MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1605 Meditation, registered account

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After the white predecessors took the Song Shuhang and his entourage into the depths of the grassland, Song Shuhang immediately huddled into a group.

The kind of pain that is shared by the avatar is almost terrible. It is a pain that is enough to make people faint.

"What happened to Ah Song?" Li Yinzhu asked with doubt.

Song Shuhang trembled: "The avatar has not come back yet."

He bit his teeth and lifted the secret law... The far away ‘啪~’ in the city disappeared.

The pain in Song Shuhang slowly weakened.

It’s terrible, just now that he hasn’t come and recycled, he’s been sent away by the whites’ avatar space.

"Book Hang Xiaoyou." The white predecessors split their faces and quietly patted Song Shuhang: "Be kind to your avatar, this is the punishment that you will be abandoned."

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky - if it wasn't for the white predecessor, you would have to transfer the avatar at least.

"Well, next, first read the language pack of the Black Dragon World." The white predecessor came to the black dragon world woman.

At this time, the woman holds the piece of mysterious refining material that the white predecessor sent her. Her eyes are still not clear from the drunken state.

How drunk is this drink?

"Well, the state of drunkenness is also more convenient to operate. If it is awake, it may have to match some spells that read memory. If you are drunk, you only need to use illusion and some tricks to get Black Dragon." The world's 'language pack' was taken out of the set." The white predecessors came to the woman's face, and then the whites' eyes and her eyes.

The illusion is quietly unfolding.

The human woman in the black dragon world has become more awkward. She began to work with the white predecessors and began to recite the basic language of the Black Dragon world.

Song Shuhang found a big tree and took a leap with Li Yinzhu and sat on the branch.

In the ear, listening to the woman’s continually chanting the language of the Black Dragon World, Song Shuhang yawned.

On his side, Li Yinzhu also yawned.

Both of them blinked at the same time.

Li Yinzhu is physically troubled and wants to sleep at regular intervals.

Song Shuhang is a bit more accumulated because of the mental damage suffered today, and he is mentally exhausted and sleepy.

At this time, the creation of the fairy appeared from the Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang looked puzzled at the creation of the fairy, how did the fairy sister come out again?

Now there is no room for her to grab the lines?

The make-up fairy folded her hands and held her prayers on her chest. Then she began to sing.

A song sung in ancient languages.

The sound of the fairy is gentle, like water, this is the true voice of nature.

In this song, there is a taste of happiness, which makes people listen and the mind can't help.

Song Shuhang’s ancient language is not even an introduction. In the whole song, he could not understand a few words.

There are several words such as "teacher, night, quiet, starry sky" that can be understood.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand.

Music, food and art have no national boundaries.

Can't understand the lyrics, but does not prevent him from enjoying the song.

Listen and listen...

Song Shuhang and Li Yinzhu slept in the past.

Song Shuhang relied on the trunk, his face clinging to the big tree, and slept to the drool.

Li Yinzhu leaned on Song Shuhang's body, and his body exudes a chill. She breathes evenly and sleeps sweetly.

The end of the creation of the fairy, Song Shuhang and Li Yinzhu have completely slept.

The fairy nodded with satisfaction, and she found her new value. When Song Shuhang wanted to sleep, she could sing a lullaby to Song Shuhang.

The effect is as above, double praise.

Next time, as long as Song Shuhang’s spirit is exhausted and she starts yawning, it’s time for her to appear.

This is her special skill, and it is the means by which the beauty of the meritorious snake can not learn.

The fairy goddess quietly returned to Song Shuhang’s body and gave him a compliment.


Song Shuhang has not been so sleepy for a long time.

Sleeping asleep, he had another dream.

He dreamed that a group of small donkeys were swimming hard, and the number was quite large.

Song Shuhang has never seen such a large number of small scorpions in his life, I am afraid there are thousands of people... No, this number may have reached tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions!

This amount is terrible.

How did you dream of so many little tricks?

Oh, right.

Thoughtful, night dreams.

Before he encountered the attack of the horrible scorpion monster, although the scorpion monster was suddenly killed by the meteorite, it still left a deep impression on Song Shuhang.

Under such a deep impression, it is understandable that he dreamed of a great army when he slept.

After all, the cockroach monster is so huge, he dreams of hundreds of millions of squadrons, and it is scientific...

When Song Shuhang thought about it, he found himself also becoming a member of the army.

He is also swimming hard, exhausting his life, squeezing out all his companions around him, wandering at the forefront of the front line and becoming a leading group.

This feeling is very real.

Although I don’t know why this group of crickets are so desperately swimming, as a little sly, carefree swimming, nothing to think about, just swimming all the way, it is also very interesting.

Just like life, you need to have a goal to fight.

Xiao Yan also needs a goal to sprint desperately.

"When you want to do it, do it best. Come on, just sprint, even if it is just a small cockroach in the dream, I will not be unwilling." Song Shuhang laughed.

It seems that I heard Song Shuhang’s voice, which represents Song Shuhang’s small swim, which is faster and more powerful than ever before.

It is a bit of a coquettish, crowding out one partner after another, and catching up with one of the foremost companions.

With a long road time, many of my companions began to fall behind.

Some of my companions stopped moving forward forever... When they were tired, they stopped and rested... Some were diverted and sprinted along another river.

And Song Shuhang represents this shackle, but has a strong explosive power and incomparable physical strength.

At the beginning, he was running at the forefront of his companions, and more than half of them had already fallen behind, but it was still fast. It is obviously stronger than the other ones around you.

[Well, how do I always feel that something is wrong? 】 Song Shuhang suddenly pondered.

This dream is a bit weird.

But specifically, there is something weird, and Song Shuhang can’t tell.

Just in the Song. Detective. Book Air, began to collect clues in the mind, ready to discover what strange things in the dream, the dream suddenly changed.

"叽哩呱啦~~" A song that Song Shuhang couldn’t understand sounded.

This language... sounds a bit like the language of the Black Dragon World?

Then, Song Shuhang found himself recovering from the light.

He was held by a pair of warm big hands.

In the ear, there is a burst of excitement, and the language of the Black Dragon World is correct.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The truth is at your fingertips.

This kind of realistic experience, this real fingertip touch, but I can not control this body feeling.

He is dreaming again.

The first two times, I dreamed that I was in a car accident in the car of the Six Immortals in the East, and that the Confucian saints were hit by the ‘twin gaze’. In fact, they all formed nightmares because of their own changes.

This time, it is a real dream.

The object of this dream, Song Shuhang has already guessed.

Black Stork XIII.

Among the 'Dragon Blood' in the Black Dragon World, the strongest of the young warriors, the five-level magic warrior, is equivalent to the five-product Golden Dan. In order to seek a breakthrough, he stepped into a transmission array that was in disrepair and sent it to the world, ruining his life.

The only black dragon in the world that Song Shuhang has recently contacted and achieved the cause and effect of the ‘matching dream’ level is only this one.

Song Shuhang once used the ‘authentication secret law’ on him and held his ‘magic recharge machine’ for a while. He also used his steel avatar to activate his magic recharge machine.

With so many causes and effects accumulated, it has indeed reached the condition of 'dreaming'.

[Into the dream of the Black Stork XIII, at least stronger than the dream of the lynx. 】 Song Shuhang thought in his heart.

At this time, the story of dreaming is progressing rapidly.

The memory of the young ignorant stage of the Black Stork XIII is very short, with only a few pictures, and it is quickly passed.

The real stage of the dream story is the time period after the age of three in the 13th year of the Black Emperor - he is the strongest genius of the young family of the Dragon Blood described in the ‘Identification of the Secret Law’.

At the age of three, he began to learn the words of the Black Dragon World, but after only a month or so, he had thoroughly studied the words of the Black Dragon World and would read and write.

This type of genius always begins to reveal their edge at a very young age.

Learning the dream story of the Black Dragon World, there is no abridgement.

TOEFL, Song Shuhang rushed to a complete ‘Black Dragon World Language Pack’ and loaded it.

Song Shuhang was moved by tears.

This is the ‘language learning model’ that he really wants.

If one day, when he can dream of the life of the ancient world, how can he master the ‘old language pack’ in his dreams?

The ancient language is really anti-human, and the tongue is numb. If you don't open it, you want to learn it completely. I don't know how long it will take.

After mastering the language of the Black Dragon World, the Black Sea XIII officially began to enter the ‘cultivation’ stage.

"Dragon Dragon Meditation", this is the first volume of practice he began to cultivate.

Only the meditation idea does not match the basic method of quenching.

The practice of the Black Dragon World is different from that of the world.

A month later, Hei XIII has thoroughly mastered this volume of thoughts and entered the next stage of cultivation.

In the mind of Song Shuhang, the cultivation system of the Black Dragon World corresponds to the first stage of the monk.

In the first stage of the monk, through the meditation + basic hardening exercises, the first acupoint ‘heart 窍’ was opened, and the power of qi and blood was condensed, and the door to the truth was officially entered.

The Black Dragon World, after the completion of the meditation practice, to register a ‘magic recharge machine’ account of its own...