MTL - Counter Attack-Chapter 1 Let's break up

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"You are looking for a cool place to stay, I will pick you up!"

Wu Qichen took the mobile phone and wiped his hands with a crepe cloth.

"Come?" Wu Ma chased the inner room and asked.

Wu Qichen used the thick and thick hands to squat down the vest that was sweated on his body, and used the big round eyes of the big drums to lick his mother, his face could not hold his smile.


This is the first time that Wu Qichen’s girlfriend met his parents.

When the sun was shining, I knew that it was dried up and dried up. There was a big trash can in the door of Wu Qichen’s door. Once this month, the rancid smell can be floated to the kitchens of various households. Wu Qichen walked past the trash can, stuck an ice cream bag under his feet, and the soles of the shoes squatted on the ground, and then he slammed it so hard that hundreds of flies flew.

Yue Yue stood at the mouth of the alley, his face was anxious and impatient.

Taking advantage of Wu Qichen’s going to this side, Yue Yue’s heart was not greasy. I don’t know if I saw the layer of **** on his stomach, or saw the two bristles on his head, or saw that he was so tired of being smoked by the smoky smoke...

"Let's go, the rice is ripe." Wu Qichen pulled up Yue Yue's hand.

Yue Yue suddenly opened, his face buried in the shade of the trees, a pair of peach eyes cold.

"What's wrong? Are you still nervous?" Wu Qichen smiled warmly. "Nothing, my mom is a rural woman. I won't marry you. My mom knows that you are very happy. I have been looking forward to the first two days. I went out to buy food early in the morning."

"Would you like...Trick two points!" Yue Yue said.

Wu Qichen thought that he had misunderstood himself and stared straight at Yue Yue. He did not speak for a long time.

Yue Yue added: "That's like this, it's really boring."

"How come boring? I feel very strong!"

Yue Yue smiled, "That is you."

After that, he turned his head and was stunned by Wu Qichen.

"Yue Yue, the trick is in a seven-year period. You can't tell the points. You can give me a reason."

Yue Yue squinted at Wu Qichen. "Is the seven-year itch a reason?"

"Itching can be scratched!"

"Tear your uncle!" Yue Yue broke out for no reason, and the pretty little mouth was a crossword. "Tell you, give me less stupidity, I didn't make fun of you. From now on, the two officially broke up, and later became friends." ."

"Well, how do you say the points are divided?" Wu Qichen is still trying to save. "You said that I am not good? I can change."

Yue Yue rolled her eyes. "No matter what is bad, re-enter the tires!"

Wu Qichen said stubbornly, "I don't believe it."

"You still don't believe it? Do you have any reason not to believe?" Yue Yue's beautiful face swelled out of two groups of flushes because of anger. "I don't say it is to leave you some face, you are still dead and ask, since you are not too I’m so confused, then I’ll talk about it today.”

Wu Qichen was a pair of ears, and he changed his appearance.

Yue Yue took a sigh of relief and pointed to Wu Qichen’s double chin and said, "You talk about it, how many pounds are you fattening when you are playing together? How old are you when you are in the freshman year? Hey, now, take a step in a pit. I am shopping with you, just like holding a Tibetan mastiff."

Wu Qichen yelled, "Don't you say that a man who is too thin is not safe?"

"Yes, it's what I said." Yue Yue broke the bag. "But now, Nyima has a sense of security. I want to lose my eyes when I am safe. Do you know? I will see the dream of this journey, dreaming of you." There is a little between the two, and every time I wake up with a smile."