MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1598 Officially produced, it must be a boutique

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This thought is subconscious and is not controlled by Song Shuhang himself.

When this thought flashed, Song Shuhang could not help but feel a strong sense of frustration.

He found that he did not know when he had given up treatment... He no longer strongly desires the sword, but completely accepts the knife.

In fact, if you think about it, the knife is very cute.

For example, invisible knives, then Meng, will poke the waist, but also secrete paralysis venom.

For example, the knives are broken, along with Song Shuhang from the first product to the five products, and now with a guardrail, especially a sense of security.

For example, the predecessors of Akasaka Sword, who have their own swords, and the long ones are particularly flattering...

"Do you want to go up and try the sword?" The white predecessor looked at Song Shuhang and asked in a voice.

Song Shuhang asked: "You are not interested in this altar and sword?"

"Well, there is no interest. If you are interested, you can go and try it. After the test, let's take a look at the next change." The white predecessor said.

After Song Shuhang thought for a moment, he gave orders to the avatar.

The avatar put away the flag of the Panthers, and jumped gently to the altar in the lake.

However, when the avatar jumped to half, the figure suddenly fell vertically and fell to the lake.

"Forbidden array method? Gravity spell?" Song Shuhang wondered.

A monk with more than five items has the ability to walk empty.

But his avatar was pulled by an invisible force, falling from the sky, seems to be a combination of two arrays.

He lifted his foot and stepped on the empty space. A black lotus flower appeared at his feet and held his figure.

After two steps, the body fell on the lake.

The black lotus blooms in the lake and holds Song Shuhang.

After the position of the lake, the feeling of suction and gravity disappeared.

At this time, Song Shuhang’s avatar was about two hundred meters away from the altar in the lake.

It seems that within this distance, flight is not allowed.

Then let’s go through the waves.

Song Shuhang's avatars displayed the "Gentleman Miles" body and flew up on the lake. When he stepped out of each foot, he had a black lotus bloom in advance, for him to settle.

"What is your main body now, or is it the "Gentleman Miles" body?" The white predecessors came out.

This body of law, remember that he was taught to him when he was in the realm of Song Shuhang. Song Shuhang used five realms of realm, and the body has not changed?

"I will only "Junzi Miles" and its advanced outbreak "Tian Xing Jian"." Song Shuhang replied.

"Well, the "Gentleman Miles" body method is a bit too weak for you now. After all, you have five products... You are free to contact the Henghuo friends to see if you can get more advanced from him. Confucianism. I remember that there is a higher version of "Gentleman Miles"." The white predecessor suggested.

Song Shuhang suddenly remembered: "The constant fire predecessors asked me if I had time, let me go to Confucianism. I will reply to him and give him a time."

If you want to change from the constant fire to the higher level of the "Gentleman Miles", he must have the equivalent of paying.

It is the sinister contract in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

"The body is still very important." White predecessors said.

During the speech, Song Shuhang’s avatar has stepped on the black lotus and boarded the altar.

The two-meter-high sword is even higher than the Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang slid gently and grabbed the hilt.

After boarding the altar, the effect of the 'forbidden air' dissipated.

He stepped on the void, grabbed the hilt with both hands, and tried his best to pull the sword up.

The 25 ancient sacred shadows appeared behind him. As the number of holy shrines increased, the formation of them changed again.

The giant sacred priests sent by the white predecessors appeared on the top of Song Shuhang, and the remaining 24 sacred phantoms formed a square, surrounded by Song Shuhang and the giant shrine.

In the next step, all the holy verses of Confucian scriptures began to read rhythmically: "6 six six, six six six six six, six six six six six six six."

The rhythm is catchy, and it’s like a group of students who are shaking their heads in the morning.

Song Shuhang gnawed his teeth and condensed all his strength into his arms.

"Variable Steel Hand" has a black iron color for his arms.

Purely brute force, Song Shuhang's power at this time has even exceeded the ordinary six-product Zhenjun.

However, the giant sword on the altar does not move.

Song Shuhang stopped the action of dialing the sword.

The brute force of the six-grade level, not to mention moving the mountains and the sea... But lifting a big truck, it is absolutely easy to play high.

There is no reason why it is impossible to put a two-meter-high sword out.

Unless it is the correct posture of the sword.

Song Shuhang took the hand and took off the ‘Music Swordsman’s Love Gloves’, and then pressed his hand on the giant sword.

Identification of the secret law is carried out.

Hey, a lot of blood bursts out of his arms.

The price is not too heavy and is within acceptable limits.

The next moment, the pain of the secret law and the results of the identification were identified, and at the same time, it was returned to Song Shuhang’s mind.

[The nameless giant sword that is integrated with the four seas secrets: Juvenile, do you have the power to raise the entire ‘four seas secrets’? If so, you can lift this unnamed sword. If not, still wash and sleep. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

Day, you! I want to have the power to lift the whole ‘four-sea secrets’ in one breath, and to put a sword of fart.

Sure enough, the word 'sword' has nothing to do with himself.

Song Shuhang’s inner feelings for the 'sword' are -100.

In other words, the ‘the lord of the four seas’ left this altar and sword, is it a joke with future generations?

Song Shuhang is a bit unwilling.

The avatar crouched down and reached down on the altar. He used the secret method of identification - according to the routine, if the sword is a hidden object, the real treasure left by the Lord of the Four Seas may be in the altar, or even in this great lake?

The identification of the secret law is again motivated.

The price paid this time is even heavier.

Song Shuhang's back and arms were spurted at the same time, and the amount of bleeding was relatively large.

In general, the degree of pain is still within the acceptable range.

[The stone altar of the four seas, the second step of the altar hides a dark space, which contains the treasures left by the Lord of the Four Seas for the successors. 】

There are really treasures!

Song Shuhang was separated from his eyes and he jumped to the second step position and reached for the step.

White predecessor: "What are you doing?"

"The sword can't be dialed out. It's a cover. The real treasure is hidden in the second step of the altar." Song Shuhang returned.

The white predecessors held their chins: "This kind of routine is really old. It seems that this mystery has been around for some years. This old routine, the current monk has long been disdainful. It has been replaced with a more elusive new routine." ”



On the altar

Song Shuhang’s avatar found a secret and successfully opened it.

In the dark, there are two golden scrolls of the animal skin.

"This thing, looks a bit familiar?" Song Shuhang grabbed the two animal skin scrolls, out of the channel.

“This is a scroll made of exotic skins. The former practitioners used them to record the 'work' of special forces. After all, there are some exercises that have the power of the road and cannot be recorded with ordinary paper and pen. Only this kind of exotic animal fur with special strength can carry those special exercises." The white predecessor introduced.

"Working method? If it is a practice class, it will not work for me." Song Shudao.

He is now majoring in "The Thirty-three Beasts, a qigong", and has no plans to change other exercises.

White predecessors: "It may also be martial arts, magic, meditation, secret surgery. Everything is possible."

Song Shuhang's avatar is holding two golden animal skin scrolls, re-turning the lotus flower and returning to the shore.

"Would you like to open it?" Song Shuhang took over two animal skin scrolls and looked up and down.

The two reels are sealed and the seal has a seal.

"A Song, don't you identify them first?" Li Yinzhu said.

Song Shuhang: "Yes, try to identify it safely."

Anyway, it hurts when it hurts, and it hurts twice.

The identification method is used again.

The place where the blood was spurted was replaced with legs, and the body was already covered with blood.

Injury in the body of the body, pain in the heart of Song Shuhang's body... The pain of identifying the secret law is to be fed back to the body.

[Xuansheng Lectures: A seven-star lecture, which contains seven kinds of fine speeches such as Buddha, Tao, Confucianism, Devil, Demon, Beast, and Haizu. When the user opens the spree, the spree will automatically receive feedback from the practitioners of the heavens, and automatically select a script that is most popular among the practitioners for the user to use. The various manuscripts in the lecture draft are clean and there is no dispute. This spree is for VIP guests. PS: The official release of the ancient Tianting ‘Shudao Department’ must be a boutique. Five-star praise, piracy will be investigated. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

Nima, finally remembered why this scroll is so familiar.

When he first bought the ‘Zhu Wor’s Blessing’ glove, there was also a lecture draft.

It was the last piece of the Samsung-speaking manuscript that was used in the ‘Bat Confucianism’s Lectures’.

However, the text of the lecture was wasted, and only half of it was used to change the ‘pregnancy quality three-question’ method of Confucian saints.

The two reels in his hands are also the "Xuan Sheng Lectures", but the ranks become the 'seven-star lectures'.

Moreover, this thing is officially produced by the ancient heaven.

At that time, the ancient heaven courts even sold the ‘Xuansheng’s manuscript’.

"A Song, what is this, Ah Song identified?" Li Yinzhu asked.

Song Shuhang nodded: "Xuan Sheng's lectures... and it seems to be a collection of big packages. When I am teaching the seven Jin and Eight Xuan, I may be able to use them."

Song Shuhang put the two animal skin reels.


"Well, let's quit once again. I want to see the secrets of the four seas. What changes?" The white predecessors said.

Song Shuhang once again held Li Yinzhu, synchronized with the white predecessors, and retreated into the channel.

Then they took another step forward.

The scene in front of me really changed again.

This time, the four seas secrets became the weird jungle where the white predecessors were separated.