MTL - Cub Keeper-Chapter 628 Random Card Game (Part 1)

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A lucky cub like Ai Jiabao threw the biggest six at the beginning, which was several steps ahead of everyone.

And like Ying Hui, who is not very lucky, and Dabao, they can only throw them little by little.

When Ai Jiabao was about to enter the second floor, Ying Hui and Kata beast were still wandering on the first floor.

It's tragic.

However, to everyone's surprise, it was not the other little cubs who caught up with Ai Jiabao.

It's actually two little cubs, Leon and Bessie.

They're not lucky or strong.

But they have more hearts than most puppies.

Based on the cards in their hands and the number of dice on their heads, they begin to figure out what kind of predicament they will encounter.

Then use the probability method to find out whether you need that card or not, and choose to give up and continue appropriately, which will save a lot of time and greatly improve their survival efficiency.

As for how to properly give up this grid, of course it is impossible to blatantly give up.

They will use the cards in their hands reasonably at this time.

For example, the three cards of the same kind in Leon's hand seem to be useless one-star replacement cards.

The one-star replacement card can only replace the position behind him, not the position in front, so for those little cubs who want to end the game quickly and want to go to the front, Such replacement cards are completely useless.

But for Len, it was just the right hand.

Used correctly, this is equivalent to getting yourself three chances to re-roll the dice.

Ai Jiabao raised his eyebrows at the situation behind him, and then moved on.

The little cubs of the Federation were not very familiar with the rules of the game at first.

But they are not stupid, and they are quickly integrated into it. Some of them also choose Len's game method, and use their powerful computing power to start guessing what kind of grid field and cards will appear. probability.

In short, everyone's pace is very tight, especially inseparable.

Lu Yao and Chi Ye were waiting for them in the backcourt, watching their game progress by the way.

Chi Ye watched the game for a while, and then said, "This game is quite suitable for little kids."

"You can train them to take one step and see three steps, and have arrangements for unknown things."

Lu Yao also agrees with him.

After all, Yuanguang Nursery's education has always been to let the little cubs learn a lot in the game, not to let them learn in a cramming style, but to let them take the initiative to learn Explore this world.

Chi Ye looked at these happy cubs and said with emotion: "They were really born in a very lucky era."

“Even if they were only five years earlier, they would not have had the opportunity to learn.”

Lu Yao knew what he was referring to, but Lu Yao didn't think it was something that only she could do.

Even if you don't have yourself, maybe there will be the same enlightened educators every few decades, and they will feel that there is a problem with the previous education methods.

And then take the time to improve their education methods, I just bring them all in advance.

Not all eyes are blinded, and not all ears are plugged.

They will eventually see the sunlight shining in from the outside through those gaps, and then they will find themselves in the dark, desperately trying to magnify that sunlight, and finally illuminate the whole world.

The little cubs finally climbed to the penultimate level, and many of the little cubs have already lost their chance to win the championship.

They returned to the starting point, staring at the little cubs who were still working hard.

There are only five cubs left on the field, they are:

Ai Jiabao of the panda family.

Lane of the hedgehog family.

Ankylosaurus still speaks.

Then there is the cub from the Federation, the black panther orc Tang Li and the honey badger cub Yura.

Lu Yao looked at the honey badger cub and thought she was a little cute.

The little brat seemed to be stabbed by a thorn on Leon's back, and then he climbed up in anger until he caught Leon and began to pull on his thorn.

Badger cub's hands, and apologized to her.

Len: "Sorry, I just accidentally bumped into you when I was turning around. This thorn is just for you to toss, take it to cool off."

Honey badger cub Yura didn't even look at the thorn, she stretched out her paw and slapped Leon's hand, screaming at him.

Yura: "You dare to stab me! I'm going to fight you."


Len shook his head: "I don't fight with you."

Yula became unhappy when she heard this sentence, her temper was ignited, and she began to stretch out her claws at Leon, trying to attack Leon.

However, now they are in the middle of the game, protected by this game mechanism, her mentality of wanting to attack Leen with malice is detected and she will not be able to touch Leen.

Occasionally, her claws would grab onto the hunter's thorns, which not only did not hurt Leon, but also pierced her hands by Leon's thorns.

Suddenly Yura's paws began to bleed.

To be honest, even Lu Yao felt a little funny when she saw it.

She shook her head and said to Chi Ye: "She is too cute."

Chi Ye also smiled.

"Yura is like this, she is a little grumpy, but she reported it on the spot, very open and aboveboard."

Lu Yao looked at the little brat and felt the same way.

Yura's silver hair seemed to glisten under the sunlight, and her eyes also revealed an unyielding light, staring at Len as if she must fight him Fighting, the winner and the loser will be resigned.

Len sighed.

If he had known that his thorns would stab a honey badger cub, he would have kept it well and kept an eye on the thorns on his back.

But now that the boat is over, he turned his eyes to Ai Jiabao as if asking for help.

Algabo turned his head without seeing.

Honey Badger!

That's a honey badger!

It's amazing to be entangled!

Len turned his eyes to Shang Yan again.

Shang Yan also turned his head, not looking at Len.

Shang Yan felt very guilty, sorry Leen, it's not that I didn't want to save you, but that I was really powerless.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Tang Li, the little cub behind Yura, stretched out his paw and patted her on the head.

"Do it all day long, believe it or not, I will blow your head away."