attacked by the powerful gods, they will not break so quickly..." The three-eyed emperor saw this scene and said.

"The time flow rate between the living and the Netherland is different. During the breakthrough of the realm, the time in the Netherland may be very long enough to happen many things..." Xia Qingqing frowned.

"In case, the three mothers went to the spiritual world in advance, and they were taken by the strong men of the genius dynasty in the soul world... to get three supernatural gods, and the three mothers thought about it, they might put those three gods Get the Netherland refining?" Three-eyed Emperor sighed.

"In short, the three mothers want to go to the spiritual world, unless the next generation of the gods and the dynasty of the gods are once again entering the Netherland. Otherwise, I am not allowed." Later, the three-eyed emperor looked firmly. Summer green.

"Good." Xia Qingqing and the three women were silent for a while, Xia Qingqing spoke first, said.


The next moment, Xia Qingqing and the three women did not say much, leaving directly.

The strongest of the gods of the gods in the realm of the gods, do not know when to attack, before this, their time can not be wasted, and strive to accumulate some feelings in the Netherland, but also save some time after they go to the spiritual world .

"Hey God King, the layout of the Netherland, I will hand it over to you, all the resources of the Netherland, all the practitioners, including me and some of the peaks of the ghosts, all with you!" The Emperor of the Eyes looked at the King of Heaven, who did not leave, and said seriously.

"The three-eyed emperor is assured that the Netherland is also the foundation of His Royal Highness, and the hope of our congenital Protoss, I will definitely arrange the Netherland Array!" The Heavenly King nodded.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the world of life is a month away.

The high heavens in the Netherland have also been in the past for thousands of years.

On this day, the gods of the gods in the real world, once again attacked the Netherland.

"Booming -"

The momentum is great, and the whole Nether world is full of vibration.

The Netherland is a high heaven.


"The powerful of the gods of the gods in the world of the gods!"

One of the top powerhouses in the Netherland has lowered their gaze and looked at the direction of the low-heavy sky.

call! call! call!

The powerhouses of the Netherland began to gather together.

Because it is prepared, the speed is very fast.


Soon, a vast and fascinating number of secluded gods in the secluded world went to the low heavens.

Only for a moment, they came to the low heavens in the Netherland, just shaking the direction of the outgoing.

At this time, there are already many left-behind gods in control and the strongest of the acquired Protoss dynasty.

A series of roaring sounds, a piece of space is broken, and a large number of ghosts are degraded.

Compared with the powerful descendants of the gods of the gods in this life, the power of the gods left behind in the low heavens is too weak.

Even if there is a strong array of blessings, it is far from the opponent of the powerful gods of the gods.

At this time, the mighty world of the secluded world came from the high heavens and quickly merged into the formation. Soon, a powerful killing trend was attacked by the powerful gods of the gods.

The fusion of the powers of millions of gods, even if they are mostly low-level gods, adds up to a very terrifying force. Immediately, some of the defense-deficient souls of the gods and gods are also fallen.

Such a large-scale war, such a terrible force, once a mistake, ordinary gods are difficult to have a chance to correct, the general vitality of the gods, can not stop the overwhelming power of the terrorist forces, almost instantly collapsed.

It is also an opportunity to correct the finest gods and peaks, but it is only to quickly avoid the edge, even if the peak of the gods do not dare to face hard.

"The power of horror!"

"This is the strength of the gods in the Netherland?"

"Beyond the ordinary same-level gods... It seems that millions of inferior gods have joined forces, almost in partnership with millions of medium-level gods..."

Some of the souls of the gods of the gods of the gods are sucking cold.

"Sixty or seventy peaks and gods, thousands of superior gods, the number of medium gods in excess of 100,000, and sure enough, this time the power of the gods of the gods in the spirit world is far more than the last time..."

There is also a state of mind in the Netherland that is very shocking.

Because the two sides have their own gods did not think that the strength of the other side is so strong, and under the ignorance of a moment, they have fallen.

A spiritually devastated body of the gods, an untitled godhead, like a dumpling, falls down.

Whether in the Netherland or in the big world of life, in the eyes of ordinary practitioners, the high gods on the top, at this moment seems to be no money.

"Attack! Full attack!"

Both sides have their own voices shouting loudly.


From the fifty-fifth day to the sixty-third heaven in the Netherland, many ordinary ghosts are waiting for these heavy days.

Among them, there are countless sacred sacred sacred cults, and there is no shortage of top-level existences in the secluded world. Even the top-ranking strongmen in front of the secluded world, but not selected by Lin Yun’s selection criteria, have not been vigorously cultivated. So far, no breakthrough has been made to the gods.

At this time, some of them are strong, through some means, to see what happens in low-heavy days.

It has been shocking.

They know about the battle between the Netherland and the Living World.

The legendary level of the gods they have been eager to achieve, such a large number of degeneration...

Millions of underworld enemies can't resist the attack of the gods of the gods!

This is still in the Netherland!

If they are at the opponent's home, they can imagine what kind of disadvantages they will be at the Netherworld!

The strength of the gods of the gods in the realm of the gods is so powerful!

"How to do……"

"This is We are going to suffer in the Netherland..."

"Ghosts and creatures are naturally opposite. If the Netherland falls into the realm of the spiritual world, I am afraid that the Netherland will become the farm of each other..."

One by one, the ghosts are flustered.

Their Netherland community exists as a farm in the ordinary universe of the living world, not without it.

In case, the whole Netherland is also the existence of the strong people of the spiritual world, they can not imagine.

At the same time, Xia Qingqing and the three women resisted the impulse to intervene, and also began to go through the passage of the spiritual world through the high heavens of the Netherland to the spiritual world.


(Sorry, it’s not only the reason for the busy New Year, but also the reason for the plot of this book. This writing is now beyond my expectation, but it’s almost the same, I’m going to finish it, it should I will finish soon. When I get time, I will write a testimonial to summarize it... The problem with this book is too big, hehe...)