MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1613 It’s time for you to play your talents.

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However, the ‘the core of the ancient witch’ was not to be outdone – it changed for a while, showing a small altar with many prey placed on it and burning, as if it were a sacrifice. The flame is the fire of immortality. Through the sacrifice ceremony, the core of the ancient witch can become more powerful.

The eviction of the incarnation of steel was resisted by its eternal fire.

On the other side, the ‘古幽龙魄’ does not need to be transformed. It is itself a ‘longman’ form, and its combat power is extraordinary. It gently avoids and evades the eviction of the steel incarnation.

At the same time, it also entered a counterattack state.

In fact, among all the 'Little Golden Dan', it is a special one.

Because it has its own binding type!

I saw it with a small hand and a stroke, a projection of a 'magic recharge machine' that came to its hands.



The incarnation of steel is incomparably strong. It is an individual who can use the flesh to resist the five-product catastrophe, and has been strengthened by the catastrophe. As long as it provides the refiner metal material for absorption, it can become even more powerful!

The core of the ancient witch has absorbed more than 50 heavenly people, and its combat power is equally extraordinary. Similarly, because it has its own 'sacrificial ritual', it can explode several times its own strength through this ritual.

The ‘古幽龙魄’ is bound to the knowledge of Song Shuhang, and there is a ‘magic recharge machine’ in hand. In fact, it is probably the existence of the three cores with the most combat means and the strongest combat power.

A battle between the core of a small Golden Dan, at the touch of a hair!

This really has to be fought, and the three bears are enough to play Song Shuhang’s ‘Long Jin Dantian’.


Give me a hand! This is not the core style of Jin Dan that I want to be sensible!

And you three bear children, what is this?

This is my little Dantian. Do you think I can't make a explosion?

"All stop me!" Song Shuhang forced the order.

Three small golden dragons, suspended in the ‘Long Jin Dantian’, did not move.

"Promise and wait for the fairy, separate them, in the order of birth. In reverse, this is, as Jin Dan actually wants to fight in my Dantian." Song Shuhang bite his teeth.

The beauty of the meritorious snake smiled, and her little hand was once again integrated into the body of Song Shuhang. This time she reached into Xiaodantian.

According to the birth order, three new cores are arranged.

The 'core reactor' was left in [Dragon Neck Dantian].

‘The ancient witch **** blood’ was transferred to [Long Shou Dantian].

The last ‘古幽龙魄’ was stuffed into [Dragon Point Dantian].

The seven small dantians are all filled with the core of Jindan.

It’s neat and pleasing.

The beauty of the meritorious snake is getting brighter... She seems to have found something fun.

Seven small Dantian, seven small Jindan, seven positions. Something is fine, can you try to change it?

But after a while, the color of her beauty gradually faded.

It’s too dangerous, and it’s not good if the songs are blown up. This kind of thing, have a chance to play again.

"Seven small Jindan are gathered together. According to the speculations of the white predecessors, should there be changes at this time?" Song Shuhang looked at his own Dantian.

The three new Golden Dan cores have taken root in their own small Dantian position. The forces that belong to them extend and merge into the body of Song Shuhang.

At the moment when three small golden dragons were in place, Song Shuhang’s overall combat strength was once again enhanced.

The most obvious is the physical changes, the original 25 sacred shadows, rose to 30 stages in one breath - and this is just the beginning of the integration of three small golden dragons.

When they were thoroughly integrated with Song Shuhang's Xiao Dantian and incorporated into Song Shuhang's cultivation system, it is conservatively estimated that the number of holy shrines can rise by another 3-5.

Song Shuhang closed his eyes and carefully experienced his own strength, and adapted to his own body changes as quickly as possible.

This kind of thing, now he is very skilled.

After each promotion, the strength of the practitioners will be greatly improved. An experienced monk can get used to his own strength in a few breaths.

And some newcomers who just robbed may need several days to adapt to changes in their bodies.



After a long while, in the void, Song Shuhang frowned slightly.

The white-pregnant speculation that the 'seven small golden dragons gathered together, the possible changes caused' did not occur.

"Is it because Xiao Jindan has not fully integrated into my cultivation system? Or... Is it because Jindan's composition has not been completed yet? Or is it... I don't have enough Xiaojindan?" Song Shuhang's eyes fell on his own A small golden Dan.

The first small Jin Dan, Jin Dan's composition is the last one. It portrays ‘still the holy city that never falls.’

The second seven-color demon, the same is the last one, and Jin Dan’s composition is ‘that brings the ultimate sword to the world’.

The third merit is the diamond ball. The composition of Jindan above is a dynamic picture, which is called ‘the voice of the saint who used to sing in ancient times.’ The same last, the worst is the last eye of the ‘sage’ in the law. This saint has a character, and it is clear that Song Shuhang’s savvy, chance, and spiritual power are all enough to point to the last one. However, it can avoid the singularity of the "moving map" and avoiding Song Shuhang's finishing touch.

It may be that the fate has not arrived, and Song Shuhang will no longer be forced.

The fourth blood demon king core, this Dantian is still a blank.

Song Shuhang has no clue as to what Jindan composition to draw on it.

Next, it is the three new Golden Dan cores born today.

Song Shuhang smashed his temple.

The monks in the comprehension world have to work for decades to draw a ‘golden composition.’ Everyone is bringing together their lifelong experiences and drawing them into the composition of Jin Dan.

But Song Shuhang now has no idea what he is going to paint.

His life experience has been fully integrated into the first three ‘Golden Danes’ compositions, and even the experience of ‘dreams’ has been used a lot.

But there are four Jin Dan compositions in front of him.

"What can I do? I am desperate." Song Shuhang sighed, his body falling straight down and plugging into the earth.

Look for the white predecessors to ask questions.

Maybe you can get some inspiration from the white predecessors?



boom! !

Song Shuhang's body was inserted straight into the ground, revealing only one head.

"What are you playing?" The white predecessor was holding a piece of pastry in his hand and was tasting it. Seeing Song Shuhang's entire body inserted into the earth, curiously asked.

Song Shuhang is a serious saying: "I am challenging myself and breaking through the limits."

By the way, overcome my own fear of heights and fear of illness.

White predecessor: "..."

"White predecessors, I have something to ask you." Song Shuhang revealed his voice in the head outside the earth.

"Say." The whites replied.

Song Shuhang was annoyed: "I have gathered seven small Jindans now, but Jin Dan has only painted three paintings... There are four things to draw, how can I break?"

"Sorry, Book Air." The white predecessors sighed softly: "I can't help you with this predecessor. Because I have only painted once 'Golden Dan Composition', I have never experienced the need to draw seven golden Dan composition. Concept. Come on your own."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Even the omnipotent white predecessors can't help, he won't be stuck in the 'Golden Dan realm'?

Then how will his future strength improve?

Do you want to increase your strength by constantly increasing your own small Jin Dan?

Song. Pregnant a pregnant Jin Dan. Book Airlines?

Song Shuhang headed a sigh of relief and looked desperate.

This style of painting, if you think about it, you feel that you can't be loved. It is definitely not the style of painting he wants.

"However, I can give you some advice." The white predecessor broke up: "It's just a suggestion for me, it's not suitable, I don't guarantee it."

In other words, this suggestion is a suggestion made on the character of ‘divided’. If you change to the white body of the predecessor, you will never give advice.

Song Shuhang: "Please talk to the white predecessors."

"Your body, isn't there a @#%×仙子? He is one with you, it is the realization of the light of your merits. Your own life experience is not enough to construct the 'Golden Dan composition', Why not let her try? In addition, your ghost fairy, let her try. "White predecessors.

Song Shuhang’s eyes are bright: “Miao!”

@#%×仙子, to a certain extent, is one with him, is the light of his merits. So, if she can shoot instead of painting ‘Golden Dan’s composition’, it’s perfectly fine!

And the ghost fairy... can she do it?

Her face is vague and her presence is not strong. It seems that even her own "will" is not, can she carry out the "Golden Dan composition" thing?

However, since the white predecessors have mentioned it, then give it a try!

"Promise and waiting for the fairy, the ghost fairy, Jin Dan composition, you are interested to try it?" Song Shuhang out of the channel.

The beauty of the meritorious snake appeared, floating on the top of Song Shuhang’s head. She began to meditate, her eyes bright, and she was very interested... but it seemed to be scrupulous.

The creation of the fairy immediately followed, but after taking a head, he quietly drilled back - she could not make a golden composition for Song Shuhang.

Instead, it is a ghost fairy, quietly appearing in the small Dantian of Song Shuhang.

She emerged before the ‘Heart of the Gorefiends,’ and reached out to the core.

Subsequently, Song Shuhang’s consciousness was drawn into the space of 'Golden Dan Composition’.

The face of the ghost fairy is still blurred.

She reached out and clicked on the core of the Gorefiend King, with traces of blood red on it, accompanied by a ‘curse’.

Not only the Gorefiend, but in fact all the ‘out-of-the-world demon’ seem to be wrapped in curses.

On the core of the Gorefiend kings in Song Shuhang, the curse has been dispersed, but only the traces of the remaining.

The ghost fairy, these blood marks are the pigments of the composition of Jin Dan.

She reached out and swiped... a picture that made Song Shuhang feel familiar, and it quickly emerged.

It is the prototype of the Bishui Pavilion.