MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 19

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From Huishi Town to Longyan Town, it takes about ten days for civilians to walk. If the adventurer rides a horse, it will take about this time. Because the distance between each of the available villages is almost a day's walk. Unless you are not afraid to die in the vicinity of this dangerous ridiculous mountain range, or if you don't hesitate to hurry for two days a day, no one should think about where to go.

Yan Xiong and Gerard are not in a hurry, following the group of merchants, walking towards Longyan Town like a walk.

The dragon, known as the "extreme tyrant", has been raging in the mountains around Longyan Town for more than 50 years, and it will not be so anxious to move.

Moreover, they are also anxious to come. The key to fighting against the dragon is the body of the hero, "Void Mask" Oscar. Now, Xiong Xiong is retreating inside the underground cave near Huishi Town to adjust his body structure to better adapt to land operations. It is a huge job to transform the entire body of such a huge body, not so fast. Therefore, even if they rushed to Longyan Town early, they could only temporarily live in the town and collect some information. It is impossible for Gerard to enter the mountain to challenge the dragon.

"Big Brother, have you lived in the mountains before? Is life on the mountain very difficult?" In a caravan with them, a 12-year-old boy curiously wandered around the pseudonym White Gerard. This asks him, and he is overwhelmed.

"...The life in the mountains is roughly like this. It is very simple and boring. There is nothing to say."


In order to facilitate the operation, Gerard chose to go with the business group. The business group is composed of one caravan. When the danger comes, you can watch the help. When the danger is too great, it is easy to find the back.

The size of the business group is very large, consisting of seven or eight caravans, and they choose the peers, which is the strongest of these caravans.

The caravan is called "Lucky Gold Coin". The president of the Chamber of Commerce is a semi-gnome named Sos. As a mixed-race of gnomes and humans, his height is slightly shorter than the average person, reddish and quite tough skin, big The night-sighted eyes, the slender and agile body, and one or two talented spells make him a good fortune in his career as an adventurer. Later, when he was older, he was no longer an adventurer. Instead, he formed a caravan and transferred to a trader.

Uncle Sos's caravan members are all his old acquaintances. It is also interesting to say that although this caravan is mainly engaged in business with humans, none of the caravan members are pure human beings. The boss is a semi-gnome, the bodyguards are half-orcs, two companions who work together to do business, one is a half-elf, one is a dwarf, even the employees are some alien or mixed-race. For example, if you like to chat with Gerrard, you are the young Master of Accounting, Palin, a gnome, a purebred gnome.

In this world, there are many races in intelligent life. There are also many body types similar to humans. Gnomes, dwarves, elves, and orcs are all common types.

The gnomes and dwarves are not tall, about a third shorter than humans. However, no one will confuse the two, because the gnomes are agile and intellectual races, while the dwarves are races of strength and physique. The former is thin and flexible, with red skin, big eyes, long hands and long legs. The person is thick and strong, his eyes are bearded, and the voice of his voice is as loud as the screaming of ordinary people.

In general, gnomes and mixed-race gnomes often choose to be a mage, or rely on the innate blood to be a river and lake artist, or a bard, or a businessman - of course, often part-time. And what about the dwarves? In addition to the soldiers, they rarely engage in other professions. There may also be some dwarves as miners, blacksmiths, winemakers or cooks, but they must first be a good warrior, with few exceptions.

The elf is a race that is about the same height as humans but slimmer than humans. They are characterized by high spells and natural affinity, and are almost natural to cast spells. However, they are not adapted to live in an unnatural environment. If they cannot live in the natural environment, they will slowly become weak, sick, and finally die.

For this reason, the elves use their forests and wilderness as their own country. They are regarded as one of the most powerful races in the world. During several times of human development, two ethnic groups with the same history and strong military power. I have done a few. The elves who have conquered many races, including the dwarf gnome, and the human races that have deported the orc mermaid, are like Mars hitting the earth, but they can’t help anyone. In the end, everyone has to compromise with each other. Seeking equal coexistence and common development.

Of course, it has been five hundred years since the recent major development. Apart from those long-lived legendary powerhouses, the two sides who have participated in the war have long since died, and hatred has long since faded. Now is a time when the relationship between the elves and the human beings is relatively good. The elves envy the versatile potential and abundant vitality of human beings. The human beings envy the spirits and talents of the elves. One to two, there are a lot of mixed-race children, commonly known as half-elves.

As for the orcs, it is a group of unlucky or even poor races. They came from a variety of origins, but because of the loss to humans in the war, they were constantly expelled and eventually lived together, forming a somewhat chaotic race. The orcs' ancestors also had a good history of civilization, but the war with humans interrupted their civilized process, drove them away from the land where their ancestors lived, and let their civilizations pass down, gradually becoming a symbol of barbarism and backwardness. .

Sadly, most orcs have forgotten the honor of their own civilization and chose to accept the civilization of humans or elves. In today's world, the orcs' traditional "wild warriors", "violent warriors", "blood swordsmen", "soul shaman" and other occupations have become less and less, and most qualified orcs are not warriors or rangers. It was a warlock or a pastor.

Perhaps this is also because these human and elves summed up the development of the profession, indeed more powerful than the ancient occupations of the orcs.

The half-beasts in the caravan came from a tribe called "Banshi". The leader Ahan was a holy warrior, the kind of priest who was baptized and passed down in the temple and inclined to use force and illegal direction. The **** of his faith is a special one. He is a wild **** who is honored as a "steel lion". He is born in an orc **** that favors evil, but with a few subordinates who have separated from the middle and become a **** of goodness.

Ahan and his men are the followers of the wild gods, and their armor and shields have the sacred emblem of the wild **** - the golden lion claw in the shield frame. In particular, Ahan’s shield is more magical and sparkling. It is a magical item that is blessed in the temple.

Yuxiong paid attention to the shield, and the golden light that flashed from time to time on the shield made him feel familiar. After careful recollection for a while, he determined that the light seemed to be like the **** who helped him when he was hard-pressed with the sleepless god.

In order to determine whether this is the case, he specifically asked Gerard to ask Ahan for some knowledge about the wild god.

The **** of wildness is a **** who likes to travel around and fight. He often changed into a lion (one of the orcs), carrying a shield and a tomahawk, and a hammer hanging around his waist. When He encounters the evil gods, it will turn into golden lightning to tear the sky and fight the evil. Although he can only be considered a medium level in terms of the order of the gods, his combat power is extremely powerful. He has repeatedly defeated the well-known powerful evil gods, and he is a strong one among the gods.

As for the doctrine of the gods and the details of the sectarian structure, Xiongxiong is too lazy to remember. In short, he is generally certain that this wild **** is the one who helped himself, and is still a good god.

Very good, this is enough.

This is a good leader who is good in technology, strong in consciousness, will lead the team and is not equipped with black equipment. If you have the opportunity to follow him with a copy, it will be very good.

Of course, people helped him when he was at PK, and this must be repaid.

"Gerard, if there is a fight, pay attention to protecting Ahan them," he said.

Gerrard was somewhat puzzled. He didn't understand why it wasn't the non-combatants who had been out of the rivers and lakes for many years, and the combat effectiveness had dropped significantly. Instead, they knew that they could play Ahan. But the command of the **** is absolute, and he says that he is completely obedient.

But Gerrard can be sure that Ahan does not need protection at all. This strong lion can fight with the wild bears even if he does not use weapons. In the case of armed forces, even if he has a two-legged dragon, he can't.

Hey, the two-legged dragon that wants to attack them in the evening, is now a barbecue on the camp. Old Sos’ partner and chef wrought iron is smearing the secret spices and strong that he is proud of. Alcohol, part of the meat is almost cooked, and the tempting scent is floating in the air.

After a day of trekking, the business group was stationed next to a small village at night. This is a large open space, enough for hundreds of people to live temporarily. Because of the proximity to the barren mountain range, the area affected by the ash forest has already emerged. In the distance, the green trees are overcast, and the nearby grass is full of gloom. A scene of vitality makes the Xiongxiong who is used to the gray-black tone satisfied.

At the moment, everyone was busy, but when the smell of roasted two-legged dragon meat floated, almost everyone stopped for a while, and more than one person even drooled.

Another partner of Old Sos, the semi-elf ranger who calls himself "Rhyme" is processing the material removed from the Wyvern, the sharp claws, the fangs connecting the venom glands, the hard scales on the chest, and The tough skin of the body.

The Wyvern is a rather fierce monster with a wide range of recipes, but the most favorite thing to prey is the "weak bipedal beast" - human. In fact, their favorite thing to do is to attack herders and caravans, and even if someone can eat them, they will turn a blind eye to the prey of cattle and sheep.

If you are on Earth, this kind of guy who is arguing with the human beings will definitely be killed, and at most a few remaining species will be kept in the zoo. However, in this relatively backward and wild world, the races of human beings, including humans, add up to less than one-third of the world’s land, and the vast wilderness of wilderness is everywhere. Everyone is used to the enemy.

Anyway, they all do one, lose and eat, and win--hehe, the relationship between eating and being eaten must be reversed!

Just like this moment, PK is not a detonated Wyvern, it has become everyone's dinner.

At the moment, with the overflowing aroma, the wrought iron smiled heartily and sounded a small bell that meant the opening of the meal.

This bell saved Gerard, who was being asked by the curious baby Palin, who quickly asked the "Giant Tribe Ecology" that almost came from the hearsay, dragging the still-unsatisfied little Palin. I hurried to the campfire.

Eating is a good reason, and finally let him get rid of this as if he was interrogated.