MTL - Creation Notebook-Chapter 201 Breakthrough, 5 products!

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"Right, popcorn machine!"

Something appeared in his mind, and Shen Zhe's eyes lit up.

The popcorn machines of previous generations are small in size and uniformly heated. The most important thing is that they can withstand large pressures. Under normal circumstances, ten atmospheric pressures are trivial.

Put on better materials, twenty, thirty, or even a hundred atmospheres, it's probably not a problem!

If it is used for alchemy, it is definitely stronger than the pressure cooker.

"That's it ..."

After confirming it a few times in my heart, the more I thought about it, the more appropriate, Shen Zhe smiled slightly.

This thing, although it looks like a pressure cooker, can also be called a type of pressure cooker. The alchemy written on the map is also usable.

I flipped my wrist, took out the pen and paper, and drew the shape and size of the popcorn machine, and handed it to Xu Lingzi in front of me: "Xu Lao, do you think this looks and size?

Looking down, Xu Lingzi could not help but nodded: "Yes, this is the right size. If you make it, half of it will be gold, there will be surplus!"

"That's good ..." Shen Zhe was relieved to see him say yes.

"Later here, I will prepare the materials now to help you refine!"

After confirming it, Xu Lingzi did not quit, turned around and walked out, not long, brought a lot of rare ore and metal, set up the refining furnace, and began to beat.

The temperature of the ground fire was extremely high, and the ore and metal were melted and fused together, and the red flame and gold liquid was taken out, and a piece was cut and integrated into it.

The refined metal suddenly changed its color, dazzling like bronze.

Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!

Wielding the hammer, Xu Lingzi started forging.

Along with the master of the refiner, the appearance of a popcorn machine appeared in front of them.

In less than two hours, the tyre was completed, followed by quenching, and a gossip array was arranged on it.

Four hours later, the super-popular popcorn machine was born.

"All right……"

Xu Lingzi showed tiredness, but it was difficult to hide the excitement in his eyes: "Hurry up and recognize the Lord and see what level you have reached!"

The level of the spirit can only be determined after the Lord is recognized, even the forge, it is difficult to know.

"it is good!"

A drop of blood fell from Shen Zhe.

The weapons that have just been refined are belonging to the ownerless, and it is easy to recognize the Lord.

It ’s like a newly born wild animal. Feed it well. It ’s very possible to treat you as a parent. When you are an adult, it ’s almost impossible to do it.


With a clear whistle in her head, Shen Zhe's body became rigid, and then she felt the spirit of Furnace.

"It's ... a top-notch magic weapon!" Eyes widened, Shen Zheman couldn't believe it.

I thought it would be good to be able to reach the top grade.

There is no such thing as an alchemy furnace of this level, even Yunziqing in front of him.

"Fortunately ... not shameful!" Xu Lingzi smiled with relief.

With many rare ore metals, gold, and his craft, if even Zhongpin can't break through, it will be a shame.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu!"

Shen Zhe bowed his fists.

There is no magical artifact, no less than two hundred million silver, and there is no price, not to mention such a large furnace, the value is inestimable.

"You're welcome, half of your money is saved, and you have some left, but there are weapons to help you upgrade your level!"

With a beard, Xu Lingzi laughed.

The whole pot of gold before the refining is not enough, but this popcorn machine is smaller than the ordinary stove by a large circle, half of the gold is left, about one fifth is left.

"Merge into this sword ..."

After a moment of contemplation, Shen Zhe took out his magic weapon sword.

It was with Feng Qiong who got the handle.

"it is good!"

Xu Lingzi nodded.

Making long swords is much easier than making popcorn machines, not to mention just reworking.

Originally, this sword reached the peak of inferior quality, combined with red flame and gold, plus some rare ore, the level also surged to the superior level!

In other words, Shen Zhe now has two top-quality magic weapons, and the most important thing is that these two weapons can also upgrade the level by themselves!

Looking at Xu Lingzi again, full of gratitude.

Although he helped the other party, the other party helped him even more.

Putting the popcorn machine and long sword into the body, Shen Zhe looked at Xu Lao in front of him again: "I don't know if there are books about the refiner, I want to learn."

If you want to break through, the level of soul strength is the best way to learn a new career.

Alchemy has been studied, the effect is not obvious, but the alchemy has not been learned, maybe you can try it.

"Want to learn the refiner? I have a lot of books here ..."

Xu Lingzi nodded with satisfaction and took to his study.

After an hour, Shen Zhe came out.

All the books in the study were carried back in sacks, all in my mind.

I didn't know anything about the refiner before, so many books have been backed up that I am not a master, but not weak.

Sitting in the place and stunning all the knowledge of the refiner in his head, Shen Zhe felt that the soul power of imprisonment really shook again, reaching 39.9, and it became loose again.

"Mr. Xu, can I use your Earth Fire Refiner?"

Find Xu Lingzi and ask.

"of course can!"

Xu Lao nodded in agreement.

Without hesitation, Shen Zhe prepared ore and metal to start refining. After an hour, a weapon like a dagger appeared in front of him.

Although it lacked discipline and looked a little ugly, it successfully reached the level of inferior artifact.


The moment the weapon was successfully refined, Shen Zhe felt that the sound of broken eggs in his head sounded, and then his soul broke through 39.9, continued to increase, and stopped at 41.0!

Sure enough, as I guessed, learning a new profession will be of great help to the increase of soul power.

"Have you broken into ... the fifth grade?"

Feeling the pressure brought by his soul power, Yunzi was dazed with a clear face.

Xu Lingzi has always lived outside the city. He doesn't know the deeds of the boy. He doesn't feel anything, but he knows it well.

It only took four days to come to Wangcheng. When I first arrived, it was only the peak of the second grade. In just four days, I was promoted to the fifth grade ...

Three days in four days ...

The geniuses he knew were all overshadowed by him.

"Breakthrough in soul power, the improvement is still a little worse ..." Shaking his head, Shen Zhe looked at Yun Ziqing in front of him: "I don't know President Yun, can you prepare the medicine for refining Wupin Lingyuandan?"

Before coming to this manor, he asked the president Yun to help find medicine for refining Lingyuandan. It's been more than a day and it should be almost ready.

"Sent it to me just now, because time is too hasty, not much preparation, only seven ..."

Nodded, Yun Ziqing pointed to one side, and Shen Zhe immediately saw a pile of medicinal materials and placed them in the corner.

When I came to the store, I counted it. It was the thing that refined Wupin Lingyuandan, no more, no less, just seven.


With a slight smile, Shen Zhe prepared the medicinal materials, took out the popcorn machine, held the absolute value on the body, and put the medicinal materials and oil, salt, and vinegar in the same way as in the previous dry pot refining method. Finally, closed the valve and started Pressurize.


A few minutes later, with a roar, three elixir were sprayed out, and the whole body was golden, reaching the perfect level.

After opening seven furnaces in succession, it took a total of nearly one hour to refine 21 perfect grades of Wupinlingyuandan, and then Shen Zhe stopped.


Xu Lingzi and Yun Ziqing are completely dead.

Refining elixir has great requirements for soul and vitality. For some people, if one furnace is refined, they will lose their spirits, and they will no longer be able to make the second furnace.

This is a good one. Seven furnaces are continuously refined. They are all perfect, and their faces are not red and gasp ...

"Lao Yun and Xu Lao, I don't have the funds to pay for your medicinal materials and ores, so I will help you make some elixir!"

With a slight smile, Shen Zhe looked over.



Both eyes shine at the same time.

In other words, Yun Ziqing would sneer. After all, he is the president of the Pharmacy Society and it is an insult to pay him for refining medicine.

But the teenager said that he felt a sense of honor.

The perfect elixir ...

Even if he was in the clean room, he couldn't make it.

"If you can ... can you help us make a five-pin broken barrier ..." Yun Ziqing couldn't help but look over.

"Breaking obstacles, five grades?" Shen Zhe stunned: "This level of elixir has little effect on you!"

"Perfect level, there should be a certain effect ..." Yunzi Qingdao ~ ~ Under normal circumstances, Wupindan medicine is almost useless to the six strong players, but ... at the perfect level, it is not Same, maybe you can take the opportunity to break through the sixth grade and impact the seventh grade!

Although the odds are small, there is some hope.

"Let's directly help you to refining the six grades to break the barrier!" Shen Zhe smiled slightly.

"Six grades?"

They looked at each other, each wondering.

If you want to make Liupin medicine, you need at least Liupin to cultivate it. Don't you break through Wupin? And it's just a breakthrough in soul power. The Qi training and mana are still far behind!

"I have the secret method. As long as I am able to break through to the top of the fifth grade, I can use the secret method to promote my strength to the sixth grade in a short period of time. By then ... I will help you to refine the sixth grade elixir.

Shen Zhe explained.

"Even if there is a secret method, it can make people increase their strength in a short time, but ... you just broke through the top five and reached the peak, it is difficult!"

Xu Lingzi said.

From the fifth grade to the peak of the fifth grade, although it is only the same level, the soul power needs to be increased by 8.9 scales. Without several years, decades of effort cannot be completed.

Too lazy to explain, Shen Zhe walked out of the alchemy room, it was already bright outside, and in the morning, here, she tossed for nearly a day and night.

Sit down in a sunny place, take out the breakfast from the storage ring, and eat it.

Just after eating, there was a roar in my mind, and numerous elemental particles and auras swarmed.

Knowing that these auras and particles had no effect on his progress, he took the Wupin Lingyuandan that had just been refined, took a bottle, and poured it into his mouth.

"Is this ... epiphany?"

Looking at each other, Xu Lingzi and Yun Ziqing were stunned at the same time.

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