MTL - Crossing the Crowd to Chase Love-Chapter 12

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Yun Shiwei’s self-perception is good, but who said that he would give him a baby? Let her be the same as the woman of the world as a child's machine, giving birth to a large number of children, just like the old sow under the piglet?

It’s better to wear a man into a man’s face.

It is said that our party’s family planning policy is a wise move. Regardless of time and space, it should be promoted vigorously.

"It’s a responsibility to find a errand. It’s a responsibility for a man to support his family. But the darts are going out for a long time and work is dangerous. My father is afraid that he will not agree. Can you still be willing to leave your new wife? Of course, the beads will be Give me one, I will raise my hands to support you as a dartmaster," Yun Shiyi fainted his brother and glanced at his lips.

"What should I do?" Yun Shiwei scratched his scalp. He was not afraid of his father. He was not afraid of danger, but he was not killed by the separation of beads.

"It is said that the man is determined to be in the Quartet. Since you have the goal of life to achieve it, it is good when the dartmaster is able to reflect the value of martial arts for many years." The bright eyes of the bead are shining with the color of hope: "You are betting When I was in the dart, I took it with me and treated me as a dart. Of course, you put your dart, I just want to play."

Her past life was too poor, and the farthest place only traveled in the city park where she lived. What Huangshan Yellow River, Yangtze River Great Wall, Ten Scenic Spots, Tourist Area, Resort... I have never heard of it, it is rare to wear it today. People, not walking around is not very sorry for the destiny of heaven.

Yun Shiyi used his finger to point the tip of the bead, and the scorpion of Lang Xing showed a funny look: "The big men are all wives. It is a small matter that you are caught in the middle. If you are tired, your family will be bad." I have to be taken by my wife."

"It's still so troublesome?" Zhu Zhu cut it, and the theory was reversed. She was with other men. It wasn't her who was suffering, but other men were suffering from a fast-paced festival. What is this?

"If the lady wants to go out and wait for the husband to have time to take you around, don't rush to harm other people's men." Yun Shiyi laughed.

"This is what you said, you have to talk and count, I am optimistic about you." Yan Zhu smiled and stretched out his arms around his neck.

When the two of them were next to each other, Yun Shiwei looked at his eyes and took two steps. He hugged her from behind: "You don't always go to the big brother, and me, I am your husband."

Zhuzhu was held in the middle by the brothers and sisters, sighing, and the blessing of the people is not easy to enjoy. "The second cousin, the general public is seen by the next person will laugh, and let go of the hand."

"Big brother holding you is fine, I will be joke when I hold you." Yun Shiwei was depressed, his arm was forced, and the bead was held in his arms, holding the slender waist, and his eyes fluttered: " I took you to my swordyard and you haven't been to where I live."

Yun Shiwei put the woman in her arms in her arms and strode to the Jianyuan.

"You put me down, don't hug me when you go to your place of residence." Hezhuzhu rubbed his chest with his hand, but this guy is too strong and doesn't care about being shackled. He feels a few hands and feels pain. She scratched her hand into his robes and scratched his skin with his nails.

Yun Shiwei was scratched and hurt, and he insisted on not letting go, but she was embarrassed to stop the chaos.

Not in the moment, I arrived at the Jianyuan. The yard was very spacious. There were a few people cleaning it. When the master came, they stopped to work and walked over to give gifts. Yun Shiwei did not even tilt his eyes, and he entered the main room with a bead.

It’s not so much that Yun Shiwei’s sword house is a place to live. It’s better to say that the arsenal is realistic. On the table of the living room, the shelves on the chairs and the walls are full of weapons, and they are as small as a brow and a dagger. Arrows, big to the axe hook, nunchaku.

"Two cousins, do you want to open a weapon?" The beaded circle circled the room a few times, touched it, touched it, and looked puzzled. Does Tianchu allow the people to possess weapons? This scale is so big that it is known by the people who know whether it will be regarded as an anti-thief?

"Weapons?" Yun Shiwei stunned and his eyes lit up. Together with Yunshi who came later: "Big Brother, what do you think I am doing with a weapon, specializing in selling weapons?"

Yunshi nodded a little, and he was saying: "Good idea, but you have to be arrested by the government on the charge of anti-thief. Don't confess to my brother."

Yun Shiwei likes weapons. It is one thing to play at home. It is not a good idea to open a weapon without a court background. The imperial court did not allow the people to openly involve the dangerous goods industry. The Yunjia industry was big. Although Yemen had some roads, officials with heads and faces could not afford to pay.

"This way." Yun Shiwei showed disappointing eyes.

"The second cousin is very powerful. There are few enemies on the rivers and lakes. It is not a way to be a dartmaster and a weapon. You can also go to the test of the champion!" The cheeks showed a smile on the cheek: "In case Good luck, we have taken the fame and we are not smeared."

"I think about it, but Kaowuke is not that simple." Yun Shiwei reached out and grabbed his hair, feeling unhappy: "The formation of the formation of the formation of the school I can barely cope with, but each has to test What are the famous battles of the leading dynasties of the dynasty, the number of deaths and injuries in the battle, the geographical environment, the weather changes, I am upset when I look at it. If I have the ability to study, I will go to the exam and go to eat at home."

How did ancient Kaowu make it like a military academy?

Zhuozhu couldn't answer the words. He looked at the weapon frame on the side of the wall. There were a lot of weapons on the shelves. They were all kinds of light weapons, swords and swords. They touched each other and picked up a pen-like thing from the corner. Very thin, not as thick as one third of the pen, ten centimeters long, and the shaft has a ring.

Yun Shiwei came over and pressed the ring in the middle of the shaft, and the big ring narrowed in his hand. He put her on the **** of the left hand, and the relatives at the front end of the shaft were pressed, but the tip of the two "嗖" pop-ups was 30 cm in total, and the two pop-ups were sharp and sharp. Flashing cold.

"This is a hidden eyebrow thorn, used for assassination. Usually it is placed on the **** and held in the hand to play. If it is dangerous, it can be used to save lives." Yun Shiwei clicked on the machine, and the two sharp-pointed bullets In the sheath. "I found it in a fast-closing weapon line. I bought it. For me, this thing is a child's play. I bought it and threw it in the corner. I think it is appropriate to wear beads on my fingers. Keep it, you can use it later."

Zhuozhu carefully looked at the frown, the machine did not start to send the grip in the size of the hand just right, set on the middle ring is the same as the principle of the thimble, no wonder can change the size.

"This thing is very useful for self-defense." Zhuzhu sneaked: "Invisible frown is not bad, it belongs to me."

The wisdom of the ancients was really not covered. I advised the female pigs to come to the ancient times and stop using the ancients as an idiot. I always thought that I was awesome. I could fascinate a large song when I sang a broken song. Oh!

There are a lot of amazing inventions in ancient times, so you can't take a nap.

"How can the beads be rewarded to me?" Yun Shiwei showed his smiling face. "It is better not to go to the big brother's Wutong Pavilion today, and accompany me in the swordyard."

It was only a while, he began to be unfair, and the bead was still not snoring, and he heard the noise in the yard.

"Whoever allowed you to stop me, the dog slaves blinked their eyes, know who your grandmother is, and quickly remove the dog's legs to make your grandparents pass?"

"Miss Qian, without the permission of the two young masters, the swordyard can't just enter people. Of course, the young lady will have to break into it, but the little one is destined to be shackled by the young master. I can't afford this responsibility.

The courtyard of the Yunjia Second Master has always been only the old lady and the young master. The three people do not have to be informed that they can enter. Others are screaming, Yun Shiwei’s temper is rushing, and the dog must jump.

"Dog slaves, big courage, believe it or not, I will fight you to find your teeth."

The next person is also angry, obviously a temper, it seems to be infected by his master, sneer: "Miss Qian is very good, but obviously forgot who is in this family card, as the saying goes, the dog must also Look at the master, if you hit me, you are playing the face of the second young master. I am not going to fight back in a small position, but I am afraid that the second master does not think so."

"Good daring dog slave!" The woman was angry, hehe! The beating of a loud slap in the face.

A good woman!

Yuzhu whispered to Yun Shiwei: "Two cousins, who is she?"

Yun Shiwei did not answer, and his face was annoyed, squinting and looking out the window. Yun Shiyi smiled and said: "It is not an outsider. She is called Qian Fengjiao. It is the child of our aunt. She lives in Qianjiazhuang, which is five miles away from Yunjiazhuang. The aunt gave birth to eight sons. Daughter, it’s hard to get used to it."

"That is to say that she is also your cousin, or a cousin." The cousin of the two brothers of the Yun family, the daughter of Yun’s sister or the daughter of the younger sister, is very close.

Most of the children who grew up together with a cousin have a problem with early love? Like the edge of the golden jade in "Dream of Red Mansions", the feelings of Baodi, the childhood sweethearts, the two little no guesses, the deep feelings, which is the cousin who is halfway through her bar?

The quiet mood is like a breeze blowing the branches of the forest, and it is slightly disturbing.

Yunshiyi guessed what Zhuzhu thought, and reached out to embrace her. She smiled and said: "It’s not what you think. I and Shiwei have a marriage contract with you very early. How can you pay attention to your reputation? ?"

Zhuzhu also laughed. His own thoughts in the past are like people. The man in this world is like a woman in ancient China. Once he is booked, it means that it is a woman of the woman. If the behavior is not detected, it will be bad.