MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1669 Three years... three years! (1 more)

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According to the experience of the predecessors who passed down from ancient times, the general nine products were robbed and divided into three robberies.

A robbery is a fairy, so that the eight-character Xuansheng is born in the body of the robbing Xiansheng.

Two robberies, condensed ‘grab bones’, and possessed the credentials of space.

The three robbers were called the ‘thousand days of robbery’, the last robbery of the normal robbery. After the success of the robbery, the **** of the robbery will be able to ‘stay in the void’ and use the law to consolidate a life star. Since then, the power of the robbery is no longer bound to the ontology. Even the simple killing of the body of the robbery has made it difficult to kill them.

And this robbery, like its name... will last for a thousand days.

Eighty-eight percent of the eight-character Xuan Sheng, when they were promoted to the robbery, fell on this robbery.

at this time.

In the air, eating melons and sacred screams, the deafening ‘whale’s sound resounded throughout the world.

The robbery clouds in the sky rolled, and the five elements thundered and roared, as if to score the music for the melon.

Song Shuhang has been paying attention to the sky.

If the creation of the fairy is present, maybe you can take the opportunity to compose a personal BGM for the melon?

He turned his head again and looked at Li Yinzhu.

Xiaoyinzhu turned over and continued her dream. In the dream, she might be eating the Xianzhen feast—because she called the name of 'Bai Xuexianji’ from time to time, and licking her fingers, she was very interested. .

Song Shuhang: "..."

After eating the melon sacred shark, the body of the ‘grab bones’ constitutes!

His skeleton on the bones portrays the most mysterious space law runes, which is more crude than the bones produced by the ordinary nine-day robbing Xuansheng. After all, the one that was just a 'super giant palm thunderbolt' is not Noisy.

It’s fair to have a strong robbery and how strong the robbery is.

On the whale, the beauty of the meritorious snake sighed a little.

The pain of that wave finally came to an end... Then, her fat whale was riding on the body and it also produced a bone. Compared with the bones of the melons, this small bone is like the difference between Chinese cabbage and bean sprouts.

But the bean sprout tip is also a bone, it may be a lot weaker, but there is no difference in essence.

This bitterness has not been eaten.

In addition, the beauty of the meritorious snakes feels that the pain in their own body should be borne by Song Shuhang. After all, she is only the light of merit, and Song Shuhang is the body. Moreover, suffering is the gift of Song Shuhang.

Eat the body of the melon, and slowly walk around the air.

He was a little tired in spirit, and the violent pain just exceeded his limit and almost made him faint.

However, he has no extra rest time.

The third robbery is coming soon.

As the body of the melon was swam away, there was a strong wind blowing in the world.

The book on Song Shuhang’s body was blown by hunting, and he felt cold and sultry – it’s not the ninth day of the robbery, the third robbery hasn’t started yet, and he’s getting cold.

Song Shuhang tightened his quilt and used this thin sheet to bring a touch of warmth to himself.

"Ba Song friends, the next is the last rob." In the sky, eat melon Saints out of the channel.

Song Shuhang heard the words, suddenly his eyes lit up: "Is this the last robbery?"

The number of robbery in Jiu Pin Tian, ​​so little?

That is to say, once again the last robbery, Song. Today is alive again. Book Airlines!

However, if there are only three strokes in the nine-day catastrophe, then the third move is very strong and must be killed.

"The third robbery, according to the experience of the predecessors, its name is ‘thousand days of robbery’.”

Song Shuhang: "..."

As soon as he heard the name, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"This third robbery will last for a thousand days or so, sometimes it will be longer, sometimes it will be a little shorter. If you support it, you will become a fairy, and become the strongest level of practitioners in the world." Failure, then it will fly away, and the body will die, and there will be no chance of resurrection."

Under the ‘thousand days of robbery’, there is no chance of resurrection!

Once you die, you will definitely die and die, just like ‘day penalty’, and there will be no reincarnation.

"A thousand days." Song Shuhang looked up at the sky, the mood is complicated.

The first robbery and the second robber have not been added for a day, and he has been dead for nine.

How long does it take for the third robbery that lasts for a thousand days?

[Do you want to write a will first? 】

In addition, I feel so good... Three years later, he just graduated from college. If... can he live alive, can he still come and attend his graduation ceremony?

After three years, my sister should be two years old, will be very cute?

Three years later... The son of Gongzihai must have been promoted to success. I don’t know if I have a chance to catch him.

Song Shuhang’s thinking jumped again.

In the sky, eating melon Saint Jun slowly said: "So, although the melon's 'defense way' looks very extreme, in order to defend him, he almost gave up all the attack techniques. However, I feel that he will be promoted to the nine products in the future. When there is a fairy, there will be an advantage."

The turtle shell passive defense of the melon sage is suitable for a protracted war.

Thousands of days of robbery, it is simply tailored for the winter melon.

"Come on!" cried the sage of the melon.

In the sky, the clouds have become more heavy, and even the sky seems to be several layers lower.

The robbery of the sky is turned into the sea of ​​thunder, and there are electro-optical lights everywhere, illuminating the whole world.

A loud bang.

The thunder of the entire sky landed at the same time.

But when the robbery fell in half, it stopped strangely.

They condense and not scream, countless robbers entangled, and the arc creaks.

"Isn't this going to release hundreds of 'city-level map guns and thunders' directly?" Song Shuhang had a bad feeling in his heart.

A thousand days of robbery, is this just a wave of opening?

Rumble rumbling ~~

Thunder is rolling.

The robbers condensed into a ball and eventually turned into a black-violet color.

This black and purple robbery is full of pure destructive power. It is like a natural enemy of a monk, and its power is everywhere for the monk.

Thunder hidden property - +100 damage to the robbery monk.

"Purple gods and thunders ... It is said that only the kind of peerless person who possesses the "destination of the heavens" will appear in the robbery of the robbery."

The peerless characters of the "Destiny of the Destiny" do not take the usual path. Every time in the eight products, there is the strength of the front and hard of the nine products. As long as they are promoted to nine products, almost all of them will step out of their own way and step into the realm of ‘longevity.’

Between the words, the purple scorpion in the sky has landed.

Each group of purple scorpion gods has a small island size, and is almost as big as the body of the sacred monarch. And the sky of purple Xiao Shen Lei, there are more than one billion.

The only good news is that the ‘thousand days of robbery’ just started, and the purple Xiao Shen Lei did not fall all in one breath!

"Kingde Hall!" @#%×Fairy lightly snorted.

The projection of the ancient heavenly ‘the temple of merits is condensed and projected into the void.

Because of the energy, the projection of this ‘Gangde Temple’ is huge and will cover the huge body of the sacred monarch.

However, the projection of the Gongde Hall could not stop the time, and the ten-letter 'Zi Xiao Shen Lei' fell, and the projection of the Temple of Merit was annihilated.

"Ten merits hall!" @#%×仙子 is not busy, very calm.

The projection of the first floor of the Gongde Hall has just been annihilated, and a ten-story Gongde Hall projection has emerged.

However, for the purple Xiao Shen Lei, there is not much difference between the tenth floor and the first floor of the Gongde Hall.

In a flash of time, the ten-story Gongde Hall was also turned into fly ash.

"@#&×Fairy can still support it?"

"It's time to show the real technology!" The female voice of the meritorious snakes sent a very emotional female voice. Song Shuhang did not know at all, she was the old missing line from where she was.

The meritorious snake beauty looked up.

The [front pattern] of her eyebrows is bright.

This is the pattern that was added when she evolved last time.

Very beautiful, it contains a talent, but the meritorious snake beauty has never used it.

The eyebrows of the eyebrows slowly ‘睁’ opened, like an eye.

Although the position of Song Shuhang Station can't see this picture, he and the snake beauty are one and can sense her actions.

The third eye... Song Shuhang’s mind couldn’t help but think of the sage’s father. When he walked up and down the sage and the sage’s father, he turned his head and his eyebrows had such an eye.

Not good, the abdomen seems to be rising.

"Show it out, Yaochi Wonderland!"

Eating melon Saint Jun only feels the power of his body, and he is more than half of the time.

The next moment, Cheng Lin’s ‘Yao Chi Wonderland’ projection appeared.

It is not the ‘Yao Chi’ that is on the verge of collapse when Song Shuhang and Bai’s predecessors took risks, but the Yaochi Wonderland as the most prosperous period in the fairyland.

The Yaochi Wonderland is huge, especially the one that is 'Yao Chi' is as vast as the ocean.

Rumble ~ ~

The singularity of the singularity of the gods, all of them were contracted by Yaochi.

When the small purple scorpion gods of the small island fell into the Yaochi, it was like mud cows entering the sea, all of which were swallowed and disappeared.

The ‘talent’ ability of the meritorious snake beauty has never been used since its birth—not that she does not want to use it, but simply cannot afford it.

The energy in the Pingtian crown is exhausted, and Song Shuhang cannot provide such a huge force. Therefore, this skill has been idle for a long time, and today is the first time it has been presented to the world.

"Great, but... can't learn."

The energy of the beauty of the meritorious snake is only the Xuansheng level, but the projection of the Yaochi Wonderland is completely nine-level power.

Unfortunately, this operation, he can't learn.

In the sky, thunder still remains.

The catastrophe seems to have sensed the change of the looters, and it has begun to change.

In a flash, there were tens of millions of purple scorpions and thunders.

Followed by 50 million purple scorpion gods.

Then, there are hundreds of millions of purple scorpions.

The number rises step by step.

"Don't you!" Gongde snake beauty anger - her voice is Song Shuhang.



Thanks [guguxiong] and [hzl0923] for becoming the 118th and 119th lords of this book! ! ! ! A string of colds is the mood of the milk ride today! !