MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 70 Song Yi Song

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  Chapter 70 Song Yi Song

   "It's boring for you to chat like this."

   "That's a person, not a chicken." Wang An said slowly, last night, at that moment, he really wanted to slap down that evil guy, but he stopped.

   This is not a novel, not a movie, and he is not the kind of butcher, madman, killing people like killing chickens, beheading heads and cutting watermelons, without the slightest psychological barrier.

   Killing, once an opening is made, it will be very difficult to make up for it.

   "Do you have anything else to do?"

   "Well, there is one more thing, I'm curious, of course, don't say it if it's inconvenient for you."

   "It's not convenient." Wang An said decisively.

   "伱, this"

  Li Hsin-chu got up and left, took seven steps and turned back.

   "How can I get to your level?"

  “I started to practice Wu Qin Xi and Tai Chi when I got up in the morning. I had to walk for at least an hour a day, swing my palms 500 times, and practice footwork, strength, and read scriptures and medical books.”

   "Damn!" Li Xinzhu jumped out these two words after a long silence.

   Sure enough, no one can succeed casually.

   "I will practice like this starting tomorrow, if I don't succeed, I will go crazy!" Li Xinzhu said fiercely.

   "If you practice like this, it won't take long for you to fail. Practice should be gradual, and you can't heat it up for three minutes. One day you will lie on your stomach, and the next day you will push it up. You must persevere. If you really want to practice real skills, you must work hard." Wang Andao.

  He can withstand this intensity of exercise because his physical fitness has been greatly improved after practicing Wu Qinxi, and his endurance and resilience are far beyond ordinary people. After high-intensity exercise, he can recover after a night of rest.

  If others exercise at his intensity, the body will not be able to bear it.

   "I think about it, let's go."

   "If you don't have anything special these days, don't come here. I want to retreat."

   "What is it, closed, closed, the kind in the novel?" Li Xinzhu's eyes widened after hearing this. Wang An waved to him, signaling him to leave.

   "Spiritual." Li Xinzhu muttered and left.

  After Li Xinzhu left, Wang An returned to the bedroom and came to the desk.

  Retreat is not necessarily a practice. He wants to calm down, straighten out, summarize the previous period, and plan for the future.

   I was too tense a while ago, maybe it's time to relax a little bit.

  Tai Chi, Wu Qin Xi, Vajra Palm, Xingyi Quan, all kinds of exercises, he almost never missed a day, doing and practicing one by one, like a machine running at full speed, without the slightest rest except sleep.

  Practice is a part of life, life is not only practice, but also poetry and distant places.

  Life is like a movie. It must have a plot, daily life, and love for children.

  He wants to be comprehensive. Although it is good to be comprehensive, there must be a focus after all. Those few tasks have not been completed yet.

  The task closest to the goal is the one that weighs a thousand kilograms with one punch, and has less than a hundred kilograms of strength, so it can be completed with a lot of effort.

   "Next, you might as well try to complete this task first, and see what rewards you can get. Then go out for a walk, and see, you can't relax, but you can take it easy."

   Strengthening strength training requires equipment. When he was in the mountain village, he used barbells and grinding discs, and the effect was good.

   "Let's use the barbell, but the weight should be increased. I have been step by step, and this time I will try the limit training. I thought of exercise again."

  When he thinks about many things now, he thinks about improving himself and improving his kung fu.

  When you see a stone pier on the side of the road, you will think about how heavy the stone pier is, whether you can lift it up, and whether it is suitable for you to exercise, just like being possessed.

  He remembered that he lived in the school when he was in high school. At that time, a classmate in his class was very devoted to his studies. To what extent, he would memorize texts when he was talking in his sleep at night. He felt that he was going to reach that level now.

   "Well, relax first."

  After much deliberation, he chose reading as a way to relax, sorting out the knowledge he had learned in the past from beginning to end, and trying to combine the knowledge of medicine and martial arts.

  The structure, meridians, blood vessels, muscles and bones of the human body, the red lines in the ancient books of Tai Chi and the palm of Vajra Zen.

  When studying with Zhao Zhiyuan some time ago, under his guidance, he bought a lot of medical books and read some, but he didn't make a systematic summary.

  A cup of tea, a stack of books, reading for a while, getting up and doing some activities, and occasionally getting up to punch, practice Wu Qinxi, or clap a few palms, and the time of the day passes unconsciously.

   "You spent a day summarizing the knowledge you have learned in the past, and gained a little. Taijiquan experience +4, Vajra Zen palm experience +3, Wu Qinxi experience +1."

  Sometimes reading is no worse than practicing.

  One day, two days, three days. The pace of his life slowed down. He read all the books at home, some more than once, and there were dozens of extra pages of summaries in his notebook, and there were still some questions.

  In the past few days, Li Xinzhu has been very obedient. He didn't bother him, and he didn't even call him.

   A week later, he went out, instead of going to the boxing gym, he went to the library in Hu'an City. During this time, he still had some problems to solve, and the books at home didn't have relevant knowledge points, so he planned to go to the library to have a look.

  I got a library card, went to a place related to medical books, picked a few books I wanted to read, and then started reading, taking notes from time to time.

  After eating at noon, he continued to read in the afternoon until the library was about to close. When the administrator reminded him, he got up and left, borrowed two books and left.

  The next day came again, sitting for another day, three days in a row.

  One night, in front of the desk, Wang An looked at a piece of paper in front of him. There were more than a dozen pictures on it. On it was the ancient boxing score sent by a netizen in the Tai Chi exchange group. He copied it.

   "No, this picture should be incomplete."

  Through the systematic induction and summary of the day, he always felt that these pictures were wrong. There should be one or two paintings missing, and they were very critical pictures, which could outline or connect the past and the future.

  He thought about it, and sent a message in that group.

   "@空水流, hello, are the thirteen Taijiquan ancient boxing scores you posted last time incomplete, and two pictures are missing?"

  His words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, breaking the calm all of a sudden.

  Serious person: "Finally someone showed up, what picture? Is it the kind of picture where two or three people are shy together?"

   Feng Shengshui said: "I saw that your name is not serious, but when I heard you speak, it is really not serious!"

  (end of this chapter)