MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 610 Desperate?

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"No problem, if you can block one of my fingers, where do you let me sit, I am sitting there, even if you let me get out of the hall, I will not say half a word, but if you lose? "Ye Wei mouth squinted with a faint smile, looking at the confident mountain, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi three, asked with a smile. "Vertical novels,


"How ridiculous, how can we lose? Even if your combat power is ten times stronger than the ordinary peak of the emperor, you can only block one finger, and the three of us are sure to block it!"

"We can't lose!"

Nanshan, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi looked proud, and laughed and said in a natural tone.

"What if?"

Ye Wei licked his nose and asked very casually.

"Oh, if the three of us can't stop you with one finger, naturally lose their convictions, you continue to sit in the position of the great emperor's ancestors, we will never say anything more!" Zhou Wushe, Nanshi frowned, and some impatiently said, there is no possible thing, what to talk about?

"It seems that it is not fair. I was sitting in the position of the great emperor's ancestors. If I lose, I will leave this position and be discredited!"

"If I win, I will continue to sit in this position. What good is it for me? Why should I pay attention to you? I believe that the master can not let me leave this position because of you!" Ye Wei looked at the mountain, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi three, said with a smile.

"What benefits do you want? What are the conditions to open up?" The wild mountains, the week without the sheath, the South Stone does not care, there is no fear, because they think that Ye Wei will lose 100%.


If it is three of his own, Ye Wei can't stop a finger. Just killing it!

"You also know that I am the deputy head of Qingmen. The contradiction between our Qingmen and your three forces is not a day or two. Now the demon and the beasts are coming, and the arrogance is extremely arrogant. The wind and rain disciples, we can't fight all the time, it's better. If I lose, I will not only leave this position, but also disband the Qingmen!"

"If you lose, disband the door, Xiaoxijie, Gudingmen!" Ye Wei looked at the three. The small eyes became a gap, and smiled and said, although the sound is not big, but it falls into the ears of everyone but it seems like a thunder.

The loser is dissolving the power, is this bet too big?

The eyes of everyone looked at Ye Wei, and the eyes were full of incredible horror. Is this guy really confident to win?

Still want to bluff to scare the leaders of the three major forces?

Not allowed!

Everyone can't guess what medicine is sold in Ye Wei Hulu!

The face of the wild mountain, the week without the sheath, and the three men of Nanshi could not help but change. Some of them incredibly stared at Ye Wei, and their eyes flickered.

Fanmen, Xiaoxijie and Gudingmen are all inherited for thousands of years. Members are all over the disciples, inner disciples, true disciples, elders, and cover the sky in the storm. If you lose, you will be disbanded. This bet is too big.

Although Qingmen is booming, it has developed very well in recent years. However, the bottom line is still much worse than the three major forces. Ye Xuan took his own reputation and Qingmen gambling, which obviously accounted for a lot of cheap!

"Don't dare. I don't force it!" Ye Wei looked at the gloomy three-faced man, smiling lightly. Re-sitting in the position of the great emperor's ancestors who are qualified to sit.

"Is this kid a sturdy look, is he really sure to beat us three with one finger?"

"No. Absolutely impossible!"

"This guy is bluffing and is scaring us!"

"Oh, the wishful thinking is not bad!"

"How big is the bet? Anyway, the winner is definitely us!" The wild mountain, Zhou Wushe, and Nanshi secretly communicated, and soon agreed.

Fight, take the bet!

"Yuan Xuan's predecessor, although you are the deputy doorkeeper of Qingmen, but as far as I know, the person who is the master of Qingmen should be Gongqing Snow Maiden?"

"Are you talking about it?"

"Don't lose for a while, Gong Qing Xue girl stood up and said that you said no, the Qingmen did not dissolve, then your bet can be the mirror in the water!"

Zhou Wushe looked at Ye Wei, his eyes intentionally or unconsciously drifted to the palace Qing Xue who was sitting beside Ye Weishen.

"He can represent the Qingmen!"

Gong Qingxue glanced at the week without a sheath, faintly said.

"Very good, there is the sentence of Gong Qing Xue girl, we are relieved!" Fanshan, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi mouth horns are showing a very proud sneer.

"However, since the lord and the three ancestors are present, is it better to let the lord and the four ancestors be a witness?"

“Save some people who don’t lose money!”

Zhou Wushe looked at the Sovereign, Fengzu, Tuofeng and the old man who lost weight.

The Wushan clan slightly frowned, and ignored the week without a sheath, but looked at Ye Wei, with the light of inquiry in his eyes. He also had some meaning of not being able to use Ye Wei. After all, in his view, Ye Wei’s combat effectiveness Although it is much stronger than the wild mountain, the Zhou non-sheath, and the Nanshi three, it is almost impossible to beat the three of them with one finger.

Ye Wei is really wanting a gamble? Or just want to bluff, scare the wild mountain, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi?

"Teacher, since they have opened up, they will trouble you to be a witness!" Ye Wei did not seem to see the eyes of the Wushan lord, and said with a smile.

"That... okay!" Wushan Sovereign nodded, although some could not guess Ye Wei's thoughts, but since Ye Wei really wants to fight, he is not good at giving face.

After all, in his eyes, Ye Wei, Lin Ziyan, Gong Qingxue are already the great perfection of the Emperor!

"Hey, the lord nodded. This is the little fat man who is riding the tiger under the leaves?"

"The peak of the emperor's emperor's position, looking at the entire Shengyuan continent, no one can beat the wild mountain with a finger, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi three!"

"This little fat man wants to scare people, but unfortunately, no scare!"

"Dissolve the Qingmen, and walk down the position of the great emperor's ancestors. This is a big fun!" In the hall, more than 300 people in the main hall of the emperor looked at Ye Wei, and his face showed a smile of gloating. .

Everyone thinks that Ye Wei is making a bet, just bluffing, trying to scare people, because even if Ye Wei is a genius, he has ten times the peak of the emperor's fighting power, and he has no chance to win!

"Go, go down the ring!"

Nanshan, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi sneered and glared at Ye Wei, left the seat and turned to walk outside the hall.

"No, it's ok here. I don't just use one finger, but only one finger, you can't stop it, I can't stop it, you can't stop it, you don't need that much trouble!" To the gate of the main hall, the mountain, the non-sheath, and the Nanshi three, Ye Wei said lightly.

"it is good!"

The three stopped and nodded.

Manshan took out the thick iron bar of his wrist, traversing his chest, his muscles rising high, like a piece of rock, blue veins, and wandering around.

The bald head Nanshi also clenched his fist suddenly, and the Zijin Gu Ding pattern on his head burst into a ray of light, his body was half-baked, his hands were in the sky, and there was a shadow of the ancient Ding around the body.

Zhou Wushe also took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became fierce. Numerous swordsmen poured out and cut the void, making the surrounding space blurred.

Faced with Ye Wei, who had pressed the tens of geniuses of the top ten sects three years ago, they did not dare to have a smattering effect, and they all came up with the strongest defenses.

For the past three years, in the secret of the small courtyard of the Holy Court, it is 30 years. In 30 years, who knows how far Ye Wei has grown?

They naturally don't underestimate Ye Wei, and even think that Ye Wei's fighting power is stronger than his own three.

But now, what I want is not to defeat Ye Wei, or even to play against Ye Wei, as long as the three of them can block an attack by Ye Wei with one finger!

"Ready?" Ye Wei casually glanced at the savage mountain, the Zhou Shou, the Nanshi three, twisted his neck and moved his wrist.

"Continue to install, I see when you can hold it!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

"Remember the bet, if you lose, you will disband the Qingmen, and you will be able to sit down if you are away from the great emperor's ancestors!" Fanshan, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi looked at Ye Wei, some impatiently Urged the road.

"Get out of the way!"

"What to grind, when you talk about it, you will go out, and it will be useless to delay the time!" The more than 300 peaks in the audience were also impatient, and the top of the imperial concubine was shot. Do you still need active bones?


Everyone looked at Ye Wei and agreed that Ye Wei was a guilty conscience.

"I am not in a hurry, what are you eager!" Ye Wei shook his head, then slowly extended a finger, pointing to the wild mountain, Zhou Wushe, Nanshi three.

"I have to do it, I will lose it, don't blame me for not preparing time for you!" Under the loose green robe, Ye Wei's skin surface showed a circle of black starlight vortex.

North Ming Wan robbery! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
