MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1611 Flying up? (two in one

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"Thank you for the whites." Song Shudao - At the same time, he was a little worried.

The white predecessor has already been the second keynote [to make the magic flow insufficient, I will kill you for the 'dead' to get the Black Dragon Lingshi].

This thing - will not become a reality?

"You're welcome, I am looking forward to your last Golden Dan core." The white predecessors were separated.

Song Shuhang nodded slightly.

He is also very curious about himself. What happens if he gathers the last ‘Golden Core’?



As the white predecessors speculated.

Because Song Shuhang's spiritual power is actually the strength of the six products, it is equal to the cultivator of the sixth level in the 'Longluo'. Therefore, as long as Song Shuhang’s ‘magic flow’ can follow, Longluo represents the access port of ‘Baolong’, and it rushes again.

In the end, [Ba Long] access port, one end rushed into the level 4 area.

At the top of the head, the ‘robbery’ of 3 Jin 4 is formed.

It is still the light, or the light mirror, or the unique robbing of the world in the black dragon world.

Before the 5th level, the ‘robbery’ of the Black Dragon World did not change much, and at most, the strength was improved.

However, as a stage before the transformation, the power of ‘robbery’ has reached the extreme of the current level.

When Song Shuhang’s consciousness was just pulled into the “robbing the world”, the feeling of warmth came from the foot, as if he was stepping on the hot water to wash his feet... that is, the water temperature is a little high, so the feet are not too comfortable.

Song Shuhang bowed his head and found himself stepping on the boiling magma.

Centered on his feet, a magma lake quickly formed and spread out to form a crater environment... countless magma began to spray.

The magma is boiling, and the place where the field of view can be seen is red.

"Magma? Is this heat?" Song Shuhang grabbed his head.

The beauty of the meritorious snake appeared again, and she looked bored at the ‘robbery of the world’. I was so weak that I put my head on the shoulder of Song Shuhang and hung behind him.

Normally... the practitioners of the Black Dragon World will fall directly into the 'volcanic magma' as soon as they appear. This is the appetizer of this wave of 'robbery'.

It is also the first wave of robbing.

The practitioners of the Black Dragon World need to drag themselves out of the volcanic magma by virtue of various spells.

However, Song Shuhang, but can't sink.

The five-pronged emperor himself has the right to ‘walk in the air’. In this ‘robbery of the world’, this ability is weakened. But let Song Shuhang step on the magma, it is still very easy to sink.

Moreover, even if the right to "walk the air" is lost, Song Shuhang's talent "Black Lotus" will not be erased.

"The black dragons didn't appear again this time?" Song Shuhang wondered.

The voice just fell, and in the sky of the crater, two black dragons flew over.

Two black dragons are entwined, and the sound of different dragons is heard in the mouth.

The next moment, there was a black pillar from them.

This time directly changed the usage?

Yan Zhu has a powerful locking function. In the narrow crater world, even if he can't dodge, he can't escape the bombardment of Long Yanzhu.

For the practitioners of the Black Dragon World... this wave of attacks has no choice but to resist.

This is somewhat similar to the monk's ‘day robbery’.

It is almost impossible to avoid the catastrophe. In most cases, there is only one way to resist it.

Song Shuhang did not think about avoiding.

The two flaming columns are only close to the power of the four products, and have not yet reached the four products.

This level of attack can't even break his defense.

There is no need to avoid it at all.

I can lie down.

At this time, the beauty of the meritorious snakes hanging behind Song Shuhang was boring.

Grab the lines - no chance.

I want to die - no chance.

She looked up at the pillar of the sky and landed, her eyes lit up - she could grab the Song of the Song Dynasty.

So the snake beauty opened a glimpse of the pillars of the air.

Her tail is lightly glimpsed.


The two columns of inflammation were broken up.

"Call my dad!" The merits of the snakes and beautiful snakes screamed in a mess, and then she rushed directly into the two black dragons in the air.

She did not cast any spells or skills.

It was waving a fist and screaming at the two black dragons in the sky.

After the two interest rates.

The black dragon in the sky was blown up.

The ‘robbery of the world’ disappeared.

Song Shuhang’s consciousness returned to reality.

"..." Song Shuhang looked tangled and looked up at the sky.

Behind him, the beauty of the meritorious snake appears. She poses a 'bodybuilder': "The strongest defense is offense."

This voice is the voice of the melon. This sentence is the words of the winter melon holy priest at the time of ‘people’s sacredness and Xuansheng’s teachings.’ But this is out of context, and the original words are not what they mean.

The melon sage is the defensive king.

"How do you feel this time?" The white predecessor held a bamboo cup in his hand and asked for a fairy tea.

Song Shuhang: "I don't know how to describe it. In short, the next wave will go! Next is the main event, four gold and five."

4 Jin 5, can you condense the 'core', just look at this wave.

In addition, Song Shuhang is also concerned about one thing.

When he entered the dream of 'Black Skull XIII,' the old expert mentioned the ‘transfer’.

However, Song Shuhang found that he did not receive the option of 'transfer'.

Perhaps, when 4 Jin 5, can trigger the transfer, and get a core similar to Jin Dan?

"Come on! I am ready." Song Shuhang whispered.

"Come on, I am ready!" Renaissance of the meritorious snakes.



Long network.

Representing the access port of ‘Balong’, it flew again and went straight to the 5-level area.

After a few breaths, the ‘Balong’ access port is strongly pushed into level 5.

At the same time, the data representing the 'magic flow' has reduced nearly 400,000 data in one breath.

From 1 to 4, each promotion only consumes a small amount of ‘magic flow,’ and no more than 10,000.

At the time of 4 Jin 5, it was reduced by 400,000 in one breath.

"If the ‘Black Dragon Lingshi’ given by the whites is large enough, it will provide me with millions of magic flows. I can’t really afford this level.” Song Shuhang’s heart is dark.

Then, Song Shuhang’s body vacated and went to the sky.

The speed of shooting is very fast.

At the same time, at the foot of Song Shuhang, a layer of white clouds emerged, holding his body to heaven.

Um... This is not a sonic cloud.

It is a vision of heaven and earth formed by the ‘Black Dragon World Rule’.

Is this the legendary ‘day flight?’

However, 4 Jin 5 will fly in the daytime? In the realm of cultivation, there is no such treatment.


The white predecessor quietly put down the teacup and looked up at the flying Song Shuhang. He calmly said: "Is it soaring? Where is this to fly?"



In the black dragon world, the movements of the practitioners as they ascended were great.

Especially for a small piece of 'Dragonscale World', when there is a day of flying, many strong people just look at their own homes, with superb eyesight or relying on spells to strengthen, you can see that the ascendant is Who.

“Which old people in our city have recently entered the Level 5 area?”

"Without any remarks, if any adult is about to advance, it is reasonable to say that they will make a record in the temple. After promotion to level 5, they will immediately arrange a 'professional advancement' ceremony."

- In the Black Dragon World, the transfer is a Level 2. 4 Jin 5, not a transfer, but a career advancement.

“The location of the ascent is outside the city, in the suburbs. There is often a black line that breaks through the sky and landed in our small world. It seems that it is a strongman who has torn in the suburbs and the 'black people’. In the battle, I realized and accumulated, and I was promoted to level 5."

"This adult, how is the skin so white? Is this a disease?"

"A member who is about to advance in the fourth-level area, is there such a character? How have I never seen him?"

"The appearance is also a bit strange, looking like a human race practitioner, but the facial features have some subtle gaps."

“Will it be a precious mixed-race?”

In the Black Dragon world, inter-ethnic mixed-race can also produce offspring, that is, the probability of birth is very low... But as long as it can be born, the cultivation talent of mixed-race will basically be strong.

Therefore, mixed-race practitioners are very precious in the Black Dragon world.

"Can he successfully advance to level 5?"

"Not good, this adult is a little uneasy, he seems to be not ready for promotion!"

"I also saw the fear in his eyes. He was afraid. Not good, this adult is probably getting a chance to advance suddenly. He is not ready for promotion. This is really sloppy!"

"Follow the priests of the temple, and be prepared for the treatment. If you can still rescue them, the vitality of the mixed blood is generally strong."

Because of the soaring of Song Shuhang, many people in the black scale world began to get busy.



In the sky, Song Shuhang’s despair is getting higher and higher.

He found a very heart-wrenching thing... his fear of heights and phobias seemed to have not been cured. When the speed and height of the ascent reached a certain level, he exceeded his critical point and his old problem was committed again.

Song. There is no guardrail in the heart is not practical. Book navigation.

He was not afraid of his heart.

After all, this height, with his current physique, even if he jumps directly into the earth, he will not be seriously injured.

It is in his heart that there is such a small amount of unreliable.

A small bit.

"I am not enough to hone myself. I have time to play more and play high-altitude." Song Shuhang muttered.

As he was thinking, his body was sent to the atmosphere of the ‘Black Dragon World’—the layer of the sky made up of ‘9 幽邪邪’.

Then, the rhythm of the ascent finally stopped.

Familiar and strange nine evil spirits.

Familiar with the source of evil and the pollution of the world.

Unfamiliar is that this kind of nine sinister ecstasy is also mixed with some other things that are unclear.

Unfortunately, his core world is paralyzed today. Otherwise, today's core world can eat enough.

The beautiful man of Gongde snake floated behind Song Shuhang and turned his head.

However, she did not find the breath of ‘day robbery’.

"In the lower hegemony, age 18, please advise. If I have a place to offend, do you come to fight me?" The meritorious snake beauty screamed.

4 Jin 5, has been flying up to the atmosphere of the nine sinister evil, and it is impossible to react at all.

Song Shuhang sighed in a secluded sigh.

From the beginning of provocative arrogance, to the lines of battle, to the screams, to the conclusion after the victory, the merits of the snakes and the beauty are all packaged.

Song Shuhang is now in a state of 'nothing to say'.

The voice of the meritorious snake is just falling.

Not far away, the 'nine sinister energy' condenses, like a funnel, rolled into a ball.

Song Shuhang, who holds the 'magic recharge machine', can see that this 'nine sorrowful energy' was transformed under the manipulation of Longluo.

Most of the 400,000 ‘magic flow’ estimates are spent here.

The beauty of the meritorious snake was bright, and her figure leaped violently, hitting the squadron's ninth sorcerer. She waved her fist and slammed it into the nine evil spirits.

As a ‘the light of merit,’ the modernization, the meritorious snake beauty has a restraining attribute on the nine evil spirits.

However, when she went down, she rushed through the highly compressed nine sinister abilities and failed to reach the other side. It is as if the two sides are in two different dimensions.

The beauty of the meritorious snakes thought for a moment, and returned to the Song Shuhang, honestly acting as a large pendant, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After a long while.

The highly compressed nine sorcerer of the regiment was finally transformed.

A dark ‘Song Shuhang’ appeared in front of everyone.

"This is not the last time I ate the white sugar two sugar pills." Song Shuhang spit.

Black is completely, and it is not the metallic black of the 'steel hand' state, but pure black.

The beauty of the meritorious snakes is enlarged and the body of Song Shuhang is protected.

It seems that this ‘4 Jin 5’ in the Black Dragon World is going to fight with oneself?

Opposite, the black version of Song Shuhang looked up and revealed a strange smile: "Come on, let's kill it. Only one between you and me can live. The one who is alive will become a king, and the one who fails will become a nourishment."

"Only close to the five-level breath, even the five products have not arrived, the tone is very big." The voice of the beauty of the snakes in the belly of the beauty is the red-sword sword seniors in the replacement of the merits of the beauty of the snake: "Book Air, give him Come to a pregnancy gaze and teach him to be a man!"

After all, it is only the robbery of 4 Jin 5, generally the first few waves are the strength of the 4th peak. Only the last wave will appear the ‘robbery’ of the initial strength of 5 products.

"Under the hand, this guy is as long as me. It is like releasing a pregnant gaze to him, just like releasing a pregnant gaze at himself, it will have a psychological shadow, and will have a nightmare tonight." Song Shudao.

"You are whiter than him."

While talking, the man’s black version of Song Shuhang has already rushed over, and he also grabbed a ‘magic recharge machine’ in his hand.

Several acceleration-like spells were attached to him, and at the same time, he had a sword light on his right hand. Jianguang was five meters long and he was facing the sword of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "..."

It turned out to be Jianguang! It is Jianguang!

In other words, if I also master the use of the 'magic recharge machine', I can also make Jianguang right?

The beauty of the meritorious snake smiled, and she reached out and grabbed the sword directly.

Jianguang was pinched by her.


The beauty of the meritorious snake is slightly forced, and the sword light is crushed.

"The combination of human and knife is the strongest!"

The beauty of the merits of the snake is also a knife. Her knife is to be upright and kingly.

Song Shuhang: "The predecessors of Akasaka Sword, pay attention to the exercise, you are also a sword."

"I am just replacing @#%×仙子. The above statement does not represent my personal opinion. I am only a responsible translator." Akasaka’s predecessors calmed down.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The red scorpion predecessors will cry.

Jianguang was crushed, and the black version of Song Shuhang was not afraid. He flashed a variety of magical lights, still madly rushed to Song Shuhang. At the same time, a short sword light appeared on his other hand.

This kind of sword light, even if it is crushed, can be quickly restored.

Holding the short sword light, he bends slightly, and Jianguang clings to the waist of Song Shuhang – as if it is an attractive position, with a mocking aura, let him involuntarily hand the sword to this position.

After he approached, the beauty of the Mercedes-Benz snake shot again, pinching the short-sword light, and 啪~~ smashed it.

At the same time, Song Shuhang waved his fist.

King Kong basic boxing method - 贰, meteor fist!

The fist is like a meteor, at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, a crazy paste of the black version of Song Shuhang.

I really thought that I looked like you, I can't help you?

Do you know the word 'strictly self-discipline'?

Booming ~~

A face-to-face, the black version of Song Shuhang was smashed.

The real smash, the body completely turned into a ‘nine sorrowful energy’ spread.

And with the ‘gongde snake beauty’ body, these diffused nine sinister abilities can not invade Song Shuhang half a point.

“Is it over?” The predecessors of Akasaka Sword calmly said: “This time I asked myself.”

"According to the urinary level of 4 Jin 5, it should not be so easy to end. At least there should be a dozens of different methods of robbing. Then, even if there are a hundred black Song Shuhang formed a large array, I It will not be unexpected." Song Shu Waterway.

This kind of Song Shuhang, who is only ‘close to the five products’, can play one hundred.

"叽叽叽叽~~" Song Shuhang’s consciousness suddenly sounded a strange laugh.

This kind of laughter like the old hen is listening, and people feel that the ear will abort.

Then, in the sea of ​​Song Shuhang's consciousness, the black Song Shuhang appeared.

The sea of ​​consciousness is turned into a dark black river.

Black Song Shuhang stood on the river.

"The first game, you failed, you were touched by me. Then I entered the second game... If you fail again, you are mine. Hey." The black Song Shuhang continued to send the old mother. Chicken-like laughter: "Come on, kill again in the spiritual world. This time, it is my home!"

Song Shuhang slightly pinched his chin: "It turns out that if you are accidentally touched, this ‘robbery’ will break into the spiritual world. Is this going to win my rhythm?”

"Come to a fair tear." The black version of Song Shuhang continued to scream.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that in the black consciousness space, there was a ray of light.

The first is the appearance of the beauty of the snake.

As Song Shuhang's ‘the light of merit is made,’ she is the first defense of Song Shuhang’s spirit.

In the space of consciousness, the beauty of the merits and the snakes come out completely.

She turned into a top-of-the-road form, and the huge snake tail almost blew up the entire black river.

Then... the make-up fairy carries his long skirt and gracefully debuts.

The previous ‘robbery’ was that Song Shuhang’s consciousness was brought into the “robbing the world” and she could not insert her hand. This time, it was the black version of Song Shuhang, which was hacked into the world of consciousness of Song Shuhang.

Finally found the opportunity to show up.

"Ye La Suo ~ ~ A stupid ~ ~" made a happy fairy to sing. She did not show the exaggerated figure like the beauty of the meritorious snake. But her singing voice echoed throughout the space, for a long time, full of space for the whole person.

Then, another figure appeared.

It is Song Shuhang’s ‘spiritual ghost’.

The spirit of the six-strength spirit, her face is vague, it seems that she has not changed her appearance. However, her body shape has been formed, the front bulge and the back, the obvious fairy body.

The spirits are so quietly floating in the void, no words, no movements. But from her, there is a horror to the limit of the pressure of the town.

That pressure is not at the six-level level... This is completely a foul-level pressure.

Three fairy singers of different temperament, so calmly stared at the black version of Song Shuhang.

But this is not over yet!

Song Shuhang’s ‘Thirty-three Beast Combination Actuator’ is also in this space.

This life tool is integrated with the owner.

When it appeared, it showed the posture of [still a holy city that never hides].

Unattainable walls, indestructible defenses, dazzling light, drums, chords, and horns.

Before this city gate, Song Shuhang wore a full set of eight-armed armed with two squid squid tyrants and slashed the dragon.

The black version of Song Shuhang: "..."

"Come on, come and tear it!" Song Shuhang laughed.

"Come on, come and tear it!" Gongde snake beauty smiled.

"Awkward ~ to tear up!" The make-up fairy attached.

The black version of Song Shuhang stood calmly on the Heihe River.

Not moving?

Do not dare to move, do not dare to move!

This battle, which is the 4th 5th ‘robbery’?

Is this completely a lineup of the 7th and 8th grades?

"This is boring." Song Shuhang reached out and gently threw the knife of his right hand.

The squid tyrant's double-knife ‘right knife’ was shot straight and went to the black version of Song Shuhang.

The right knife turned into a soft moonlight, quietly squatting on the black version of Song Shuhang.

Knife 遁 "Sickle - Moonlight."

He was given to him by A-Six, and Su Shi’s own seven-knife method.

This knife went down, and the black version of Song Shuhang was killed.

At the moment he was killed, he was still silent.

It seems to be his silent protest.

After the black version of Song Shuhang was strangled, his figure began to condense.

In the end, it turned into a fog of big fists.

The next moment, the consciousness space collapsed.

The big fog of this fist appeared in the life of Song Shuhang’s life.

Sure enough, after 4 Jin 5, the practitioners of the Black Dragon World will also have a core similar to Jin Dan.

Just don't know what type of core is this?

The life of Dan Tianzhong.

The whales inflated in the abdomen saw a black mist. Then, it's a leap, the big mouth is open!