MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1607 The name must of course be neat

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Oh, I am Song Shuhang, who is hard-hearted to win the iron. You want this low-level temptation to take effect for me? too naive. This degree of temptation, even if multiplied by a hundred times, would not want to shake my heart.

Song Shuhang’s heart is rising inside his mouth – this time, of course, the choice is rejected!

His ‘dreams’ are completely different from ordinary reading memories. When he entered the dream, he might be touched by the big **** if he encountered some big squats.

For example, the beginning of the 'Red scorpion predecessor', the later Confucian saints, the Emperor, the Zebra Dragon Heaven, and the mirror that bluffs the ‘love ugly crocodile’...

These very shackles, one by one, have sensed the existence of Song Shuhang through ‘dreaming,’ and sensed Song Shuhang, who is in the “future” state.

Among them, there were several big men, and even through the influence of ‘dreaming’, and Song Shuhang’s long-term cause and effect.

With the improvement of the realm of Song Shuhang, his understanding of ‘cause and effect’ is getting deeper and deeper. Causal things, be cautious when you are under the knot... If you are not careful, this thing will become a pothole.

The black dragon world's ‘龙络’ is mysterious, and Song Shuhang has no idea what the other party is.

In the face of this too mysterious thing, Song Shuhang can not want to rashly and cause the other party to cause cause and effect.

What if I am pitted?

At this time, refusal is the most correct and sensible approach!

Song Shuhang’s heart is praised for his wit.

Just as he thought about it, there was another message from Longluo - ‘Please register your account name’.

Song Shuhang: "???"

Nima, how can this be?

This is to skip the operation of ‘Accessing Dragon Port’ and go directly to the stage of registering the account name.

This operation is too sloppy.

Song Shuhang is very tired - you are strong to buy and sell, be careful to find the ‘cultivator Consumer Protection Association’ to complain to you!

Of course, let's not say that such associations do not exist, even if there is existence, they will not be able to control the level of ‘龙络’.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

[However, do you think I will give in to the stage of forcibly jumping to the registered account? too naive. I will not register, do you have to give me an account name? 】 Song Shuhang smiled in the heart.

You have to change my account name, I also recognize it - not big, I will be far away from the dragon, and I will not touch it for a lifetime.

Just as Song Shuhang thought so, suddenly, he found one thing - 'Longluo' did not skip the 'access port' procedure, his mental power has been quietly inserted in the 'access port'.

And the culprit... is the juvenile black scorpion XIII.

The spiritual power of Song Shuhang was spread along the lines of the Black Emperor XIII. Just now, the mental power of the 13th century of the Black Emperor contracted, and then led to the spiritual power of Song Shuhang, and accessed the access port of ‘Longluo’.

Is it coincidence? Or did he misunderstand ‘龙络’?

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Please register your account name, after 30 points, you will randomly match the account name." At this time, there is another voice in the dragon network.

Thirty-finger time is the time of the Black Dragon World. In fact, it is a ‘second’ change.

Wang Tian, ​​there is really a function to force the registration of the account name.

Still, I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

In addition, this ‘random matching account name’ reminds Song Shuhang of the fear of being randomly dominated by the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priest.

Even so...

Isn't it an account name? I will do it myself.

"Overlord!" Song Shuhang reported the name of the account he wanted.

The family is going to be neat.

Wrong, it is a person's Taoist name, it must be neat.

Recalling his two holy symbols: Ba Song Xuan Sheng, Ba Confucian magic.

And he has decided to keep the track number: 霸刀宋壹

And his recent steel avatar: hegemony steel avatar.

It’s all over the age.

Even so, this account name, in order to maintain the formation, of course, also choose the tyrants.

And because this world is the 'black dragon world', it is named the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Ba Song, Ba Confucianism, Overlord, Overlord, Tyrannosaurus Rex, neat and tidy.

As for why the last one is a three-word word, of course, to alleviate your own obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disease that requires treatment.

"Overlord account name matching... detected the account name is duplicated... account name split... Determine the account name is 'Overlord', 'Balong'... Account name secondary match... Detected account name' Overlord' has a duplicate... The name of the tyrant account is checked, and the account name is determined to be 'Baolong'. Congratulations, you will get the Longlu account 'Balong'."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Day, you still have this kind of operation?

Overlord Song.

Fighting Confucianism.




This time it was really neat and it was almost unsuccessful.

Song Shuhang’s heart is good.

He is increasingly feeling that he and this ‘龙络’ are not in line.

From the contact between the two sides, the other side has turned his heart and twisted his heart again and again. From beginning to end, Song Shuhang is at a complete disadvantage.



The dream story continues.

The light on the altar scatters.

The young black scorpion thirteen eyes opened his eyes, and his eyes contained a glimmer of light, which was especially noticeable in this slightly enclosed space.

This is a symbol of successful access to ‘龙络’ and the successful registration of the account.

The young black scorpion thirteen jumped off the altar, and his father smiled and touched his head.

Under the leadership of the staff, Hei XIII entered the last space.

There is a place to tailor the ‘spiritual recharge machine’.

Every teenager who succeeds in contracting with ‘龙络’ will enter the space and will have a special staff to come to the reception.

These staff members are experts in the design and production of 'Magic Rechargers'.

At this time, the privilege of genius came out again.

An old man who seemed to have a stronger gas field and was respected by other experts came forward and reached for the small hand of Hei XIII, smiling and taking him away.

Although they are experts in the design and production of 'magic recharge machines', the level of professionalism is also high or low.

The old man who took away the Black XIII was clearly the top of the experts.

"The teenager of the Black House, how old is this year?" The old man took the hand of the Black XIII, and walked, and asked with a smile.

The Black Emperor XIII blinked and said: "Three years and one month."

"Hey, this young age surprised me." The old man laughed.

Along the way, the old man asked a lot of things.

For example, the hobby of the 13th century, what do you like to eat, whether you like animals, or what is sensitive to something.

Asked are some very smashing things, just like chatting, as if to pull the relationship between the two.

The gentle appearance of the old man makes Hei XIII very reassuring.

[Through these seemingly simple questions, the trio of the 13th generation, who is actually only three years old, has been touched by the old man. 】 Song Shuhang sighed in the heart.

Through the understanding of the Black Donkey XIII, the old man can design a ‘Magic Recharger’ style that is more in line with him.

Privately tailored, and in the details will also meet the hobby of the Black XIII. As soon as you get started, you will let Black XIII like it.

Experts are experts because they only have two brushes in an area where they only have one brush.

The old man entered the workshop with the Black XIII.

Then go through certain necessary program tests, such as testing the precise level of the upper limit of mental power, the manipulation of mental power, and the matching between the body and the ‘龙络’.

After a series of tests, the old man began to make a 'magic recharge machine' in the face of the Black XIII.

He doesn't mean to protect the secrets of his products. In the Black Dragon World, the way to make magic recharge machines, as long as you really want to learn, there are many channels and gateways.

How to tailor a person according to his personality, to create the most suitable magic recharge machine, is an expert's ability.

The old man does not hide his blessings in making technology, but also the curiosity of the child of the 13th century. Song. Everything can be awkward. Knowledge is my favorite. Book Air, and also got a 'magic power The method of making the recharge machine's production. As long as the experiment is several times, as long as there is material, he can also copy a magic recharge machine.

It took about an hour to make the magic recharge machine.

The last step is ‘the refinery of the instrument,’ and the old man assembles all the parts and uses a similar method of “reformer”.

Magic recharge machine molding.

"Come on, hold it, push your meditation again, and touch the dragon. When you get there, you will find something wonderful." The old man smiled and handed the magic recharge machine to the hands of the Black XIII.

The Black Emperor XIII went according to the instructions of the old man.

He grabbed his own magic recharge machine and ran his mind.

When he was working on his mind, he found that his mental power resonated with the ‘magic recharge machine’.

The magic recharge machine acts as an 'altar', strengthens his mental power, and contacts ‘龙络’ as quickly as possible.

The Black Stork XIII landed the Dragon Vault account of the ‘Black 瞳13’ in the magic recharge machine.

The magic recharge machine immediately and accurately connected his mental power to the access port node belonging to his ‘龙络’.

Unlike the first access to ‘龙络’, this access allowed it to see the larger part of the infinite ‘龙络’.

He found that his own access port node belongs to the most peripheral node of ‘龙络’. This is because his strength is only 1 level.

In the future, as his strength improves, his access port nodes can be upgraded to a deeper level of the 'Longluo' network.

In addition, there will be a benefit when using the ‘Magic Charger’ for the first time.

In a short period of time, Heizhao XIII peeked into the core area of ​​‘Longluo’.

There, there are eleven powerful nodes, as dazzling as the legendary ‘stars’.