MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1603 Return the touch just now to me!

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"We are not here to wait for the whites to come back?" Song Shuhang asked.

The white predecessors were serious: "The body and the nine white friends will not come back so soon. So, when they go to the 'enemy', we first sneak into the black dragon world and find the inhabitants of this world. I use illusion to first set out the language and knowledge of the world so that we can act next."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Why do you do this kind of thing, you are so skilled?

"Let's go, I am here waiting for my Lord to return." The hamster demon handsomely glimpsed his own swordsman robe, Shen Sheng. It is the owner's most loyal pet, and will definitely wait for the owner to come back.

Its voice just fell, the white body's body shape appeared, behind it. His slender five fingers grabbed the hamster demon and held it in his hand.

Hamster Demon: "???"

In the next moment, the white predecessors were divided into five fingers.

A cute cute hamster, making a painful scream, spit out his tongue, rolled up...

Then, this cute hamster fainted.

The white predecessors were serious and nodded with satisfaction, then stuffed the hamster demon into their pockets.

Song Shuhang: "!!!"

Li Yinzhu has widened his eyes.

"Well, then we sneak into the Black Dragon world." The white predecessors proposed again.

Song Shuhang and Xiaoyinzhu nodded hard and said the same thing: "No problem, white predecessors."

The white predecessor pockets contain hamster demon, with Song Shuhang and Li Yinzhu, leaving the grassland and going to the distant Black Dragon world residents to gather.

A small world formed by a dragon scale is equivalent to the size of a small city. The knowledge of the white predecessors will cover the entire city.

He took Song Shuhang and Li Yinzhu directly, avoiding the patrol team in the distant world of dragon scales and mixing them into the city.

While leaving the grassland, he turned his head and looked at the void.

There, the white predecessor's body and Jiuyoubai have already reached the enemy.


In the void of the Black Dragon World, there are two major forces that are fighting.

The white predecessor and the white predecessor two float in the void, and the two hide their own breath and shield their body shape. They did not intervene in this battle, but just stood by and watched.

One of the two sides of the war is the aborigines of the Black Dragon World. Most of them look like the black scorpion thirteen in the ‘four seas’. The whole body is covered with black scales and humanoid.

There is also a small part that is almost identical to humans outside, that is, most of the skin is black.

In addition, there are several members of the same demon family, most of which are genus and snake. Some have long horns and horns, and some have the same snake tails as Song Shuhang's meritorious snakes.

The means of their operations basically rely on the kind of 'magic recharge machine'.

In the black dragon world, those who can fight in the air are all five-level cultivators, and they already have the ability to walk in the air.

Subsequently, they continued to press on the 'magic recharge machine', screaming in the language of the Black Dragon world, and activated one after another attacking spells, defensive spells, impact spells, and healing spells.

There are also some practitioners of the Black Dragon World, using some melee-like spells. However, the number of practitioners who use melee spells is extremely small, accounting for only one-tenth of the number.

The Magic Recharger includes almost all spell types.



And the battle with them is also the appearance of a group of black dragons in the world... the dead spirit.

It is also based on black scale humanoids, supplemented by a small number of black-skinned humans, plus a smaller number of apes and snakes.

However, these "enemies" are all dead spirits that have lost their lives. Their bodies are full of dead air and stench.

Their attack method is no longer a magic recharge machine, but a mixture of nine sinister energy and another energy.

Nine sorcerers can be mixed with another energy in a 7:3 way, giving each shot a blast-like power.

Their brute force is amazing, and they can vomit all kinds of breaths in the mouth - there are flames, ice, and corrosive venom.

"Is it attached to the body?" said the white predecessor.

"And, can quote nine evil spirits, but did not fall into nine quiet creatures." White predecessors two at the same time.

Nine sorcerers have powerful invading abilities and the power to seduce creatures.

If you are a modern practitioner, you will be assimilated by the Nine Evil spirits if you don't purify it if you touch the ‘Nine Evil Energy’ times.

The two white predecessors stared at the invaders for a moment.

In the body of these ‘dead souls, the true body of the ‘enemy’ is hidden.

It is their ‘true body’ that has aroused the interest of the white predecessors and the white predecessors two – these real bodies, as if they are not belonging to this world.

In the void, a human powerhouse in the black dragon world, stretched out his hand on the ‘magic recharge machine’, and smashed it with a sword.

The ‘dead soul’ that was in front of him was broken into four pieces.

The body of the Necromancer dissipated in the sword light and turned into a black smog, which was integrated into the atmosphere of the nine sinister spirits of the ‘Black Dragon World’.

After the ‘death’ was strangled, a fist-sized stone fell. The human power of the Black Dragon world reached out and the stone was taken in.

The human powerhouse has retreated a distance and used its peers to cover itself.

Subsequently, he held the big stone of the fist and held it with force, and the stone was crushed and crushed. At the same time, he began to read the language of the Black Dragon World.

After a while, there was an invisible big net in the void, and it appeared at the tip of the iceberg.

The crumpled stone powder was taken away by the invisible net.

Then, from the big net, there is a huge 'energy' perfusion, which is divided into 'spiritual power' and 'magic power'.

The magic falls into the 'magic recharge machine' of the black dragon world's human power, and the spiritual power is integrated into the human power of the black dragon world.

"The stone, it should be the Black Dragon Lingshi." Bai predecessors guessed.

White predecessor two: "The process that was just that was to recharge the magic flow?"

At the same time, the two looked at the invisible net that emerged as the tip of the iceberg.

This invisible big net is the key to the magic recharge machine.

The strongest of the Black Dragon World kills the ‘dead soul’ and gets the Black Dragon Lingshi – the process is to make money.

Then, through this 'invisible big net', you can transform the power of the Black Dragon Stone into magic and spiritual power - this process is to use money to recharge.

"There is a chance to study this invisible big net." The two white predecessors thought the same thoughts.



At the same time, the eyes of the two white predecessors fell on the position of the ‘dead soul’ that was killed.

There, there was a group of colorless and transparent objects that began to condense - this is the true body that is attached to the body of the dead.

Residents of the Black Dragon World seem to be unable to sense their existence at all.

This group of colorless and transparent objects began to retreat and retreat from the battlefield.

The white predecessor and the white predecessor two quietly keep up.

After a few kilometers away from the main battlefield, this group of colorless and transparent objects opened a passage and sneaked into it.

"Nine quiet world!" The white predecessors two frowned.

The world in which the colorless and transparent things retreat is actually the nine worlds.

This kind of ‘the source of evil, the filth of the world, and the distorted fel energy’ are undoubtedly the atmosphere of the nine worlds.

This kind of thing happened under his nose? As the nine secluded master, he does not know that there is such a transparent and strange thing in the nine worlds.

"I feel that this world is different from the nine worlds." At this time, the white predecessors calmly said: "Feeling, the world they retreat is more extreme than the nine worlds. And, The world seems to have been destroyed."

Moreover, like those colorless and transparent objects, the world also gives the white predecessors a feeling of not belonging to this world.

"Indeed, there is a slight difference." The white predecessor two whispered: "No wonder, once I feel the breath of these guys, there is an impulse in my heart that I can't wait to see them. It looks like... really attracts me, This is a world like the 'Nine Secret World'. I have to go in and see, Bai Daoyou, what about you?"

This world, which is more extreme than the nine worlds, and seems to have been 'destroyed', has completely aroused the interest of the white predecessors.

The white predecessor two is now a projection avatar, so even if this place like the 'nine world' has a fallen crisis, don't be afraid.

But the world around you is the body.

"I also want to go in and see." The white predecessors sang.

He was immediately attracted to the sense of a colorless, transparent object.

But the reason he was attracted was slightly different from the white predecessor two. The intuition of the white predecessors told him that these transparent and colorless objects are good things and worthy of collection.

He should need a certain amount of such objects.

The two white predecessors swept up and entered the passage that resembled the nine worlds before they closed.


"Sure enough, the body did not come back so soon." A serious white predecessor whispered.

Song Shuhang asked: "Does the white predecessors have trouble?"

"They just found a fun world and ran in without hesitation." A serious white predecessor.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Well, this is very white.

Very consistent with their character.

"Then, before the return of the ontology, we can play our own." A serious white senior reached out and slammed his face on his face.

After a while, he smiled at Song Shuhang and gave a thumbs up: "We have met again, book friends!"

This smile, the country is a city.

Even if the smile of the thumbs up is a bit silly, but in the white background of the seniors, as long as it is a smile, it will be very pleasing.

Looking at the sky, you are not a face!

And... the behavior of this white predecessor has made Pan Shuhang feel a little panic.

This is not the one who throws the whites onto the body as a hidden weapon, or is it the one who throws the ontology and navigates?

"Yes, it is me." The white predecessors took a shot and shot Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "Reading Mind?"

When the white predecessors and the white predecessors both learned badly, they should use mind reading for him!

"No, it's a face reading. I will know what you are thinking about your expression." The whites were separated.

Song Shuhang: "..."

In addition to being straightforward, when do I have more talents that are straightforward and quick?

At this time, Li Yinzhu asked: "What about the seriousness of the white predecessor? What happened to you?"

"This is a small spell with a fixed facial muscle. It is a social spell that I developed myself. This spell is very suitable for a small book friend. You can easily read the mind through the facial expressions. I will teach you when you have time." This spell." The white predecessor split.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"The last time I dropped the ontology as a hidden weapon, the next avatar seemed to take my place. I was worried that if I was recognized by the body, he would definitely dismiss me the first time, so I used a little trick when I came out." The white predecessors continued to talk.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"No jokes." The white predecessors converge on a bright smile and change to a smile. He patted Song Shuhang again. He said softly: "I haven't seen you for a while, you have improved, and you have a small book."

"Yeah." Song Shuhang nodded.

At this moment, the white predecessor is like a calm senior, agreeing and praising the younger generation.

Song Shuhang couldn't help but was a little touched.

"Let's go, follow me, let's first catch a resident of the Black Dragon World and get the language pack over. If the language doesn't work, there is no way to communicate." The white predecessors turned and continued to move forward.

Song Shuhang and Li Yinzhu followed behind him.

After turning around, the white predecessors split their faces and sneaked into a sly face.

"Very good, just imitated very well. There are so many moments, even I believe that I am the one who throws out the ontology last time. Next, enter the quiet, trustworthy predecessor mode." The voice muttered.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The white predecessor, I am now the five-character spirit of the seven-star seven-core, the ear is lingering, and you can hear it.

Return the touch just now to me.

[So, the different avatars of the white predecessors, after one appearance, have a chance to appear again? The thought of this doubt comes to the heart of Song Shuhang.

White predecessor talent, what is going on?

Why do the characters seem to differ every time they come out?

What is the principle of this?

Is it – white predecessors, really serious patients? !

"Book Hang Xiaoyou." At this time, the white predecessors turned their heads and looked calm and sullen: "Although I am a avatar, but it is also a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, the ears are stunned. I have heard it all."

Song Shuhang: "???"

"A Song, you just suddenly read: 'White predecessors, is a serious sperm patient.' Such words." Xiaoyin bamboo out of the channel.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Found the target." At this time, the white predecessors stopped.

He reached out and pointed to a woman who seemed to be drunk and staggered in the distance: "Book Air, give you a task, grab her."